This file supplements the paper "Nilsen, EB & Strand, O. (2017). Integrating data from several sources for increased insight into demographic processes: Simulation studies and proof of concept for hierarchical change in ratio models. PlosOne"." Metadata for the data file "S4 ReindeerData". Column names & meanings: Year: Year the data was collected N: Number of rein deer seen during the "TOTAL" counts. SU: Number of females and years seen during the "PRE" surveys J: Number of juveniles (i.e. calves) seen during the "PRE" surveys H0m: Number of malevcalves harvested during the harvest season. Part of "HARV" data H0f: Number of female calves harvested during the harvest season. Part of "HARV" data H1f: Number of female yearlings harvested during the harvest season. Part of "HARV" data H1m: Number of male yearlings harvested during the harvest season. Part of "HARV" data Hadf: Number of adult females (2 years or older) harvested during the harvest season. Part of "HARV" data Hadm: Number of adult males (2 years or older) harvested during the harvest season. Part of "HARV" data C0: Number of calves (both sexes) seen during the "POST" surveys. Cf: Number of adult and yearling females seen during the "POST" surveys. Cm: Number of adult and yearling males seen during the "POST" surveys. For furhter description of the data collection procedures etc, we refer to the paper.