import json
import argparse
import torchvision
import os
from pathlib import Path
from utils.utils import Colors, METHODS, DATASET_TO_FOLDER_NAME
from utils.graph import generate_fname, get_parser, read_graph, get_roots, \
get_wnids_from_dataset, get_directory, get_graph_path_from_args
from networkx.readwrite.json_graph import adjacency_data
from utils import data
def build_tree(G, root, parent='null'):
return {
'name': root,
'label': G.nodes[root].get('label', ''),
'parent': parent,
'children': [build_tree(G, child, root) for child in G.succ[root]]
def build_graph(G):
return {
'nodes': [{
'name': wnid,
'label': G.nodes[wnid].get('label', ''),
'id': wnid
} for wnid in G.nodes],
'links': [{
'source': u,
'target': v
} for u, v in G.edges]
def generate_vis(path_template, data, name, fname):
with open(path_template) as f:
html =
os.makedirs('out', exist_ok=True)
path_html = f'out/{fname}-{name}.html'
with open(path_html, 'w') as f:
f.write(html)'==> Wrote HTML to {}'.format(path_html))
def main():
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
path = get_graph_path_from_args(args)
print('==> Reading from {}'.format(path))
G = read_graph(path)
roots = list(get_roots(G))
num_roots = len(roots)
root = next(get_roots(G))
tree = build_tree(G, root)
graph = build_graph(G)
if num_roots > 1:'Found {num_roots} roots! Should be only 1: {roots}')
print(f'Found just {num_roots} root.')
fname = generate_fname(**vars(args)).replace('graph-', '', 1)
generate_vis('vis/tree-template.html', tree, 'tree', fname)
generate_vis('vis/graph-template.html', graph, 'graph', fname)
if __name__ == '__main__':