# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license module Serializer import Base: GMP, Bottom, unsafe_convert, uncompressed_ast, datatype_pointerfree import Core: svec using Base: ViewIndex, index_lengths, unwrap_unionall export serialize, deserialize, SerializationState type SerializationState{I<:IO} <: AbstractSerializer io::I counter::Int table::ObjectIdDict SerializationState(io::I) = new(io, 0, ObjectIdDict()) end SerializationState(io::IO) = SerializationState{typeof(io)}(io) ## serializing values ## # types AbstractSerializer and Serializer # defined in dict.jl const TAGS = Any[ Symbol, Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Int128, UInt128, Float32, Float64, Char, Ptr, DataType, Union, TypeName, Tuple, Array, Expr, #LongSymbol, LongTuple, LongExpr, Symbol, Tuple, Expr, # dummy entries, intentionally shadowed by earlier ones LineNumberNode, Slot, LabelNode, GotoNode, QuoteNode, CodeInfo, TypeVar, Core.Box, Core.MethodInstance, Module, #=UndefRefTag=#Symbol, Task, String, Float16, SimpleVector, #=BackrefTag=#Symbol, Method, GlobalRef, UnionAll, (), Bool, Any, :Any, Bottom, Core.BottomType, :reserved22, Type, :Array, :TypeVar, :Box, :lambda, :body, :return, :call, Symbol("::"), :(=), :null, :gotoifnot, :A, :B, :C, :M, :N, :T, :S, :X, :Y, :a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g, :h, :i, :j, :k, :l, :m, :n, :o, :p, :q, :r, :s, :t, :u, :v, :w, :x, :y, :z, :add_int, :sub_int, :mul_int, :add_float, :sub_float, :mul_float, :unbox, :box, :eq_int, :slt_int, :sle_int, :ne_int, :arrayset, :arrayref, :Core, :Base, svec(), Tuple{}, :reserved17, :reserved18, :reserved19, :reserved20, false, true, nothing, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 ] const ser_version = 5 # do not make changes without bumping the version #! const NTAGS = length(TAGS) function sertag(v::ANY) ptr = pointer_from_objref(v) ptags = convert(Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, pointer(TAGS)) @inbounds for i in 1:NTAGS ptr == unsafe_load(ptags,i) && return (i+1)%Int32 end return Int32(-1) end desertag(i::Int32) = TAGS[i-1] # tags >= this just represent themselves, their whole representation is 1 byte const VALUE_TAGS = sertag(()) const ZERO_TAG = sertag(0) const TRUE_TAG = sertag(true) const FALSE_TAG = sertag(false) const EMPTYTUPLE_TAG = sertag(()) const TUPLE_TAG = sertag(Tuple) const LONGTUPLE_TAG = Int32(sertag(Expr)+2) const SIMPLEVECTOR_TAG = sertag(SimpleVector) const SYMBOL_TAG = sertag(Symbol) const LONGSYMBOL_TAG = Int32(sertag(Expr)+1) const ARRAY_TAG = sertag(Array) const UNDEFREF_TAG = Int32(sertag(Module)+1) const BACKREF_TAG = Int32(sertag(SimpleVector)+1) const EXPR_TAG = sertag(Expr) const LONGEXPR_TAG = Int32(sertag(Expr)+3) const MODULE_TAG = sertag(Module) const METHODINSTANCE_TAG = sertag(Core.MethodInstance) const METHOD_TAG = sertag(Method) const TASK_TAG = sertag(Task) const DATATYPE_TAG = sertag(DataType) const TYPENAME_TAG = sertag(TypeName) const INT_TAG = sertag(Int) const GLOBALREF_TAG = sertag(GlobalRef) writetag(s::IO, tag) = write(s, UInt8(tag)) function write_as_tag(s::IO, tag) tag < VALUE_TAGS && write(s, UInt8(0)) write(s, UInt8(tag)) end # cycle handling function serialize_cycle(s::AbstractSerializer, x) if !isimmutable(x) && !datatype_pointerfree(typeof(x)) offs = get(s.table, x, -1) if offs != -1 writetag(s.io, BACKREF_TAG) write(s.io, Int(offs)) return true end s.table[x] = s.counter s.counter += 1 end return false end function reset_state(s::AbstractSerializer) s.counter = 0 s.table = ObjectIdDict() s end serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, x::Bool) = x ? writetag(s.io, TRUE_TAG) : writetag(s.io, FALSE_TAG) serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, p::Ptr) = serialize_any(s, oftype(p, C_NULL)) serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Tuple{}) = writetag(s.io, EMPTYTUPLE_TAG) function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, t::Tuple) l = length(t) if l <= 255 writetag(s.io, TUPLE_TAG) write(s.io, UInt8(l)) else writetag(s.io, LONGTUPLE_TAG) write(s.io, Int32(l)) end for x in t serialize(s, x) end end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, v::SimpleVector) writetag(s.io, SIMPLEVECTOR_TAG) write(s.io, Int32(length(v))) for x in v serialize(s, x) end end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, x::Symbol) tag = sertag(x) if tag > 0 return write_as_tag(s.io, tag) end pname = unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8}, x) ln = Int(ccall(:strlen, Csize_t, (Cstring,), pname)) if ln <= 255 writetag(s.io, SYMBOL_TAG) write(s.io, UInt8(ln)) else writetag(s.io, LONGSYMBOL_TAG) write(s.io, Int32(ln)) end unsafe_write(s.io, pname, ln) end function serialize_array_data(s::IO, a) elty = eltype(a) if elty === Bool && !isempty(a) last = a[1] count = 1 for i = 2:length(a) if a[i] != last || count == 127 write(s, UInt8((UInt8(last) << 7) | count)) last = a[i] count = 1 else count += 1 end end write(s, UInt8((UInt8(last) << 7) | count)) else write(s, a) end end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, a::Array) elty = eltype(a) if !isbits(elty) # This is subtle: whether Arrays are put in the table depends on # the eltype, so we need to be able to deserialize the eltype first. # However deserializing the eltype might also use the table. offs = get(s.table, a, -1) if offs != -1 writetag(s.io, BACKREF_TAG) write(s.io, Int(offs)) return end end writetag(s.io, ARRAY_TAG) if elty !== UInt8 serialize(s, elty) end if !isbits(elty) s.table[a] = s.counter s.counter += 1 end if ndims(a) != 1 serialize(s, size(a)) else serialize(s, length(a)) end if isbits(elty) serialize_array_data(s.io, a) else for i in eachindex(a) if isassigned(a, i) serialize(s, a[i]) else writetag(s.io, UNDEFREF_TAG) end end end end function serialize{T,N,A<:Array}(s::AbstractSerializer, a::SubArray{T,N,A}) b = trimmedsubarray(a) serialize_any(s, b) end function trimmedsubarray{T,N,A<:Array}(V::SubArray{T,N,A}) dest = Array{eltype(V)}(trimmedsize(V)) copy!(dest, V) _trimmedsubarray(dest, V, (), V.indexes...) end trimmedsize(V) = index_lengths(V.parent, V.indexes...) function _trimmedsubarray{T,N,P,I,LD}(A, V::SubArray{T,N,P,I,LD}, newindexes) LD && return SubArray{T,N,P,I,LD}(A, newindexes, Base.compute_offset1(A, 1, newindexes), 1) SubArray{T,N,P,I,LD}(A, newindexes, 0, 0) end _trimmedsubarray(A, V, newindexes, index::ViewIndex, indexes...) = _trimmedsubarray(A, V, (newindexes..., trimmedindex(V.parent, length(newindexes)+1, index)), indexes...) trimmedindex(P, d, i::Real) = oftype(i, 1) trimmedindex(P, d, i::Colon) = i trimmedindex(P, d, i::AbstractArray) = oftype(i, reshape(linearindices(i), indices(i))) function serialize{T<:AbstractString}(s::AbstractSerializer, ss::SubString{T}) # avoid saving a copy of the parent string, keeping the type of ss serialize_any(s, convert(SubString{T}, convert(T,ss))) end # Don't serialize the pointers function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, r::Regex) serialize_type(s, typeof(r)) serialize(s, r.pattern) serialize(s, r.compile_options) serialize(s, r.match_options) end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, n::BigInt) serialize_type(s, BigInt) serialize(s, base(62,n)) end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, n::BigFloat) serialize_type(s, BigFloat) serialize(s, string(n)) end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ex::Expr) serialize_cycle(s, ex) && return l = length(ex.args) if l <= 255 writetag(s.io, EXPR_TAG) write(s.io, UInt8(l)) else writetag(s.io, LONGEXPR_TAG) write(s.io, Int32(l)) end serialize(s, ex.head) serialize(s, ex.typ) for a in ex.args serialize(s, a) end end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, t::Dict) serialize_cycle(s, t) && return serialize_type(s, typeof(t)) write(s.io, Int32(length(t))) for (k,v) in t serialize(s, k) serialize(s, v) end end function serialize_mod_names(s::AbstractSerializer, m::Module) p = module_parent(m) if m !== p serialize_mod_names(s, p) serialize(s, module_name(m)) end end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, m::Module) writetag(s.io, MODULE_TAG) serialize_mod_names(s, m) writetag(s.io, EMPTYTUPLE_TAG) end # TODO: make this bidirectional, so objects can be sent back via the same key const object_numbers = WeakKeyDict() obj_number_salt = 0 function object_number(l::ANY) global obj_number_salt, object_numbers if haskey(object_numbers, l) return object_numbers[l] end # a hash function that always gives the same number to the same # object on the same machine, and is unique over all machines. ln = obj_number_salt+(UInt64(myid())<<44) obj_number_salt += 1 object_numbers[l] = ln return ln::UInt64 end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, meth::Method) serialize_cycle(s, meth) && return writetag(s.io, METHOD_TAG) write(s.io, object_number(meth)) serialize(s, meth.module) serialize(s, meth.name) serialize(s, meth.file) serialize(s, meth.line) serialize(s, meth.sig) serialize(s, meth.tvars) serialize(s, meth.sparam_syms) serialize(s, meth.ambig) serialize(s, meth.nargs) serialize(s, meth.isva) serialize(s, meth.isstaged) serialize(s, uncompressed_ast(meth, meth.source)) nothing end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, linfo::Core.MethodInstance) serialize_cycle(s, linfo) && return isdefined(linfo, :def) && error("can only serialize toplevel MethodInstance objects") writetag(s.io, METHODINSTANCE_TAG) serialize(s, linfo.inferred) if isdefined(linfo, :inferred_const) serialize(s, linfo.inferred_const) else writetag(s.io, UNDEFREF_TAG) end serialize(s, linfo.sparam_vals) serialize(s, linfo.rettype) serialize(s, linfo.specTypes) end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, t::Task) serialize_cycle(s, t) && return if istaskstarted(t) && !istaskdone(t) error("cannot serialize a running Task") end state = [t.code, t.storage, t.state == :queued || t.state == :runnable ? (:runnable) : t.state, t.result, t.exception] writetag(s.io, TASK_TAG) for fld in state serialize(s, fld) end end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, g::GlobalRef) writetag(s.io, GLOBALREF_TAG) if g.mod === Main && isdefined(g.mod, g.name) && isconst(g.mod, g.name) v = getfield(g.mod, g.name) unw = unwrap_unionall(v) if isa(unw,DataType) && v === unw.name.wrapper && should_send_whole_type(s, unw) # handle references to types in Main by sending the whole type. # needed to be able to send nested functions (#15451). write(s.io, UInt8(1)) serialize(s, v) return end end write(s.io, UInt8(0)) serialize(s, g.mod) serialize(s, g.name) end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, t::TypeName) serialize_cycle(s, t) && return writetag(s.io, TYPENAME_TAG) write(s.io, object_number(t)) serialize_typename(s, t) end function serialize_typename(s::AbstractSerializer, t::TypeName) serialize(s, t.name) serialize(s, t.names) primary = unwrap_unionall(t.wrapper) serialize(s, primary.super) serialize(s, primary.parameters) serialize(s, primary.types) serialize(s, isdefined(primary, :instance)) serialize(s, primary.abstract) serialize(s, primary.mutable) serialize(s, primary.ninitialized) if isdefined(t, :mt) serialize(s, t.mt.name) serialize(s, collect(Base.MethodList(t.mt))) serialize(s, t.mt.max_args) if isdefined(t.mt, :kwsorter) serialize(s, t.mt.kwsorter) else writetag(s.io, UNDEFREF_TAG) end else writetag(s.io, UNDEFREF_TAG) end nothing end # decide whether to send all data for a type (instead of just its name) function should_send_whole_type(s, t::DataType) tn = t.name if isdefined(tn, :mt) # TODO improve somehow # send whole type for anonymous functions in Main name = tn.mt.name mod = tn.module isanonfunction = mod === Main && # only Main t.super === Function && # only Functions unsafe_load(unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8}, tn.name)) == UInt8('#') && # hidden type (!isdefined(mod, name) || t != typeof(getfield(mod, name))) # XXX: 95% accurate test for this being an inner function # TODO: more accurate test? (tn.name !== "#" name) #TODO: iskw = startswith(tn.name, "#kw#") && ??? #TODO: iskw && return send-as-kwftype return mod === __deserialized_types__ || isanonfunction end return false end # `type_itself` means we are serializing a type object. when it's false, we are # sending the type tag part of some other object's representation. function serialize_type_data(s, t::DataType, type_itself::Bool) whole = should_send_whole_type(s, t) form = type_itself ? UInt8(0) : UInt8(1) if whole form |= UInt8(2) end writetag(s.io, DATATYPE_TAG) write(s.io, form) if whole serialize(s, t.name) else tname = t.name.name serialize(s, tname) mod = t.name.module serialize(s, mod) end if !isempty(t.parameters) if (whole ? (t === unwrap_unionall(t.name.wrapper)) : (isdefined(mod,tname) && t === getfield(mod,tname))) serialize(s, svec()) else serialize(s, t.parameters) end end end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, t::DataType) tag = sertag(t) tag > 0 && return write_as_tag(s.io, tag) if t === Tuple # `sertag` is not able to find types === to `Tuple` because they # will not have been hash-consed. Plus `serialize_type_data` does not # handle this case correctly, since Tuple{} != Tuple. `Tuple` is the # only type with this property. issue #15849 return write_as_tag(s.io, TUPLE_TAG) end serialize_type_data(s, t, true) end function serialize_type(s::AbstractSerializer, t::DataType) tag = sertag(t) tag > 0 && return writetag(s.io, tag) serialize_type_data(s, t, false) end function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, n::Int) if 0 <= n <= 32 write(s.io, UInt8(ZERO_TAG+n)) return end writetag(s.io, INT_TAG) write(s.io, n) end serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, x::ANY) = serialize_any(s, x) function serialize_any(s::AbstractSerializer, x::ANY) tag = sertag(x) if tag > 0 return write_as_tag(s.io, tag) end t = typeof(x)::DataType nf = nfields(t) if nf == 0 && t.size > 0 serialize_type(s, t) write(s.io, x) else t.mutable && haskey(s.table, x) && serialize_cycle(s, x) && return serialize_type(s, t) t.mutable && serialize_cycle(s, x) for i in 1:nf if isdefined(x, i) serialize(s, getfield(x, i)) else writetag(s.io, UNDEFREF_TAG) end end end end serialize(s::IO, x) = serialize(SerializationState(s), x) ## deserializing values ## deserialize(s::IO) = deserialize(SerializationState(s)) function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer) handle_deserialize(s, Int32(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8)) end function deserialize_cycle(s::AbstractSerializer, x::ANY) if !isimmutable(x) && !datatype_pointerfree(typeof(x)) s.table[s.counter] = x s.counter += 1 end nothing end # deserialize_ is an internal function to dispatch on the tag # describing the serialized representation. the number of # representations is fixed, so deserialize_ does not get extended. function handle_deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, b::Int32) if b == 0 return desertag(Int32(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8)) end if b >= VALUE_TAGS return desertag(b) elseif b == TUPLE_TAG return deserialize_tuple(s, Int(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8)) elseif b == LONGTUPLE_TAG return deserialize_tuple(s, Int(read(s.io, Int32)::Int32)) elseif b == BACKREF_TAG id = read(s.io, Int)::Int return s.table[id] elseif b == ARRAY_TAG return deserialize_array(s) elseif b == DATATYPE_TAG return deserialize_datatype(s) elseif b == SYMBOL_TAG return Symbol(read(s.io, UInt8, Int(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8))) elseif b == LONGSYMBOL_TAG return Symbol(read(s.io, UInt8, Int(read(s.io, Int32)::Int32))) elseif b == EXPR_TAG return deserialize_expr(s, Int(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8)) elseif b == LONGEXPR_TAG return deserialize_expr(s, Int(read(s.io, Int32)::Int32)) end return deserialize(s, desertag(b)) end deserialize_tuple(s::AbstractSerializer, len) = ntuple(i->deserialize(s), len) function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Type{SimpleVector}) n = read(s.io, Int32) svec([ deserialize(s) for i=1:n ]...) end function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Type{Module}) path = deserialize(s) m = Main if isa(path,Tuple) && path !== () # old version for mname in path m = getfield(m,mname)::Module end else mname = path while mname !== () m = getfield(m,mname)::Module mname = deserialize(s) end end m end const known_object_data = Dict() function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Type{Method}) lnumber = read(s.io, UInt64) if haskey(known_object_data, lnumber) meth = known_object_data[lnumber]::Method makenew = false else meth = ccall(:jl_new_method_uninit, Ref{Method}, ()) makenew = true end deserialize_cycle(s, meth) mod = deserialize(s)::Module name = deserialize(s)::Symbol file = deserialize(s)::Symbol line = deserialize(s)::Int32 sig = deserialize(s)::DataType tvars = deserialize(s)::Union{SimpleVector, TypeVar} sparam_syms = deserialize(s)::SimpleVector ambig = deserialize(s)::Union{Array{Any,1}, Void} nargs = deserialize(s)::Int32 isva = deserialize(s)::Bool isstaged = deserialize(s)::Bool template = deserialize(s)::CodeInfo if makenew meth.module = mod meth.name = name meth.file = file meth.line = line meth.sig = sig meth.tvars = tvars meth.sparam_syms = sparam_syms meth.ambig = ambig meth.isstaged = isstaged meth.nargs = nargs meth.isva = isva # TODO: compress template meth.source = template if isstaged linfo = ccall(:jl_new_method_instance_uninit, Ref{Core.MethodInstance}, ()) linfo.specTypes = Tuple linfo.inferred = template meth.generator = linfo end ftype = ccall(:jl_first_argument_datatype, Any, (Any,), sig)::DataType if isdefined(ftype.name, :mt) && nothing === ccall(:jl_methtable_lookup, Any, (Any, Any, UInt), ftype.name.mt, sig, typemax(UInt)) ccall(:jl_method_table_insert, Void, (Any, Any, Ptr{Void}), ftype.name.mt, meth, C_NULL) end known_object_data[lnumber] = meth end return meth end function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Type{Core.MethodInstance}) linfo = ccall(:jl_new_method_instance_uninit, Ref{Core.MethodInstance}, (Ptr{Void},), C_NULL) deserialize_cycle(s, linfo) linfo.inferred = deserialize(s)::CodeInfo tag = Int32(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8) if tag != UNDEFREF_TAG linfo.inferred_const = handle_deserialize(s, tag) end linfo.sparam_vals = deserialize(s)::SimpleVector linfo.rettype = deserialize(s) linfo.specTypes = deserialize(s) return linfo end function deserialize_array(s::AbstractSerializer) d1 = deserialize(s) if isa(d1, Type) elty = d1 d1 = deserialize(s) else elty = UInt8 end if isa(d1, Integer) if elty !== Bool && isbits(elty) a = Array{elty, 1}(d1) return read!(s.io, a) end dims = (Int(d1),) else dims = convert(Dims, d1)::Dims end if isbits(elty) n = prod(dims)::Int if elty === Bool && n > 0 A = Array{Bool, length(dims)}(dims) i = 1 while i <= n b = read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8 v = (b >> 7) != 0 count = b & 0x7f nxt = i + count while i < nxt A[i] = v i += 1 end end else A = read(s.io, elty, dims) end return A end A = Array{elty, length(dims)}(dims) deserialize_cycle(s, A) for i = eachindex(A) tag = Int32(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8) if tag != UNDEFREF_TAG A[i] = handle_deserialize(s, tag) end end return A end function deserialize_expr(s::AbstractSerializer, len) hd = deserialize(s)::Symbol e = Expr(hd) deserialize_cycle(s, e) ty = deserialize(s) e.args = Any[ deserialize(s) for i=1:len ] e.typ = ty e end function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Type{GlobalRef}) kind = read(s.io, UInt8) if kind == 0 return GlobalRef(deserialize(s)::Module, deserialize(s)::Symbol) else ty = deserialize(s) return GlobalRef(ty.name.module, ty.name.name) end end module __deserialized_types__ end function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Type{TypeName}) # the deserialize_cycle call can be delayed, since neither # Symbol nor Module will use the backref table number = read(s.io, UInt64) return deserialize_typename(s, number) end function deserialize_typename(s::AbstractSerializer, number) name = deserialize(s)::Symbol tn = get(known_object_data, number, nothing) if tn !== nothing makenew = false else # reuse the same name for the type, if possible, for nicer debugging tn_name = isdefined(__deserialized_types__, name) ? gensym() : name tn = ccall(:jl_new_typename_in, Ref{TypeName}, (Any, Any), tn_name, __deserialized_types__) makenew = true known_object_data[number] = tn end if !haskey(object_numbers, tn) # set up reverse mapping for serialize object_numbers[tn] = number end deserialize_cycle(s, tn) names = deserialize(s)::SimpleVector super = deserialize(s)::Type parameters = deserialize(s)::SimpleVector types = deserialize(s)::SimpleVector has_instance = deserialize(s)::Bool abstr = deserialize(s)::Bool mutable = deserialize(s)::Bool ninitialized = deserialize(s)::Int32 if makenew tn.names = names # TODO: there's an unhanded cycle in the dependency graph at this point: # while deserializing super and/or types, we may have encountered # tn.wrapper and throw UndefRefException before we get to this point ndt = ccall(:jl_new_datatype, Any, (Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Cint, Cint, Cint), tn, super, parameters, names, types, abstr, mutable, ninitialized) tn.wrapper = ndt.name.wrapper ccall(:jl_set_const, Void, (Any, Any, Any), tn.module, tn.name, tn.wrapper) ty = tn.wrapper if has_instance && !isdefined(ty, :instance) # use setfield! directly to avoid `fieldtype` lowering expecting to see a Singleton object already on ty Core.setfield!(ty, :instance, ccall(:jl_new_struct, Any, (Any, Any...), ty)) end end tag = Int32(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8) if tag != UNDEFREF_TAG mtname = handle_deserialize(s, tag) defs = deserialize(s) maxa = deserialize(s)::Int if makenew tn.mt = ccall(:jl_new_method_table, Any, (Any, Any), name, tn.module) tn.mt.name = mtname tn.mt.max_args = maxa for def in defs if isdefined(def, :sig) ccall(:jl_method_table_insert, Void, (Any, Any, Ptr{Void}), tn.mt, def, C_NULL) end end end tag = Int32(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8) if tag != UNDEFREF_TAG kws = handle_deserialize(s, tag) if makenew tn.mt.kwsorter = kws end end end return tn::TypeName end function deserialize_datatype(s::AbstractSerializer) form = read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8 if (form&2) != 0 tname = deserialize(s)::TypeName ty = tname.wrapper else name = deserialize(s)::Symbol mod = deserialize(s)::Module ty = getfield(mod,name) end if isa(ty,DataType) && isempty(ty.parameters) t = ty else params = deserialize(s) t = ty{params...} end if (form&1) == 0 return t end deserialize(s, t) end function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Type{Task}) t = Task(()->nothing) deserialize_cycle(s, t) t.code = deserialize(s) t.storage = deserialize(s) t.state = deserialize(s) t.result = deserialize(s) t.exception = deserialize(s) t end # default DataType deserializer function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, t::DataType) nf = nfields(t) if nf == 0 && t.size > 0 # bits type return read(s.io, t) end if nf == 0 return ccall(:jl_new_struct, Any, (Any,Any...), t) elseif isbits(t) if nf == 1 f1 = deserialize(s) return ccall(:jl_new_struct, Any, (Any,Any...), t, f1) elseif nf == 2 f1 = deserialize(s) f2 = deserialize(s) return ccall(:jl_new_struct, Any, (Any,Any...), t, f1, f2) elseif nf == 3 f1 = deserialize(s) f2 = deserialize(s) f3 = deserialize(s) return ccall(:jl_new_struct, Any, (Any,Any...), t, f1, f2, f3) else flds = Any[ deserialize(s) for i = 1:nf ] return ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any,Ptr{Void},UInt32), t, flds, nf) end else x = ccall(:jl_new_struct_uninit, Any, (Any,), t) t.mutable && deserialize_cycle(s, x) for i in 1:nf tag = Int32(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8) if tag != UNDEFREF_TAG ccall(:jl_set_nth_field, Void, (Any, Csize_t, Any), x, i-1, handle_deserialize(s, tag)) end end return x end end function deserialize{K,V}(s::AbstractSerializer, T::Type{Dict{K,V}}) n = read(s.io, Int32) t = T(); sizehint!(t, n) deserialize_cycle(s, t) for i = 1:n k = deserialize(s) v = deserialize(s) t[k] = v end return t end deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Type{BigFloat}) = parse(BigFloat, deserialize(s)) deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ::Type{BigInt}) = parse(BigInt, deserialize(s), 62) function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, t::Type{Regex}) pattern = deserialize(s) compile_options = deserialize(s) match_options = deserialize(s) Regex(pattern, compile_options, match_options) end if !is_windows() function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, rd::RandomDevice) serialize_type(s, typeof(rd)) serialize(s, rd.unlimited) end function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, t::Type{RandomDevice}) unlimited = deserialize(s) return RandomDevice(unlimited) end end end