\name{RandomFields} \alias{RandomFields} \title{Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields} \description{ The package \code{RandomFields} allows for simulating various kinds of random fields, including anisotropic processes. Furthermore, algorithms for conditional simulation and simulation of max-stable random fields are provided. Additionally, the package includes tools for analysing spatial data: Hurst parameter, fractal dimension, empirical variogram, interactive fitting of parameters, LSQ and MLE estimation of parameters. Basic kriging procedures are also provided. Further extensions of the package are planned. } \details{ The following random fields and related functionalities are provided by the package. \enumerate{ \item stationary and isotropic Gaussian random fields\cr \itemize{ \item \code{\link{CondSimu}} : conditional simulation \item \code{\link{CovarianceFct}} : covariance functions or variogram models \item \code{\link{EmpiricalVariogram}} : empirical variogram \item \code{\link{GaussRF}} : simulation of Gaussian random fields; nice examples to get familiar with the simulation features of the package \item \code{\link{Kriging}} : simple and ordinary kriging \item \code{\link{fitvario}} : variogram/covariance function fit by least squares, maximum likelihood and cross validation techniques \item \code{\link{PrintMethodList}} : list of implemented simulation methods \item \code{\link{ShowModels}} : interactive, graphical choice of models \item \code{\link{soil}} : Soil physical and chemical data; the \code{example} gives a simple geostatistical analysis using features of the package } \item stationary (and isotropic) max-stable random fields\cr \itemize{ \item \code{\link{CovarianceFct}} : covariance models for extremal Gaussian random fields \item \code{\link{MaxStableRF}} : simulation of max-stable random fields } \item stationary and isotropic Poisson random fields (not implemented yet)\cr % \itemize{ % \item \code{%\link{ % PoissonRF%} % } : simulation of Poisson random fields % } } Functions used in diverse simulation methods: \itemize{ \item \code{\link{DeleteRegister}} : deleting internal registers \item \code{\link{RFparameters}} : control parameters (advanced settings) } Functions of general purpose: \itemize{ \item \code{\link{eval.parameters}} : provides an interactive menu \item \code{\link{fractal.dim}} : estimation of the fractal dimension \item \code{\link{hurst}} : estimation of the Hurst parameter \item \code{\link{regression}} : interactive regression plot \item \code{\link{Locator}}, \code{\link{Readline}} : \code{\link[graphics]{locator}} and \code{\link[base]{readline}}, respectively, with storage and replay functionality } } \note{ Version 1.1.21 : Default value of \code{RFparameters()$Storing} is now \code{FALSE}. } \author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlath@hsu-hh.de} \url{http://www.unibw-hamburg.de/WWEB/math/schlath/schlather.html}; Yindeng Jiang \email{jiangyindeng@gmail.com} (circulant embedding methods \sQuote{cutoff} and \sQuote{intrinsic}) } \references{ This package is announced in: Schlather, M. (2001) Simulation of stationary and isotropic random fields. \emph{R-News} \bold{1} (2), 18-20. Schlather, M. (2004) Simulation of random fields and applications. \emph{In preparation.} } \section{Acknowledgement}{ Many thanks to Martin Maechler, Paulo Ribeiro, and Tilmann Gneiting for proof-reading parts of the code and the help text for V1.0 of this package. The coding of V1.0 has been supported by the EU TMR network ERB-FMRX-CT96-0095 on ``Computational and statistical methods for the analysis of spatial data'' in 1999, and by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT) grant PT BEO 51-0339476C during 2000-03. } \keyword{spatial}