Tip revision: 1c62832ad7d6eab5b337f386955868c3ce9a54ea authored by Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider on 11 September 2021, 12:56:53 UTC
README: paper link, bibtex
README: paper link, bibtex
Tip revision: 1c62832
// Copyright (c) Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider
// All Rights Reserved. This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0
// License (found in the LICENSE file in the root directory).
#include "ribbon.hpp"
#include "rocksdb/stop_watch.h"
#include <tlx/cmdline_parser.hpp>
#include <tlx/logger.hpp>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <numeric>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#define DO_EXPAND(VAL) VAL##1
#if !defined(RIBBON_BITS) || (EXPAND(RIBBON_BITS) == 1)
#define RIBBON_BITS 8
using namespace ribbon;
bool no_queries = false;
template <uint8_t depth, typename Config>
void run(size_t num_slots, double eps, size_t seed, unsigned num_threads) {
const double slots_per_item = eps + 1.0;
const size_t num_items = num_slots / slots_per_item;
LOG1 << "Running simple test with " << num_slots << " slots, eps=" << eps
<< " -> " << num_items << " items, seed=" << seed
<< " config: L=" << kCoeffBits << " B=" << kBucketSize
<< " r=" << kResultBits;
rocksdb::StopWatchNano timer(true);
auto input = std::make_unique<int[]>(num_items);
std::iota(input.get(), input.get() + num_items, 0);
LOG1 << "Input generation took " << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6 << "ms";
ribbon_filter<depth, Config> r(num_slots, slots_per_item, seed);
LOG1 << "Allocation took " << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6 << "ms\n";
LOG1 << "Adding rows to filter....";
r.AddRange(input.get(), input.get() + num_items);
LOG1 << "Insertion took " << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6 << "ms in total\n";
LOG1 << "Backsubstitution took " << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6
<< "ms in total\n";
const size_t bytes = r.Size();
const double relsize = (bytes * 8 * 100.0) / (num_items * Config::kResultBits);
LOG1 << "Ribbon size: " << bytes << " Bytes = " << (bytes * 1.0) / num_items
<< " Bytes per item = " << relsize << "%\n";
std::atomic<bool> ok = true;
auto pos_query = [&r, &ok, &num_items, &num_threads](unsigned id) {
bool my_ok = true;
size_t start = num_items / num_threads * id;
// don't do the same queries on all threads
for (size_t v = start; v < num_items; v++) {
bool found = r.QueryFilter((int)v);
my_ok &= found;
for (size_t v = 0; v < start; v++) {
bool found = r.QueryFilter((int)v);
my_ok &= found;
if (!my_ok)
ok = false;
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_threads && !no_queries; i++) {
threads.emplace_back(pos_query, i);
for (auto& t : threads)
const auto check_nanos = timer.ElapsedNanos(true);
LOG1 << "Parallel check with " << num_threads << " threads "
<< (ok ? "successful" : "FAILED") << " and took " << check_nanos / 1e6
<< "ms = " << check_nanos * 1.0 / num_items << "ns per key";
// r.PrintStats();
std::atomic<size_t> found = 0;
auto neg_query = [&r, &found, &num_items, &num_threads](unsigned id) {
size_t my_found = 0;
// offset queries between threads
size_t start = num_items + num_items / num_threads * id;
for (size_t v = start; v < 2 * num_items; v++) {
my_found += r.QueryFilter((int)v);
for (size_t v = num_items; v < start; v++) {
my_found += r.QueryFilter((int)v);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_threads && !no_queries; i++) {
threads.emplace_back(neg_query, i);
for (auto& t : threads)
const auto negq_nanos = timer.ElapsedNanos(true);
const double fprate = found * 1.0 / (num_threads * num_items),
ratio = fprate * (1ul << Config::kResultBits);
LOG1 << "Negative queries took " << negq_nanos / 1e6
<< "ms = " << negq_nanos * 1.0 / num_items << "ns per key, " << found
<< " FPs = " << fprate * 100 << "%, expecting "
<< 100.0 / (1ul << Config::kResultBits) << "% -> ratio = " << ratio;
// r.PrintStats();
auto [tl_bumped, tl_empty_slots, tl_frac_empty, tl_thresh_bytes] =
LOG1 << "RESULT n=" << num_items << " m=" << num_slots << " eps=" << eps
<< " d=" << (int)depth << dump_config<Config>() << " bytes=" << bytes
<< " tlempty=" << tl_empty_slots << " tlbumped=" << tl_bumped
<< " tlemptyfrac=" << tl_frac_empty
<< " tlthreshbytes=" << tl_thresh_bytes << " overhead=" << relsize - 100
<< " ok=" << ok << " tpos=" << check_nanos
<< " tpospq=" << (check_nanos * 1.0 / num_items) << " tneg=" << negq_nanos
<< " tnegpq=" << (negq_nanos * 1.0 / num_items) << " fps=" << found
<< " fpr=" << fprate << " ratio=" << ratio << " threads=" << num_threads;
template <ThreshMode mode, uint8_t depth, size_t L, size_t r, bool interleaved,
bool cls, bool sparse, typename... Args>
void dispatch_shift(int shift, Args&... args) {
switch (shift) {
case 0:
run<depth, RConfig<L, r, mode, sparse, interleaved, cls, 0>>(args...);
case -1:
run<depth, RConfig<L, r, mode, sparse, interleaved, cls, -1>>(args...);
case 1:
run<depth, RConfig<L, r, mode, sparse, interleaved, cls, 1>>(args...);
default: LOG1 << "Unsupported bucket size shift: " << shift;
template <ThreshMode mode, uint8_t depth, size_t L, size_t r, bool interleaved,
bool cls, typename... Args>
void dispatch_sparse(bool sparse, Args&... args) {
if (sparse) {
if constexpr (interleaved) {
LOG1 << "Sparse coefficients + interleaved sol doesn't make sense";
} else {
dispatch_shift<mode, depth, L, r, interleaved, cls, true>(args...);
} else {
dispatch_shift<mode, depth, L, r, interleaved, cls, false>(args...);
template <ThreshMode mode, uint8_t depth, size_t L, size_t r, typename... Args>
void dispatch_storage(bool cls, bool interleaved, Args&... args) {
assert(!cls || !interleaved);
if (cls) {
// dispatch_sparse<mode, depth, L, r, false, true>(args...);
LOG1 << "Cache-Line Storage is currently disabled";
} else if (interleaved) {
dispatch_sparse<mode, depth, L, r, true, false>(args...);
} else {
dispatch_sparse<mode, depth, L, r, false, false>(args...);
template <ThreshMode mode, uint8_t depth, typename... Args>
void dispatch_width(size_t band_width, Args&... args) {
static constexpr size_t r = RIBBON_BITS;
switch (band_width) {
// case 16: dispatch_storage<mode, depth, 16, r>(args...); break;
case 32: dispatch_storage<mode, depth, 32, r>(args...); break;
case 64: dispatch_storage<mode, depth, 64, r>(args...); break;
case 128: dispatch_storage<mode, depth, 128, r>(args...); break;
default: LOG1 << "Unsupported band width: " << band_width;
template <ThreshMode mode, typename... Args>
void dispatch_depth(unsigned depth, Args&... args) {
switch (depth) {
case 0: dispatch_width<mode, 0>(args...); break;
case 1: dispatch_width<mode, 1>(args...); break;
case 2: dispatch_width<mode, 2>(args...); break;
case 3: dispatch_width<mode, 3>(args...); break;
case 4: dispatch_width<mode, 4>(args...); break;
default: LOG1 << "Unsupported recursion depth: " << depth;
template <typename... Args>
void dispatch(ThreshMode mode, Args&... args) {
switch (mode) {
case ThreshMode::onebit:
case ThreshMode::twobit:
case ThreshMode::normal:
LOG1 << "Unsupported threshold compression mode: " << (int)mode;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
tlx::CmdlineParser cmd;
size_t seed = 42, num_slots = 1024 * 1024;
unsigned ribbon_width = 32, depth = 3;
double eps = -1;
unsigned num_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
bool onebit = false, twobit = false, sparsecoeffs = false, cls = false,
interleaved = false;
int shift = 0;
cmd.add_size_t('s', "seed", seed, "random seed");
cmd.add_size_t('m', "slots", num_slots, "number of slots in the filter");
cmd.add_unsigned('L', "ribbon_width", ribbon_width, "ribbon width (16/32/64)");
cmd.add_unsigned('d', "depth", depth, "number of recursive filters");
cmd.add_double('e', "epsilon", eps, "epsilon, #items = filtersize/(1+epsilon)");
cmd.add_unsigned('t', "threads", num_threads, "number of query threads");
cmd.add_int('b', "bsshift", shift,
"whether to shift bucket size one way or another");
cmd.add_bool('1', "onebit", onebit,
"use one-plus-a-little-bit threshold compression");
cmd.add_bool('2', "twobit", twobit, "use two-bit threshold compression");
cmd.add_bool('S', "sparsecoeffs", sparsecoeffs,
"use sparse coefficient vectors");
cmd.add_bool('C', "cls", cls, "use cache-line solution storage");
cmd.add_bool('I', "interleaved", interleaved,
"use interleaved solution storage");
cmd.add_bool('Q', "noqueries", no_queries,
"don't run any queries (for scripting)");
if (!cmd.process(argc, argv) || (onebit && twobit)) {
return 1;
if (eps == -1) {
if (onebit) {
size_t bucket_size = 1ul << tlx::integer_log2_floor(
ribbon_width * ribbon_width /
(4 * tlx::integer_log2_ceil(ribbon_width)));
if (shift < 0)
bucket_size >>= -shift;
bucket_size <<= shift;
eps = -0.666 * ribbon_width / (4 * bucket_size + ribbon_width);
} else {
// for small ribbon widths, don't go too far from 0
const double fct = ribbon_width <= 32 ? 3.0 : 4.0;
eps = -fct / ribbon_width;
if (seed == 0)
seed = std::random_device{}();
ThreshMode mode = onebit ? ThreshMode::onebit
: (twobit ? ThreshMode::twobit : ThreshMode::normal);
dispatch(mode, depth, ribbon_width, cls, interleaved, sparsecoeffs, shift,
num_slots, eps, seed, num_threads);