Raw File
#include "RaptorController.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <json/json.h>

#include "sim/SimCharacter.h"
#include "sim/RBDUtil.h"
#include "util/FileUtil.h"

const cRaptorController::eStance gDefaultStance = cRaptorController::eStanceRight;
const cRaptorController::tStateDef gStateDefs[cRaptorController::eStateMax] =
		true,									// mTransTime;
		false,									// mTransContact;
		cRaptorController::eStateDown			// mNext;
		true,									// mTransTime;
		false,									// mTransFootContact;
		cRaptorController::eStatePassing		// mNext;
		true,									// mTransTime;
		false,									// mTransContact;
		cRaptorController::eStateUp				// mNext;
		false,									// mTransTime;
		true,									// mTransContact;
		cRaptorController::eStateInvalid		// mNext;

const std::string gMiscParamsNames[cRaptorController::eMiscParamMax] = {

const std::string gStateParamNames[cRaptorController::eStateParamMax] = {

const cSimRaptor::eJoint gEndEffectors[] = {
const int gNumEndEffectors = sizeof(gEndEffectors) / sizeof(gEndEffectors[0]);

const cSimRaptor::eJoint gSpineJoints[] = {
const int gNumSpineJoints = sizeof(gSpineJoints) / sizeof(gSpineJoints[0]);

const std::string gMiscParamsKey = "MiscParams";
const std::string gStateParamsKey = "StateParams";
const std::string gControllersKey = "Controllers";
const std::string gFilesKey = "Files";
const std::string gActionsKey = "Actions";

const bool gOptParamsMasks[] =
	false,	//TransTime
	true,	//Cv
	true,	//Cd
	false,	//ForceX
	false,	//ForceY

	true,	//RootPitch
	false,	//SpineCurve
	true,	//StanceHip
	true,	//StanceKnee
	true,	//StanceAnkle
	true,	//SwingHip
	true,	//SwingKnee
	true,	//SwingAnkle

	true,	//RootPitch
	false,	//SpineCurve
	true,	//StanceHip
	true,	//StanceKnee
	true,	//StanceAnkle
	true,	//SwingHip
	true,	//SwingKnee
	true,	//SwingAnkle

	false,	//RootPitch
	false,	//SpineCurve
	true,	//StanceHip
	true,	//StanceKnee
	true,	//StanceAnkle
	true,	//SwingHip
	true,	//SwingKnee
	true,	//SwingAnkle

	false,	//RootPitch
	false,	//SpineCurve
	true,	//StanceHip
	true,	//StanceKnee
	true,	//StanceAnkle
	true,	//SwingHip
	true,	//SwingKnee
	true	//SwingAnkle
const int gNumOptParamMasks = sizeof(gOptParamsMasks) / sizeof(gOptParamsMasks[0]);

cRaptorController::cRaptorController() : cTerrainRLCharController()
	mDefaultAction = gInvalidIdx;
	mState = eStateContact;
	mEnableGravityCompensation = true;
	mEnableVirtualForces = true;


void cRaptorController::Init(cSimCharacter* character, const tVector& gravity, const std::string& param_file)
	// param_file should contain parameters for the pd controllers

	mGravity = gravity;
	mPrevCOM = character->CalcCOM();

	Eigen::MatrixXd pd_params;
	bool succ = cPDController::LoadParams(param_file, pd_params);

	if (succ)
		mRBDModel = std::shared_ptr<cRBDModel>(new cRBDModel());
		mRBDModel->Init(mChar->GetJointMat(), mChar->GetBodyDefs(), mGravity);

		mImpPDCtrl.Init(mChar, mRBDModel, pd_params, mGravity);
		succ = LoadControllers(param_file);

	if (succ)
		mValid = true;
		printf("Failed to initialize dog controller\n");
		mValid = false;

void cRaptorController::Reset()
	mPrevCOM = mChar->CalcCOM();

void cRaptorController::Clear()

	mDefaultAction = gInvalidIdx;

void cRaptorController::Update(double time_step)

	int num_dof = mChar->GetNumDof();
	Eigen::VectorXd tau = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(num_dof);

	if (mMode == eModeActive)
		mCurrCycleTime += time_step;

		// order matters!
		UpdatePDCtrls(time_step, tau);

		if (mEnableGravityCompensation)

		if (mEnableVirtualForces)
	else if (mMode == eModePassive)
		UpdatePDCtrls(time_step, tau);


void cRaptorController::SeCtrlStateParams(eState state, const tStateParams& params)
	mCurrAction.mParams.segment(eMiscParamMax + state * eStateParamMax, eStateParamMax) = params;

void cRaptorController::TransitionState(int state)

void cRaptorController::TransitionState(int state, double phase)
	assert(state >= 0 && state < eStateMax);
	cTerrainRLCharController::TransitionState(state, phase);

	tStateParams params = GetCurrParams();

void cRaptorController::SetTransTime(double time)
	// set duration of each state in the walk
	mCurrAction.mParams[eMiscParamTransTime] = time;

int cRaptorController::GetNumStates() const
	return eStateMax;

void cRaptorController::SetMode(eMode mode)

	if (mMode == eModePassive)

void cRaptorController::CommandAction(int action_id)
	int num_actions = GetNumActions();
	if (action_id < num_actions)
		assert(false); // invalid action

void cRaptorController::CommandRandAction()
	int num_actions = GetNumActions();
	int a = cMathUtil::RandInt(0, num_actions);

int cRaptorController::GetDefaultAction() const
	return mDefaultAction;

void cRaptorController::SetDefaultAction(int action_id)
	if (action_id >= 0 && action_id < GetNumActions())
		mDefaultAction = action_id;

int cRaptorController::GetNumActions() const
	return static_cast<int>(mActions.size());

void cRaptorController::BuildCtrlOptParams(int ctrl_params_idx, Eigen::VectorXd& out_params) const
	GetOptParams(mCtrlParams[ctrl_params_idx], out_params);

void cRaptorController::SetCtrlParams(int ctrl_params_id, const Eigen::VectorXd& params)
	assert(params.size() == GetNumParams());
	Eigen::VectorXd& ctrl_params = mCtrlParams[ctrl_params_id];
	ctrl_params = params;

	const tBlendAction& curr_action = mActions[mCurrAction.mID];
	if (curr_action.mParamIdx0 == ctrl_params_id
		|| curr_action.mParamIdx1 == ctrl_params_id)

void cRaptorController::SetCtrlOptParams(int ctrl_params_id, const Eigen::VectorXd& opt_params)
	assert(opt_params.size() == GetNumOptParams());
	Eigen::VectorXd& ctrl_params = mCtrlParams[ctrl_params_id];
	SetOptParams(opt_params, ctrl_params);

	const tBlendAction& curr_action = mActions[mCurrAction.mID];
	if (curr_action.mParamIdx0 == ctrl_params_id
		|| curr_action.mParamIdx1 == ctrl_params_id)

void cRaptorController::BuildActionOptParams(int action_id, Eigen::VectorXd& out_params) const
	assert(action_id >= 0 && action_id < GetNumActions());
	const tBlendAction& action = mActions[action_id];
	Eigen::VectorXd params;
	BlendCtrlParams(action, params);
	GetOptParams(params, out_params);

int cRaptorController::GetNumParams() const
	int num_params = eMiscParamMax + eStateMax * eStateParamMax;
	return num_params;

int cRaptorController::GetNumOptParams() const
	int num_params = GetNumParams();
	assert(gNumOptParamMasks == num_params);
	int num_opt_params = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < num_params; ++i)
		if (IsOptParam(i))

	return num_opt_params;

void cRaptorController::FetchOptParamScale(Eigen::VectorXd& out_scale) const
	int num_opt_params = GetNumOptParams();
	int num_params = GetNumParams();

	const double angle_scale = M_PI / 10;
	const double cv_scale = 0.02;
	const double cd_scale = 0.2;
	const double force_scale = 100;
	const double spine_curve_scale = 0.02;

	Eigen::VectorXd param_buffer = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(num_params);

	int idx = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < eMiscParamMax; ++i)
		if (i == eMiscParamCv)
			param_buffer[idx] = cv_scale;
		else if (i == eMiscParamCd)
			param_buffer[idx] = cd_scale;
		else if (i == eMiscParamForceX || i == eMiscParamForceY)
			param_buffer[idx] = force_scale;


	for (int i = 0; i < eStateMax; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < eStateParamMax; ++j)
			if (j == eStateParamSpineCurve)
				param_buffer[idx] = spine_curve_scale;
				param_buffer[idx] = angle_scale;

	assert(idx == num_params);
	GetOptParams(param_buffer, out_scale);

void cRaptorController::OutputOptParams(const std::string& file, const Eigen::VectorXd& params) const
	cController::OutputOptParams(file, params);

void cRaptorController::OutputOptParams(FILE* f, const Eigen::VectorXd& params) const
	std::string opt_param_json = BuildOptParamsJson(params);
	fprintf(f, "%s\n", opt_param_json.c_str());

void cRaptorController::ReadParams(std::ifstream& f_stream)
	Json::Reader reader;
	Json::Value root;
	bool succ = reader.parse(f_stream, root);
	if (succ)
		double trans_time = 0;
		Eigen::VectorXd param_vec = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(GetNumParams());
		int idx = 0;
		// grab the transition time first
		if (!root[gMiscParamsKey].isNull())
			Json::Value misc_params = root[gMiscParamsKey];
			for (int i = 0; i < eMiscParamMax; ++i)
				param_vec[idx++] = misc_params[gMiscParamsNames[i]].asDouble();
			printf("Failed to find %s\n", gMiscParamsKey.c_str());

		if (!root[gStateParamsKey].isNull())
			Json::Value state_params = root[gStateParamsKey];

			for (int i = 0; i < eStateMax; ++i)
				Json::Value curr_params = state_params[gStateDefs[i].mName];
				for (int j = 0; j < eStateParamMax; ++j)
					param_vec[idx++] = curr_params[gStateParamNames[j]].asDouble();
			printf("Failed to find %s\n", gStateParamsKey.c_str());

		if (!HasCtrlParams())

			// refresh controls params
			tStateParams curr_params = GetCurrParams();

void cRaptorController::ReadParams(const std::string& file)

void cRaptorController::SetParams(const Eigen::VectorXd& params)
	assert(params.size() == GetNumParams());
	mCurrAction.mParams = params;

void cRaptorController::BuildOptParams(Eigen::VectorXd& out_params) const
	GetOptParams(mCurrAction.mParams, out_params);

void cRaptorController::SetOptParams(const Eigen::VectorXd& opt_params)
	SetOptParams(opt_params, mCurrAction.mParams);

void cRaptorController::SetOptParams(const Eigen::VectorXd& opt_params, Eigen::VectorXd& out_params) const
	assert(opt_params.size() == GetNumOptParams());
	assert(gNumOptParamMasks == GetNumParams());

	int num_params = GetNumParams();
	int opt_idx = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < num_params; ++i)
		if (IsOptParam(i))
			out_params[i] = opt_params[opt_idx];


void cRaptorController::BuildFromMotion(int ctrl_params_idx, const cMotion& motion)
	double dur = motion.GetDuration();
	dur -= 0.00001; // hack to prevent flipping stance at the beginning of a new cycle
	int num_states = GetNumStates();
	double trans_time = dur / num_states;

	Eigen::VectorXd params = mCurrAction.mParams;
	for (int s = 0; s < num_states; ++s)
		double curr_time = (s + 1) * trans_time;
		Eigen::VectorXd curr_pose = motion.CalcFrame(curr_time);

		tStateParams state_params = tStateParams::Zero();
		BuildStateParamsFromPose(curr_pose, state_params);
		params.segment(eMiscParamMax + s * eStateParamMax, eStateParamMax) = state_params;

	SetCtrlParams(ctrl_params_idx, params);

double cRaptorController::CalcReward() const
	tVector target_vel = GetTargetVel();
	const double vel_reward_w = 0.8;
	double vel_reward = 0;
	const double stumble_reward_w = 0.2;
	double stumble_reward = 0;

	bool fallen = mChar->HasFallen();
	if (!fallen)
		double cycle_time = GetPrevCycleTime();
		double avg_vel = mPrevDistTraveled[0] / cycle_time;
		double vel_err = target_vel[0] - avg_vel;
		double vel_gamma = 0.5;
		vel_reward = std::exp(-vel_gamma * vel_err * vel_err);

		double stumble_count = mPrevStumbleCount;
		double avg_stumble = stumble_count /= cycle_time;
		double stumble_gamma = 10;
		stumble_reward = 1.0 / (1 + stumble_gamma * avg_stumble);

		if (avg_vel < 0)
			vel_reward = 0;
			stumble_reward = 0;
	double reward = 0;
	reward += vel_reward_w * vel_reward
			+ stumble_reward_w * stumble_reward;

	return reward;

tVector cRaptorController::GetTargetVel() const
	return tVector(4, 0, 0, 0);
	//return tVector(1.75, 0, 0, 0);

cRaptorController::eStance cRaptorController::GetStance() const
	return mStance;

double cRaptorController::GetPrevCycleTime() const
	return mPrevCycleTime;

const tVector& cRaptorController::GetPrevDistTraveled() const
	return mPrevDistTraveled;

void cRaptorController::BuildNormPose(Eigen::VectorXd& pose) const
	if (mChar != nullptr)
		eStance stance = GetStance();
		if (stance != gDefaultStance)

bool cRaptorController::LoadControllers(const std::string& file)
	std::ifstream f_stream(file);
	Json::Reader reader;
	Json::Value root;
	bool succ = reader.parse(f_stream, root);
	if (succ)
		if (!root[gControllersKey].isNull())
			Json::Value ctrl_root = root[gControllersKey];
			succ = ParseControllers(ctrl_root);

	if (succ)
		if (mDefaultAction != gInvalidIdx)
		printf("failed to parse controllers from %s\n", file.c_str());

	return succ;

void cRaptorController::ResetParams()
	mState = eStateContact;
	mStance = gDefaultStance;
	mPrevCycleTime = 0;
	mCurrCycleTime = 0;
	mPrevStumbleCount = 0;
	mCurrStumbleCount = 0;

bool cRaptorController::ParseControllers(const Json::Value& root)
	bool succ = true;
	if (!root[gFilesKey].isNull())
		succ &= ParseControllerFiles(root[gFilesKey]);

	if (succ && !root[gActionsKey].isNull())
		succ &= ParseActions(root[gActionsKey]);

		int num_action = GetNumActions();
		if (succ && num_action > 0)
			mDefaultAction = 0;
			if (!root["DefaultAction"].isNull())
				mDefaultAction = root["DefaultAction"].asInt();
				assert(mDefaultAction >= 0 && mDefaultAction < num_action);

		if (!root["EnableGravityCompensation"].isNull())
			mEnableGravityCompensation = root["EnableGravityCompensation"].asBool();

		if (!root["EnableVirtualForces"].isNull())
			mEnableVirtualForces = root["EnableVirtualForces"].asBool();

	return succ;

bool cRaptorController::ParseControllerFiles(const Json::Value& root)
	bool succ = true;
	std::vector<std::string> files;

	int num_files = root.size();
	for (int f = 0; f < num_files; ++f)
		std::string curr_file = root.get(f, 0).asString();
	return succ;

bool cRaptorController::ParseActions(const Json::Value& root)
	bool succ = true;

	int num_actions = root.size();
	for (int a = 0; a < num_actions; ++a)
		const Json::Value& curr_action = root.get(a, 0);
		tBlendAction action;
		succ &= ParseAction(curr_action, action);
		if (succ)
			action.mID = static_cast<int>(mActions.size());
			succ = false;

	if (!succ)
		printf("failed to parse actions\n");
	return succ;

bool cRaptorController::ParseAction(const Json::Value& root, tBlendAction& out_action) const
	if (!root["ParamIdx0"].isNull())
		out_action.mParamIdx0 = root["ParamIdx0"].asInt();
		return false;
	if (!root["ParamIdx1"].isNull())
		out_action.mParamIdx1 = root["ParamIdx1"].asInt();
		return false;
	if (!root["Blend"].isNull())
		out_action.mBlend = root["Blend"].asDouble();
		return false;
	if (!root["Cyclic"].isNull())
		out_action.mCyclic = root["Cyclic"].asBool();
		return false;
	return true;

bool cRaptorController::HasCtrlParams() const
	return mCtrlParams.size() > 0;

void cRaptorController::UpdateState(double time_step)
	const cRaptorController::tStateDef& state = GetCurrStateDef();
	bool advance_state = mFirstCycle;

	double trans_time = GetTransTime();
	mPhase += time_step / trans_time;

	if (state.mTransTime)
		if (mPhase >= 1)
			advance_state = true;

	if (state.mTransContact)
		int swing_toe = GetSwingToe();
		bool contact = CheckContact(swing_toe);
		if (contact)
			advance_state = true;

	if (advance_state)
		eState next_state = (mFirstCycle) ? eStateContact : state.mNext;
		bool end_step = (next_state == eStateInvalid) || mFirstCycle;
		if (end_step)
			if (!mFirstCycle)
			mFirstCycle = false;

void cRaptorController::UpdateAction()

	mIsOffPolicy = true;

	if (HasCommands())
	else if (HasNet())
	else if (!IsCurrActionCyclic())


void cRaptorController::UpdateRBDModel()
	Eigen::VectorXd pose;
	Eigen::VectorXd vel;

	mRBDModel->Update(pose, vel);
	cRBDUtil::BuildJacobian(*mRBDModel.get(), mJacobian);

void cRaptorController::UpdatePDCtrls(double time_step, Eigen::VectorXd& out_tau)
	mImpPDCtrl.UpdateControlForce(time_step, out_tau);

void cRaptorController::UpdateStumbleCounter(double time_step)
	bool stumbled = mChar->HasStumbled();
	if (stumbled)
		mCurrStumbleCount += time_step;

void cRaptorController::UpdateStanceHip()
	int stance_hip = GetStanceHip();
	int stance_toe = GetStanceToe();
	bool active = IsActiveVFEffector(stance_toe);

void cRaptorController::ApplySwingFeedback(Eigen::VectorXd& out_tau)
	double cv = GetCv();
	double cd = GetCd();

	bool first_half = mState == eStateContact || mState == eStateDown;
	cd = (first_half) ? 0 : cd;
	cv = (first_half) ? cv : 0;

	tVector com = mChar->CalcCOM();
	tVector com_vel = mChar->CalcCOMVel();

	int stance_toe_id = GetStanceToe();
	int swing_hip_id = GetSwingHip();

	tVector toe_pos = mChar->GetBodyPart(stance_toe_id)->GetPos();
	tVector d = com - toe_pos;
	double d_theta = cd * d[0] + cv * com_vel[0];

	tStateParams params = GetCurrParams();
	double theta0 = params(eStateParamSwingHip);
	double theta_new = theta0 + d_theta;

	mImpPDCtrl.SetTargetTheta(swing_hip_id, theta_new);

void cRaptorController::ApplyStanceFeedback(Eigen::VectorXd& out_tau)
	const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = mChar->GetJointMat();

	int stance_toe = GetStanceToe();
	double hip_tau = 0;

	int stance_hip_id = GetStanceHip();
	int swing_hip_id = GetSwingHip();

	const int root_joints[] = 
	const int num_root_joints = sizeof(root_joints) / sizeof(root_joints[0]);

	if (IsActiveVFEffector(stance_toe))
		for (int j = 0; j < num_root_joints; ++j)
			int curr_id = root_joints[j];
			if (curr_id != stance_hip_id)
				int param_offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);

				// hack assuming revolute joint
				double curr_tau = out_tau(param_offset);
				hip_tau += -curr_tau;
		double target_root_pitch = GetTargetRootPitch();
		double root_pitch = GetRootPitch();
		double root_omega = mChar->GetRootAngVel()[2];

		const cPDController& stance_pd = mImpPDCtrl.GetPDCtrl(stance_hip_id);
		const double kp = stance_pd.GetKp();
		const double kd = stance_pd.GetKd();

		double root_tau = kp * (target_root_pitch - root_pitch) + kd * (-root_omega);
		hip_tau += -root_tau;

		int stance_hip_offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, stance_hip_id);
		int stance_hip_size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, stance_hip_id);
		auto stance_tau = out_tau.segment(stance_hip_offset, stance_hip_size);
		stance_tau += hip_tau * Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(stance_hip_size);

void cRaptorController::ApplyGravityCompensation(Eigen::VectorXd& out_tau)
	const double lambda = 0.0001;
	const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = mChar->GetJointMat();
	const Eigen::MatrixXd& body_defs = mChar->GetBodyDefs();
	Eigen::VectorXd pose;
	Eigen::VectorXd vel;
	vel = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(pose.size());

	bool has_support = false;
	Eigen::MatrixXd contact_basis = BuildContactBasis(pose, has_support);
	if (has_support)
		Eigen::VectorXd tau_g;
		cRBDUtil::CalcGravityForce(*mRBDModel.get(), tau_g);
		tau_g = -tau_g;

		int basis_cols = static_cast<int>(contact_basis.cols());

		int root_id = mChar->GetRootID();
		int root_offset = mChar->GetParamOffset(root_id);
		int root_size = mChar->GetParamSize(root_id);

		Eigen::VectorXd b = tau_g.segment(root_offset, root_size);
		Eigen::MatrixXd A = contact_basis.block(root_offset, 0, root_size, basis_cols);

		Eigen::VectorXd W(3);
		W(0) = 0.0001;
		W(1) = 0.0001;
		W(2) = 1;

		Eigen::MatrixXd AtA = A.transpose() * W.asDiagonal() * A;
		Eigen::VectorXd Atb = A.transpose() * W.asDiagonal() * b;
		AtA.diagonal() += lambda * Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(basis_cols);

		Eigen::VectorXd x = (AtA).householderQr().solve(Atb);
		Eigen::VectorXd tau_contact = contact_basis * x;

		tau_g -= tau_contact;
		out_tau += tau_g;

void cRaptorController::ApplyVirtualForces(Eigen::VectorXd& out_tau)
	for (int e = 0; e < gNumEndEffectors; ++e)
		cSimRaptor::eJoint joint_id = gEndEffectors[e];
		bool active_effector = IsActiveVFEffector(joint_id);
		int stance_hip_id = GetStanceHip();
		int swing_hip_id = GetSwingHip();
		int root_id = mChar->GetRootID();

		if (active_effector)
			tVector vf = -GetEffectorVF();
			tVector pos = GetEndEffectorContactPos(joint_id);
			cSpAlg::tSpTrans joint_world_trans = cSpAlg::BuildTrans(-pos);

			cSpAlg::tSpVec sp_force = cSpAlg::BuildSV(vf);
			sp_force = cSpAlg::ApplyTransF(joint_world_trans, sp_force);

			const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = mRBDModel->GetJointMat();
			int curr_id = joint_id;
			while (curr_id != root_id)
				assert(curr_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID);
				int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);
				int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, curr_id);
				const auto curr_J = mJacobian.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size);

				out_tau.segment(offset, size) += curr_J.transpose() * sp_force;

				if (curr_id == stance_hip_id)
					int swing_offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, swing_hip_id);
					int swing_size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, swing_hip_id);

					out_tau.segment(swing_offset, swing_size) += -(curr_J.transpose() * sp_force);

				curr_id = mRBDModel->GetParent(curr_id);

const cRaptorController::tStateDef& cRaptorController::GetCurrStateDef() const
	return gStateDefs[mState];

cRaptorController::tStateParams cRaptorController::GetCurrParams() const
	tStateParams params = mCurrAction.mParams.segment(eMiscParamMax + mState * eStateParamMax, eStateParamMax);
	return params;

double cRaptorController::GetTargetRootPitch() const
	tStateParams params = GetCurrParams();
	double pitch = params(eStateParamRootPitch);
	return pitch;

double cRaptorController::GetRootPitch() const
	tVector axis = tVector::Zero();
	double theta = 0;
	mChar->GetRootRotation(axis, theta);

	const tVector& ref_axis = tVector(0, 0, 1, 0);
	if (axis.dot(ref_axis) < 0)
		theta = -theta;
	return theta;

void cRaptorController::SetStateParams(const tStateParams& params)
	double spine_theta = params(eStateParamSpineCurve);
	for (int i = 0; i < gNumSpineJoints; ++i)
		cSimRaptor::eJoint joint = gSpineJoints[i];
		mImpPDCtrl.SetTargetTheta(joint, spine_theta);

	mImpPDCtrl.SetTargetTheta(GetStanceHip(), params(eStateParamStanceHip));
	mImpPDCtrl.SetTargetTheta(GetStanceKnee(), params(eStateParamStanceKnee));
	mImpPDCtrl.SetTargetTheta(GetStanceAnkle(), params(eStateParamStanceAnkle));
	mImpPDCtrl.SetTargetTheta(GetSwingHip(), params(eStateParamSwingHip));
	mImpPDCtrl.SetTargetTheta(GetSwingKnee(), params(eStateParamSwingKnee));
	mImpPDCtrl.SetTargetTheta(GetSwingAnkle(), params(eStateParamSwingAnkle));

void cRaptorController::SetupPassiveMode()
	tStateParams params;

double cRaptorController::GetTransTime() const
	return mCurrAction.mParams[eMiscParamTransTime];

double cRaptorController::GetCv() const
	return mCurrAction.mParams[eMiscParamCv];

double cRaptorController::GetCd() const
	return mCurrAction.mParams[eMiscParamCd];

bool cRaptorController::CheckContact(int joint_id) const
	assert(joint_id != cSimRaptor::eJointInvalid);
	const auto& body_part = mChar->GetBodyPart(joint_id);
	bool contact = body_part->IsInContact();
	return contact;

bool cRaptorController::IsActiveVFEffector(int joint_id) const
	int state = GetState();
	bool valid_effector = (joint_id == GetStanceToe()) && (state == eStateContact || state == eStateDown);
	bool active_effector = valid_effector && CheckContact(joint_id);
	return active_effector;

tVector cRaptorController::GetEffectorVF() const
	return tVector(mCurrAction.mParams[eMiscParamForceX], mCurrAction.mParams[eMiscParamForceY], 0, 0);

Eigen::MatrixXd cRaptorController::BuildContactBasis(const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, bool& out_has_support) const
	const int num_basis = 2;
	int rows = static_cast<int>(pose.size());
	const int cols = gNumEndEffectors * num_basis;

	const double cone_theta = M_PI * 0.1;
	double s = std::sin(cone_theta);
	double c = std::cos(cone_theta);

	const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, num_basis> force_svs
		((Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, num_basis>() << 
			0, 0,
			0, 0,
			0, 0,
			0, 1,
			1, 0,
			0, 0).finished());

	Eigen::MatrixXd contact_basis = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(rows, cols);

	const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = mChar->GetJointMat();
	tVector root_pos = mChar->GetRootPos();

	out_has_support = false;
	for (int e = 0; e < gNumEndEffectors; ++e)
		cSimRaptor::eJoint joint_id = gEndEffectors[e];
		bool valid_support = IsActiveVFEffector(joint_id);
		//bool valid_support = CheckContact(joint_id);

		auto curr_block = contact_basis.block(0, e * num_basis, rows, num_basis);
		if (valid_support)
			out_has_support = true;

			tVector pos = GetEndEffectorContactPos(joint_id);
			cSpAlg::tSpTrans joint_world_trans = cSpAlg::BuildTrans(-pos);

			Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, num_basis> force_basis;
			for (int i = 0; i < num_basis; ++i)
				cSpAlg::tSpVec force_sv = force_svs.col(i);
				force_basis.col(i) = cSpAlg::ApplyTransF(joint_world_trans, force_sv);

			int curr_id = joint_id;
			while (curr_id != cKinTree::gInvalidJointID)
				int offset = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, curr_id);
				int size = cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, curr_id);
				const auto curr_J = mJacobian.block(0, offset, cSpAlg::gSpVecSize, size);

				curr_block.block(offset, 0, size, curr_block.cols()) = curr_J.transpose() * force_basis;
				curr_id = mRBDModel->GetParent(curr_id);

	return contact_basis;

const std::string& cRaptorController::GetStateName(eState state) const
	return gStateDefs[state].mName;

const std::string& cRaptorController::GetStateParamName(eStateParam param) const
	return gStateParamNames[param];

void cRaptorController::GetOptParams(const Eigen::VectorXd& ctrl_params, Eigen::VectorXd& out_opt_params) const
	int num_params = GetNumParams();
	int num_opt_params = GetNumOptParams();
	assert(ctrl_params.size() == num_params);
	assert(gNumOptParamMasks == num_params);

	int opt_idx = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < num_params; ++i)
		if (IsOptParam(i))
			out_opt_params[opt_idx] = ctrl_params[i];
	assert(opt_idx == num_opt_params);

std::string cRaptorController::BuildOptParamsJson(const Eigen::VectorXd& opt_params) const
	assert(opt_params.size() == GetNumOptParams());
	Eigen::VectorXd param_buffer = mCurrAction.mParams;
	SetOptParams(opt_params, param_buffer);

	std::string json = "";
	int idx = 0;

	json += "\"" + gMiscParamsKey + "\": \n{\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < eMiscParamMax; ++i)
		if (i != 0)
			json += ",\n";
		json += "\"" + gMiscParamsNames[i] +  "\": " + std::to_string(param_buffer[idx++]);
	json += "\n},\n\n";

	json += "\"" + gStateParamsKey + "\": \n{\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < eStateMax; ++i)
		if (i != 0)
			json += ",\n";

		json += "\"" + gStateDefs[i].mName + "\": \n{\n";
		for (int j = 0; j < eStateParamMax; ++j)
			if (j != 0)
				json += ",\n";
			json += "\"" + gStateParamNames[j] + "\": " + std::to_string(param_buffer[idx++]);
		json += "\n}";
	json += "\n}\n";

	json = "{" + json + "}";
	return json;

void cRaptorController::BuildStateParamsFromPose(const Eigen::VectorXd& pose, tStateParams& out_params)
	const cSimRaptor::eJoint ctrl_joints[] =
	const int num_ctrl_joints = sizeof(ctrl_joints) / sizeof(ctrl_joints[0]);

	const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = mChar->GetJointMat();
	double root_theta = cKinTree::GetRootTheta(joint_mat, pose);
	out_params(eStateParamRootPitch) = root_theta;
	out_params(eStateParamSpineCurve) = CalcSpineCurve(pose);

	for (int i = 0; i < num_ctrl_joints; ++i)
		tVector axis;
		double tar_theta = 0;
		int joint_id = ctrl_joints[i];
		if (mImpPDCtrl.UseWorldCoord(joint_id))
			cKinTree::CalcJointWorldTheta(joint_mat, pose, joint_id, axis, tar_theta);
			tar_theta = cKinTree::GetJointTheta(joint_mat, pose, joint_id);
		out_params(eStateParamStanceHip + i) = tar_theta;

double cRaptorController::CalcSpineCurve(const Eigen::VectorXd& pose) const
	const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = mChar->GetJointMat();

	double curve = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < gNumSpineJoints; ++i)
		cSimRaptor::eJoint joint = gSpineJoints[i];
		double theta = cKinTree::GetJointTheta(joint_mat, pose, joint);
		curve += theta;

	curve /= gNumSpineJoints;
	return curve;

const Eigen::VectorXd& cRaptorController::GetCtrlParams(int ctrl_id) const
	return mCtrlParams[ctrl_id];

bool cRaptorController::IsCurrActionCyclic() const
	const tBlendAction& action = mActions[mCurrAction.mID];
	return action.mCyclic;

void cRaptorController::ApplyAction(int action_id)

void cRaptorController::ApplyAction(const tAction& action)

void cRaptorController::NewCycleUpdate()
	mPrevCycleTime = mCurrCycleTime;
	mCurrCycleTime = 0;
	mPrevStumbleCount = mCurrStumbleCount;
	mCurrStumbleCount = 0;
	mPrevCOM = mChar->CalcCOM();

void cRaptorController::BlendCtrlParams(const tBlendAction& action, Eigen::VectorXd& out_params) const
	const Eigen::VectorXd& param0 = GetCtrlParams(action.mParamIdx0);
	const Eigen::VectorXd& param1 = GetCtrlParams(action.mParamIdx1);
	double blend = action.mBlend;
	out_params = (1 - blend) * param0 + blend * param1;

void cRaptorController::PostProcessParams(Eigen::VectorXd& out_params) const
	out_params[eMiscParamTransTime] = std::abs(out_params[eMiscParamTransTime]);
	out_params[eMiscParamCv] = std::abs(out_params[eMiscParamCv]);
	out_params[eMiscParamCd] = std::abs(out_params[eMiscParamCd]);

bool cRaptorController::IsOptParam(int param_idx) const
	assert(param_idx >= 0 && param_idx < gNumOptParamMasks);
	return gOptParamsMasks[param_idx];

void cRaptorController::BuildPoliStatePose(Eigen::VectorXd& out_pose) const
	eStance stance = GetStance();
	if (stance != gDefaultStance)

void cRaptorController::BuildPoliStateVel(Eigen::VectorXd& out_vel) const
	eStance stance = GetStance();
	if (stance != gDefaultStance)

void cRaptorController::FlipStance()
	SetStance((mStance == eStanceRight) ? eStanceLeft : eStanceRight);

void cRaptorController::SetStance(eStance stance)
	mStance = stance;

	TransitionState(GetState(), GetPhase());

void cRaptorController::FlipPoseStance(Eigen::VectorXd& out_pose) const
	const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = mChar->GetJointMat();

	int num_dofs = mChar->GetNumDof();
	int last_body_joint = cSimRaptor::eJointTail4;
	int start_idx = cKinTree::GetParamOffset(joint_mat, last_body_joint);
	start_idx += cKinTree::GetParamSize(joint_mat, last_body_joint);

	int num_leg_params = (num_dofs - start_idx) / 2;
	for (int i = 0; i < num_leg_params; ++i)
		int idx0 = start_idx + i;
		int idx1 = start_idx + num_leg_params + i;
		double val0 = out_pose(idx0);
		double val1 = out_pose(idx1);
		out_pose(idx0) = val1;
		out_pose(idx1) = val0;

void cRaptorController::FlipPoliPoseStance(Eigen::VectorXd& out_pose) const
	// hack
	// assume that the leg params are all packed at the end of the vector!
	const Eigen::MatrixXd& joint_mat = mChar->GetJointMat();

	int num_params = static_cast<int>(out_pose.size());
	int num_leg_joints = GetNumJointsPerLeg();
	int num_leg_params = num_leg_joints * gPosDim;

	for (int i = 0; i < num_leg_params; ++i)
		int idx0 = num_params - i - 1;
		int idx1 = num_params - num_leg_params - i - 1;
		double val0 = out_pose(idx0);
		double val1 = out_pose(idx1);
		out_pose(idx0) = val1;
		out_pose(idx1) = val0;

int cRaptorController::GetNumJointsPerLeg() const
	int hip_id = GetStanceHip();
	int toe_id = GetStanceToe();
	int num_joints = std::abs(toe_id - hip_id) + 1;
	return num_joints;

int cRaptorController::GetSwingHip() const
	return (GetStance() == eStanceRight) ? cSimRaptor::eJointLeftHip : cSimRaptor::eJointRightHip;

int cRaptorController::GetSwingKnee() const
	return (GetStance() == eStanceRight) ? cSimRaptor::eJointLeftKnee : cSimRaptor::eJointRightKnee;

int cRaptorController::GetSwingAnkle() const
	return (GetStance() == eStanceRight) ? cSimRaptor::eJointLeftAnkle : cSimRaptor::eJointRightAnkle;

int cRaptorController::GetSwingToe() const
	return (GetStance() == eStanceRight) ? cSimRaptor::eJointLeftToe : cSimRaptor::eJointRightToe;

int cRaptorController::GetStanceHip() const
	return (GetStance() == eStanceRight) ? cSimRaptor::eJointRightHip : cSimRaptor::eJointLeftHip;

int cRaptorController::GetStanceKnee() const
	return (GetStance() == eStanceRight) ? cSimRaptor::eJointRightKnee : cSimRaptor::eJointLeftKnee;

int cRaptorController::GetStanceAnkle() const
	return (GetStance() == eStanceRight) ? cSimRaptor::eJointRightAnkle : cSimRaptor::eJointLeftAnkle;

int cRaptorController::GetStanceToe() const
	return (GetStance() == eStanceRight) ? cSimRaptor::eJointRightToe : cSimRaptor::eJointLeftToe;

tVector cRaptorController::GetEndEffectorContactPos(int joint_id) const
	tVector pos = tVector::Zero();
	const auto& part = mChar->GetBodyPart(joint_id);
	if (part != nullptr)
		const auto& body_defs = mChar->GetBodyDefs();
		tVector size = cKinTree::GetBodySize(body_defs, joint_id);
		pos = part->LocalToWorldPos(tVector(0, -0.5 * size[1], 0, 0));
		pos = mRBDModel->CalcJointWorldPos(joint_id);
	return pos;

void cRaptorController::RecordDistTraveled()
	tVector com = mChar->CalcCOM();
	mPrevDistTraveled = com - mPrevCOM;

int cRaptorController::PopCommand()
	int cmd = mCommands.top();
	return cmd;

bool cRaptorController::HasCommands() const
	return !mCommands.empty();

void cRaptorController::ClearCommands()
	while (!mCommands.empty())

void cRaptorController::ProcessCommand(tAction& out_action)
	int a_id = PopCommand();
	BuildBaseAction(a_id, out_action);

void cRaptorController::BuildBaseAction(int action_id, tAction& out_action) const
	const tBlendAction& blend = mActions[action_id];
	out_action.mID = blend.mID;
	BlendCtrlParams(blend, out_action.mParams);
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