Raw File
\title{Virtual Class "denseMatrix" of All Dense Matrices}
%% not yet any Methods:
\description{This is the virtual class of all dense (S4) matrices.
  It is the direct superclass of
  class \code{"Matrix"} directly.
  %% MM :adding the slots here because "R CMD check" gave warning
  %%  _WHY_ was this not necessary in ./ddenseMatrix-class.Rd ?
  %%   or ./sparseMatrix-class.Rd  ???
  exactly those of its superclass \code{"Matrix"}, i.e.,
    \item{\code{Dim}:}{length 2 \code{"integer"}}
    \item{\code{Dimnames}:}{\code{"list"} of length 2,}
  %% not sufficient: \code{Dim}, and \code{Dimnames},
  see \code{\link{Matrix-class}}.
% \section{Methods}{
%   Use \code{\link{showMethods}(class = "denseMatrix", where =
%       "package:Matrix")} for an overview.
% }
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