Raw File
Tip revision: b23f652341d999150edf5ae9c8de72e9192b2843 authored by Margaret R. Starostik on 09 February 2021, 03:23:15 UTC
edited abstract
Tip revision: b23f652
# Contents
`ChIP-TRA1-snakefile` - Snakemake-based workflow to identify TRA-1 binding sites from raw ChIP-seq files.  

`smallRNA-SNPC13-DE.Rmd` - differential expression analysis using as input the gene expression matrix generated from the ***small-RNA-SNPC13-snakefile*** workflow.  

`smallRNA-SNPC13-snakefile` - Snakemake-based workflow to generate a gene expression matrix from raw small RNA-seq fastq data. Execute using ******.  

`` - batch input file to submit ***ChIP-TRA1-snakefile*** as a batch job.  

`` - batch input file to submit ***smallRNA-SNPC13-snakefile*** as a batch job.  


## Resources
The small RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data have been deposited in NCBI under GEO accession number: GSE152831.

[bbmap 38.23](  
[ENCODE ce11 blacklist](  
[FastQC 0.11.7](  
[Picard 2.22.1](  
[Trim Galore! 0.5.0](  


## References
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