type Set{T} dict::Dict{T,Nothing} Set() = new(Dict{T,Nothing}()) Set(x...) = union!(new(Dict{T,Nothing}()), x) end Set() = Set{Any}() Set(x...) = Set{Any}(x...) Set{T}(x::T...) = Set{T}(x...) show(io::IO, s::Set) = (show(io, typeof(s)); show_comma_array(io, s,'(',')')) isempty(s::Set) = isempty(s.dict) length(s::Set) = length(s.dict) eltype{T}(s::Set{T}) = T in(x, s::Set) = haskey(s.dict, x) push!(s::Set, x) = (s.dict[x] = nothing; s) pop!(s::Set, x) = (pop!(s.dict, x); x) pop!(s::Set, x, deflt) = pop!(s.dict, x, deflt) == deflt ? deflt : x delete!(s::Set, x) = (delete!(s.dict, x); s) union!(s::Set, xs) = (for x=xs; push!(s,x); end; s) setdiff!(s::Set, xs) = (for x=xs; delete!(s,x); end; s) similar{T}(s::Set{T}) = Set{T}() copy(s::Set) = union!(similar(s), s) empty!{T}(s::Set{T}) = (empty!(s.dict); s) start(s::Set) = start(s.dict) done(s::Set, state) = done(s.dict, state) # NOTE: manually optimized to take advantage of Dict representation next(s::Set, i) = (s.dict.keys[i], skip_deleted(s.dict,i+1)) # TODO: simplify me? pop!(s::Set) = (val = s.dict.keys[start(s.dict)]; delete!(s.dict, val); val) join_eltype() = None join_eltype(v1, vs...) = typejoin(eltype(v1), join_eltype(vs...)) union() = Set() union(s::Set) = copy(s) function union(s::Set, sets::Set...) u = Set{join_eltype(s, sets...)}() union!(u,s) for t in sets union!(u,t) end return u end intersect(s::Set) = copy(s) function intersect(s::Set, sets::Set...) i = copy(s) for x in s for t in sets if !in(x,t) delete!(i,x) break end end end return i end function setdiff(a::Set, b::Set) d = copy(a) for x in b delete!(d, x) end d end isequal(l::Set, r::Set) = (length(l) == length(r)) && (l <= r) isless(l::Set, r::Set) = (length(l) < length(r)) && (l <= r) <=(l::Set, r::Set) = issubset(l, r) function issubset(l, r) for elt in l if !in(elt, r) return false end end return true end function unique(C) out = Array(eltype(C),0) seen = Set{eltype(C)}() for x in C if !in(x, seen) push!(seen, x) push!(out, x) end end out end function filter!(f::Function, s::Set) for x in s if !f(x) delete!(s, x) end end return s end filter(f::Function, s::Set) = filter!(f, copy(s)) hash(s::Set) = hash(sort(s.dict.keys[s.dict.slots .!= 0]))