import os, sys from datetime import datetime import XML_Parse as xparse import Apical_Basal_Classification as classify import Branch_Number_per_Skeleton as bnps import Euclidean_Distance as ed import Skeleton_Visualization as sv import File_Converter as sw import pandas as pd ####################################################################################################################### # Setting user input to select which analyses user wants run: parsing_option = input("Excel sheet with complete skeleton information (Y or N): ") parsing_option.islower() if parsing_option is 'y': horizontal_orientation = input("Would you like node information to be separate columns as a horizontal output? WARNING: do not use with large data sets (Y or N): ") horizontal_orientation.islower() branch_class_option = input("Branch Classification (Apical vs. Basal) Analysis (Y or N): ") branch_class_option.islower() branch_number_option = input("Branch Number per Skeleton Analysis (Y or N): ") branch_number_option.islower() euclidean_distance_option = input("Dendritic Distance Analysis (Y or N): ") euclidean_distance_option.islower() if euclidean_distance_option is 'y': total_eu_option = input("Total Dendritic Distance per Neuron (Y or N): ") total_eu_option.islower() node_eu_option = input("Distance per Node Pair (Y or N): ") node_eu_option.islower() visualization_option = input("Visual Neuron Reference? (Y or N): ") visualization_option.islower() swc_option = input("Convert XML to SWC file format - this will output a .csv file with the correct format for neuromorph files (Y or N): ") swc_option.islower() if swc_option is 'y': orientation_option = data_ori print("\n") ####################################################################################################################### # Following section will run the analyses as input above: # Parsed Excel Sheet starttime_xml = if parsing_option is 'y': XML_final_df = pd.DataFrame() for thing in xparse.root.iter('thing'): XML_final_df = XML_final_df.append(xparse.skeleton_information(thing), ignore_index=True) xparse.save_csv_df(XML_final_df, 'skeleton_information.csv') XML_time_n = - starttime_xml print("XML Parsing Completion Time: ", XML_time_n) if horizontal_orientation is 'y': final_df = xparse.XML_info_node_rows(xparse.root) xparse.save_csv_df(final_df, 'skeleton_information_horizontal.csv') print(final_df) XML_time = - starttime_xml print("XML Parsing Completion Time: ", XML_time) # Branch Classification (Apical vs. Basal) starttime_bc = if branch_class_option is 'y': endpoints_position_df = pd.DataFrame() for thing in xparse.root.iter('thing'): endpoints_position_df = endpoints_position_df.append(classify.apical_basal_classifier(thing), ignore_index=True) xparse.save_node_csv_df(endpoints_position_df, 'branch_classification.csv') classify.ab_barchart(xparse.root) classify.overlaid_histogram(xparse.root) classify_time = - starttime_bc print("Branch Classification Completion Time: ", classify_time) # Branch Number per Skeleton Analysis: starttime_bn = if branch_number_option is 'y': skeleton_branches_df = pd.DataFrame() for thing in xparse.root.iter('thing'): skeleton_branches_df = skeleton_branches_df.append(bnps.branch_number_per_skeleton(thing), ignore_index=True) xparse.save_csv_df(skeleton_branches_df, 'total_branches_per_skeleton.csv') bnps.skeleton_branch_number_histogram('total_branches_per_skeleton.csv') bnps_time = - starttime_bn print("Branch Number Completion Time: ", bnps_time) # Euclidean Distance Analysis: starttime_ed = if euclidean_distance_option is 'y': if total_eu_option is 'y': ed_per_skeleton_df = pd.DataFrame() for thing in xparse.root.iter('thing'): ed_per_skeleton_df = ed_per_skeleton_df.append(ed.ed_per_skeleton(thing), ignore_index=True) xparse.save_csv_df(ed_per_skeleton_df, 'euclidean_distance_per_skeleton.csv') ed.ed_histogram('euclidean_distance_per_skeleton.csv') if node_eu_option is 'y': ed_per_node_df = pd.DataFrame() for thing in xparse.root.iter('thing'): ed_per_node_df = ed_per_node_df.append(ed.ed_per_node(thing), ignore_index=True) xparse.save_csv_df(ed_per_node_df, 'euclidean_distance_per_node.csv') # ed.ed_histogram('euclidean_distance_per_node.csv') ed_time = - starttime_ed print("Euclidean Distance Completion Time: ", ed_time) # Skeleton Visualization: starttime_sv = if visualization_option is 'y': sv.network_graph_go(xparse.root) sv_time = - starttime_sv print("Visualization Time: ", sv_time) # Convert to SWC: if swc_option is 'y': # Creating a directory within the user defined output directory to save all swc files: if os.path.exists("SWCFileFormats"): print("SWCFileFormats already exists, please check directory or delete to continue.") else: os.mkdir("SWCFileFormats") os.chdir("SWCFileFormats") final_df = pd.DataFrame() for thing in xparse.root.iter('thing'): skeleton_df = sw.swc_file_format(thing) final_df = final_df.append(skeleton_df, ignore_index=False) # Saving the individual skeletons filename = str(xparse.skeleton_id(thing)) skeleton_df.to_csv(filename + '.csv') # Saving a final CSV with all the information final_df['Sample Number'] = final_df.index ordered_final_df = final_df[ [ 'Sample Number', 'Structure Identifier', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'radius', 'Parent Sample' ] ] xparse.save_csv_df(ordered_final_df, 'SWC_Format.csv') # Finalization: print('\nCompleted Analysis: ', xparse.output_file, '\n') #######################################################################################################################