Raw File
Feature: Markdown
  As a hacker who likes to blog
  I want to be able to make a static site
  In order to share my awesome ideas with the interwebs

  Scenario: Markdown in list on index
    Given I have a configuration file with "paginate" set to "5"
    And I have an "index.html" page that contains "Index - {% for post in site.posts %} {{ post.content }} {% endfor %}"
    And I have a _posts directory
    And I have the following post:
      | title   | date       | content    | type     |
      | Hackers | 2009-03-27 | # My Title | markdown |
    When I run jekyll build
    Then the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "Index" in "_site/index.html"
    And I should see "<h1 id=\"my-title\">My Title</h1>" in "_site/2009/03/27/hackers.html"
    And I should see "<h1 id=\"my-title\">My Title</h1>" in "_site/index.html"

  Scenario: Markdown in pagination on index
    Given I have a configuration file with "paginate" set to "5"
    And I have an "index.html" page that contains "Index - {% for post in paginator.posts %} {{ post.content }} {% endfor %}"
    And I have a _posts directory
    And I have the following post:
      | title   | date       | content    | type     |
      | Hackers | 2009-03-27 | # My Title | markdown |
    When I run jekyll build
    Then the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "Index" in "_site/index.html"
    And I should see "<h1 id=\"my-title\">My Title</h1>" in "_site/index.html"

  Scenario: Maruku fenced codeblocks
    Given I have a configuration file with "markdown" set to "maruku"
    And I have an "index.markdown" file with content:
       title: My title

       # My title

       My awesome code
    When I run jekyll build
    Then the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "My awesome code" in "_site/index.html"
    And I should see "<pre><code>My awesome code</code></pre>" in "_site/index.html"

  Scenario: Maruku fenced codeblocks
    Given I have a configuration file with "markdown" set to "maruku"
    And I have an "index.markdown" file with content:
       title: My title

       # My title

       puts "My awesome string"
    When I run jekyll build
    Then the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "My awesome string" in "_site/index.html"
    And I should see "<pre class="ruby"><code class="ruby">puts &quot;My awesome string&quot;</code></pre>" in "_site/index.html"
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