Python API Reference

!!! important Versions prior to 0.9.0 have a very different API. For the documentation of the stable version please switch to the [stable branch]( ## `carla.Client` - `Client(host, port, worker_threads=0)` - `set_timeout(float_seconds)` - `get_client_version()` - `get_server_version()` - `get_world()` ## `carla.World` - `id` - `map_name` - `debug` - `get_blueprint_library()` - `get_map()` - `get_spectator()` - `get_weather()` - `set_weather(weather_parameters)` - `get_actors()` - `spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)` - `try_spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)` - `wait_for_tick(seconds=1.0)` - `on_tick(callback)` ## `carla.DebugHelper` - `draw_point(location, size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)` - `draw_line(begin, end, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)` - `draw_arrow(begin, end, thickness=0.1, arrow_size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)` - `draw_box(box, rotation, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)` - `draw_string(location, text, draw_shadow=False, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)` ## `carla.BlueprintLibrary` - `find(id)` - `filter(wildcard_pattern)` - `__getitem__(pos)` - `__len__()` - `__iter__()` ## `carla.ActorBlueprint` - `id` - `tags` - `has_tag(tag)` - `match_tags(wildcard_pattern)` - `has_attribute(key)` - `get_attribute(key)` - `set_attribute(key, value)` - `__len__()` - `__iter__()` ## `carla.ActorAttribute` - `id` - `type` - `recommended_values` - `is_modifiable` - `as_bool()` - `as_int()` - `as_float()` - `as_str()` - `as_color()` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` - `__nonzero__()` - `__bool__()` - `__int__()` - `__float__()` - `__str__()` ## `carla.ActorList` - `find(id)` - `filter(wildcard_pattern)` - `__getitem__(pos)` - `__len__()` - `__iter__()` ## `carla.Actor` - `id` - `type_id` - `parent` - `semantic_tags` - `is_alive` - `attributes` - `get_world()` - `get_location()` - `get_transform()` - `get_velocity()` - `get_acceleration()` - `set_location(location)` - `set_transform(transform)` - `set_simulate_physics(enabled=True)` - `destroy()` ## `carla.Vehicle(carla.Actor)` - `bounding_box` - `apply_control(vehicle_control)` - `get_vehicle_control()` - `set_autopilot(enabled=True)` ## `carla.TrafficLight(carla.Actor)` - `state` ## `carla.Sensor(carla.Actor)` - `is_listening` - `listen(callback_function)` - `stop()` ## `carla.SensorData` - `frame_number` - `transform` ## `carla.Image(carla.SensorData)` - `width` - `height` - `fov` - `raw_data` - `convert(color_converter)` - `save_to_disk(path, color_converter=None)` - `__len__()` - `__iter__()` - `__getitem__(pos)` - `__setitem__(pos, color)` ## `carla.LidarMeasurement(carla.SensorData)` - `horizontal_angle` - `channels` - `raw_data` - `get_point_count(channel)` - `save_to_disk(path)` - `__len__()` - `__iter__()` - `__getitem__(pos)` - `__setitem__(pos, location)` ## `carla.CollisionEvent(carla.SensorData)` - `actor` - `other_actor` - `normal_impulse` ## `carla.LaneInvasionEvent(carla.SensorData)` - `actor` - `crossed_lane_markings` ## `carla.VehicleControl` - `throttle` - `steer` - `brake` - `hand_brake` - `reverse` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` ## `carla.Map` - `name` - `get_spawn_points()` - `get_waypoint(location, project_to_road=True)` - `get_topology()` - `generate_waypoints(distance)` - `to_opendrive()` - `save_to_disk(` ## `carla.Waypoint` - `transform` - `is_intersection` - `lane_width` - `road_id` - `lane_id` - `next(distance)` ## `carla.WeatherParameters` - `cloudyness` - `precipitation` - `precipitation_deposits` - `wind_intensity` - `sun_azimuth_angle` - `sun_altitude_angle` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` Static presets - `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearNoon` - `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudyNoon` - `carla.WeatherParameters.WetNoon` - `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudyNoon` - `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainyNoon` - `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainNoon` - `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainNoon` - `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearSunset` - `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudySunset` - `carla.WeatherParameters.WetSunset` - `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudySunset` - `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainSunset` - `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainSunset` - `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainSunset` ## `carla.Vector3D` - `x` - `y` - `z` - `__add__(other)` - `__sub__(other)` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` ## `carla.Location` - `x` - `y` - `z` - `distance(other)` - `__add__(other)` - `__sub__(other)` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` ## `carla.Rotation` - `pitch` - `yaw` - `roll` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` ## `carla.Transform` - `location` - `rotation` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` ## `carla.BoundingBox` - `location` - `extent` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` ## `carla.Timestamp` - `frame_count` - `elapsed_seconds` - `delta_seconds` - `platform_timestamp` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` ## `carla.Color` - `r` - `g` - `b` - `a` - `__eq__(other)` - `__ne__(other)` ## `carla.ColorConverter` - `Raw` - `Depth` - `LogarithmicDepth` - `CityScapesPalette` ## `carla.ActorAttributeType` - `Bool` - `Int` - `Float` - `RGBColor` ## `carla.TrafficLightState` - `Off` - `Red` - `Yellow` - `Green` - `Unknown` ## `carla.LaneMarking` - `Other` - `Broken` - `Solid`