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Tip revision: 31552cff3d6d4239fcf05c9c201e9c2fa3678b7a authored by Jan Wroblewski on 10 February 2022, 12:43:54 UTC
Removed unusable benchmark and renamed the other g45 one.
Tip revision: 31552cf
open Grammar
open GrammarCommon
open Utilities

(** Identifier of a sequence of hterms (terms in head form) that is an argument to some head term.
    Terms under one hterms_id are defined in one nonterminal or do not contain a variable. *)
type hterms_id = int
(** Head of a term in head form. *)
type head = HT of terminal | HNT of nt_id | HVar of var_id
(** Hterm is a term in head form. It consists of a head and identifiers of sequences of hterms
    that are its arguments. If hterm is (h, [a1;..;aK]) and aX represents a sequence of terms
    [tX1;..;tXl] for some l then the whole hterm represents an application
    h t11 .. t1A t21 .. t2B .. tK1 .. tKZ.
    Note that nonterminal bodies have K <= 1 and only bindings may have more. *)
type hterm = head * hterms_id list

(** Unique identifier of a hterm's leaf. Equal to 0-indexed leaf position while doing DFS
    from root from left to right. *)
type hloc = int

module HeadMap = Map.Make (struct
    type t = head
    let compare = compare

module HeadSet = Set.Make (struct
    type t = head
    let compare = compare

module HlocSet = IntSet

module HlocMap = struct
  include Map.Make (struct
      type t = hloc
      let compare = compare

  let string_of_int_binding (loc, count : hloc * int) : string =
    let count_info =
      if count = 1 then
        " (x" ^ string_of_int count ^ ")"
    string_of_int loc ^ count_info

  let sum (m : int t) : int =
    fold (fun _ count acc -> count + acc) m 0

  (** Comparison between two integer hloc maps where two maps are the same iff their sums are both
      zero, both one, or both at least two. *)
  let multi_compare (m1 : int t) (m2 : int t) : int = (min (sum m1) 2) (min (sum m2) 2)

  let sum_union : int t -> int t -> int t =
    union (fun _ count1 count2 -> Some (count1 + count2))

  let keys_set (m : 'a t) : HlocSet.t =
    HlocSet.of_seq @@ fst @@ to_seq m

type 't hloc_map = 't HlocMap.t

class hgrammar (grammar : grammar) = object(self)
  (** Mapping from int ids to lists of terms. when tab_id_terms[i] = (hterms, terms, vars), then
      hterms is a list of terms [a1; a2; ..; aN], each in head form (h, [i1; i2; ..; iM]).
      h is a terminal, nonterminal, or a variable. iX points at tab_id_terms[iX]. This represents
      an applicative term
      h a11 a12 ... a1K a21 ... aM1 ... aMR
      terms are hterms in the original tree representation, and vars is a list of all free
      variables in terms. Variables are represented as integer tuples (X, Y) for Y-th argument
      (0-indexed) of X-th nonterminal (0-indexed).
      Note that two terms with variables that are used in two different nonterminal definitions
      will have different ids, because variables are tuples (nt_id, var_id) that are disjoint for
      different nonterminal bodies.
      More is allocated than needed here. *)
  val hterms_data : (hterm list * Grammar.term list * vars * nt_id option) array =
    Array.make grammar#size ([], [], SortedVars.empty, None)

  (** Reverse of fst hterms_data, i.e., hterms_data[tab_terms_id[hterms]] = (hterms, _, _). *)
  val tab_terms_id = Hashtbl.create 100000
  (** After the nonterminals are numbered, this is a map from nonterminals' ids to their bodies in
      head form. Bodies in head form are tuples (h, [as1; as2; ..]), where asX are integers that
      are mapped to lists of terms in head form, i.e., as1 = [a11; a12; ...]. The original tuple
      then represents
      h a11 a12 ... a1n a21 a22 ... a2m ...
      Mappings from asX to lists are in hterms_data. *)
  val nt_bodies : hterm array = Array.make grammar#nt_count (HNT (-1), [])

  (** Increasing counter for fresh identifiers for hterms (all terms and subterms in head form). *)
  val mutable next_hterms_id : int = 0

  (* --- access --- *)

  method start_nt : nt_id = 0
  method nt_count : int = Array.length nt_bodies

  method nt_arity (nt : nt_id) : int = grammar#nt_arity nt

  method nt_name (nt : nt_id) : string = grammar#nt_name nt
  method nt_body (nt : nt_id) : hterm = nt_bodies.(nt)

  method hterms_count : int = next_hterms_id
  method id2hterms (id : hterms_id) : hterm list =
    let hterms, _, _, _ = hterms_data.(id) in

  method id2terms (id : hterms_id) : Grammar.term list =
    let _, terms, _, _ = hterms_data.(id) in

  method id2vars (id : hterms_id) : vars =
    let _, _, vars, _ = hterms_data.(id) in

  method id2nt (id : hterms_id) : nt_id option =
    let _, _, _, nt = hterms_data.(id) in

  (* --- sorts --- *)

  method nt_sort (nt : nt_id) : sort =
    grammar#nt_sort nt

  method var_sort ((nt, i) : var_id) : sort =
    let fun_sort = ref @@ self#nt_sort nt in
    for j = 0 to i - 1 do
      fun_sort := match !fun_sort with
        | SFun (_, codomain) -> codomain
        | SAtom -> failwith "Expected a function sort."
    match !fun_sort with
    | SFun (var_sort, _) -> var_sort
    | SAtom -> failwith "Expected a function sort."

  (* --- operations --- *)
  (** Changes (H, [ID]) into (H, [arg 1, arg 2, ...]) and (H, [ID1, ID2, ...]) into
      (H, [arg 1-1, arg 1-2, ..., arg 2-1, arg 2-2, ...]), i.e., dereferences the ids into
      a list of hterms. *)
  method decompose_hterm (hterm: hterm) : head * hterm list =
    let h, termids = hterm in
    let hterms =
      match termids with
      | [] -> []
      | [id] ->
        self#id2hterms id
      | _ -> 
             (fun hterms id ->
                let hterms' = self#id2hterms id in
                List.rev_append hterms' hterms) [] termids) []
    (h, hterms)

  method headvars_in_nt (nt : nt_id) : vars =
    headvars_in_term true @@ snd @@ grammar#rule nt

  (** Number of leafs in a hterm. *)
  method hterm_size (_, ids : hterm) : int =
    List.fold_left (fun acc id ->
        List.fold_left (fun acc hterm ->
            acc + self#hterm_size hterm
          ) acc @@ self#id2hterms id
      ) 1 ids

  (** Number of occurences of a head in a hterm. *)
  method count_head_in_hterm (h, ids : hterm) (h' : head) : int =
    let head_count = int_of_bool (h = h') in
    List.fold_left (fun acc id ->
        List.fold_left (fun acc hterm ->
            acc + self#count_head_in_hterm hterm h'
          ) acc @@ self#id2hterms id
      ) head_count ids

  (** Map from hterm locations to 0-indexed occurence of the head. *)
  method loc2head_occurence (hterm : hterm) : (head * int) HlocMap.t =
    let rec loc2head_occurence_aux (h, ids : hterm) (loc : hloc) (h2count : int HeadMap.t)
        (loc2occ : (head * int) HlocMap.t) : hloc * int HeadMap.t * (head * int) HlocMap.t =
      let h2count = HeadMap.update h (function
          | None -> Some 0
          | Some c -> Some (c + 1)
        ) h2count
      let occ = HeadMap.find h h2count in
      let loc2occ = HlocMap.add loc (h, occ) loc2occ in
      List.fold_left (fun acc id ->
          List.fold_left (fun (loc, h2count, loc2occ) hterm ->
              loc2head_occurence_aux hterm loc h2count loc2occ
            ) acc @@ self#id2hterms id
        ) (loc + 1, h2count, loc2occ) ids
    let _, _, loc2occ = loc2head_occurence_aux hterm 0 HeadMap.empty HlocMap.empty in

  (** List of all nonterminals in terms without duplicates. *)
  method nts_in_terms (terms : term list) : nts =
    match terms with
    | [] -> SortedNTs.empty
    | t :: terms' -> SortedNTs.merge (nts_in_term t) (self#nts_in_terms terms')
  method nts_in_nt (nt : nt_id) : nts =
    nts_in_term @@ snd @@ grammar#rule nt

  method nts_in_hterms (id : hterms_id) : nts =
    self#nts_in_terms @@ self#id2terms id

  (* --- construction --- *)

  method private new_hterms_id =
    let x = next_hterms_id in
    next_hterms_id <- x + 1;

  method private term2head h =
    match h with
    | TE a -> HT a
    | NT(f) -> HNT(f)
    | Var(x) -> HVar(x)
    | _ -> assert false

  method vars_in_hterm (h, ids : hterm) : vars =
    let vs1 =
      match h with
      | HVar x -> SortedVars.singleton x
      | _ -> SortedVars.empty
    List.fold_left (fun vs id -> SortedVars.merge vs (self#id2vars id)) vs1 ids

  method vars_in_hterms (hterms : hterm list) : vars =
      (fun vars hterm ->
         SortedVars.merge vars (self#vars_in_hterm hterm))
      SortedVars.empty hterms

  method private hterm_nt (vars : vars) : nt_id option =
    if SortedVars.is_empty vars then
      Some (fst (SortedVars.hd vars))

  (** Recursively converts a term to hterm. Note that hterms converted this way and present in
      nonterminal bodies never have more than one hterms_id. *)
  method private convert_term (t : term) : hterm =
    let h, terms = Grammar.decompose_term t in
    if terms = [] then
      (self#term2head h, []) (* term2head just replaces Xxx with Hxxx constructor with same arg, but only for var, nt, and t *)
      let hterms = self#convert_term terms in (* recursively in arg terms *)
      let id =
          Hashtbl.find tab_terms_id hterms (* find list of args in tab_terms_id to get its id *)
        with Not_found ->
            let id = self#new_hterms_id in (* or make a fresh id *)
            Hashtbl.add tab_terms_id hterms id; (* name these args with that id *)
            let vars = self#vars_in_hterms hterms in (* get ascending list of var ids *)
            hterms_data.(id) <- (hterms, terms, vars, self#hterm_nt vars); (* save in hterms_data what list of terms is under that id - converted arg terms, original arg terms, list of vars used inside, without priority *)
      (self#term2head h, [id]) (* return just the head and id of list of args, note that this fun will only return [] or [id] in snd *)

  method find_term (t : term) : hterm =
    let h, terms = Grammar.decompose_term t in
    if terms = [] then
      (self#term2head h, [])
      let hterms = self#find_term terms in
      let id = Hashtbl.find tab_terms_id hterms in
      (self#term2head h, [id])

  (* --- printing --- *)

  method string_of_head = function
    | HNT nt -> grammar#nt_name nt
    | HVar v -> grammar#var_name v
    | HT a -> string_of_terminal a
  method string_of_hterm (sep_envs : bool) (loc2mark : string HlocMap.t) (loc : hloc)
      (hterm : hterm) : string =
    let rec string_of_hterm_aux (is_arg : bool) (loc : hloc) (h, ids : hterm) : hloc * string =
      let mark = HlocMap.find_opt loc loc2mark |> Utilities.option_default "" in
      let head_str = self#string_of_head h ^ mark in
      let loc, rev_args_strs = List.fold_left (fun (loc, args_strs) id ->
          let loc, rev_arg_strs =
            List.fold_left (fun (loc, acc) hterm ->
                let loc, arg_str = string_of_hterm_aux true loc hterm in
                (loc, arg_str :: acc)
              ) (loc, []) @@ self#id2hterms id
          let args_str = String.concat " " @@ List.rev rev_arg_strs in
          if sep_envs then
            (loc, ("[" ^ args_str ^ "]") :: args_strs)
            (loc, args_str :: args_strs)
        ) (loc + 1, []) ids
      let res = String.concat " " @@ head_str :: List.rev rev_args_strs in
      if is_arg && ids <> [] then
        (loc, "(" ^ res ^ ")")
        (loc, res)
    snd @@ string_of_hterm_aux false loc hterm

  method string_of_hterms (id : hterms_id) : string =
    Utilities.string_of_list (self#string_of_hterm false HlocMap.empty 0) @@ self#id2hterms id

  method var_name (v : var_id) : string =
    grammar#var_name v

  method var_names (nt : nt_id) : string list =
    Utilities.range 0 (self#nt_arity nt) |> (fun i -> self#var_name (nt, i))
  method info : string =
    "hterms_id -> terms:\n" ^
    String.concat "\n" @@ List.filter (fun x -> x <> "") @@
    (range 0 next_hterms_id |> (fun id ->
         let terms = self#id2terms id in
         if terms <> [] then
           string_of_int id ^ ": " ^
           String.concat ", " ( grammar#string_of_term terms)

  method to_string : string =
    String.concat "\n" @@ Array.to_list (
      nt_bodies |>
      Array.mapi (fun nt body ->
          let var_names =
            concat_map "" (fun v -> " " ^ self#var_name (nt, v)) @@
            range 0 @@ self#nt_arity nt
          self#nt_name nt ^ var_names ^ " -> " ^
          self#string_of_hterm false HlocMap.empty 0 body ^ "."
  (* --- debugging --- *)

  (** Locates hterms_id with given path in given hterm. Path consists of integers that mean
      "go to n-th hterms_id list in the list in given hterm" or "go to n-th hterms_id in selected
      list of hterms_ids". The length of the list must be odd. *)
  method locate_hterms_id_in_hterm (h, ids : hterm) (pos : int list) : hterms_id =
    match pos with
    | [] -> failwith "Length of pos must be odd."
    | [i] -> List.nth ids i
    | i :: j :: pos' ->
      let hterms = self#id2hterms (List.nth ids i) in
      let hterm' = List.nth hterms j in
      self#locate_hterms_id_in_hterm hterm' pos'

  (** Locates hterms_id with given path in given nonterminal's body. *)
  method locate_hterms_id (nt : nt_id) (pos : int list) : hterms_id =
    self#locate_hterms_id_in_hterm (self#nt_body nt) pos

    (* convert each rule to a normalized form and store in this global array along with its arity (this is ref) *)
    for nt = 0 to grammar#nt_count - 1 do
      let arity, body = grammar#rule nt in
      let hterm = self#convert_term body in
      nt_bodies.(nt) <- hterm (* nt_bodies now contains (arity, (H, [ID])), where H is a var/nonterminal/terminal and ID points in hterms_data at list of terms normalized to (H, [ID]) or (H, []) if there are no args *)
    print_verbose !Flags.verbose_preprocessing @@ lazy (
      self#info ^ "\n"
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