(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcSymbols open EcTypes (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type memory = EcAst.memory val mem_equal : memory -> memory -> bool (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type proj_arg = EcAst.proj_arg type memtype = EcAst.memtype val mt_equal_gen : (ty -> ty -> bool) -> memtype -> memtype -> bool val mt_equal : memtype -> memtype -> bool val mt_fv : memtype -> int EcIdent.Mid.t val mt_iter_ty : (ty -> unit) -> memtype -> unit (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type memenv = EcAst.memenv val me_equal_gen : (ty -> ty -> bool) -> memenv -> memenv -> bool val me_equal : memenv -> memenv -> bool (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val memory : memenv -> memory val memtype : memenv -> memtype (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [empty_local witharg id] if witharg then allows to use symbol "arg" *) val empty_local : witharg:bool -> memory -> memenv val empty_local_mt : witharg:bool -> memtype val schema : memory -> memenv val schema_mt : memtype val abstract : memory -> memenv val abstract_mt : memtype val is_schema : memtype -> bool exception DuplicatedMemoryBinding of symbol val bindall : ovariable list -> memenv -> memenv val bindall_mt : ovariable list -> memtype -> memtype val bind_fresh : ovariable -> memenv -> memenv * ovariable val bindall_fresh : ovariable list -> memenv -> memenv * ovariable list (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val lookup : symbol -> memtype -> (variable * proj_arg option * int option) option val lookup_me : symbol -> memenv -> (variable * proj_arg option * int option) option val get_name : symbol -> int option -> memenv -> symbol option val is_bound : symbol -> memtype -> bool val is_bound_pv : EcTypes.prog_var -> memtype -> bool (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val mt_subst : (ty -> ty) -> memtype -> memtype val me_subst : memory EcIdent.Mid.t -> (ty -> ty) -> memenv -> memenv (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val for_printing : memtype -> (symbol option * ovariable list) option val dump_memtype : memtype -> string (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val local_type : memtype -> ty option val has_locals : memtype -> bool