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Tip revision: 60850dc518fc453622cbb40ad6dd9f67644ed859 authored by Pjotr Prins on 16 December 2020, 10:18:06 UTC
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#include "Sample.h"

// sample tracking and allele sorting
// the number of observations for this allele
int Sample::observationCount(Allele& allele) {
    return observationCount(allele.currentBase);

int Sample::observationCountInclPartials(void) {
    return observationCount() + partialObservationCount();

double Sample::observationCountInclPartials(Allele& allele) {
    return observationCountInclPartials(allele.currentBase);

double Sample::partialObservationCount(Allele& allele) {
    return partialObservationCount(allele.currentBase);

// the number of observations for this base
int Sample::observationCount(const string& base) {
    Sample::iterator g = find(base);
    if (g != end())
        return g->second.size();
        return 0;

int Sample::partialObservationCount(void) {
    return reversePartials.size();

double Sample::partialObservationCount(const string& base) {
    double scaledPartialCount = 0;
    map<string, vector<Allele*> >::iterator g = partialSupport.find(base);
    if (g != partialSupport.end()) {
        vector<Allele*>& supportingObs = g->second;
        for (vector<Allele*>::iterator a = supportingObs.begin(); a != supportingObs.end(); ++a) {
            scaledPartialCount += (double) 1 / (double) reversePartials[*a].size();
    return scaledPartialCount;

double Sample::observationCountInclPartials(const string& base) {
    return observationCount(base) + partialObservationCount(base);

// the total number of observations
int Sample::observationCount(void) {
    int count = 0;
    for (Sample::iterator g = begin(); g != end(); ++g) {
        count += g->second.size();
    return count;

int Sample::qualSum(Allele& allele) {
    return qualSum(allele.currentBase);

int Sample::qualSum(const string& base) {
    Sample::iterator g = find(base);
    int qsum = 0;
    if (g != end()) {
        vector<Allele*>& alleles = g->second;
        for (vector<Allele*>::iterator a = alleles.begin(); a != alleles.end(); ++a) {
            qsum += (*a)->quality;
    return qsum;

double Sample::partialQualSum(Allele& allele) {
    return partialQualSum(allele.currentBase);

double Sample::partialQualSum(const string& base) {
    Sample::iterator g = partialSupport.find(base);
    double qsum = 0;
    if (g != partialSupport.end()) {
        vector<Allele*>& alleles = g->second;
        for (vector<Allele*>::iterator a = alleles.begin(); a != alleles.end(); ++a) {
            qsum += (double) (*a)->quality / (double) reversePartials[*a].size();
    return qsum;

// sample tracking and allele sorting
// the number of observations for this allele
int Samples::observationCount(Allele& allele) {
    return observationCount(allele.currentBase);

double Samples::observationCountInclPartials(Allele& allele) {
    return observationCountInclPartials(allele.currentBase);

double Samples::partialObservationCount(Allele& allele) {
    return partialObservationCount(allele.currentBase);

// the number of observations for this base
int Samples::observationCount(const string& base) {
    int c = 0;
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {
        c += s->second.observationCount(base);
    return c;

double Samples::partialObservationCount(const string& base) {
    double c = 0;
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {
        c += s->second.partialObservationCount(base);
    return c;

double Samples::observationCountInclPartials(const string& base) {
    return observationCount(base) + partialObservationCount(base);

// the total number of observations
int Samples::observationCount(void) {
    int c = 0;
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {
        c += s->second.observationCount();
    return c;

double Samples::observationCountInclPartials(void) {
    double c = 0;
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {
        c += s->second.observationCountInclPartials();
    return c;

int Samples::qualSum(Allele& allele) {
    return qualSum(allele.currentBase);

int Samples::qualSum(const string& base) {
    int q = 0;
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {
        q += s->second.qualSum(base);
    return q;

double Samples::partialQualSum(Allele& allele) {
    return partialQualSum(allele.currentBase);

double Samples::partialQualSum(const string& base) {
    double q = 0;
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {
        q += s->second.partialQualSum(base);
    return q;

map<string, double> Samples::estimatedAlleleFrequencies(void) {
    map<string, long double> qualsums;
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {
        Sample& sample = s->second;
        for (Sample::iterator o = sample.begin(); o != sample.end(); ++o) {
            const string& base = o->first;
            qualsums[base] += sample.qualSum(base);
    long double total = 0;
    for (map<string, long double>::iterator q = qualsums.begin(); q != qualsums.end(); ++q) {
        total += q->second;
    map<string, double> freqs;
    for (map<string, long double>::iterator q = qualsums.begin(); q != qualsums.end(); ++q) {
        freqs[q->first] = q->second / total;
        //cerr << "estimated frequency " << q->first << " " << freqs[q->first] << endl;
    return freqs;

// puts alleles into the right bins if they have changed their base (as
// occurs in the case of reference alleles)
void Sample::sortReferenceAlleles(void) {
    for (Sample::iterator g = begin(); g != end(); ++g) {
        const string& groupBase = g->first;
        vector<Allele*>& alleles = g->second;
        for (vector<Allele*>::iterator a = alleles.begin(); a != alleles.end(); ++a) {
            const string& base = (*a)->currentBase;
            if (base != groupBase) {
                Sample::iterator g = find(base);
                if (g != end()) {
                } else {
                    vector<Allele*> alleles;
                    insert(begin(), make_pair(base, alleles));
                *a = NULL;
        alleles.erase(remove(alleles.begin(), alleles.end(), (Allele*)NULL), alleles.end());

Sample::strandBaseCount(string refbase, string altbase) {

    int forwardRef = 0;
    int reverseRef = 0;
    int forwardAlt = 0;
    int reverseAlt = 0;

    for (Sample::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {
        vector<Allele*>& alleles = s->second;
        for (vector<Allele*>::iterator a = alleles.begin(); a != alleles.end(); ++a) {
            string base = (*a)->currentBase;
            AlleleStrand strand = (*a)->strand;
            if (base == refbase) {
                if (strand == STRAND_FORWARD)
                else if (strand == STRAND_REVERSE)
            } else if (base == altbase) {
                if (strand == STRAND_FORWARD)
                else if (strand == STRAND_REVERSE)

    return StrandBaseCounts(forwardRef, forwardAlt, reverseRef, reverseAlt);


int Sample::baseCount(string base, AlleleStrand strand) {

    int count = 0;
    for (Sample::iterator g = begin(); g != end(); ++g) {
        vector<Allele*>& alleles = g->second;
        for (vector<Allele*>::iterator a = alleles.begin(); a != alleles.end(); ++a) {
            if ((*a)->currentBase == base && (*a)->strand == strand)
    return count;


string Sample::tojson(void) {
    stringstream out;
    out << "[";
    bool first = true;
    for (map<string, vector<Allele*> >::iterator g = this->begin(); g != this->end(); ++g) {
        vector<Allele*>& alleles = g->second;
        for (vector<Allele*>::iterator a = alleles.begin(); a != alleles.end(); ++a) {
            if (!first) { out << ","; } else { first = false; }
            out << (*a)->tojson();
    out << "]";
    return out.str();

void groupAlleles(Samples& samples, map<string, vector<Allele*> >& alleleGroups) {
    for (Samples::iterator s = samples.begin(); s != samples.end(); ++s) {
        Sample& sample = s->second;
        for (Sample::iterator g = sample.begin(); g != sample.end(); ++g) {
            const string& base = g->first;
            const vector<Allele*>& alleles = g->second;
            vector<Allele*>& group = alleleGroups[base];
            group.reserve(group.size() + distance(alleles.begin(), alleles.end()));
            group.insert(group.end(), alleles.begin(), alleles.end());

bool sufficientAlternateObservations(Samples& samples, int mincount, float minfraction) {

    int totalAlternateCount = 0;
    int totalReferenceCount = 0;

    for (Samples::iterator s = samples.begin(); s != samples.end(); ++s) {

        //cerr << s->first << endl;
        Sample& sample = s->second;
        int alternateCount = 0;
        int observationCount = 0;

        for (Sample::iterator group = sample.begin(); group != sample.end(); ++group) {
            const string& base = group->first;
            //cerr << base << endl;
            vector<Allele*>& alleles = group->second;
            //cerr << alleles.size() << endl;
            if (alleles.size() == 0)
            if (alleles.front()->type != ALLELE_REFERENCE) {
                alternateCount += alleles.size();
            } else {
                totalReferenceCount += alleles.size();
            observationCount += alleles.size();

        //cerr << "alternateCount " << alternateCount << " ratio " << ((float) alternateCount / (float) observationCount) << endl;

        if (alternateCount >= mincount && ((float) alternateCount / (float) observationCount) >= minfraction)
            return true;
        totalAlternateCount += alternateCount;

    // always analyze if we have more alternate observations than reference observations
    // this is meant to catch the case in which the reference is the rare allele
    // it will probably also catch cases in which we have very low coverage
    if (totalReferenceCount < totalAlternateCount) {
        return true;

    return false;


int countAlleles(Samples& samples) {

    int count = 0;
    for (Samples::iterator s = samples.begin(); s != samples.end(); ++s) {
        Sample& sample = s->second;
        for (Sample::iterator sg = sample.begin(); sg != sample.end(); ++sg) {
            count += sg->second.size();
    return count;


ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Sample& sample) {
    for (Sample::iterator s = sample.begin(); s != sample.end(); ++s) {
        out << s->first << " #" << s->second.size() << endl << s->second << endl;
    return out;

void Samples::assignPartialSupport(vector<Allele>& alleles,
                                   vector<Allele*>& partialObservations,
                                   map<string, vector<Allele*> >& partialObservationGroups,
                                   map<Allele*, set<Allele*> >& partialObservationSupport,
                                   unsigned long haplotypeStart,
                                   int haplotypeLength) {

    // clean up results of any previous calls to this function

    for (vector<Allele>::iterator a = alleles.begin(); a != alleles.end(); ++a) {
        Allele& allele = *a;
        //string& base = allele.currentBase;
        // hacks here
        string& aseq = allele.alternateSequence;
        //cerr << "alternate, seeking partial support " << aseq << endl
        //     << "allele: " << allele << endl;
        // construct pseudo-sequence
        for (vector<Allele*>::iterator p = partialObservations.begin(); p != partialObservations.end(); ++p) {
            Allele& partial = **p;
            string pseq = partial.alternateSequence;
            bool same = false;
            // if the partial could support the alternate if we consider "reference-matching"
            // sequence beyond the haplotype window, add it to the comparison
            if (partial.position == haplotypeStart && partial.referenceLength == haplotypeLength) {
                if (pseq.size() + partial.basesLeft <= aseq.size()) {
                    pseq = partial.read5p();
                } else if (pseq.size() + partial.basesRight <= aseq.size()) {
                    pseq = partial.read3p();
            // otherwise, we should be fine to go with the seqs
            // basically, this is the partial reference coordinate-matching case
            //cerr << partial << " bp l/r " << partial.basesLeft << "/" << partial.basesRight
            //     << " szes , " << pseq.size() << " vs " << aseq.size() << endl;
            if (!pseq.empty()
                && aseq.size() >= pseq.size()
                && ((partial.alternateSequence.size() + partial.basesRight <= aseq.size()
                     && (aseq.substr(0, pseq.size()) == pseq))
                    || (partial.alternateSequence.size() + partial.basesLeft <= aseq.size() 
                        && (aseq.substr(aseq.size()-pseq.size()) == pseq)))) {
                // dAY's du saem
                //cerr << "partial support of " << *a << " by " << *p << endl;
                same = true;

    for (vector<Allele*>::iterator p = partialObservations.begin(); p != partialObservations.end(); ++p) {
        // get the sample
        Allele& partial = **p;
        Samples::iterator siter = find(partial.sampleID);
        if (siter == end()) {
        Sample& sample = siter->second;
        map<Allele*, set<Allele*> >::iterator sup = partialObservationSupport.find(*p);
        if (sup != partialObservationSupport.end()) {
            set<Allele*>& supported = sup->second;
            for (set<Allele*>::iterator s = supported.begin(); s != supported.end(); ++s) {
            if (!supported.empty()) {
                sample.reversePartials[*p] = supported;


bool Sample::observationSupports(Allele* obs, Allele* allele) {
    if (obs->currentBase == allele->currentBase) {
        return true;
    } else {
        map<Allele*, set<Allele*> >::iterator p = reversePartials.find(obs);
        if (p != reversePartials.end()) {
            set<Allele*>& supports = p->second;
            if (supports.find(allele) != supports.end()) {
                return true;
        return false;

void Samples::clearFullObservations(void) {
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {

void Samples::clearPartialObservations(void) {
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s) {

void Sample::clearPartialObservations(void) {
    for (Sample::iterator a = begin(); a != end(); ++a)

void Sample::setSupportedAlleles(void) {
    for (Sample::iterator a = begin(); a != end(); ++a)

void Samples::setSupportedAlleles(void) {
    for (Samples::iterator s = begin(); s != end(); ++s)
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