Tip revision: 885ab129b2402c353548bcfc51214f608f09bade authored by Loic Gouarin on 02 December 2022, 12:34:47 UTC
add fenics example and update environment.yml
add fenics example and update environment.yml
Tip revision: 885ab12
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
import re
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from io import BytesIO
import pandas as pd
def get_cell_value(y, E1, E2, stripe_nb,Ly):
stripe_nb = 2
if stripe_nb == 0:
return E2
elif stripe_nb == 1:
if 1./7 <= y - np.floor(y) <= 2./7:
return E1
return E2
elif stripe_nb == 2:
if (1./7 <= y - np.floor(y) <= 2./7) or (3./7 <= y - np.floor(y) <= 4./7):
return E1
return E2
elif stripe_nb == 3:
if (1./7 <= y - np.floor(y) <= 2./7) or (3./7 <= y - np.floor(y) <= 4./7) or (5./7 <= y - np.floor(y) <= 6./7):
return E1
return E2
def plot_solution(path, data, E1, E2, stripe_nb, Ly):
scale = 100000
p = pv.Plotter(off_screen=True)
filename = os.path.join(path, 'solution_2d.vts')
if os.path.exists(filename):
grid =, 'solution_2d.vts'))
E = np.zeros((grid.n_cells))
for ic in range(grid.n_cells):
cell = grid.cell_points(ic)
center_y = .5*(cell[0, 1] + cell[2, 1])
E[ic] = get_cell_value(center_y, E1, E2, stripe_nb,Ly)
grid.cell_arrays.update({'E': E})
disp = grid.point_arrays['Unnamed']
print(grid.x.shape, disp.shape)
grid.x.T.flat[:] += scale*disp[:, 0]
grid.y.T.flat[:] += scale*disp[:, 1]
p.add_mesh(grid, scalars='E', show_edges=True, show_scalar_bar=False, n_colors=2, edge_color='#464646', cmap=['#dbd9d3', '#a2acbd'])
print(os.path.join(path, 'solution.png'))'xy', screenshot=os.path.join(path, 'solution.png'))
def plot_coarse_vec(path, data, E1, E2, stripe_nb,Ly):
scale = 0.5
for k, v in data.items():
print(k, v)
ncol = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(v))))
p = pv.Plotter(shape=(ncol, ncol), off_screen=True)
with open(os.path.join(path, f'properties_{k}.txt')) as json_file:
prop = json.load(json_file)
iplot = 0
for i in range(ncol):
for j in range(ncol):
p_individual = pv.Plotter(off_screen=True)
if iplot < len(v):
h5 = h5py.File(os.path.join(path, v[iplot]))
coords = h5['coordinates']
coarse_vec = h5['coarse_vec']
nx = 0
dim = len(coords[:].shape)
if dim == 1:
coords = coords[:].copy()
coords.shape = (coords.size//2, 2)
xx = coords[:, 0]
while xx[nx] < xx[nx + 1]:
nx += 1
nx += 1
ny = coords.size//2//nx
x = np.zeros((ny, nx))
x.flat = coords[:, 0] #+ scale*coarse_vec[::2]
y = np.zeros((ny, nx))
y.flat = coords[:, 1] #+ scale*coarse_vec[1::2]
scalar = np.zeros((ny, nx))
grid = pv.StructuredGrid(x, y, np.zeros((ny, nx)))
E = np.zeros((grid.n_cells))
for ic in range(grid.n_cells):
cell = grid.cell_points(ic)
center_y = .5*(cell[0, 1] + cell[1, 1])
E[ic] = get_cell_value(center_y, E1, E2, stripe_nb,Ly)
grid.cell_arrays.update({'E': E})
if dim == 1:
coarse_vec = coarse_vec[:].copy()
coarse_vec.shape = (coarse_vec.size//2, 2)
grid.x[:] += scale*np.reshape(coarse_vec[:, 0], (ny, nx, 1))
grid.y[:] += scale*np.reshape(coarse_vec[:, 1], (ny, nx, 1))
p.subplot(i, j)
p.add_text(f"{prop['eigs'][iplot]}", position='upper_edge', font_size=4)
p.add_mesh(grid, show_edges=True, show_scalar_bar=False, n_colors=2, edge_color='#464646', cmap=['#dbd9d3', '#a2acbd'])
p_individual.add_mesh(grid, show_edges=True, show_scalar_bar=False, n_colors=2, edge_color='#464646', cmap=['#dbd9d3', '#a2acbd'])'xy', window_size=[800, 800], screenshot=os.path.join(path, f'coarse_vec_{k}_{iplot}.png'))
iplot += 1'xy', screenshot=os.path.join(path, f'coarse_vec_{k}.png'))
def plot_eigenvalues(path, eigs):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i, eig in enumerate(eigs):
ax.scatter(i*np.ones_like(eig), eig)
ax.set_xlabel('Subdomain number')
ax.set_ylabel('Generalized eigenvalues (log scale)')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'eigenvalues.png'), dpi=300)
def plot_condition_number(path, condition):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for k, v in condition.items():
data = np.asarray(v)
index = np.argsort(data[:, 0])
data = data[index]
ax.plot(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], label=k, marker='.')
ax.set_xlabel('Coarse space size')
ax.set_ylabel('Condition number (log scale)')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'condition_number.png'), dpi=300)
regexp = re.compile('coarse_vec_(\d+)_(\d+).h5')
regexp_case_9 = re.compile('case_9_*')
regexp_case_8 = re.compile('case_8_*')
regexp_case_7 = re.compile('case_7_*')
regexp_case_6 = re.compile('case_6_*')
regexp_case_5 = re.compile('case_5_*')
regexp_case_4 = re.compile('case_4_*')
regexp_case_2 = re.compile('case_2_*')
regexp_case_3 = re.compile('case_3_*')
path = 'output.d'
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
condition = {
'classical GenEO': [],
'AWG': [],
# 'pcnew_neg': []
dfs = []
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path):
if 'results.json' in filenames:
data = {}
for f in filenames:
res =
if res:
i, rank = res.groups()
d = data.get(rank, [])
data[rank] = d
with open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'results.json')) as json_file:
results = json.load(json_file)
res_case_4 =[-1])
if res_case_4:
name = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'name.txt')).read()
data_case4 = {'name': name,
'kappa': results['kappa'][0],
'labdamin': results['lambdamin'][0],
'lambdamax': results['lambdamax'][0],
'V0dim': int(results['V0dim']),
# 'vneg': results['vneg'],
'sum_gathered_nneg': int(results['sum_gathered_nneg']),
plot_coarse_vec(dirpath, data, results['E1'], results['E2'], results['stripe_nb'],results['Ly'])
plot_solution(dirpath, data, results['E1'], results['E2'], results['stripe_nb'],results['Ly'])
# plot_eigenvalues(dirpath, results['GenEOV0_gathered_Lambdasharp'])
#####CASE 2
# res_case_2 =[-1])
# if res_case_2:
# #name = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'name.txt')).read()
# data = {'nu': results['nu1'],
# 'kappa': results['kappa'][0],
# 'iter': len(results['precresiduals']),
# 'lambdamin': results['lambdamin'][0],
# 'lambdamax': results['lambdamax'][0],
# 'V0dim': int(results['V0dim']),
# 'sum_gathered_nneg': int(results['sum_gathered_nneg']),
# }
# dfs.append(data)
# #plot_coarse_vec(dirpath, data, results['E1'], results['E2'], results['stripe_nb'],results['Ly'])
# plot_eigenvalues(dirpath, results['GenEOV0_gathered_Lambdasharp'])
#####END CASE 2
#####CASE 3
#res_case_3 =[-1])
#if res_case_3:
# name = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'name.txt')).read()
# data = {' ': name,
# 'E_1': results['E1'],
# 'E_2': results['E2'],
# 'kappa': results['kappa'][0],
# 'iter': len(results['precresiduals']),
# 'lambdamin': results['lambdamin'][0],
# 'lambdamax': results['lambdamax'][0],
# 'V0dim': int(results['V0dim']),
# 'sum_gathered_nneg': int(results['sum_gathered_nneg']),
# }
# dfs.append(data)
# #plot_coarse_vec(dirpath, data, results['E1'], results['E2'], results['stripe_nb'],results['Ly'])
# plot_eigenvalues(dirpath, results['GenEOV0_gathered_Lambdasharp'])
#####END CASE 3
###### I deleted CASE 4 by accident, it is in Loic's commit from June 10th 2021
#######CASE 1
# if os.path.basename(dirpath).split('_')[1] == '1':
# if os.path.basename(dirpath).split('_')[2] == 'pcbnn':
# condition['classical GenEO'].append((results['taueigmax'], results['V0dim'], results['kappa'][0]))
# else:
# condition['AWG'].append((results['taueigmax'], results['V0dim'], results['kappa'][0]))
######## END CASE 1
#######CASE 9
# if os.path.basename(dirpath).split('_')[1] == '9':
# if os.path.basename(dirpath).split('_')[2] == 'pcbnn':
# condition['classical GenEO'].append((results['taueigmax'], results['V0dim'], results['kappa'][0]))
# else:
# condition['AWG'].append((results['taueigmax'], results['V0dim'], results['kappa'][0]))
######## END CASE 9
#####CASE 5 and 8
# res_case_5 =[-1])
# res_case_8 =[-1])
# if res_case_5 or res_case_8:
# name = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'name.txt')).read()
# data = {' ': name,
# 'nu': results['nu1'],
# 'rtol': results['Aposrtol'],
# 'kappa': results['kappa'][0],
# 'iter': len(results['precresiduals']),
# 'lambdamin': results['lambdamin'][0],
# 'lambdamax': results['lambdamax'][0],
# 'V0dim': int(results['V0dim']),
# 'sum_gathered_nneg': int(results['sum_gathered_nneg']),
# }
# dfs.append(data)
# #plot_coarse_vec(dirpath, data, results['E1'], results['E2'], results['stripe_nb'],results['Ly'])
# plot_eigenvalues(dirpath, results['GenEOV0_gathered_Lambdasharp'])
#####END CASE 5 and 8
# ax.plot(results['precresiduals'])
######CASE 6
# res_case_6 =[-1])
# if res_case_6:
# name = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'name.txt')).read()
# data = {' ': name,
# 'nbstripes': results['stripe_nb'],
# 'kappa': results['kappa'][0],
# 'iter': len(results['precresiduals']),
# 'lambdamin': results['lambdamin'][0],
# 'lambdamax': results['lambdamax'][0],
# 'V0dim': int(results['V0dim']),
# 'sum_gathered_nneg': int(results['sum_gathered_nneg']),
# }
# dfs.append(data)
# #plot_coarse_vec(dirpath, data, results['E1'], results['E2'], results['stripe_nb'],results['Ly'])
# plot_eigenvalues(dirpath, results['GenEOV0_gathered_Lambdasharp'])
#######END CASE 6
#####CASE 7
res_case_7 =[-1])
if res_case_7:
name = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'name.txt')).read()
data = {' ': name,
'N': len(results['minV0_gathered_dim']),
'kappa': results['kappa'][0],
'iter': len(results['precresiduals']),
'lambdamin': results['lambdamin'][0],
'lambdamax': results['lambdamax'][0],
'V0dim': int(results['V0dim']),
'sum_gathered_nneg': int(results['sum_gathered_nneg']),
#plot_coarse_vec(dirpath, data, results['E1'], results['E2'], results['stripe_nb'],results['Ly'])
plot_eigenvalues(dirpath, results['GenEOV0_gathered_Lambdasharp'])
#####END CASE 7
# ax.set_xlabel('iteration number')
# ax.set_ylabel('residual')
# ax.set_yscale('log')
# fig.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'residuals.png'), dpi=300)
#plot_condition_number(path, condition) #CASE 1 and 9
df = pd.DataFrame(dfs)