import os import re from functools import reduce from .data import WARP from .helpers import ( cleanName, isClean, specFromRanges, rangesFromList, setFromSpec, nbytes, ) # If a feature, with type string, has less than ENUM_LIMIT values, # an enumeration type for it will be created # provided all values of that feature are a valid name for MQL. ENUM_LIMIT = 1000 ONE_ENUM_TYPE = True class MQL(object): def __init__(self, mqlDir, mqlName, tfFeatures, tm): self.mqlDir = mqlDir cleanDb = cleanName(mqlName) if cleanDb != mqlName:'db name "{}" => "{}"'.format(mqlName, cleanDb)) self.mqlName = cleanDb self.tfFeatures = tfFeatures = tm self.enums = {} self._check() def write(self): if not self.good: return if not os.path.exists(self.mqlDir): try: os.makedirs(self.mqlDir, exist_ok=True) except Exception: 'Cannot create directory "{}"'.format(self.mqlDir) ) self.good = False return mqlPath = '{}/{}.mql'.format(self.mqlDir, self.mqlName) try: fm = open(mqlPath, 'w', encoding='utf8') except Exception:'Could not write to {}'.format(mqlPath)) self.good = False return'Loading {} features'.format(len(self.featureList))) for ft in self.featureList: fObj = self.features[ft] fObj.load() = fm self._writeStartDb() self._writeEnums() self._writeTypes() self._writeDataAll() self._writeEndDb()'Done') def _check(self):'Checking features of dataset {}'.format(self.mqlName)) self.features = {} self.featureList = [] for (f, fo) in sorted(self.tfFeatures.items()): if fo.method is not None or f in WARP: continue fo.load(metaOnly=True) if fo.isConfig: continue cleanF = cleanName(f) if cleanF != f:'feature "{}" => "{}"'.format(f, cleanF)) self.featureList.append(cleanF) self.features[cleanF] = fo good = True for feat in (WARP[0], WARP[1], '__levels__'): if feat not in self.tfFeatures: '{} feature {} is missing from data set'.format( 'Warp' if feat in WARP else 'Computed' if feat.startswith('__') else 'Data', feat, ) ) good = False else: fObj = self.tfFeatures[feat] if not fObj.load(): good = False if (not good):'Export to MQL aborted') else: '{} features to export to MQL ...'.format( len(self.featureList) ) ) self.good = good def _writeStartDb(self): ''' CREATE DATABASE '{name}' GO USE DATABASE '{name}' GO '''.format(name=self.mqlName) ) def _writeEndDb(self):''' VACUUM DATABASE ANALYZE GO ''') def _writeEnums(self):'Writing enumerations') for ft in self.featureList: fObj = self.features[ft] if fObj.isEdge or fObj.dataType == 'int': continue fMap = fValues = sorted(set(fMap.values())) if len(fValues) > ENUM_LIMIT: continue eligible = all(isClean(fVal) for fVal in fValues) if not eligible: unclean = [fVal for fVal in fValues if not isClean(fVal)] print( '\t{:<15}: {:>4} values, {} not a name, e.g. «{}»'.format( ft, len(fValues), len(unclean), unclean[0], ) ) continue self.enums[ft] = fValues if ONE_ENUM_TYPE: self._writeEnumsAsOne() else: for ft in sorted(self.enums): self._writeEnum(ft)'Written {} enumerations'.format(len(self.enums))) def _writeEnumsAsOne(self): fValues = reduce( set.union, (set(fV) for fV in self.enums.values()), set(), ) 'Writing an all-in-one enum with {:>4} values'.format( len(fValues) ) ) fValuesEnumerated = ',\n\t'.join( '{} = {}'.format(fVal, i) for (i, fVal) in enumerate(fValues) ) ''' CREATE ENUMERATION all_enum = {{ {} }} GO '''.format(fValuesEnumerated) ) def _writeEnum(self, ft): fValues = self.enums[ft]'enum {:<15} with {:>4} values'.format(ft, len(fValues))) fValuesEnumerated = ',\n\t'.join( '{} = {}'.format(fVal, i) for (i, fVal) in enumerate(fValues) ) ''' CREATE ENUMERATION {}_enum = {{ {} }} GO '''.format(ft, fValuesEnumerated) ) def _writeTypes(self): def valInt(n): return str(n) def valStr(s): if "'" in s: return '"{}"'.format(s.replace('"', '\\"')) else: return "'{}'".format(s) def valIds(ids): return '({})'.format(','.join(str(i) for i in ids)) self.levels = self.tfFeatures['__levels__'].data[::-1] 'Mapping {} features onto {} object types'.format( len(self.featureList), len(self.levels), ) ) otypeSupport = {} for (otype, av, start, end) in self.levels: cleanOtype = cleanName(otype) if cleanOtype != otype:'otype "{}" => "{}"'.format(otype, cleanOtype)) otypeSupport[cleanOtype] = set(range(start, end + 1)) self.otypes = {} self.featureTypes = {} self.featureMethods = {} for ft in self.featureList: fObj = self.features[ft] if fObj.isEdge: dataType = 'LIST OF id_d' method = valIds else: if fObj.dataType == 'str': dataType = 'string DEFAULT ""' method = valInt if ft in self.enums else valStr elif fObj.dataType == 'int': dataType = 'integer DEFAULT 0' method = valInt else: dataType = 'string DEFAULT ""' method = valStr self.featureTypes[ft] = dataType self.featureMethods[ft] = method support = set( for otype in otypeSupport: if len(support & otypeSupport[otype]): self.otypes.setdefault(otype, []).append(ft) for otype in (cleanName(x[0]) for x in self.levels): self._writeType(otype) def _writeType(self, otype):''' CREATE OBJECT TYPE [{} '''.format(otype)) for ft in self.otypes[otype]: fType = '{}_enum'.format( 'all' if ONE_ENUM_TYPE else ft ) if ft in self.enums else self.featureTypes[ft]' {}:{};\n'.format(ft, fType))''' ] GO ''') def _writeDataAll(self): 'Writing {} features as data in {} object types'.format( len(self.featureList), len(self.levels), ) ) self.oslots = self.tfFeatures[WARP[1]].data for (otype, av, start, end) in self.levels: self._writeData(otype, start, end) def _writeData(self, otype, start, end): tm = fm = tm.indent(level=1, reset=True)'{} data ...'.format(otype)) oslots = self.oslots maxSlot = oslots[-1] oFeats = self.otypes[otype] features = self.features featureMethods = self.featureMethods fm.write( ''' DROP INDEXES ON OBJECT TYPE[{o}] GO CREATE OBJECTS WITH OBJECT TYPE[{o}] '''.format(o=otype) ) curSize = 0 LIMIT = 50000 t = 0 j = 0 tm.indent(level=2, reset=True) for n in range(start, end + 1): oMql = ''' CREATE OBJECT FROM MONADS= {{ {m} }} WITH ID_D={i} [ '''.format( m=n if n <= maxSlot else specFromRanges(rangesFromList(oslots[n - maxSlot - 1])), i=n, ) for ft in oFeats: method = featureMethods[ft] fMap = features[ft].data if n in fMap: oMql += '{}:={};\n'.format(ft, method(fMap[n])) oMql += ''' ] ''' fm.write(oMql) curSize += len(bytes(oMql, encoding='utf8')) t += 1 j += 1 if j == LIMIT: fm.write( ''' GO CREATE OBJECTS WITH OBJECT TYPE[{o}] '''.format(o=otype) ) 'batch of size {:>20} with {:>7} of {:>7} {}s'.format( nbytes(curSize), j, t, otype ) ) j = 0 curSize = 0 'batch of size {:>20} with {:>7} of {:>7} {}s'.format( nbytes(curSize), j, t, otype ) ) fm.write( ''' GO CREATE INDEXES ON OBJECT TYPE[{o}] GO '''.format(o=otype) ) tm.indent(level=1)'{} data: {} objects'.format(otype, t)) # MQL IMPORT uniscan = re.compile(r'(?:\\x..)+') def makeuni(match): ''' Make proper unicode of a text that contains byte escape codes such as backslash xb6 ''' byts = eval('"' + + '"') return byts.encode('latin1').decode('utf-8') def uni(line): return uniscan.sub(makeuni, line) def tfFromMql(mqlFile, tm, slotType=None, otext=None, meta=None): if slotType is None: tm.error('ERROR: no slotType specified') return (False, {}, {}, {}) (good, objectTypes, tables, edgeF, nodeF) = parseMql(mqlFile, tm) if not good: return (False, {}, {}, {}) return tfFromData( tm, objectTypes, tables, edgeF, nodeF, slotType, otext, meta ) def parseMql(mqlFile, tm):'Parsing mql source ...') fh = open(mqlFile) objectTypes = dict() tables = dict() edgeF = dict() nodeF = dict() curId = None curEnum = None curObjectType = None curTable = None curObject = None curValue = None curFeature = None seeObjects = False inObjectTypeFeatures = False STRING_TYPES = {'ascii', 'string'} enums = dict() chunkSize = 1000000 inThisChunk = 0 good = True for (ln, line) in enumerate(fh): inThisChunk += 1 if inThisChunk == chunkSize:'\tline {:>9}'.format(ln + 1)) inThisChunk = 0 if line.startswith('CREATE OBJECTS WITH OBJECT TYPE' ) or line.startswith('WITH OBJECT TYPE'): comps = line.rstrip().rstrip(']').split('[', 1) curTable = comps[1]'\t\tobjects in {}'.format(curTable)) curObject = None if curTable not in tables: tables[curTable] = dict() seeObjects = True elif line == 'CREATE OBJECT\n': curObject = None curObject = dict(feats=dict(), monads=None) curId = None seeObjects = True elif curEnum is not None: if line.startswith('}'): curEnum = None continue comps = line.strip().rstrip(',').split('=', 1) comp = comps[0].strip() words = comp.split() if words[0] == 'DEFAULT': enums[curEnum]['default'] = uni(words[1]) value = words[1] else: value = words[0] enums[curEnum]['values'].append(value) elif curObjectType is not None: if line.startswith(']'): curObjectType = None inObjectTypeFeatures = False continue if curObjectType is True: if line.startswith('['): curObjectType = line.rstrip()[1:] objectTypes[curObjectType] = dict()'\t\totype {}'.format(curObjectType)) inObjectTypeFeatures = True continue if inObjectTypeFeatures: comps = line.strip().rstrip(';').split(':', 1) feature = comps[0].strip() fInfo = comps[1].strip() fCleanInfo = fInfo.replace('FROM SET', '') fInfoComps = fCleanInfo.split(' ', 1) fMQLType = fInfoComps[0] if len(fInfoComps) == 2: fDefaultComps = fInfoComps[1].strip().split(' ', 1) fDefault = fDefaultComps[ 1 ] if len(fDefaultComps) > 1 else None else: fDefault = None if fDefault is not None and fMQLType in STRING_TYPES: fDefault = uni(fDefault[1:-1]) default = enums.get(fMQLType, {}).get('default', fDefault) ftype = 'str' if fMQLType in enums else\ 'int' if fMQLType == 'integer' else\ 'str' if fMQLType in STRING_TYPES else\ 'int' if fInfo == 'id_d' else\ 'str' isEdge = fMQLType == 'id_d' if isEdge: edgeF.setdefault(curObjectType, set()).add(feature) else: nodeF.setdefault(curObjectType, set()).add(feature) objectTypes[curObjectType][feature] = (ftype, default) '\t\t\tfeature {} ({}) =def= {} : {}'.format( feature, ftype, default, 'edge' if isEdge else 'node' ) ) elif seeObjects: if curObject is not None: if line.startswith(']'): objectType = objectTypes[curTable] for (feature, (ftype, default)) in objectType.items(): if feature not in curObject['feats' ] and default is not None: curObject['feats'][feature] = default tables[curTable][curId] = curObject curObject = None continue elif line.startswith('['): name = line.rstrip()[1:] if len(name): curTable = name if curTable not in tables: tables[curTable] = dict() elif line.startswith('FROM MONADS'): monads = line.split('=', 1)[1].replace('{', '').replace( '}', '' ).replace(' ', '').strip() curObject['monads'] = setFromSpec(monads) elif line.startswith('WITH ID_D'): comps = line.replace('[', '').rstrip().split('=', 1) curId = int(comps[1]) elif line.startswith('GO'): pass elif line.strip() == '': pass else: if curValue is not None: toBeContinued = not line.rstrip().endswith('";') if toBeContinued: curValue += line else: curValue += line.rstrip().rstrip(';').rstrip('"') curObject['feats'][curFeature] = uni(curValue) curValue = None curFeature = None continue if ':=' in line: (featurePart, valuePart) = line.split('=', 1) feature = featurePart[0:-1].strip() valuePart = valuePart.lstrip() isText = ':="' in line toBeContinued = isText and not line.rstrip( ).endswith('";') if toBeContinued: # this happens if a feature value # contains a new line # we must continue scanning lines # until we meet the end of the value curFeature = feature curValue = valuePart.lstrip('"') else: value = valuePart.rstrip().rstrip(';').strip('"') curObject['feats'][feature] = uni( value ) if isText else value else: tm.error( 'ERROR: line {}: unrecognized line -->{}<--'. format(ln, line) ) good = False break else: if line.startswith('CREATE OBJECT'): curObject = dict(feats=dict(), monads=None) curId = None else: if line.startswith('CREATE ENUMERATION'): words = line.split() curEnum = words[2] enums[curEnum] = dict(default=None, values=[])'\t\tenum {}'.format(curEnum)) elif line.startswith('CREATE OBJECT TYPE'): curObjectType = True inObjectTypeFeatures = False'{} lines parsed'.format(ln + 1)) fh.close() for table in tables:'{} objects of type {}'.format(len(tables[table]), table)) if len(tables) == 0:'No objects found') return (good, objectTypes, tables, nodeF, edgeF) def tfFromData(tm, objectTypes, tables, nodeF, edgeF, slotType, otext, meta):'Making TF data ...') NIL = {'nil', 'NIL', 'Nil'} tableOrder = [slotType] + [t for t in sorted(tables) if t != slotType] iddFromMonad = dict() slotFromMonad = dict() nodeFromIdd = dict() iddFromNode = dict() nodeFeatures = dict() edgeFeatures = dict() metaData = dict() # metadata that ends up in every feature metaData[''] = {} if meta is None else meta # the config feature otext metaData['otext'] = otext good = True'Monad - idd mapping ...') for idd in tables.get(slotType, {}): monad = list(tables[slotType][idd]['monads'])[0] iddFromMonad[monad] = idd'Removing holes in the monad sequence') # we set up a monad - slot mapping curSlot = 0 otype = dict() for monad in sorted(iddFromMonad): curSlot += 1 slotFromMonad[monad] = curSlot idd = iddFromMonad[monad] nodeFromIdd[idd] = curSlot iddFromNode[curSlot] = idd otype[curSlot] = slotType maxSlot = curSlot'maxSlot={}'.format(maxSlot))'Node mapping and otype ...') node = maxSlot for t in tableOrder[1:]: for idd in sorted(tables[t]): node += 1 nodeFromIdd[idd] = node iddFromNode[node] = idd otype[node] = t nodeFeatures['otype'] = otype metaData['otype'] = dict(valueType='str', )'oslots ...') oslots = dict() for t in tableOrder[1:]: for idd in tables.get(t, {}): node = nodeFromIdd[idd] monads = tables[t][idd]['monads'] oslots[node] = {slotFromMonad[m] for m in monads} edgeFeatures['oslots'] = oslots metaData['oslots'] = dict(valueType='str', )'metadata ...') for t in nodeF: for f in nodeF[t]: ftype = objectTypes[t][f][0] metaData.setdefault(f, {})['valueType'] = ftype for t in edgeF: for f in edgeF[t]: metaData.setdefault(f, {})['valueType'] = 'str''features ...') chunkSize = 100000 for t in tableOrder:'\tfeatures from {}s'.format(t)) inThisChunk = 0 thisTable = tables.get(t, {}) for (i, idd) in enumerate(thisTable): inThisChunk += 1 if inThisChunk == chunkSize:'\t{:>9} {}s'.format(i + 1, t)) inThisChunk = 0 node = nodeFromIdd[idd] features = tables[t][idd]['feats'] for (f, v) in features.items(): isEdge = f in edgeF.get(t, set()) if isEdge: if v not in NIL: edgeFeatures.setdefault(f, {}).setdefault( node, set() ).add(nodeFromIdd[int(v)]) else: nodeFeatures.setdefault(f, {})[node] = v'\t{:>9} {}s'.format(len(thisTable), t)) return (good, nodeFeatures, edgeFeatures, metaData)