Tip revision: ee9dcf0fe7e6add585e0389170265c28adaad73a authored by Tong Zhang on 15 October 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
Tip revision: ee9dcf0
Greedy variable selection for ridge regression
Variable Selection for Ridge Regression using Forward Greedy, Backward Greedy, and Adaptive Forward-Backward Greedy (FoBa) Methods
foba(x,y, type=c("foba","foba.aggressive", "foba.conservative", "forward","backward"), steps=0, intercept=TRUE, nu=0.5,lambda=1e-10)
matrix of predictors
One of "foba", "foba.aggressive", "foba.conservative", "forward", or "backward". The names can
be abbreviated to any unique substring. Default is "foba".
Number of greedy (forward+backward) steps. Default is the number of variables for forward and backward, and twice the number of variables for foba.
If TRUE, an intercept is included in the model (and not penalized),
otherwise no intercept is included. Default is TRUE.
In range (0,1): controls how likely to take a backward step (more likely when nu is larger). Default is 0.5.
Regularization parameter for ridge regression. Default is 1e-5.
A "foba" object is returned, which contains the following components:
\item{call}{ The function call resulting to the object}
\item{type}{ Which variable selection method is used}
\item{path}{ The variable selection path: a sequence of variable addition/deletions}
\item{beta}{ Coefficients (ridge regression solution) at each step with selected features}
\item{meanx}{ Zero if intercept=FALSE, and the mean of x if intercept=TRUE}
\item{meany}{ Zero if intercept=FALSE, and the mean of y if intercept=TRUE}
FoBa for least squares regression is described in [Tong Zhang (2008)].
This implementation supports ridge regression.
The "foba" method takes a backward step when the ridge penalized risk increase is less than nu times the ridge penalized risk reduction in the corresponding backward step. The "foba.conservative" method takes a backward step when the risk increase is less than nu times the smallest risk reduction in all previous forward steps. The "foba.aggressive" method takes a backward step when the cumulative risk changes in backward step is less than nu times the changes in the forward steps.
Tong Zhang (2008) "Adaptive Forward-Backward Greedy Algorithm for Learning Sparse Representations", Rutgers Technical Report (long version).
Tong Zhang (2008) "Adaptive Forward-Backward Greedy Algorithm for Sparse Learning with Linear Models", NIPS'08 (short version).
\author{Tong Zhang}
print.foba and predict.foba methods for foba
model.foba <- foba(boston$x,boston$y,steps=20)
model.foba.a <- foba(boston$x,boston$y,type="foba.a",steps=20) # Can use abbreviations
model.for <- foba(boston$x,boston$y,type="for",steps=20)
model.back <- foba(boston$x,boston$y,type="back") # Use only first 20 variables