# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license function args_morespecific(a, b) sp = (ccall(:jl_type_morespecific, Cint, (Any,Any), a, b) != 0) if sp # make sure morespecific(a,b) implies !morespecific(b,a) @test ccall(:jl_type_morespecific, Cint, (Any,Any), b, a) == 0 end return sp end # issue #8652 let a = Tuple{Type{T1}, T1} where T1<:Integer b2 = Tuple{Type{T2}, Integer} where T2<:Integer @test args_morespecific(a, b2) @test !args_morespecific(b2, a) a = Tuple{Type{T1}, Ptr{T1}} where T1<:Integer b2 = Tuple{Type{T2}, Ptr{Integer}} where T2<:Integer @test args_morespecific(a, b2) @test !args_morespecific(b2, a) end # issue #11534 let t1 = Tuple{AbstractArray, Tuple{Vararg{RangeIndex}}} t2 = Tuple{Array, T} where T<:Tuple{Vararg{RangeIndex}} @test !args_morespecific(t1, t2) @test args_morespecific(t2, t1) end let a = Tuple{Array{T,N}, Vararg{Int,N}} where T where N b = Tuple{Array,Int} @test args_morespecific(a, b) @test !args_morespecific(b, a) a = Tuple{Array, Vararg{Int,N}} where N @test !args_morespecific(a, b) @test args_morespecific(b, a) end # another specificity issue _z_z_z_(x, y) = 1 _z_z_z_(::Int, ::Int, ::Vector) = 2 _z_z_z_(::Int, c...) = 3 @test _z_z_z_(1, 1, []) == 2 @test args_morespecific(Tuple{T,Vararg{T}} where T<:Number, Tuple{Number,Number,Vararg{Number}}) @test !args_morespecific(Tuple{Number,Number,Vararg{Number}}, Tuple{T,Vararg{T}} where T<:Number) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Array{T} where T<:Union{Float32,Float64,Complex64,Complex128}, Any}, Tuple{Array{T} where T<:Real, Any}) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{1,T} where T, Tuple{Any}) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{T} where T, Tuple{T,T} where T) @test !args_morespecific(Type{T} where T<:Integer, Type{Any}) # issue #21016 @test args_morespecific(Tuple{IO, Core.TypeofBottom}, Tuple{IO, Type{T}} where T<:Number) # issue #21382 @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{Pair{A,B} where B}} where A, Tuple{DataType}) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Union{Int,String},Type{Pair{A,B} where B}} where A, Tuple{Integer,UnionAll}) # PR #21750 let A = Tuple{Any, Tuple{Vararg{Integer,N} where N}}, B = Tuple{Any, Tuple{Any}}, C = Tuple{Any, Tuple{}} @test args_morespecific(A, B) @test args_morespecific(C, A) @test args_morespecific(C, B) end # with bound varargs _bound_vararg_specificity_1{T,N}(::Type{Array{T,N}}, d::Vararg{Int, N}) = 0 _bound_vararg_specificity_1{T}(::Type{Array{T,1}}, d::Int) = 1 @test _bound_vararg_specificity_1(Array{Int,1}, 1) == 1 @test _bound_vararg_specificity_1(Array{Int,2}, 1, 1) == 0 # issue #21710 @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Array}, Tuple{AbstractVector}) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Matrix}, Tuple{AbstractVector}) # Method specificity begin local f, A f{T}(dims::Tuple{}, A::AbstractArray{T,0}) = 1 f{T,N}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}, A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = 2 f{T,M,N}(dims::NTuple{M,Int}, A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = 3 A = zeros(2,2) @test f((1,2,3), A) == 3 @test f((1,2), A) == 2 @test f((), reshape([1])) == 1 f{T,N}(dims::NTuple{N,Int}, A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = 4 @test f((1,2), A) == 4 @test f((1,2,3), A) == 3 end # a method specificity issue c99991{T}(::Type{T},x::T) = 0 c99991{T}(::Type{UnitRange{T}},x::StepRangeLen{T}) = 1 c99991{T}(::Type{UnitRange{T}},x::Range{T}) = 2 @test c99991(UnitRange{Float64}, 1.0:2.0) == 1 @test c99991(UnitRange{Int}, 1:2) == 2 # issue #17016, method specificity involving vararg tuples T_17016{N} = Tuple{Any,Any,Vararg{Any,N}} f17016(f, t::T_17016) = 0 f17016(f, t1::Tuple) = 1 @test f17016(0, (1,2,3)) == 0 @test !args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{Any}, Any}, Tuple{Type{T}, Any} where T<:VecElement) @test !args_morespecific((Tuple{Type{T}, Any} where T<:VecElement), Tuple{Type{Any}, Any}) @test !args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{T}, Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any, N} where N}} where T<:Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any, N} where N}, Tuple{Type{Any}, Any}) @test !args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{T}, Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any, N} where N}} where T<:Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any, N} where N}, Tuple{Type{Tuple}, Tuple}) @test !args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{T}, T} where T<:Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any, N} where N}, Tuple{Type{T}, Any} where T<:VecElement) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Any, Tuple{}, Tuple{}}, Tuple{Any, Tuple{Any}}) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Any, Tuple{Any}, Tuple{Any}}, Tuple{Any, Tuple{Any, Any}}) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Any, Vararg{Tuple{}, N} where N}, Tuple{Any, Tuple{Any}}) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{T, T} where T<:AbstractFloat, Tuple{T, T, T} where T<:AbstractFloat) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{T, Real, T} where T<:AbstractFloat, Tuple{T, T} where T<:Real) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Real, Real}, Tuple{T, T, T} where T <: Real) @test !args_morespecific(Tuple{Real, Real, Real}, Tuple{T, T, T} where T <: Real) @test !args_morespecific(Tuple{Real, Real, Vararg{Real}}, Tuple{T, T, T} where T <: Real) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Real, Real, Vararg{Int}}, Tuple{T, T, T} where T <: Real) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{Base.Nullable{T}}} where T, Tuple{Type{T}, Any} where T) @test !args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{Base.Nullable{T}}, T} where T, Tuple{Type{Base.Nullable{T}}} where T) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Union{Base.StepRange{T, S} where S, Base.StepRangeLen{T, T, S} where S}, Union{Base.StepRange{T, S} where S, Base.StepRangeLen{T, T, S} where S}} where T, Tuple{T, T} where T<:Union{Base.StepRangeLen, Base.LinSpace}) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{Tuple}, Any, Any}, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{E, N} where N}}, Any, Any} where E) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{Tuple{}}, Tuple{}}, Tuple{Type{T}, T} where T<:Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any, N} where N}) @test args_morespecific(Tuple{Type{CartesianIndex{N}}} where N, Tuple{Type{CartesianIndex{N}},Vararg{Int,N}} where N) # issue #22164 and #22002 let A = Tuple{Type{D},D} where D<:Pair, B = Tuple{Type{Any}, Any}, C = Tuple{Type{Pair}, Pair} @test args_morespecific(C, A) @test !args_morespecific(A, B) @test !args_morespecific(C, B) end # issue #22338 let A = Tuple{Ref, Tuple{T}} where T, B = Tuple{Ref{T}, Tuple{Vararg{T}}} where T, C = Tuple{Ref{T}, Tuple{T}} where T @test args_morespecific(C, A) @test args_morespecific(C, B) @test !args_morespecific(A, B) @test !args_morespecific(B, A) end # issue #22339 let A = Tuple{T, Array{T, 1}} where T, B = Tuple{T} where T, C = Tuple{T} where T<:AbstractFloat @test args_morespecific(B, A) @test args_morespecific(C, B) @test args_morespecific(C, A) end