Raw File
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information.


#include <inttypes.h>

#include "PackerBase.h"
#include "ReaderUtil.h"
#include <set>

namespace CNTK {

using namespace std;

// Resizing the buffer with the current memory provider.
void PackerBase::StreamBuffer::Resize(size_t newSize)
    m_size = newSize;
    auto provider = m_memoryProvider;
    m_data.reset(reinterpret_cast<char*>(provider->Alloc(1, newSize)),
        [provider](char* p)

void PackerBase::SetConfiguration(const ReaderConfiguration& config, const std::vector<MemoryProviderPtr>& memoryProviders)
    // Let's check that memory providers did not change at the start of new epoch.
    bool equalMemoryProviders = m_memoryProviders.size() == memoryProviders.size() &&
        std::equal(memoryProviders.begin(), memoryProviders.end(), m_memoryProviders.begin());

    if (!equalMemoryProviders)
        // If they change we have to reinitialize the buffers with the new memory providers, one per stream.
        m_memoryProviders = memoryProviders;

        if (memoryProviders.size() != m_outputStreamDescriptions.size())
            RuntimeError("Number of streams does not match the number of memory providers.");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numberOfBuffers; ++i)
            auto& currentBuffer = m_streamBuffers[i];
            for (size_t j = 0; j < m_outputStreamDescriptions.size(); ++j)

    m_config = config;
    if (m_config.m_minibatchSizeInSamples == 0)
        LogicError("Minibatch size cannot be zero.");

PackerBase::PackerBase(CorpusDescriptorPtr corpus,
    SequenceEnumeratorPtr sequenceEnumerator,
    const std::vector<StreamInformation>& streams,
    size_t numberOfBuffers) :
    assert(m_numberOfBuffers >= 1);
    m_inputStreamDescriptions = sequenceEnumerator->GetStreamDescriptions();
    assert(m_inputStreamDescriptions.size() != 0);
    assert(m_inputStreamDescriptions.size() == m_outputStreamDescriptions.size());

    m_checkSampleShape.resize(m_outputStreamDescriptions.size(), false);


    // Sanity checks:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_outputStreamDescriptions.size(); ++i)
        const auto& stream = m_outputStreamDescriptions[i];

        // Check the input.
        if(m_inputStreamDescriptions[i].m_elementType != DataType::Double &&
            m_inputStreamDescriptions[i].m_elementType != DataType::Float)
            RuntimeError("Please specify the type of the '%ls' stream. You can use 'Cast' transform for that.", m_inputStreamDescriptions[i].m_name.c_str());

        // Input and output should match in everything except for sparse/dense storage type.
        assert(stream.m_elementType == DataType::Float || stream.m_elementType == DataType::Double);
        assert(stream.m_name == m_inputStreamDescriptions[i].m_name);
        assert(stream.m_id == m_inputStreamDescriptions[i].m_id);

        if (m_inputStreamDescriptions[i].m_sampleLayout.IsUnknown())
            // Have to check shapes for each and every sequence.
            m_checkSampleShape[i] = true;

        // Shape the same for complete stream, checking only input/output stream shape.
        else if (GetSampleSize(m_inputStreamDescriptions[i]) != GetSampleSize(stream))
            RuntimeError("Packer cannot unify samples of different dimensions for stream '%ls'.", m_inputStreamDescriptions[i].m_name.c_str());

        if (m_inputStreamDescriptions[i].m_storageFormat == StorageFormat::Dense &&
            stream.m_storageFormat == StorageFormat::SparseCSC)
            RuntimeError("Dense to sparse re-packing requested for stream '%ls' is not supported.",

void PackerBase::CheckNameUniqueness(const vector<StreamInformation>& streams)
    set<wstring> names;
    for (const auto& s : streams)
        if (names.find(s.m_name) != names.end())
            RuntimeError("Two streams with the same name '%ls' have been found. Please rename the duplicate.", s.m_name.c_str());

// Gets samples size in bytes.
size_t PackerBase::GetSampleSize(const StreamInformation& stream)
    size_t elementSize = DataTypeSize(stream.m_elementType);
    return stream.m_sampleLayout.TotalSize() * elementSize;

void PackerBase::EstablishIdToKey(Minibatch& minibatch, const Sequences& sequences)
    if (m_corpus == nullptr)
        minibatch.m_getKeyById = [](size_t)
            RuntimeError("Sequence Id mapping is not available for old style configurations. Please use deserializers.");
            return "";

    auto& layout = minibatch.m_data.front()->m_layout;
    const auto& batch = sequences.m_data.front();

    std::vector<size_t> localSequenceIdToGlobal;

    for (auto& s : layout->GetAllSequences())
        if (s.seqId == GAP_SEQUENCE_ID)

        localSequenceIdToGlobal.resize(s.seqId + 1);
        localSequenceIdToGlobal[s.seqId] = batch[s.seqId]->m_key.m_sequence;

    minibatch.m_getKeyById = [this, localSequenceIdToGlobal](const size_t i) { return m_corpus->IdToKey(localSequenceIdToGlobal[i]); };

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