#ifndef _cameraspecific_gui_h_ #define _cameraspecific_gui_h_ // button codes as received by gui_main_task // look for strings, find gui event codes, then backtrace them in gui_massive_event_loop // In [127]: S press_left // ffac4284: e28f20d4 add r2, pc, #212 ; *'DlgPlayMain.c PRESS_LEFT_BUTTON' // In [128]: bd ffac4284 // if arg2 == 2057 /*EQ5*/: // => 0x809 PRESS_LEFT_BUTTON in gui.h // In [129]: bgmt 0x809 // if arg0 == 53 /*EQ53*/: // => BGMT_PRESS_LEFT 0x35 // But for 5D2 we'll use the joystick instead of arrows // => S press_mlt_left => bgmt 0x820 => #define BGMT_PRESS_LEFT 0x1a or 0x1e (not sure, but in 50D it's 1a) #define BGMT_WHEEL_UP 0x00 #define BGMT_WHEEL_DOWN 0x01 #define BGMT_WHEEL_LEFT 0x02 #define BGMT_WHEEL_RIGHT 0x03 #define BGMT_PRESS_SET 0x04 #define BGMT_UNPRESS_SET 0x05 #define BGMT_MENU 0x06 #define BGMT_INFO 0x07 #define BGMT_PLAY 0x09 #define BGMT_TRASH 0x0A #define BGMT_PRESS_ZOOM_IN 0xB #define BGMT_UNPRESS_ZOOM_IN 0xC #define BGMT_PRESS_ZOOM_OUT 0xD #define BGMT_UNPRESS_ZOOM_OUT 0xE #define BGMT_PRESS_RAW_JPEG 0x0F #define BGMT_UNPRESS_RAW_JPEG 0x10 #define BGMT_PICSTYLE 0x14 #define BGMT_LV 0x18 #define BGMT_Q 0x17 #define BGMT_UNPRESS_UDLR 0x22 #define BGMT_PRESS_UP 0x23 #define BGMT_PRESS_UP_RIGHT 0x24 #define BGMT_PRESS_UP_LEFT 0x25 #define BGMT_PRESS_RIGHT 0x26 #define BGMT_PRESS_LEFT 0x27 #define BGMT_PRESS_DOWN_RIGHT 0x28 #define BGMT_PRESS_DOWN_LEFT 0x29 #define BGMT_PRESS_DOWN 0x2A #define BGMT_JOY_CENTER 0x2B #define BGMT_PRESS_HALFSHUTTER 0x36 #define BGMT_FLASH_MOVIE 0 #define BGMT_PRESS_FLASH_MOVIE 0 #define BGMT_UNPRESS_FLASH_MOVIE 0 #define BGMT_ISO_MOVIE 0 #define BGMT_PRESS_ISO_MOVIE 0 #define BGMT_UNPRESS_ISO_MOVIE 0 // needed for correct shutdown from powersave modes #define GMT_GUICMD_START_AS_CHECK 67 #define GMT_GUICMD_OPEN_SLOT_COVER 64 #define GMT_GUICMD_LOCK_OFF 62 #define GMT_OLC_INFO_CHANGED 75 // backtrace copyOlcDataToStorage call in gui_massive_event_loop #define BTN_ZEBRAS_FOR_PLAYBACK BGMT_PICSTYLE // what button to use for zebras in Play mode #define BTN_ZEBRAS_FOR_PLAYBACK_NAME "PicStyle" #endif