# Prevent git from showing duplicate names with commands like "git shortlog" # # See the manpage of git-shortlog for details. # # The syntax is: # # Name that should be used Bad name # # # # You can skip Bad name if it is the same as the one that should be used, and is unique. # # # # This file is up-to-date if the command git log --format="%aN <%aE>" | sort -u # # gives no duplicates. Chris Fonnesbeck Christopher Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck <@fonnesbeck (Twitter)> Chris Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck Christopher Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck Christopher Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck Christopher Fonnesbeck Chris Fonnesbeck fonnesbeck John Salvatier John Salvatier john salvatier John Salvatier jsalvatier Thomas Wiecki twiecki David Huard David Huard David Huard David Huard david.huard Anand Patil anand.prabhakar.patil Chad Heyne chadheyne Imri Sofer isofer