% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/forecast2.R \name{croston} \alias{croston} \title{Forecasts for intermittent demand using Croston's method} \usage{ croston(y, h = 10, alpha = 0.1, x = y) } \arguments{ \item{y}{a numeric vector or time series of class \code{ts}} \item{h}{Number of periods for forecasting.} \item{alpha}{Value of alpha. Default value is 0.1.} \item{x}{Deprecated. Included for backwards compatibility.} } \value{ An object of class \code{"forecast"} is a list containing at least the following elements: \item{model}{A list containing information about the fitted model. The first element gives the model used for non-zero demands. The second element gives the model used for times between non-zero demands. Both elements are of class \code{forecast}.} \item{method}{The name of the forecasting method as a character string} \item{mean}{Point forecasts as a time series} \item{x}{The original time series (either \code{object} itself or the time series used to create the model stored as \code{object}).} \item{residuals}{Residuals from the fitted model. That is y minus fitted values.} \item{fitted}{Fitted values (one-step forecasts)} The function \code{summary} is used to obtain and print a summary of the results, while the function \code{plot} produces a plot of the forecasts. The generic accessor functions \code{fitted.values} and \code{residuals} extract useful features of the value returned by \code{croston} and associated functions. } \description{ Returns forecasts and other information for Croston's forecasts applied to y. } \details{ Based on Croston's (1972) method for intermittent demand forecasting, also described in Shenstone and Hyndman (2005). Croston's method involves using simple exponential smoothing (SES) on the non-zero elements of the time series and a separate application of SES to the times between non-zero elements of the time series. The smoothing parameters of the two applications of SES are assumed to be equal and are denoted by \code{alpha}. Note that prediction intervals are not computed as Croston's method has no underlying stochastic model. } \examples{ y <- rpois(20,lambda=.3) fcast <- croston(y) plot(fcast) } \references{ Croston, J. (1972) "Forecasting and stock control for intermittent demands", \emph{Operational Research Quarterly}, \bold{23}(3), 289-303. Shenstone, L., and Hyndman, R.J. (2005) "Stochastic models underlying Croston's method for intermittent demand forecasting". \emph{Journal of Forecasting}, \bold{24}, 389-402. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ses}}. } \author{ Rob J Hyndman } \keyword{ts}