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Tip revision: c349b1125b413a50f124f780f408b9e3f7167af3 authored by Dominique Makowski on 24 July 2024, 14:10:02 UTC
version 0.14.0
Tip revision: c349b11
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% Please edit documentation in R/describe_posterior.R
\title{Describe Posterior Distributions}
describe_posterior(posteriors, ...)

  centrality = "median",
  dispersion = FALSE,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  test = c("p_direction", "rope"),
  rope_range = "default",
  rope_ci = 0.95,
  keep_iterations = FALSE,
  bf_prior = NULL,
  BF = 1,

  centrality = "median",
  dispersion = FALSE,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  test = c("p_direction", "rope"),
  rope_range = "default",
  rope_ci = 0.95,
  keep_iterations = FALSE,
  bf_prior = NULL,
  diagnostic = c("ESS", "Rhat"),
  priors = FALSE,
  effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"),
  component = c("location", "all", "conditional", "smooth_terms", "sigma",
    "distributional", "auxiliary"),
  parameters = NULL,
  BF = 1,

  centrality = "median",
  dispersion = FALSE,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  test = c("p_direction", "rope"),
  rope_range = "default",
  rope_ci = 0.95,
  keep_iterations = FALSE,
  bf_prior = NULL,
  diagnostic = c("ESS", "Rhat"),
  effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"),
  component = c("conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated", "all", "location",
    "distributional", "auxiliary"),
  parameters = NULL,
  BF = 1,
  priors = FALSE,
\item{posteriors}{A vector, data frame or model of posterior draws.
\strong{bayestestR} supports a wide range of models (see \code{methods("describe_posterior")})
and not all of those are documented in the 'Usage' section, because methods
for other classes mostly resemble the arguments of the \code{.numeric} method.}

\item{...}{Additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.}

\item{centrality}{The point-estimates (centrality indices) to compute.  Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: \code{"median"}, \code{"mean"}, \code{"MAP"} or \code{"all"}.}

\item{dispersion}{Logical, if \code{TRUE}, computes indices of dispersion related to the estimate(s) (\code{SD} and \code{MAD} for \code{mean} and \code{median}, respectively).}

\item{ci}{Value or vector of probability of the CI (between 0 and 1)
to be estimated. Default to \code{.95} (\verb{95\%}).}

\item{ci_method}{The type of index used for Credible Interval. Can be
\code{"ETI"} (default, see \code{\link[=eti]{eti()}}), \code{"HDI"}
(see \code{\link[=hdi]{hdi()}}), \code{"BCI"} (see
\code{\link[=bci]{bci()}}), \code{"SPI"} (see \code{\link[=spi]{spi()}}), or
\code{"SI"} (see \code{\link[=si]{si()}}).}

\item{test}{The indices of effect existence to compute. Character (vector) or
list with one or more of these options: \code{"p_direction"} (or \code{"pd"}),
\code{"rope"}, \code{"p_map"}, \code{"equivalence_test"} (or \code{"equitest"}),
\code{"bayesfactor"} (or \code{"bf"}) or \code{"all"} to compute all tests.
For each "test", the corresponding \pkg{bayestestR} function is called
(e.g. \code{\link[=rope]{rope()}} or \code{\link[=p_direction]{p_direction()}}) and its results
included in the summary output.}

\item{rope_range}{ROPE's lower and higher bounds. Should be a list of two
values (e.g., \code{c(-0.1, 0.1)}) or \code{"default"}. If \code{"default"},
the bounds are set to \code{x +- 0.1*SD(response)}.}

\item{rope_ci}{The Credible Interval (CI) probability, corresponding to the
proportion of HDI, to use for the percentage in ROPE.}

\item{keep_iterations}{If \code{TRUE}, will keep all iterations (draws) of
bootstrapped or Bayesian models. They will be added as additional columns
named \verb{iter_1, iter_2, ...}. You can reshape them to a long format by
running \code{\link[=reshape_iterations]{reshape_iterations()}}.}

\item{bf_prior}{Distribution representing a prior for the computation of
Bayes factors / SI. Used if the input is a posterior, otherwise (in the
case of models) ignored.}

\item{BF}{The amount of support required to be included in the support interval.}

\item{diagnostic}{Diagnostic metrics to compute.  Character (vector) or list
with one or more of these options: \code{"ESS"}, \code{"Rhat"}, \code{"MCSE"} or \code{"all"}.}

\item{priors}{Add the prior used for each parameter.}

\item{effects}{Should results for fixed effects, random effects or both be
returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.}

\item{component}{Should results for all parameters, parameters for the
conditional model or the zero-inflated part of the model be returned? May
be abbreviated. Only applies to \pkg{brms}-models.}

\item{parameters}{Regular expression pattern that describes the parameters
that should be returned. Meta-parameters (like \code{lp__} or \code{prior_}) are
filtered by default, so only parameters that typically appear in the
\code{summary()} are returned. Use \code{parameters} to select specific parameters
for the output.}
Compute indices relevant to describe and characterize the posterior distributions.
One or more components of point estimates (like posterior mean or median),
intervals and tests can be omitted from the summary output by setting the
related argument to \code{NULL}. For example, \code{test = NULL} and \code{centrality = NULL} would only return the HDI (or CI).

if (require("logspline")) {
  x <- rnorm(1000)
  describe_posterior(x, centrality = "all", dispersion = TRUE, test = "all")
  describe_posterior(x, ci = c(0.80, 0.90))

  df <- data.frame(replicate(4, rnorm(100)))
  describe_posterior(df, centrality = "all", dispersion = TRUE, test = "all")
  describe_posterior(df, ci = c(0.80, 0.90))

  df <- data.frame(replicate(4, rnorm(20)))
  head(reshape_iterations(describe_posterior(df, keep_iterations = TRUE)))
# rstanarm models
# -----------------------------------------------
if (require("rstanarm") && require("emmeans")) {
  model <- stan_glm(mpg ~ wt + gear, data = mtcars, chains = 2, iter = 200, refresh = 0)
  describe_posterior(model, centrality = "all", dispersion = TRUE, test = "all")
  describe_posterior(model, ci = c(0.80, 0.90))

  # emmeans estimates
  # -----------------------------------------------
  describe_posterior(emtrends(model, ~1, "wt"))

# brms models
# -----------------------------------------------
if (require("brms")) {
  model <- brms::brm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars)
  describe_posterior(model, centrality = "all", dispersion = TRUE, test = "all")
  describe_posterior(model, ci = c(0.80, 0.90))

# BayesFactor objects
# -----------------------------------------------
if (require("BayesFactor")) {
  bf <- ttestBF(x = rnorm(100, 1, 1))
  describe_posterior(bf, centrality = "all", dispersion = TRUE, test = "all")
  describe_posterior(bf, ci = c(0.80, 0.90))
\item Makowski, D., Ben-Shachar, M. S., Chen, S. H. A., and Lüdecke, D. (2019).
\emph{Indices of Effect Existence and Significance in the Bayesian Framework}.
Frontiers in Psychology 2019;10:2767. \doi{10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02767}
\item \href{}{Region of Practical Equivalence (ROPE)}
\item \href{}{Bayes factors}
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