import sys import os import re from glob import glob from time import sleep from shutil import rmtree from subprocess import run, Popen import psutil from tf.core.helpers import console from import findApp, findAppConfig from tf.applib.zipdata import zipData DIST = 'dist' VERSION_CONFIG = dict( setup=dict( file='', re=re.compile( r'''version\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]*)['"]''' ), mask="version='{}'", ), parameters=dict( file='tf/', re=re.compile( r'''VERSION\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]*)['"]''' ), mask="VERSION = '{}'", ), ) AN_BASE = os.path.expanduser('~/github/annotation') TUT_BASE = f'{AN_BASE}/tutorials' TF_BASE = f'{AN_BASE}/text-fabric' TEST_BASE = f'{TF_BASE}/test' APP_BASE = f'{TF_BASE}/apps' PACKAGE = 'text-fabric' SCRIPT = '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/text-fabric' currentVersion = None newVersion = None appPat = r'^.*/app-([^/]*)$' appRe = re.compile(appPat) apps = set() for appDir in glob(f'{AN_BASE}/app-*'): match = appRe.fullmatch(appDir) if match: apps.add( apps = sorted(apps) appStr = ', '.join(apps) HELP = f''' python3 command command: -h --help help : print help and exit docs : serve docs locally clean : clean local develop build l : local develop build i : local non-develop build g : push to github, code and docs r : build for shipping, leave version as is r1 : build for shipping, version becomes r1+1.0.0 r2 : build for shipping, version becomes r1.r2+1.0 r3 : build for shipping, version becomes r1.r2.r3+1 apps : commit and push all tf apps tut : commit and push the tutorials repo a : open text-fabric browser on specific dataset ({appStr}) t : run test suite (relations) data : build data files for github release For g and the r-commands you need to pass a commit message as well. For data you need to pass an app argument: {appStr} ''' def readArgs(): args = sys.argv[1:] if not len(args) or args[0] in {'-h', '--help', 'help'}: console(HELP) return (False, None, []) arg = args[0] if arg not in { 'a', 't', 'docs', 'clean', 'l', 'lp', 'i', 'g', 'data', 'apps', 'tut', 'r', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', }: console(HELP) return (False, None, []) if arg in {'g', 'apps', 'tut', 'r', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3'}: if len(args) < 2: console('Provide a commit message') return (False, None, []) return (arg, args[1], args[2:]) if arg in {'a', 't', 'data'}: if len(args) < 2: if arg in {'a', 'data'}: console(f'Provide a data source [{appStr}]') elif arg in {'t'}: console('Provide a test suite [relations]') return (False, None, []) return (arg, args[1], args[2:]) return (arg, None, []) def incVersion(version, task): comps = [int(c) for c in version.split('.')] (major, minor, update) = comps if task == 'r1': major += 1 minor = 0 update = 0 elif task == 'r2': minor += 1 update = 0 elif task == 'r3': update += 1 return '.'.join(str(c) for c in (major, minor, update)) def replaceVersion(task, mask): def subVersion(match): global currentVersion global newVersion currentVersion = newVersion = incVersion(currentVersion, task) return mask.format(newVersion) return subVersion def adjustVersion(task): for (key, c) in VERSION_CONFIG.items(): console(f'Adjusting version in {c["file"]}') with open(c['file']) as fh: text = text = c['re'].sub( replaceVersion(task, c['mask']), text, ) with open(c['file'], 'w') as fh: fh.write(text) if currentVersion == newVersion: console(f'Rebuilding version {newVersion}') else: console(f'Replacing version {currentVersion} by {newVersion}') def makeDist(pypi=True): distFile = "{}-{}".format(PACKAGE, newVersion) distFileCompressed = f'{distFile}.tar.gz' distPath = f'{DIST}/{distFileCompressed}' rmtree(DIST) os.makedirs(DIST, exist_ok=True) run(['python3', '', 'sdist']) if pypi: run(['twine', 'upload', '-u', 'dirkroorda', distPath]) run('./', shell=True) def commit(task, msg): run(['git', 'add', '--all', '.']) run(['git', 'commit', '-m', msg]) run(['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master']) if task in {'r1', 'r2', 'r3'}: tagVersion = f'v{newVersion}' commitMessage = f'Release {newVersion}: {msg}' run(['git', 'tag', '-a', tagVersion, '-m', commitMessage]) run(['git', 'push', 'origin', '--tags']) def commitApps(msg): for app in apps: os.chdir(f'{AN_BASE}/app-{app}') console(f'In {os.getcwd()}') run(['git', 'add', '--all', '.']) run(['git', 'commit', '-m', msg]) run(['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master']) os.chdir(f'{TF_BASE}') def commitTut(msg): os.chdir(f'{TUT_BASE}') console(f'In {os.getcwd()}') run(['git', 'add', '--all', '.']) run(['git', 'commit', '-m', msg]) run(['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master']) os.chdir(f'{TF_BASE}') def shipDocs(): codestats() run(['mkdocs', 'gh-deploy']) def shipData(app, remaining): (commit, appDir) = findApp(app, False, False) if not appDir: console('Data not shipped') config = findAppConfig(app, appDir) if not config: console('Data not shipped') return seen = set() for r in config.ZIP: (org, repo, relative) = r if type(r) is tuple else (config.ORG, r, config.RELATIVE) keep = (org, repo) in seen zipData(org, repo, relative=relative, tf=relative.endswith('tf'), keep=keep) seen.add((org, repo)) def serveDocs(): codestats() killProcesses() proc = Popen(['mkdocs', 'serve']) sleep(3) run('open', shell=True) try: proc.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass proc.terminate() def killProcesses(): myself = os.getpid() for proc in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']): pid =['pid'] if pid == myself: continue if filterProcess(proc): try: proc.terminate() console(f'mkdocs [{pid}] terminated') except psutil.NoSuchProcess: console(f'mkdocs [{pid}] already terminated') def filterProcess(proc): procName =['name'] commandName = '' if procName is None else procName.lower() found = False if commandName.endswith('python'): parts = proc.cmdline() if len(parts) >= 3: if parts[1].endswith('mkdocs') and parts[2] == 'serve': found = True if parts[1] == '' and parts[2] == 'docs': found = True return found def codestats(): xd = ( '.pytest_cache,__pycache__,node_modules,.tmp,.git,_temp,' '.ipynb_checkpoints,images,fonts,favicons,compiled' ) xdtf = xd + ',applib,convert,core,search,server,writing' xdtest = xd + ',tf' rfFmt = 'docs/Code/Stats{}.md' cmdLine = ( 'cloc' ' --no-autogen' ' --exclude_dir={}' ' --exclude-list-file={}' f' --report-file={rfFmt}' ' --md' ' {}' ) nex = 'cloc_exclude.lst' run(cmdLine.format(xd, nex, '', '. ../app-*/code'), shell=True) run(cmdLine.format(xdtf, nex, 'Toplevel', 'tf'), shell=True) run(cmdLine.format(xd, nex, 'Applib', 'tf/applib'), shell=True) run(cmdLine.format(xd, nex, 'Apps', '../app-*/code'), shell=True) run(cmdLine.format(xd, nex, 'Convert', 'tf/convert'), shell=True) run(cmdLine.format(xd, nex, 'Core', 'tf/core'), shell=True) run(cmdLine.format(xd, nex, 'Search', 'tf/search'), shell=True) run(cmdLine.format(xd, nex, 'Server', 'tf/server'), shell=True) run(cmdLine.format(xd, nex, 'Writing', 'tf/writing'), shell=True) run(cmdLine.format(xdtest, nex, 'Test', 'test/generic'), shell=True) def tfbrowse(dataset, remaining): rargs = ' '.join(remaining) cmdLine = f'text-fabric {dataset} {rargs}' try: run(cmdLine, shell=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def tftest(suite, remaining): suiteDir = f'{TEST_BASE}/generic' suiteFile = f'{suite}.py' good = True try: os.chdir(suiteDir) except Exception: good = False console(f'Cannot find TF test directory "{suiteDir}"') if not good: return if not os.path.exists(suiteFile): console(f'Cannot find TF test suite "{suite}"') return rargs = ' '.join(remaining) cmdLine = f'python3 {suiteFile} -v {rargs}' try: run(cmdLine, shell=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def clean(): run(['python3', '', 'develop', '-u']) if os.path.exists(SCRIPT): os.unlink(SCRIPT) run([ 'pip3', 'uninstall', '-y', 'text-fabric' ]) def main(): (task, msg, remaining) = readArgs() if not task: return elif task == 'a': tfbrowse(msg, remaining) elif task == 't': tftest(msg, remaining) elif task == 'docs': serveDocs() elif task == 'clean': clean() elif task == 'l': clean() run(['python3', '', 'develop']) elif task == 'lp': clean() run(['python3', '', 'sdist']) distFiles = glob('dist/text-fabric-*.tar.gz') run(['pip3', 'install', distFiles[0]]) elif task == 'i': clean makeDist(pypi=False) run([ 'pip3', 'install', '--upgrade', '--no-index', '--find-links', f'file://{TF_BASE}/dist"', 'text-fabric' ]) elif task == 'g': shipDocs() commit(task, msg) elif task == 'data': shipData(msg, remaining) elif task == 'apps': commitApps(msg) elif task == 'tut': commitTut(msg) elif task in {'r', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3'}: adjustVersion(task) shipDocs() makeDist() commit(task, msg) main()