/** * \file * \copyright * Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org) * Distributed under a Modified BSD License. * See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or * http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license */ #include #include #include "MeshLib/Elements/Element.h" #include "MeshLib/Mesh.h" #include "MeshLib/Node.h" #include "MeshNodeSearcher.h" namespace { /// Find one-to-one mapping of subdomain nodes to the bulk mesh nodes and /// returns the map of ids. std::vector identifySubdomainMeshNodes( MeshLib::Mesh const& subdomain_mesh, MeshGeoToolsLib::MeshNodeSearcher const& mesh_node_searcher) { // Convert nodes pointers needed for the mesh_node_searcher algorithm. auto const& nodes = subdomain_mesh.getNodes(); std::vector subdomain_points{begin(nodes), end(nodes)}; auto const& bulk_node_ids = mesh_node_searcher.getMeshNodeIDs(subdomain_points); if (bulk_node_ids.size() != subdomain_mesh.getNumberOfNodes()) { OGS_FATAL( "Expected to find exactly one node in the bulk mesh for each node " "of the subdomain; Found {:d} nodes in the bulk mesh out of {:d} " "nodes in the subdomain.", bulk_node_ids.size(), subdomain_mesh.getNumberOfNodes()); } return bulk_node_ids; } /// Find all elements which consist of all of the given node ids. /// \note It is recommended to include only base nodes of elements into the /// search \c node_ids. std::vector findElementsInMesh( MeshLib::Mesh const& mesh, std::vector const& node_ids) { // // Collect all element ids for all nodes. // std::vector common_element_ids; // Every node is connected to at least one element. auto const nnodes = node_ids.size(); common_element_ids.reserve(nnodes); for (auto const node_id : node_ids) { auto const& connected_elements = mesh.getNode(node_id)->getElements(); std::transform( begin(connected_elements), end(connected_elements), back_inserter(common_element_ids), [](MeshLib::Element const* const e) { return e->getID(); }); } // // Count how often an element is shared by all nodes. // std::map element_counts; for (auto const element_id : common_element_ids) { element_counts[element_id]++; } // // Elements which are shared by as many nodes as the input nodes are the // desired elements. // std::vector element_ids; for (auto const& pair : element_counts) { if (pair.second == static_cast(nnodes)) { element_ids.push_back(pair.first); } } return element_ids; } /// Tries to find all elements' ids in the bulk mesh. /// The subdomain elements' nodes are mapped to the bulk mesh and are then used /// to identify the bulk mesh elements. std::vector> identifySubdomainMeshElements( MeshLib::Mesh const& subdomain_mesh, MeshLib::Mesh const& bulk_mesh) { auto& properties = subdomain_mesh.getProperties(); auto const& bulk_node_ids = *properties.getPropertyVector( "bulk_node_ids", MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node, 1); // Allocate space for all elements for random insertion. std::vector> bulk_element_ids_map( subdomain_mesh.getNumberOfElements()); for (auto* const e : subdomain_mesh.getElements()) { std::vector element_node_ids(e->getNumberOfBaseNodes()); for (unsigned n = 0; n < e->getNumberOfBaseNodes(); ++n) { element_node_ids[n] = MeshLib::getNodeIndex(*e, n); } std::vector element_node_ids_bulk( e->getNumberOfBaseNodes()); std::transform(begin(element_node_ids), end(element_node_ids), begin(element_node_ids_bulk), [&bulk_node_ids](std::size_t const id) { return bulk_node_ids[id]; }); std::vector bulk_element_ids = findElementsInMesh(bulk_mesh, element_node_ids_bulk); if (bulk_element_ids.empty()) { ERR("No element could be found for the subdomain element {:d}. " "Corresponding bulk mesh node ids are:", e->getID()); for (auto const i : element_node_ids_bulk) { ERR("\t{:d}", i); } OGS_FATAL( "Expect at least one element to be found in the bulk mesh."); } bulk_element_ids_map[e->getID()] = std::move(bulk_element_ids); } return bulk_element_ids_map; } /// Updates or checks the existing mesh's property with the given values. void updateOrCheckExistingSubdomainProperty( MeshLib::Mesh& mesh, std::string const& property_name, std::vector const& values, MeshLib::MeshItemType const mesh_item_type, bool const force_overwrite) { auto& properties = mesh.getProperties(); if (!properties.existsPropertyVector(property_name)) { addPropertyToMesh(mesh, property_name, mesh_item_type, 1, values); return; } // // Check the existing property against new values. // auto& original_property = *properties.getPropertyVector(property_name); if (std::equal(begin(original_property), end(original_property), begin(values), end(values))) { INFO( "There is already a '{:s}' property present in the subdomain mesh " "'{:s}' and it is equal to the newly computed values.", property_name, mesh.getName()); return; } // // Property differs. Notify and update if forced. // WARN( "There is already a '{:s}' property present in the subdomain mesh " "'{:s}' and it is not equal to the newly computed values.", property_name, mesh.getName()); if (!force_overwrite) { OGS_FATAL("The force overwrite flag was not specified, exiting."); } INFO("Overwriting '{:s}' property.", property_name); original_property.resize(values.size()); std::copy(begin(values), end(values), begin(original_property)); } } // namespace namespace MeshGeoToolsLib { void identifySubdomainMesh(MeshLib::Mesh& subdomain_mesh, MeshLib::Mesh const& bulk_mesh, MeshNodeSearcher const& mesh_node_searcher, bool const force_overwrite = false) { auto const& bulk_node_ids = identifySubdomainMeshNodes(subdomain_mesh, mesh_node_searcher); updateOrCheckExistingSubdomainProperty( subdomain_mesh, "bulk_node_ids", bulk_node_ids, MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node, force_overwrite); auto const& bulk_element_ids = identifySubdomainMeshElements(subdomain_mesh, bulk_mesh); // The bulk_element_ids could be of two types: one element per entry---this // is the expected case for the boundary meshes; multiple elements per // entry---this happens if the subdomain mesh lies inside the bulk mesh and // has lower dimension. // First find out the type, then add/check the CellData or FieldData. if (all_of(begin(bulk_element_ids), end(bulk_element_ids), [](std::vector const& v) { return v.size() == 1; })) { // All vectors are of size 1, so the data can be flattened and // stored in CellData or compared to existing CellData. std::vector unique_bulk_element_ids; unique_bulk_element_ids.reserve(bulk_element_ids.size()); transform(begin(bulk_element_ids), end(bulk_element_ids), back_inserter(unique_bulk_element_ids), [](std::vector const& v) { return v[0]; }); updateOrCheckExistingSubdomainProperty( subdomain_mesh, "bulk_element_ids", unique_bulk_element_ids, MeshLib::MeshItemType::Cell, force_overwrite); } else { // Some of the boundary elements are connected to multiple bulk // elements; Store the array in FieldData with additional CellData array // for the number of elements, which also provides the offsets. std::vector flat_bulk_element_ids; flat_bulk_element_ids.reserve(2 * bulk_element_ids.size()); // Guess. std::vector number_of_bulk_element_ids; number_of_bulk_element_ids.reserve(bulk_element_ids.size()); for (std::vector const& v : bulk_element_ids) { number_of_bulk_element_ids.push_back(v.size()); flat_bulk_element_ids.insert(end(flat_bulk_element_ids), begin(v), end(v)); } updateOrCheckExistingSubdomainProperty( subdomain_mesh, "number_bulk_elements", number_of_bulk_element_ids, MeshLib::MeshItemType::Cell, force_overwrite); updateOrCheckExistingSubdomainProperty( subdomain_mesh, "bulk_element_ids", flat_bulk_element_ids, MeshLib::MeshItemType::IntegrationPoint, force_overwrite); } } } // namespace MeshGeoToolsLib