/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * *===================================================================== * * CitcomS * --------------------------------- * * Authors: * Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi * (c) California Institute of Technology 1994-2005 * * By downloading and/or installing this software you have * agreed to the CitcomS.py-LICENSE bundled with this software. * Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY. * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever. * *===================================================================== * * Copyright June 2005, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship Acknowledged. * * Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office of Technology * Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. This software * may be subject to U.S. export control laws and regulations. By * accepting this software, the user agrees to comply with all * applicable U.S. export laws and regulations, including the * International Traffic and Arms Regulations, 22 C.F.R. 120-130 and * the Export Administration Regulations, 15 C.F.R. 730-744. User has * the responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export * authority as may be required before exporting such information to * foreign countries or providing access to foreign nationals. In no * event shall the California Institute of Technology be liable to any * party for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential * damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this * software and its documentation, even if the California Institute of * Technology has been advised of the possibility of such damage. * * The California Institute of Technology specifically disclaims any * warranties, including the implied warranties or merchantability and * fitness for a particular purpose. The software and documentation * provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and the California * Institute of Technology has no obligations to provide maintenance, * support, updates, enhancements or modifications. * *===================================================================== * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #include #include #include "element_definitions.h" #include "global_defs.h" /*======================================================== Function to make the IEN array for a mesh of given dimension. IEN is an externally defined structure array NOTE: this is not really general enough for new elements: it should be done through a pre-calculated lookup table. ======================================================== */ void construct_ien(E) struct All_variables *E; { int lev,p,q,r,rr,j; int element,start,nel,nno; int elz,elx,ely,nox,noy,noz; const int dims=E->mesh.nsd; const int ends=enodes[dims]; for (lev=E->mesh.levmax;lev>=E->mesh.levmin;lev--) { for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { elx = E->lmesh.ELX[lev]; elz = E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]; ely = E->lmesh.ELY[lev]; nox = E->lmesh.NOX[lev]; noz = E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]; noy = E->lmesh.NOY[lev]; nel=E->lmesh.NEL[lev]; nno=E->lmesh.NNO[lev]; for(r=1;r<=ely;r++) for(q=1;q<=elx;q++) for(p=1;p<=elz;p++) { element = (r-1)*elx*elz + (q-1)*elz + p; start = (r-1)*noz*nox + (q-1)*noz + p; for(rr=1;rr<=ends;rr++) E->IEN[lev][j][element].node[rr]= start + offset[rr].vector[0] + offset[rr].vector[1]*noz + offset[rr].vector[2]*noz*nox; } } /* end for cap j */ } /* end loop for lev */ /* if(E->control.verbose) { */ /* for (lev=E->mesh.levmax;lev>=E->mesh.levmin;lev--) { */ /* fprintf(E->fp_out,"output_IEN_arrays me=%d lev=%d \n",E->parallel.me,lev); */ /* for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { */ /* fprintf(E->fp_out,"output_IEN_arrays me=%d %d %d\n",E->parallel.me,j,E->sphere.capid[j]); */ /* for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NEL[lev];i++) */ /* fprintf(E->fp_out,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",i,E->IEN[lev][j][i].node[1],E->IEN[lev][j][i].node[2],E->IEN[lev][j][i].node[3],E->IEN[lev][j][i].node[4],E->IEN[lev][j][i].node[5],E->IEN[lev][j][i].node[6],E->IEN[lev][j][i].node[7],E->IEN[lev][j][i].node[8]); */ /* } */ /* } */ /* fflush (E->fp_out); */ /* } */ return; } /* determine surface things */ void construct_surface( struct All_variables *E) { int i, j, e, element; for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { e = 0; for(element=1;element<=E->lmesh.nel;element++) if ( element%E->lmesh.elz==0) { /* top */ e ++; E->sien[j][e].node[1] = E->ien[j][element].node[5]/E->lmesh.noz; E->sien[j][e].node[2] = E->ien[j][element].node[6]/E->lmesh.noz; E->sien[j][e].node[3] = E->ien[j][element].node[7]/E->lmesh.noz; E->sien[j][e].node[4] = E->ien[j][element].node[8]/E->lmesh.noz; E->surf_element[j][e] = element; } E->lmesh.snel = e; for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nsf;i++) E->surf_node[j][i] = i*E->lmesh.noz; } /* end for cap j */ } /*============================================ Function to make the ID array for above case ============================================ */ void construct_id(E) struct All_variables *E; { int i,j,k; int eqn_count,node,nno; unsigned int type,doff; int lev; void get_bcs_id_for_residual(); const int dims=E->mesh.nsd,dofs=E->mesh.dof; const int ends=enodes[dims]; for(lev=E->mesh.gridmax;lev>=E->mesh.gridmin;lev--) { for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { eqn_count = 0; for(node=1;node<=E->lmesh.NNO[lev];node++) for(doff=1;doff<=dims;doff++) { E->ID[lev][j][node].doff[doff] = eqn_count; eqn_count ++; } E->lmesh.NEQ[lev] = eqn_count; i = 0; for(node=1;node<=E->lmesh.NNO[lev];node++) { if (E->NODE[lev][j][node] & SKIP) for(doff=1;doff<=dims;doff++) { i++; E->parallel.Skip_id[lev][j][i] = E->ID[lev][j][node].doff[doff]; } } E->parallel.Skip_neq[lev][j] = i; get_bcs_id_for_residual(E,lev,j); } /* end for j */ } /* end for lev */ E->lmesh.neq = E->lmesh.NEQ[E->mesh.levmax]; /* if (E->control.verbose) { */ /* fprintf(E->fp_out,"output_ID_arrays \n"); */ /* for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) */ /* for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) */ /* fprintf(E->fp_out,"%d %d %d %d %d\n",eqn_count,i,E->ID[lev][j][i].doff[1],E->ID[lev][j][i].doff[2],E->ID[lev][j][i].doff[3]); */ /* fflush(E->fp_out); */ /* } */ return; } void get_bcs_id_for_residual(E,level,m) struct All_variables *E; int level,m; { int i,j; const int nno=E->lmesh.NNO[level]; j = 0; for(i=1;i<=nno;i++) { if ( (E->NODE[level][m][i] & VBX) != 0 ) { j++; E->zero_resid[level][m][j] = E->ID[level][m][i].doff[1]; } if ( (E->NODE[level][m][i] & VBY) != 0 ) { j++; E->zero_resid[level][m][j] = E->ID[level][m][i].doff[2]; } if ( (E->NODE[level][m][i] & VBZ) != 0 ) { j++; E->zero_resid[level][m][j] = E->ID[level][m][i].doff[3]; } } E->num_zero_resid[level][m] = j; return; } /*========================================================== Function to construct the LM array from the ID and IEN arrays ========================================================== */ void construct_lm(E) struct All_variables *E; { int i,j,a,e; int lev,eqn_no; int nel, nel2; const int dims=E->mesh.nsd,dofs=E->mesh.dof; const int ends=enodes[dims]; return; } /* ===================================================== Function to build the local node matrix indexing maps ===================================================== */ void construct_node_maps(E) struct All_variables *E; { double time1,CPU_time0(); int ii,noz,noxz,m,n,nn,lev,i,j,k,jj,kk,ia,ja,is,ie,js,je,ks,ke,doff; int neq,nno,dims2,matrix,nox,noy; const int dims=E->mesh.nsd,dofs=E->mesh.dof; const int ends=enodes[dims]; int max_eqn; dims2 = dims-1; for(lev=E->mesh.gridmax;lev>=E->mesh.gridmin;lev--) for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { neq=E->lmesh.NEQ[lev]; nno=E->lmesh.NNO[lev]; noxz = E->lmesh.NOX[lev]*E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]; noz = E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]; noy = E->lmesh.NOY[lev]; nox = E->lmesh.NOX[lev]; max_eqn = 14*dims; matrix = max_eqn*(nno+3); E->Node_map[lev][m]=(int *) malloc ((matrix+3)*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<=matrix;i++) E->Node_map[lev][m][i] = neq+1; /* DANGER !!! */ for (ii=1;ii<=noy;ii++) for (jj=1;jj<=nox;jj++) for (kk=1;kk<=noz;kk++) { nn = kk + (jj-1)*noz+ (ii-1)*noxz; for(doff=1;doff<=dims;doff++) E->Node_map[lev][m][(nn-1)*max_eqn+doff-1] = E->ID[lev][m][nn].doff[doff]; ia = 0; is=1; ie=dims2; js=1; je=dims; ks=1; ke=dims; if (kk==1 ) ks=2; if (kk==noz) ke=2; if (jj==1 ) js=2; if (jj==nox) je=2; if (ii==1 ) is=2; if (ii==noy) ie=2; for (i=is;i<=ie;i++) for (j=js;j<=je;j++) for (k=ks;k<=ke;k++) { ja = nn-((2-i)*noxz + (2-j)*noz + 2-k); if (jaNode_map[lev][m][(nn-1)*max_eqn+ia*dims+doff-1]=E->ID[lev][m][ja].doff[doff]; } } } E->Eqn_k1[lev][m] = (higher_precision *)malloc((matrix+5)*sizeof(higher_precision)); E->Eqn_k2[lev][m] = (higher_precision *)malloc((matrix+5)*sizeof(higher_precision)); E->Eqn_k3[lev][m] = (higher_precision *)malloc((matrix+5)*sizeof(higher_precision)); E->mesh.matrix_size[lev] = matrix + 1; } /* end for level and m */ return; } void construct_node_ks(E) struct All_variables *E; { int m,level,i,j,k,e; int node,node1,eqn1,eqn2,eqn3,loc0,loc1,loc2,loc3,found,element,index,pp,qq; int neq,nno,nel,max_eqn; double elt_K[24*24]; double w1,w2,w3,ww1,ww2,ww3,zero; higher_precision *B1,*B2,*B3; void get_elt_k(); void get_aug_k(); void build_diagonal_of_K(); void exchange_id_d(); void parallel_process_termination(); const int dims=E->mesh.nsd,dofs=E->mesh.dof; const int ends=enodes[dims]; const int lms=loc_mat_size[E->mesh.nsd]; zero = 0.0; max_eqn = 14*dims; for(level=E->mesh.gridmax;level>=E->mesh.gridmin;level--) { for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { neq=E->lmesh.NEQ[level]; nel=E->lmesh.NEL[level]; nno=E->lmesh.NNO[level]; for(i=0;i<=(neq+1);i++) E->BI[level][m][i] = zero; for(i=0;i<=E->mesh.matrix_size[level];i++) { E->Eqn_k1[level][m][i] = zero; E->Eqn_k2[level][m][i] = zero; E->Eqn_k3[level][m][i] = zero; } for(element=1;element<=nel;element++) { get_elt_k(E,element,elt_K,level,m); if (E->control.augmented_Lagr) get_aug_k(E,element,elt_K,level,m); build_diagonal_of_K(E,element,elt_K,level,m); for(i=1;i<=ends;i++) { /* i, is the node we are storing to */ node=E->IEN[level][m][element].node[i]; pp=(i-1)*dims; w1=w2=w3=1.0; loc0=(node-1)*max_eqn; if(E->NODE[level][m][node] & VBX) w1=0.0; if(E->NODE[level][m][node] & VBZ) w3=0.0; if(E->NODE[level][m][node] & VBY) w2=0.0; for(j=1;j<=ends;j++) { /* j is the node we are receiving from */ node1=E->IEN[level][m][element].node[j]; /* only for half of the matrix ,because of the symmetry */ if (node1<=node) { ww1=ww2=ww3=1.0; qq=(j-1)*dims; eqn1=E->ID[level][m][node1].doff[1]; eqn2=E->ID[level][m][node1].doff[2]; eqn3=E->ID[level][m][node1].doff[3]; if(E->NODE[level][m][node1] & VBX) ww1=0.0; if(E->NODE[level][m][node1] & VBZ) ww3=0.0; if(E->NODE[level][m][node1] & VBY) ww2=0.0; /* search for direction 1*/ found=0; for(k=0;kNode_map[level][m][loc0+k] == eqn1) { /* found, index next equation */ index=k; found++; break; } assert(found /* direction 1 */); E->Eqn_k1[level][m][loc0+index] += w1*ww1*elt_K[pp*lms+qq]; /* direction 1 */ E->Eqn_k2[level][m][loc0+index] += w2*ww1*elt_K[(pp+1)*lms+qq]; /* direction 1 */ E->Eqn_k3[level][m][loc0+index] += w3*ww1*elt_K[(pp+2)*lms+qq]; /* direction 1 */ /* search for direction 2*/ found=0; for(k=0;kNode_map[level][m][loc0+k] == eqn2) { /* found, index next equation */ index=k; found++; break; } assert(found /* direction 2 */); E->Eqn_k1[level][m][loc0+index] += w1*ww2*elt_K[pp*lms+qq+1]; /* direction 1 */ E->Eqn_k2[level][m][loc0+index] += w2*ww2*elt_K[(pp+1)*lms+qq+1]; /* direction 2 */ E->Eqn_k3[level][m][loc0+index] += w3*ww2*elt_K[(pp+2)*lms+qq+1]; /* direction 3 */ /* search for direction 3*/ found=0; for(k=0;kNode_map[level][m][loc0+k] == eqn3) { /* found, index next equation */ index=k; found++; break; } assert(found /* direction 3 */); E->Eqn_k1[level][m][loc0+index] += w1*ww3*elt_K[pp*lms+qq+2]; /* direction 1 */ E->Eqn_k2[level][m][loc0+index] += w2*ww3*elt_K[(pp+1)*lms+qq+2]; /* direction 2 */ E->Eqn_k3[level][m][loc0+index] += w3*ww3*elt_K[(pp+2)*lms+qq+2]; /* direction 3 */ } /* end for j */ } /* end for node1<= node */ } /* end for i */ } /* end for element */ } /* end for m */ exchange_id_d(E, E->BI[level], level); for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { neq=E->lmesh.NEQ[level]; for(j=0;jBI[level][m][j] ==0.0) fprintf(stderr,"me= %d level %d, equation %d/%d has zero diagonal term\n",E->parallel.me,level,j,neq); assert( E->BI[level][m][j] != 0 /* diagonal of matrix = 0, not acceptable */); E->BI[level][m][j] = (double) 1.0/E->BI[level][m][j]; } } /* end for m */ } /* end for level */ return; } void rebuild_BI_on_boundary(E) struct All_variables *E; { int m,level,i,j; int eqn1,eqn2,eqn3; higher_precision *B1,*B2,*B3; int *C; void exchange_id_d(); const int dims=E->mesh.nsd,dofs=E->mesh.dof; const int max_eqn = dims*14; for(level=E->mesh.gridmax;level>=E->mesh.gridmin;level--) { for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(j=0;jlmesh.NEQ[level];j++) E->temp[m][j]=0.0; for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[level];i++) { eqn1=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[1]; eqn2=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[2]; eqn3=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[3]; C=E->Node_map[level][m] + (i-1)*max_eqn; B1=E->Eqn_k1[level][m]+(i-1)*max_eqn; B2=E->Eqn_k2[level][m]+(i-1)*max_eqn; B3=E->Eqn_k3[level][m]+(i-1)*max_eqn; for(j=3;jtemp[m][eqn1] += fabs(B1[j]); E->temp[m][eqn2] += fabs(B2[j]); E->temp[m][eqn3] += fabs(B3[j]); } for(j=0;jtemp[m][C[j]] += fabs(B1[j]) + fabs(B2[j]) + fabs(B3[j]); } } exchange_id_d(E, E->temp, level); for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(i=0;ilmesh.NEQ[level];i++) { E->temp[m][i] = E->temp[m][i] - 1.0/E->BI[level][m][i]; } for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[level];i++) if (E->NODE[level][m][i] & OFFSIDE) { eqn1=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[1]; eqn2=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[2]; eqn3=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[3]; E->BI[level][m][eqn1] = (double) 1.0/E->temp[m][eqn1]; E->BI[level][m][eqn2] = (double) 1.0/E->temp[m][eqn2]; E->BI[level][m][eqn3] = (double) 1.0/E->temp[m][eqn3]; } } } /* end for level */ return; } /* ============================================ Function to set up the boundary condition masks and other indicators. ============================================ */ void construct_masks(E) /* Add lid/edge masks/nodal weightings */ struct All_variables *E; { int i,j,k,l,node,el,elt; int lev,elx,elz,ely,nno,nox,noz,noy; for(lev=E->mesh.gridmax;lev>=E->mesh.gridmin;lev--) for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { elz = E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]; ely = E->lmesh.ELY[lev]; noy = E->lmesh.NOY[lev]; noz = E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]; nno = E->lmesh.NNO[lev]; if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==0 ) for (i=1;i<=E->parallel.NUM_NNO[lev][j].bound[5];i++) { node = E->parallel.NODE[lev][j][i].bound[5]; E->NODE[lev][j][node] = E->NODE[lev][j][node] | TZEDGE; } if ( E->parallel.me_loc[3]==E->parallel.nprocz-1 ) for (i=1;i<=E->parallel.NUM_NNO[lev][j].bound[6];i++) { node = E->parallel.NODE[lev][j][i].bound[6]; E->NODE[lev][j][node] = E->NODE[lev][j][node] | TZEDGE; } } /* end for j & lev */ /* if (E->control.verbose) { */ /* for(lev=E->mesh.gridmax;lev>=E->mesh.gridmin;lev--) */ /* for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { */ /* for (i=1;i<=E->parallel.NUM_NNO[lev][j].bound[5];i++) { */ /* node = E->parallel.NODE[lev][j][i].bound[5]; */ /* fprintf(E->fp_out,"bound=5 NODE[lev=%1d][node=%3d]=%d\n",lev,node,E->NODE[lev][j][node]); */ /* } */ /* for (i=1;i<=E->parallel.NUM_NNO[lev][j].bound[6];i++) { */ /* node = E->parallel.NODE[lev][j][i].bound[6]; */ /* fprintf(E->fp_out,"bound=6 NODE[lev=%1d][node=%3d]=%d\n",lev,node,E->NODE[lev][j][node]); */ /* } */ /* } */ /* fflush(E->fp_out); */ /* } */ return; } /* ========================================== build the sub-element reference matrices ========================================== */ void construct_sub_element(E) struct All_variables *E; { int i,j,k,l,m; int lev,nox,noy,noz,nnn,elx,elz,ely,elzu,elxu,elt,eltu; for(lev=E->mesh.levmax-1;lev>=E->mesh.levmin;lev--) for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { elx = E->lmesh.ELX[lev]; elz = E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]; ely = E->lmesh.ELY[lev]; nox = E->lmesh.NOX[lev]; noy = E->lmesh.NOY[lev]; noz = E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]; elz = E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]; ely = E->lmesh.ELY[lev]; elxu = 2 * elx; elzu = 2 * elz; if (!(E->control.NMULTIGRID||E->control.EMULTIGRID)) { elzu = 1; if (lev == E->mesh.levmax-1) elzu = E->lmesh.ELZ[E->mesh.levmax]; } for(i=1;i<=elx;i++) for(j=1;j<=elz;j++) for(k=1;k<=ely;k++) { elt = j + (i-1)*elz +(k-1)*elz*elx; eltu = (j*2-1) + elzu *2*(i-1) + elxu*elzu*2*(k-1); for(l=1;l<=enodes[E->mesh.nsd];l++) { E->EL[lev][m][elt].sub[l] = eltu + offset[l].vector[0] + offset[l].vector[1] * elzu + offset[l].vector[2] * elzu * elxu; } } } return; } void construct_elt_ks(E) struct All_variables *E; { int e,el,lev,j,k,ii,m; void get_elt_k(); void get_aug_k(); void build_diagonal_of_K(); void exchange_id_d(); const int dims=E->mesh.nsd; const int n=loc_mat_size[E->mesh.nsd]; /* if(E->parallel.me==0) */ /* fprintf(stderr,"storing elt k matrices\n"); */ for(lev=E->mesh.gridmin;lev<=E->mesh.gridmax;lev++) { for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(el=1;el<=E->lmesh.NEL[lev];el++) { get_elt_k(E,el,E->elt_k[lev][m][el].k,lev,m); /* not for penalty */ if (E->control.augmented_Lagr) get_aug_k(E,el,E->elt_k[lev][m][el].k,lev,m); build_diagonal_of_K(E,el,E->elt_k[lev][m][el].k,lev,m); } } /* end for m */ exchange_id_d(E, E->BI[lev], lev); /*correct BI */ for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(j=0;jlmesh.NEQ[lev];j++) { if(E->BI[lev][m][j] ==0.0) fprintf(stderr,"me= %d level %d, equation %d/%d has zero diagonal term\n",E->parallel.me,lev,j,E->mesh.NEQ[lev]); assert( E->BI[lev][m][j] != 0 /* diagonal of matrix = 0, not acceptable */); E->BI[lev][m][j] = (float) 1.0/E->BI[lev][m][j]; } } /* end for level */ return; } void construct_elt_gs(E) struct All_variables *E; { int m,el,lev,a; void get_elt_g(); const int dims=E->mesh.nsd,dofs=E->mesh.dof; const int ends=enodes[dims]; /* if(E->control.verbose && E->parallel.me==0) */ /* fprintf(stderr,"storing elt g matrices\n"); */ for(lev=E->mesh.gridmin;lev<=E->mesh.gridmax;lev++) for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(el=1;el<=E->lmesh.NEL[lev];el++) get_elt_g(E,el,E->elt_del[lev][m][el].g,lev,m); return; } /* ============================================================== routine for constructing stiffness and node_maps ============================================================== */ void construct_stiffness_B_matrix(E) struct All_variables *E; { void build_diagonal_of_K(); void build_diagonal_of_Ahat(); void project_viscosity(); void construct_node_maps(); void construct_node_ks(); void construct_elt_ks(); void construct_elt_gs(); void rebuild_BI_on_boundary(); if (E->control.NMULTIGRID) project_viscosity(E); construct_elt_gs(E); if (E->control.NMULTIGRID || E->control.NASSEMBLE) { construct_node_ks(E); } else { construct_elt_ks(E); } build_diagonal_of_Ahat(E); if (E->control.NMULTIGRID || (E->control.NASSEMBLE && !E->control.CONJ_GRAD)) rebuild_BI_on_boundary(E); return; } /* ============================================================== construct array mat ============================================================== */ void construct_mat_group(E) struct All_variables *E; { int m,i,j,k,kk,el,lev,a,nodea,els,llayer; const int dims=E->mesh.nsd,dofs=E->mesh.dof; const int ends=enodes[dims]; for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(el=1;el<=E->lmesh.nel;el++) { E->mat[m][el] = 1; nodea = E->ien[m][el].node[2]; llayer = layers(E,m,nodea); if (llayer) { E->mat[m][el] = llayer; } } } return; } int layers(E,m,node) struct All_variables *E; int m,node; { float zlith, z410, zlm; int llayers = 0; zlith=E->viscosity.zlith; z410=E->viscosity.z410; zlm=E->viscosity.zlm; if (E->sx[m][3][node]>(E->sphere.ro-zlith)) llayers = 1; else if ((E->sx[m][3][node])>(E->sphere.ro-z410) && E->sx[m][3][node]<=(E->sphere.ro-zlith)) llayers = 2; else if ((E->sx[m][3][node])>(E->sphere.ro-zlm) && E->sx[m][3][node]<=(E->sphere.ro-z410)) llayers = 3; else llayers = 4; return (llayers); }