package: name: tensorly version: "0.5.1" source: path: ../ build: number: 0 noarch: python script: python -m pip install --no-deps --ignore-installed . requirements: build: - python >=3.6 - setuptools - pip run: - python - numpy - scipy test: requires: - pytest # NumPy requires nosetests e.g. for assert_raises..... - nose commands: - TENSORLY_BACKEND='numpy' pytest -v $SP_DIR/tensorly about: home: license: BSD summary: "Tensor learning in Python" description: | TensorLy is a Python library that aims at making tensor learning simple and accessible. It allows to easily perform tensor decomposition, tensor learning and tensor algebra. Its backend system allows to seamlessly perform computation with NumPy, MXNet, PyTorch, TensorFlow, CuPy or JAX, and run methods at scale on CPU or GPU.