Raw File
import enum
import inspect
import pydoc
import unittest
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, EnumMeta, unique
from io import StringIO
from pickle import dumps, loads, PicklingError, HIGHEST_PROTOCOL

# for pickle tests
    class Stooges(Enum):
        LARRY = 1
        CURLY = 2
        MOE = 3
except Exception as exc:
    Stooges = exc

    class IntStooges(int, Enum):
        LARRY = 1
        CURLY = 2
        MOE = 3
except Exception as exc:
    IntStooges = exc

    class FloatStooges(float, Enum):
        LARRY = 1.39
        CURLY = 2.72
        MOE = 3.142596
except Exception as exc:
    FloatStooges = exc

# for pickle test and subclass tests
    class StrEnum(str, Enum):
        'accepts only string values'
    class Name(StrEnum):
        BDFL = 'Guido van Rossum'
        FLUFL = 'Barry Warsaw'
except Exception as exc:
    Name = exc

    Question = Enum('Question', 'who what when where why', module=__name__)
except Exception as exc:
    Question = exc

    Answer = Enum('Answer', 'him this then there because')
except Exception as exc:
    Answer = exc

    Theory = Enum('Theory', 'rule law supposition', qualname='spanish_inquisition')
except Exception as exc:
    Theory = exc

# for doctests
    class Fruit(Enum):
        tomato = 1
        banana = 2
        cherry = 3
except Exception:

def test_pickle_dump_load(assertion, source, target=None):
    if target is None:
        target = source
    for protocol in range(HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
        assertion(loads(dumps(source, protocol=protocol)), target)

def test_pickle_exception(assertion, exception, obj):
    for protocol in range(HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
        with assertion(exception):
            dumps(obj, protocol=protocol)

class TestHelpers(unittest.TestCase):
    # _is_descriptor, _is_sunder, _is_dunder

    def test_is_descriptor(self):
        class foo:
        for attr in ('__get__','__set__','__delete__'):
            obj = foo()
            setattr(obj, attr, 1)

    def test_is_sunder(self):
        for s in ('_a_', '_aa_'):

        for s in ('a', 'a_', '_a', '__a', 'a__', '__a__', '_a__', '__a_', '_',
                '__', '___', '____', '_____',):

    def test_is_dunder(self):
        for s in ('__a__', '__aa__'):
        for s in ('a', 'a_', '_a', '__a', 'a__', '_a_', '_a__', '__a_', '_',
                '__', '___', '____', '_____',):

class TestEnum(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        class Season(Enum):
            SPRING = 1
            SUMMER = 2
            AUTUMN = 3
            WINTER = 4
        self.Season = Season

        class Konstants(float, Enum):
            E = 2.7182818
            PI = 3.1415926
            TAU = 2 * PI
        self.Konstants = Konstants

        class Grades(IntEnum):
            A = 5
            B = 4
            C = 3
            D = 2
            F = 0
        self.Grades = Grades

        class Directional(str, Enum):
            EAST = 'east'
            WEST = 'west'
            NORTH = 'north'
            SOUTH = 'south'
        self.Directional = Directional

        from datetime import date
        class Holiday(date, Enum):
            NEW_YEAR = 2013, 1, 1
            IDES_OF_MARCH = 2013, 3, 15
        self.Holiday = Holiday

    def test_dir_on_class(self):
        Season = self.Season
            set(['__class__', '__doc__', '__members__', '__module__',
                'SPRING', 'SUMMER', 'AUTUMN', 'WINTER']),

    def test_dir_on_item(self):
        Season = self.Season
            set(['__class__', '__doc__', '__module__', 'name', 'value']),

    def test_dir_with_added_behavior(self):
        class Test(Enum):
            this = 'that'
            these = 'those'
            def wowser(self):
                return ("Wowser! I'm %s!" % self.name)
                set(['__class__', '__doc__', '__members__', '__module__', 'this', 'these']),
                set(['__class__', '__doc__', '__module__', 'name', 'value', 'wowser']),

    def test_dir_on_sub_with_behavior_on_super(self):
        # see issue22506
        class SuperEnum(Enum):
            def invisible(self):
                return "did you see me?"
        class SubEnum(SuperEnum):
            sample = 5
                set(['__class__', '__doc__', '__module__', 'name', 'value', 'invisible']),

    def test_enum_in_enum_out(self):
        Season = self.Season
        self.assertIs(Season(Season.WINTER), Season.WINTER)

    def test_enum_value(self):
        Season = self.Season
        self.assertEqual(Season.SPRING.value, 1)

    def test_intenum_value(self):
        self.assertEqual(IntStooges.CURLY.value, 2)

    def test_enum(self):
        Season = self.Season
        lst = list(Season)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(Season))
        self.assertEqual(len(Season), 4, Season)
            [Season.SPRING, Season.SUMMER, Season.AUTUMN, Season.WINTER], lst)

        for i, season in enumerate('SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER'.split(), 1):
            e = Season(i)
            self.assertEqual(e, getattr(Season, season))
            self.assertEqual(e.value, i)
            self.assertNotEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, season)
            self.assertIn(e, Season)
            self.assertIs(type(e), Season)
            self.assertIsInstance(e, Season)
            self.assertEqual(str(e), 'Season.' + season)
                    '<Season.{0}: {1}>'.format(season, i),

    def test_value_name(self):
        Season = self.Season
        self.assertEqual(Season.SPRING.name, 'SPRING')
        self.assertEqual(Season.SPRING.value, 1)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            Season.SPRING.name = 'invierno'
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            Season.SPRING.value = 2

    def test_changing_member(self):
        Season = self.Season
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            Season.WINTER = 'really cold'

    def test_attribute_deletion(self):
        class Season(Enum):
            SPRING = 1
            SUMMER = 2
            AUTUMN = 3
            WINTER = 4

            def spam(cls):

        self.assertTrue(hasattr(Season, 'spam'))
        del Season.spam
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(Season, 'spam'))

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            del Season.SPRING
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            del Season.DRY
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            del Season.SPRING.name

    def test_bool_of_class(self):
        class Empty(Enum):

    def test_bool_of_member(self):
        class Count(Enum):
            zero = 0
            one = 1
            two = 2
        for member in Count:

    def test_invalid_names(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            class Wrong(Enum):
                mro = 9
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            class Wrong(Enum):
                _create_= 11
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            class Wrong(Enum):
                _get_mixins_ = 9
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            class Wrong(Enum):
                _find_new_ = 1
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            class Wrong(Enum):
                _any_name_ = 9

    def test_contains(self):
        Season = self.Season
        self.assertIn(Season.AUTUMN, Season)
        self.assertNotIn(3, Season)

        val = Season(3)
        self.assertIn(val, Season)

        class OtherEnum(Enum):
            one = 1; two = 2
        self.assertNotIn(OtherEnum.two, Season)

    def test_comparisons(self):
        Season = self.Season
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Season.SPRING < Season.WINTER
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Season.SPRING > 4

        self.assertNotEqual(Season.SPRING, 1)

        class Part(Enum):
            SPRING = 1
            CLIP = 2
            BARREL = 3

        self.assertNotEqual(Season.SPRING, Part.SPRING)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Season.SPRING < Part.CLIP

    def test_enum_duplicates(self):
        class Season(Enum):
            SPRING = 1
            SUMMER = 2
            AUTUMN = FALL = 3
            WINTER = 4
            ANOTHER_SPRING = 1
        lst = list(Season)
            [Season.SPRING, Season.SUMMER,
             Season.AUTUMN, Season.WINTER,
        self.assertIs(Season.FALL, Season.AUTUMN)
        self.assertEqual(Season.FALL.value, 3)
        self.assertEqual(Season.AUTUMN.value, 3)
        self.assertIs(Season(3), Season.AUTUMN)
        self.assertIs(Season(1), Season.SPRING)
        self.assertEqual(Season.FALL.name, 'AUTUMN')
                [k for k,v in Season.__members__.items() if v.name != k],
                ['FALL', 'ANOTHER_SPRING'],

    def test_duplicate_name(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            class Color(Enum):
                red = 1
                green = 2
                blue = 3
                red = 4

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            class Color(Enum):
                red = 1
                green = 2
                blue = 3
                def red(self):
                    return 'red'

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            class Color(Enum):
                def red(self):
                    return 'redder'
                red = 1
                green = 2
                blue = 3

    def test_enum_with_value_name(self):
        class Huh(Enum):
            name = 1
            value = 2
            [Huh.name, Huh.value],
        self.assertIs(type(Huh.name), Huh)
        self.assertEqual(Huh.name.name, 'name')
        self.assertEqual(Huh.name.value, 1)

    def test_format_enum(self):
        Season = self.Season
        self.assertEqual( '{:}'.format(Season.SPRING),

    def test_format_enum_custom(self):
        class TestFloat(float, Enum):
            one = 1.0
            two = 2.0
            def __format__(self, spec):
                return 'TestFloat success!'
        self.assertEqual('{}'.format(TestFloat.one), 'TestFloat success!')

    def assertFormatIsValue(self, spec, member):
        self.assertEqual(spec.format(member), spec.format(member.value))

    def test_format_enum_date(self):
        Holiday = self.Holiday
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{}', Holiday.IDES_OF_MARCH)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:}', Holiday.IDES_OF_MARCH)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:20}', Holiday.IDES_OF_MARCH)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:^20}', Holiday.IDES_OF_MARCH)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:>20}', Holiday.IDES_OF_MARCH)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:<20}', Holiday.IDES_OF_MARCH)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:%Y %m}', Holiday.IDES_OF_MARCH)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:%Y %m %M:00}', Holiday.IDES_OF_MARCH)

    def test_format_enum_float(self):
        Konstants = self.Konstants
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{}', Konstants.TAU)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:}', Konstants.TAU)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:20}', Konstants.TAU)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:^20}', Konstants.TAU)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:>20}', Konstants.TAU)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:<20}', Konstants.TAU)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:n}', Konstants.TAU)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:5.2}', Konstants.TAU)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:f}', Konstants.TAU)

    def test_format_enum_int(self):
        Grades = self.Grades
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{}', Grades.C)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:}', Grades.C)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:20}', Grades.C)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:^20}', Grades.C)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:>20}', Grades.C)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:<20}', Grades.C)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:+}', Grades.C)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:08X}', Grades.C)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:b}', Grades.C)

    def test_format_enum_str(self):
        Directional = self.Directional
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{}', Directional.WEST)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:}', Directional.WEST)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:20}', Directional.WEST)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:^20}', Directional.WEST)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:>20}', Directional.WEST)
        self.assertFormatIsValue('{:<20}', Directional.WEST)

    def test_hash(self):
        Season = self.Season
        dates = {}
        dates[Season.WINTER] = '1225'
        dates[Season.SPRING] = '0315'
        dates[Season.SUMMER] = '0704'
        dates[Season.AUTUMN] = '1031'
        self.assertEqual(dates[Season.AUTUMN], '1031')

    def test_intenum_from_scratch(self):
        class phy(int, Enum):
            pi = 3
            tau = 2 * pi
        self.assertTrue(phy.pi < phy.tau)

    def test_intenum_inherited(self):
        class IntEnum(int, Enum):
        class phy(IntEnum):
            pi = 3
            tau = 2 * pi
        self.assertTrue(phy.pi < phy.tau)

    def test_floatenum_from_scratch(self):
        class phy(float, Enum):
            pi = 3.1415926
            tau = 2 * pi
        self.assertTrue(phy.pi < phy.tau)

    def test_floatenum_inherited(self):
        class FloatEnum(float, Enum):
        class phy(FloatEnum):
            pi = 3.1415926
            tau = 2 * pi
        self.assertTrue(phy.pi < phy.tau)

    def test_strenum_from_scratch(self):
        class phy(str, Enum):
            pi = 'Pi'
            tau = 'Tau'
        self.assertTrue(phy.pi < phy.tau)

    def test_strenum_inherited(self):
        class StrEnum(str, Enum):
        class phy(StrEnum):
            pi = 'Pi'
            tau = 'Tau'
        self.assertTrue(phy.pi < phy.tau)

    def test_intenum(self):
        class WeekDay(IntEnum):
            SUNDAY = 1
            MONDAY = 2
            TUESDAY = 3
            WEDNESDAY = 4
            THURSDAY = 5
            FRIDAY = 6
            SATURDAY = 7

        self.assertEqual(['a', 'b', 'c'][WeekDay.MONDAY], 'c')
        self.assertEqual([i for i in range(WeekDay.TUESDAY)], [0, 1, 2])

        lst = list(WeekDay)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(WeekDay))
        self.assertEqual(len(WeekDay), 7)
        target = target.split()
        for i, weekday in enumerate(target, 1):
            e = WeekDay(i)
            self.assertEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(int(e), i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, weekday)
            self.assertIn(e, WeekDay)
            self.assertEqual(lst.index(e)+1, i)
            self.assertTrue(0 < e < 8)
            self.assertIs(type(e), WeekDay)
            self.assertIsInstance(e, int)
            self.assertIsInstance(e, Enum)

    def test_intenum_duplicates(self):
        class WeekDay(IntEnum):
            SUNDAY = 1
            MONDAY = 2
            TUESDAY = TEUSDAY = 3
            WEDNESDAY = 4
            THURSDAY = 5
            FRIDAY = 6
            SATURDAY = 7
        self.assertIs(WeekDay.TEUSDAY, WeekDay.TUESDAY)
        self.assertEqual(WeekDay(3).name, 'TUESDAY')
        self.assertEqual([k for k,v in WeekDay.__members__.items()
                if v.name != k], ['TEUSDAY', ])

    def test_intenum_from_bytes(self):
        self.assertIs(IntStooges.from_bytes(b'\x00\x03', 'big'), IntStooges.MOE)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            IntStooges.from_bytes(b'\x00\x05', 'big')

    def test_floatenum_fromhex(self):
        h = float.hex(FloatStooges.MOE.value)
        self.assertIs(FloatStooges.fromhex(h), FloatStooges.MOE)
        h = float.hex(FloatStooges.MOE.value + 0.01)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_pickle_enum(self):
        if isinstance(Stooges, Exception):
            raise Stooges
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, Stooges.CURLY)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, Stooges)

    def test_pickle_int(self):
        if isinstance(IntStooges, Exception):
            raise IntStooges
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, IntStooges.CURLY)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, IntStooges)

    def test_pickle_float(self):
        if isinstance(FloatStooges, Exception):
            raise FloatStooges
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, FloatStooges.CURLY)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, FloatStooges)

    def test_pickle_enum_function(self):
        if isinstance(Answer, Exception):
            raise Answer
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, Answer.him)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, Answer)

    def test_pickle_enum_function_with_module(self):
        if isinstance(Question, Exception):
            raise Question
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, Question.who)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, Question)

    def test_enum_function_with_qualname(self):
        if isinstance(Theory, Exception):
            raise Theory
        self.assertEqual(Theory.__qualname__, 'spanish_inquisition')

    def test_class_nested_enum_and_pickle_protocol_four(self):
        # would normally just have this directly in the class namespace
        class NestedEnum(Enum):
            twigs = 'common'
            shiny = 'rare'

        self.__class__.NestedEnum = NestedEnum
        self.NestedEnum.__qualname__ = '%s.NestedEnum' % self.__class__.__name__
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, self.NestedEnum.twigs)

    def test_pickle_by_name(self):
        class ReplaceGlobalInt(IntEnum):
            ONE = 1
            TWO = 2
        ReplaceGlobalInt.__reduce_ex__ = enum._reduce_ex_by_name
        for proto in range(HIGHEST_PROTOCOL):
            self.assertEqual(ReplaceGlobalInt.TWO.__reduce_ex__(proto), 'TWO')

    def test_exploding_pickle(self):
        BadPickle = Enum(
                'BadPickle', 'dill sweet bread-n-butter', module=__name__)
        globals()['BadPickle'] = BadPickle
        # now break BadPickle to test exception raising
        test_pickle_exception(self.assertRaises, TypeError, BadPickle.dill)
        test_pickle_exception(self.assertRaises, PicklingError, BadPickle)

    def test_string_enum(self):
        class SkillLevel(str, Enum):
            master = 'what is the sound of one hand clapping?'
            journeyman = 'why did the chicken cross the road?'
            apprentice = 'knock, knock!'
        self.assertEqual(SkillLevel.apprentice, 'knock, knock!')

    def test_getattr_getitem(self):
        class Period(Enum):
            morning = 1
            noon = 2
            evening = 3
            night = 4
        self.assertIs(Period(2), Period.noon)
        self.assertIs(getattr(Period, 'night'), Period.night)
        self.assertIs(Period['morning'], Period.morning)

    def test_getattr_dunder(self):
        Season = self.Season
        self.assertTrue(getattr(Season, '__eq__'))

    def test_iteration_order(self):
        class Season(Enum):
            SUMMER = 2
            WINTER = 4
            AUTUMN = 3
            SPRING = 1
                [Season.SUMMER, Season.WINTER, Season.AUTUMN, Season.SPRING],

    def test_reversed_iteration_order(self):
                [self.Season.WINTER, self.Season.AUTUMN, self.Season.SUMMER,

    def test_programmatic_function_string(self):
        SummerMonth = Enum('SummerMonth', 'june july august')
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 1):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(int(e.value), i)
            self.assertNotEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_programmatic_function_string_with_start(self):
        SummerMonth = Enum('SummerMonth', 'june july august', start=10)
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 10):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(int(e.value), i)
            self.assertNotEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_programmatic_function_string_list(self):
        SummerMonth = Enum('SummerMonth', ['june', 'july', 'august'])
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 1):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(int(e.value), i)
            self.assertNotEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_programmatic_function_string_list_with_start(self):
        SummerMonth = Enum('SummerMonth', ['june', 'july', 'august'], start=20)
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 20):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(int(e.value), i)
            self.assertNotEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_programmatic_function_iterable(self):
        SummerMonth = Enum(
                (('june', 1), ('july', 2), ('august', 3))
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 1):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(int(e.value), i)
            self.assertNotEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_programmatic_function_from_dict(self):
        SummerMonth = Enum(
                OrderedDict((('june', 1), ('july', 2), ('august', 3)))
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 1):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(int(e.value), i)
            self.assertNotEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_programmatic_function_type(self):
        SummerMonth = Enum('SummerMonth', 'june july august', type=int)
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 1):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_programmatic_function_type_with_start(self):
        SummerMonth = Enum('SummerMonth', 'june july august', type=int, start=30)
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 30):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_programmatic_function_type_from_subclass(self):
        SummerMonth = IntEnum('SummerMonth', 'june july august')
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 1):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_programmatic_function_type_from_subclass_with_start(self):
        SummerMonth = IntEnum('SummerMonth', 'june july august', start=40)
        lst = list(SummerMonth)
        self.assertEqual(len(lst), len(SummerMonth))
        self.assertEqual(len(SummerMonth), 3, SummerMonth)
                [SummerMonth.june, SummerMonth.july, SummerMonth.august],
        for i, month in enumerate('june july august'.split(), 40):
            e = SummerMonth(i)
            self.assertEqual(e, i)
            self.assertEqual(e.name, month)
            self.assertIn(e, SummerMonth)
            self.assertIs(type(e), SummerMonth)

    def test_subclassing(self):
        if isinstance(Name, Exception):
            raise Name
        self.assertEqual(Name.BDFL, 'Guido van Rossum')
        self.assertTrue(Name.BDFL, Name('Guido van Rossum'))
        self.assertIs(Name.BDFL, getattr(Name, 'BDFL'))
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, Name.BDFL)

    def test_extending(self):
        class Color(Enum):
            red = 1
            green = 2
            blue = 3
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            class MoreColor(Color):
                cyan = 4
                magenta = 5
                yellow = 6

    def test_exclude_methods(self):
        class whatever(Enum):
            this = 'that'
            these = 'those'
            def really(self):
                return 'no, not %s' % self.value
        self.assertIsNot(type(whatever.really), whatever)
        self.assertEqual(whatever.this.really(), 'no, not that')

    def test_wrong_inheritance_order(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            class Wrong(Enum, str):
                NotHere = 'error before this point'

    def test_intenum_transitivity(self):
        class number(IntEnum):
            one = 1
            two = 2
            three = 3
        class numero(IntEnum):
            uno = 1
            dos = 2
            tres = 3
        self.assertEqual(number.one, numero.uno)
        self.assertEqual(number.two, numero.dos)
        self.assertEqual(number.three, numero.tres)

    def test_wrong_enum_in_call(self):
        class Monochrome(Enum):
            black = 0
            white = 1
        class Gender(Enum):
            male = 0
            female = 1
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Monochrome, Gender.male)

    def test_wrong_enum_in_mixed_call(self):
        class Monochrome(IntEnum):
            black = 0
            white = 1
        class Gender(Enum):
            male = 0
            female = 1
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Monochrome, Gender.male)

    def test_mixed_enum_in_call_1(self):
        class Monochrome(IntEnum):
            black = 0
            white = 1
        class Gender(IntEnum):
            male = 0
            female = 1
        self.assertIs(Monochrome(Gender.female), Monochrome.white)

    def test_mixed_enum_in_call_2(self):
        class Monochrome(Enum):
            black = 0
            white = 1
        class Gender(IntEnum):
            male = 0
            female = 1
        self.assertIs(Monochrome(Gender.male), Monochrome.black)

    def test_flufl_enum(self):
        class Fluflnum(Enum):
            def __int__(self):
                return int(self.value)
        class MailManOptions(Fluflnum):
            option1 = 1
            option2 = 2
            option3 = 3
        self.assertEqual(int(MailManOptions.option1), 1)

    def test_introspection(self):
        class Number(IntEnum):
            one = 100
            two = 200
        self.assertIs(Number.one._member_type_, int)
        self.assertIs(Number._member_type_, int)
        class String(str, Enum):
            yarn = 'soft'
            rope = 'rough'
            wire = 'hard'
        self.assertIs(String.yarn._member_type_, str)
        self.assertIs(String._member_type_, str)
        class Plain(Enum):
            vanilla = 'white'
            one = 1
        self.assertIs(Plain.vanilla._member_type_, object)
        self.assertIs(Plain._member_type_, object)

    def test_no_such_enum_member(self):
        class Color(Enum):
            red = 1
            green = 2
            blue = 3
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_new_repr(self):
        class Color(Enum):
            red = 1
            green = 2
            blue = 3
            def __repr__(self):
                return "don't you just love shades of %s?" % self.name
                "don't you just love shades of blue?",

    def test_inherited_repr(self):
        class MyEnum(Enum):
            def __repr__(self):
                return "My name is %s." % self.name
        class MyIntEnum(int, MyEnum):
            this = 1
            that = 2
            theother = 3
        self.assertEqual(repr(MyIntEnum.that), "My name is that.")

    def test_multiple_mixin_mro(self):
        class auto_enum(type(Enum)):
            def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict):
                temp = type(classdict)()
                names = set(classdict._member_names)
                i = 0
                for k in classdict._member_names:
                    v = classdict[k]
                    if v is Ellipsis:
                        v = i
                        i = v
                    i += 1
                    temp[k] = v
                for k, v in classdict.items():
                    if k not in names:
                        temp[k] = v
                return super(auto_enum, metacls).__new__(
                        metacls, cls, bases, temp)

        class AutoNumberedEnum(Enum, metaclass=auto_enum):

        class AutoIntEnum(IntEnum, metaclass=auto_enum):

        class TestAutoNumber(AutoNumberedEnum):
            a = ...
            b = 3
            c = ...

        class TestAutoInt(AutoIntEnum):
            a = ...
            b = 3
            c = ...

    def test_subclasses_with_getnewargs(self):
        class NamedInt(int):
            __qualname__ = 'NamedInt'       # needed for pickle protocol 4
            def __new__(cls, *args):
                _args = args
                name, *args = args
                if len(args) == 0:
                    raise TypeError("name and value must be specified")
                self = int.__new__(cls, *args)
                self._intname = name
                self._args = _args
                return self
            def __getnewargs__(self):
                return self._args
            def __name__(self):
                return self._intname
            def __repr__(self):
                # repr() is updated to include the name and type info
                return "{}({!r}, {})".format(type(self).__name__,
            def __str__(self):
                # str() is unchanged, even if it relies on the repr() fallback
                base = int
                base_str = base.__str__
                if base_str.__objclass__ is object:
                    return base.__repr__(self)
                return base_str(self)
            # for simplicity, we only define one operator that
            # propagates expressions
            def __add__(self, other):
                temp = int(self) + int( other)
                if isinstance(self, NamedInt) and isinstance(other, NamedInt):
                    return NamedInt(
                        '({0} + {1})'.format(self.__name__, other.__name__),
                        temp )
                    return temp

        class NEI(NamedInt, Enum):
            __qualname__ = 'NEI'      # needed for pickle protocol 4
            x = ('the-x', 1)
            y = ('the-y', 2)

        self.assertIs(NEI.__new__, Enum.__new__)
        self.assertEqual(repr(NEI.x + NEI.y), "NamedInt('(the-x + the-y)', 3)")
        globals()['NamedInt'] = NamedInt
        globals()['NEI'] = NEI
        NI5 = NamedInt('test', 5)
        self.assertEqual(NI5, 5)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertEqual, NI5, 5)
        self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)

    def test_subclasses_with_getnewargs_ex(self):
        class NamedInt(int):
            __qualname__ = 'NamedInt'       # needed for pickle protocol 4
            def __new__(cls, *args):
                _args = args
                name, *args = args
                if len(args) == 0:
                    raise TypeError("name and value must be specified")
                self = int.__new__(cls, *args)
                self._intname = name
                self._args = _args
                return self
            def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
                return self._args, {}
            def __name__(self):
                return self._intname
            def __repr__(self):
                # repr() is updated to include the name and type info
                return "{}({!r}, {})".format(type(self).__name__,
            def __str__(self):
                # str() is unchanged, even if it relies on the repr() fallback
                base = int
                base_str = base.__str__
                if base_str.__objclass__ is object:
                    return base.__repr__(self)
                return base_str(self)
            # for simplicity, we only define one operator that
            # propagates expressions
            def __add__(self, other):
                temp = int(self) + int( other)
                if isinstance(self, NamedInt) and isinstance(other, NamedInt):
                    return NamedInt(
                        '({0} + {1})'.format(self.__name__, other.__name__),
                        temp )
                    return temp

        class NEI(NamedInt, Enum):
            __qualname__ = 'NEI'      # needed for pickle protocol 4
            x = ('the-x', 1)
            y = ('the-y', 2)

        self.assertIs(NEI.__new__, Enum.__new__)
        self.assertEqual(repr(NEI.x + NEI.y), "NamedInt('(the-x + the-y)', 3)")
        globals()['NamedInt'] = NamedInt
        globals()['NEI'] = NEI
        NI5 = NamedInt('test', 5)
        self.assertEqual(NI5, 5)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertEqual, NI5, 5)
        self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)

    def test_subclasses_with_reduce(self):
        class NamedInt(int):
            __qualname__ = 'NamedInt'       # needed for pickle protocol 4
            def __new__(cls, *args):
                _args = args
                name, *args = args
                if len(args) == 0:
                    raise TypeError("name and value must be specified")
                self = int.__new__(cls, *args)
                self._intname = name
                self._args = _args
                return self
            def __reduce__(self):
                return self.__class__, self._args
            def __name__(self):
                return self._intname
            def __repr__(self):
                # repr() is updated to include the name and type info
                return "{}({!r}, {})".format(type(self).__name__,
            def __str__(self):
                # str() is unchanged, even if it relies on the repr() fallback
                base = int
                base_str = base.__str__
                if base_str.__objclass__ is object:
                    return base.__repr__(self)
                return base_str(self)
            # for simplicity, we only define one operator that
            # propagates expressions
            def __add__(self, other):
                temp = int(self) + int( other)
                if isinstance(self, NamedInt) and isinstance(other, NamedInt):
                    return NamedInt(
                        '({0} + {1})'.format(self.__name__, other.__name__),
                        temp )
                    return temp

        class NEI(NamedInt, Enum):
            __qualname__ = 'NEI'      # needed for pickle protocol 4
            x = ('the-x', 1)
            y = ('the-y', 2)

        self.assertIs(NEI.__new__, Enum.__new__)
        self.assertEqual(repr(NEI.x + NEI.y), "NamedInt('(the-x + the-y)', 3)")
        globals()['NamedInt'] = NamedInt
        globals()['NEI'] = NEI
        NI5 = NamedInt('test', 5)
        self.assertEqual(NI5, 5)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertEqual, NI5, 5)
        self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)

    def test_subclasses_with_reduce_ex(self):
        class NamedInt(int):
            __qualname__ = 'NamedInt'       # needed for pickle protocol 4
            def __new__(cls, *args):
                _args = args
                name, *args = args
                if len(args) == 0:
                    raise TypeError("name and value must be specified")
                self = int.__new__(cls, *args)
                self._intname = name
                self._args = _args
                return self
            def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
                return self.__class__, self._args
            def __name__(self):
                return self._intname
            def __repr__(self):
                # repr() is updated to include the name and type info
                return "{}({!r}, {})".format(type(self).__name__,
            def __str__(self):
                # str() is unchanged, even if it relies on the repr() fallback
                base = int
                base_str = base.__str__
                if base_str.__objclass__ is object:
                    return base.__repr__(self)
                return base_str(self)
            # for simplicity, we only define one operator that
            # propagates expressions
            def __add__(self, other):
                temp = int(self) + int( other)
                if isinstance(self, NamedInt) and isinstance(other, NamedInt):
                    return NamedInt(
                        '({0} + {1})'.format(self.__name__, other.__name__),
                        temp )
                    return temp

        class NEI(NamedInt, Enum):
            __qualname__ = 'NEI'      # needed for pickle protocol 4
            x = ('the-x', 1)
            y = ('the-y', 2)

        self.assertIs(NEI.__new__, Enum.__new__)
        self.assertEqual(repr(NEI.x + NEI.y), "NamedInt('(the-x + the-y)', 3)")
        globals()['NamedInt'] = NamedInt
        globals()['NEI'] = NEI
        NI5 = NamedInt('test', 5)
        self.assertEqual(NI5, 5)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertEqual, NI5, 5)
        self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)

    def test_subclasses_without_direct_pickle_support(self):
        class NamedInt(int):
            __qualname__ = 'NamedInt'
            def __new__(cls, *args):
                _args = args
                name, *args = args
                if len(args) == 0:
                    raise TypeError("name and value must be specified")
                self = int.__new__(cls, *args)
                self._intname = name
                self._args = _args
                return self
            def __name__(self):
                return self._intname
            def __repr__(self):
                # repr() is updated to include the name and type info
                return "{}({!r}, {})".format(type(self).__name__,
            def __str__(self):
                # str() is unchanged, even if it relies on the repr() fallback
                base = int
                base_str = base.__str__
                if base_str.__objclass__ is object:
                    return base.__repr__(self)
                return base_str(self)
            # for simplicity, we only define one operator that
            # propagates expressions
            def __add__(self, other):
                temp = int(self) + int( other)
                if isinstance(self, NamedInt) and isinstance(other, NamedInt):
                    return NamedInt(
                        '({0} + {1})'.format(self.__name__, other.__name__),
                        temp )
                    return temp

        class NEI(NamedInt, Enum):
            __qualname__ = 'NEI'
            x = ('the-x', 1)
            y = ('the-y', 2)

        self.assertIs(NEI.__new__, Enum.__new__)
        self.assertEqual(repr(NEI.x + NEI.y), "NamedInt('(the-x + the-y)', 3)")
        globals()['NamedInt'] = NamedInt
        globals()['NEI'] = NEI
        NI5 = NamedInt('test', 5)
        self.assertEqual(NI5, 5)
        self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
        test_pickle_exception(self.assertRaises, TypeError, NEI.x)
        test_pickle_exception(self.assertRaises, PicklingError, NEI)

    def test_subclasses_without_direct_pickle_support_using_name(self):
        class NamedInt(int):
            __qualname__ = 'NamedInt'
            def __new__(cls, *args):
                _args = args
                name, *args = args
                if len(args) == 0:
                    raise TypeError("name and value must be specified")
                self = int.__new__(cls, *args)
                self._intname = name
                self._args = _args
                return self
            def __name__(self):
                return self._intname
            def __repr__(self):
                # repr() is updated to include the name and type info
                return "{}({!r}, {})".format(type(self).__name__,
            def __str__(self):
                # str() is unchanged, even if it relies on the repr() fallback
                base = int
                base_str = base.__str__
                if base_str.__objclass__ is object:
                    return base.__repr__(self)
                return base_str(self)
            # for simplicity, we only define one operator that
            # propagates expressions
            def __add__(self, other):
                temp = int(self) + int( other)
                if isinstance(self, NamedInt) and isinstance(other, NamedInt):
                    return NamedInt(
                        '({0} + {1})'.format(self.__name__, other.__name__),
                        temp )
                    return temp

        class NEI(NamedInt, Enum):
            __qualname__ = 'NEI'
            x = ('the-x', 1)
            y = ('the-y', 2)
            def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
                return getattr, (self.__class__, self._name_)

        self.assertIs(NEI.__new__, Enum.__new__)
        self.assertEqual(repr(NEI.x + NEI.y), "NamedInt('(the-x + the-y)', 3)")
        globals()['NamedInt'] = NamedInt
        globals()['NEI'] = NEI
        NI5 = NamedInt('test', 5)
        self.assertEqual(NI5, 5)
        self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y)
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)

    def test_tuple_subclass(self):
        class SomeTuple(tuple, Enum):
            __qualname__ = 'SomeTuple'      # needed for pickle protocol 4
            first = (1, 'for the money')
            second = (2, 'for the show')
            third = (3, 'for the music')
        self.assertIs(type(SomeTuple.first), SomeTuple)
        self.assertIsInstance(SomeTuple.second, tuple)
        self.assertEqual(SomeTuple.third, (3, 'for the music'))
        globals()['SomeTuple'] = SomeTuple
        test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, SomeTuple.first)

    def test_duplicate_values_give_unique_enum_items(self):
        class AutoNumber(Enum):
            first = ()
            second = ()
            third = ()
            def __new__(cls):
                value = len(cls.__members__) + 1
                obj = object.__new__(cls)
                obj._value_ = value
                return obj
            def __int__(self):
                return int(self._value_)
                [AutoNumber.first, AutoNumber.second, AutoNumber.third],
        self.assertEqual(int(AutoNumber.second), 2)
        self.assertEqual(AutoNumber.third.value, 3)
        self.assertIs(AutoNumber(1), AutoNumber.first)

    def test_inherited_new_from_enhanced_enum(self):
        class AutoNumber(Enum):
            def __new__(cls):
                value = len(cls.__members__) + 1
                obj = object.__new__(cls)
                obj._value_ = value
                return obj
            def __int__(self):
                return int(self._value_)
        class Color(AutoNumber):
            red = ()
            green = ()
            blue = ()
        self.assertEqual(list(Color), [Color.red, Color.green, Color.blue])
        self.assertEqual(list(map(int, Color)), [1, 2, 3])

    def test_inherited_new_from_mixed_enum(self):
        class AutoNumber(IntEnum):
            def __new__(cls):
                value = len(cls.__members__) + 1
                obj = int.__new__(cls, value)
                obj._value_ = value
                return obj
        class Color(AutoNumber):
            red = ()
            green = ()
            blue = ()
        self.assertEqual(list(Color), [Color.red, Color.green, Color.blue])
        self.assertEqual(list(map(int, Color)), [1, 2, 3])

    def test_equality(self):
        class AlwaysEqual:
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return True
        class OrdinaryEnum(Enum):
            a = 1
        self.assertEqual(AlwaysEqual(), OrdinaryEnum.a)
        self.assertEqual(OrdinaryEnum.a, AlwaysEqual())

    def test_ordered_mixin(self):
        class OrderedEnum(Enum):
            def __ge__(self, other):
                if self.__class__ is other.__class__:
                    return self._value_ >= other._value_
                return NotImplemented
            def __gt__(self, other):
                if self.__class__ is other.__class__:
                    return self._value_ > other._value_
                return NotImplemented
            def __le__(self, other):
                if self.__class__ is other.__class__:
                    return self._value_ <= other._value_
                return NotImplemented
            def __lt__(self, other):
                if self.__class__ is other.__class__:
                    return self._value_ < other._value_
                return NotImplemented
        class Grade(OrderedEnum):
            A = 5
            B = 4
            C = 3
            D = 2
            F = 1
        self.assertGreater(Grade.A, Grade.B)
        self.assertLessEqual(Grade.F, Grade.C)
        self.assertLess(Grade.D, Grade.A)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(Grade.B, Grade.B)
        self.assertEqual(Grade.B, Grade.B)
        self.assertNotEqual(Grade.C, Grade.D)

    def test_extending2(self):
        class Shade(Enum):
            def shade(self):
        class Color(Shade):
            red = 1
            green = 2
            blue = 3
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            class MoreColor(Color):
                cyan = 4
                magenta = 5
                yellow = 6

    def test_extending3(self):
        class Shade(Enum):
            def shade(self):
                return self.name
        class Color(Shade):
            def hex(self):
                return '%s hexlified!' % self.value
        class MoreColor(Color):
            cyan = 4
            magenta = 5
            yellow = 6
        self.assertEqual(MoreColor.magenta.hex(), '5 hexlified!')

    def test_no_duplicates(self):
        class UniqueEnum(Enum):
            def __init__(self, *args):
                cls = self.__class__
                if any(self.value == e.value for e in cls):
                    a = self.name
                    e = cls(self.value).name
                    raise ValueError(
                            "aliases not allowed in UniqueEnum:  %r --> %r"
                            % (a, e)
        class Color(UniqueEnum):
            red = 1
            green = 2
            blue = 3
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            class Color(UniqueEnum):
                red = 1
                green = 2
                blue = 3
                grene = 2

    def test_init(self):
        class Planet(Enum):
            MERCURY = (3.303e+23, 2.4397e6)
            VENUS   = (4.869e+24, 6.0518e6)
            EARTH   = (5.976e+24, 6.37814e6)
            MARS    = (6.421e+23, 3.3972e6)
            JUPITER = (1.9e+27,   7.1492e7)
            SATURN  = (5.688e+26, 6.0268e7)
            URANUS  = (8.686e+25, 2.5559e7)
            NEPTUNE = (1.024e+26, 2.4746e7)
            def __init__(self, mass, radius):
                self.mass = mass       # in kilograms
                self.radius = radius   # in meters
            def surface_gravity(self):
                # universal gravitational constant  (m3 kg-1 s-2)
                G = 6.67300E-11
                return G * self.mass / (self.radius * self.radius)
        self.assertEqual(round(Planet.EARTH.surface_gravity, 2), 9.80)
        self.assertEqual(Planet.EARTH.value, (5.976e+24, 6.37814e6))

    def test_nonhash_value(self):
        class AutoNumberInAList(Enum):
            def __new__(cls):
                value = [len(cls.__members__) + 1]
                obj = object.__new__(cls)
                obj._value_ = value
                return obj
        class ColorInAList(AutoNumberInAList):
            red = ()
            green = ()
            blue = ()
        self.assertEqual(list(ColorInAList), [ColorInAList.red, ColorInAList.green, ColorInAList.blue])
        for enum, value in zip(ColorInAList, range(3)):
            value += 1
            self.assertEqual(enum.value, [value])
            self.assertIs(ColorInAList([value]), enum)

    def test_conflicting_types_resolved_in_new(self):
        class LabelledIntEnum(int, Enum):
            def __new__(cls, *args):
                value, label = args
                obj = int.__new__(cls, value)
                obj.label = label
                obj._value_ = value
                return obj

        class LabelledList(LabelledIntEnum):
            unprocessed = (1, "Unprocessed")
            payment_complete = (2, "Payment Complete")

        self.assertEqual(list(LabelledList), [LabelledList.unprocessed, LabelledList.payment_complete])
        self.assertEqual(LabelledList.unprocessed, 1)
        self.assertEqual(LabelledList(1), LabelledList.unprocessed)

class TestUnique(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_unique_clean(self):
        class Clean(Enum):
            one = 1
            two = 'dos'
            tres = 4.0
        class Cleaner(IntEnum):
            single = 1
            double = 2
            triple = 3

    def test_unique_dirty(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'tres.*one'):
            class Dirty(Enum):
                one = 1
                two = 'dos'
                tres = 1
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            class Dirtier(IntEnum):
                single = 1
                double = 1
                triple = 3
                turkey = 3

    def test_unique_with_name(self):
        class Silly(Enum):
            one = 1
            two = 'dos'
            name = 3
        class Sillier(IntEnum):
            single = 1
            name = 2
            triple = 3
            value = 4

expected_help_output_with_docs = """\
Help on class Color in module %s:

class Color(enum.Enum)
 |  An enumeration.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Color
 |      enum.Enum
 |      builtins.object
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  blue = <Color.blue: 3>
 |  green = <Color.green: 2>
 |  red = <Color.red: 1>
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from enum.Enum:
 |  name
 |      The name of the Enum member.
 |  value
 |      The value of the Enum member.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from enum.EnumMeta:
 |  __members__
 |      Returns a mapping of member name->value.
 |      This mapping lists all enum members, including aliases. Note that this
 |      is a read-only view of the internal mapping."""

expected_help_output_without_docs = """\
Help on class Color in module %s:

class Color(enum.Enum)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Color
 |      enum.Enum
 |      builtins.object
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  blue = <Color.blue: 3>
 |  green = <Color.green: 2>
 |  red = <Color.red: 1>
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from enum.Enum:
 |  name
 |  value
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from enum.EnumMeta:
 |  __members__"""

class TestStdLib(unittest.TestCase):

    maxDiff = None

    class Color(Enum):
        red = 1
        green = 2
        blue = 3

    def test_pydoc(self):
        # indirectly test __objclass__
        if StrEnum.__doc__ is None:
            expected_text = expected_help_output_without_docs % __name__
            expected_text = expected_help_output_with_docs % __name__
        output = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
        result = output.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(result, expected_text)

    def test_inspect_getmembers(self):
        values = dict((
                ('__class__', EnumMeta),
                ('__doc__', 'An enumeration.'),
                ('__members__', self.Color.__members__),
                ('__module__', __name__),
                ('blue', self.Color.blue),
                ('green', self.Color.green),
                ('name', Enum.__dict__['name']),
                ('red', self.Color.red),
                ('value', Enum.__dict__['value']),
        result = dict(inspect.getmembers(self.Color))
        self.assertEqual(values.keys(), result.keys())
        failed = False
        for k in values.keys():
            if result[k] != values[k]:
                print('\n%s\n     key: %s\n  result: %s\nexpected: %s\n%s\n' %
                        ('=' * 75, k, result[k], values[k], '=' * 75), sep='')
                failed = True
        if failed:
            self.fail("result does not equal expected, see print above")

    def test_inspect_classify_class_attrs(self):
        # indirectly test __objclass__
        from inspect import Attribute
        values = [
                Attribute(name='__class__', kind='data',
                    defining_class=object, object=EnumMeta),
                Attribute(name='__doc__', kind='data',
                    defining_class=self.Color, object='An enumeration.'),
                Attribute(name='__members__', kind='property',
                    defining_class=EnumMeta, object=EnumMeta.__members__),
                Attribute(name='__module__', kind='data',
                    defining_class=self.Color, object=__name__),
                Attribute(name='blue', kind='data',
                    defining_class=self.Color, object=self.Color.blue),
                Attribute(name='green', kind='data',
                    defining_class=self.Color, object=self.Color.green),
                Attribute(name='red', kind='data',
                    defining_class=self.Color, object=self.Color.red),
                Attribute(name='name', kind='data',
                    defining_class=Enum, object=Enum.__dict__['name']),
                Attribute(name='value', kind='data',
                    defining_class=Enum, object=Enum.__dict__['value']),
        values.sort(key=lambda item: item.name)
        result = list(inspect.classify_class_attrs(self.Color))
        result.sort(key=lambda item: item.name)
        failed = False
        for v, r in zip(values, result):
            if r != v:
                print('\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % ('=' * 75, r, v, '=' * 75), sep='')
                failed = True
        if failed:
            self.fail("result does not equal expected, see print above")

if __name__ == '__main__':
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