Raw File
#include "slang-char-encode.h"

namespace Slang

class Utf8CharEncoding : public CharEncoding 
    typedef CharEncoding Super;

	virtual void encode(const UnownedStringSlice& slice, List<Byte>& ioBuffer) override
        ioBuffer.addRange((const Byte*)slice.begin(), slice.getLength());
	virtual void decode(const Byte* bytes, int length, List<char>& ioChars) override
        ioChars.addRange((const char*)bytes, length);
    Utf8CharEncoding() : Super(CharEncodeType::UTF8) {}

class Utf32CharEncoding : public CharEncoding
    typedef CharEncoding Super;

	virtual void encode(const UnownedStringSlice& slice, List<Byte>& ioBuffer) override
		Index ptr = 0;
		while (ptr < slice.getLength())
            const Char32 codePoint = getUnicodePointFromUTF8([&]() -> Byte
				if (ptr < slice.getLength())
					return slice[ptr++];
					return '\0';
            // Note: Assumes byte order is same as arch byte order
            ioBuffer.addRange((const Byte*)&codePoint, 4);
	virtual void decode(const Byte* bytes, int length, List<char>& ioBuffer) override
        // Note: Assumes bytes is Char32 aligned
        SLANG_ASSERT((size_t(bytes) & 3) == 0);
		const Char32* content = (const Char32*)bytes;
		for (int i = 0; i < (length >> 2); i++)
			char buf[5];
			int count = encodeUnicodePointToUTF8(content[i], buf);
            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                ioBuffer.addRange(buf, count);

    Utf32CharEncoding() : Super(CharEncodeType::UTF32) {}

class Utf16CharEncoding : public CharEncoding //UTF16
    typedef CharEncoding Super;
	Utf16CharEncoding(bool reverseOrder):
        Super(reverseOrder ? CharEncodeType::UTF16Reversed : CharEncodeType::UTF16),
	virtual void encode(const UnownedStringSlice& slice, List<Byte>& ioBuffer) override
		Index index = 0;
		while (index < slice.getLength())
            const Char32 codePoint = getUnicodePointFromUTF8([&]() -> Byte
				if (index < slice.getLength())
					return slice[index++];
					return '\0';

			Char16 buffer[2];
			int count;
			if (!m_reverseOrder)
				count = encodeUnicodePointToUTF16(codePoint, buffer);
				count = encodeUnicodePointToUTF16Reversed(codePoint, buffer);
            ioBuffer.addRange((const Byte*)buffer, count * 2);
	virtual void decode(const Byte* bytes, int length, List<char>& ioBuffer) override
		Index index = 0;
		while (index < length)
			const Char32 codePoint = getUnicodePointFromUTF16([&]() -> Byte
                if (index < length)
                    return bytes[index++];
                    return Byte(0);

			char buf[5];
			int count = encodeUnicodePointToUTF8(codePoint, buf);
            ioBuffer.addRange((const char*)buf, count);

    bool m_reverseOrder = false;

/* static */CharEncodeType CharEncoding::determineEncoding(const Byte* bytes, size_t bytesCount, size_t& outOffset)
    // TODO(JS): Assumes the bytes are suitably aligned

    if (bytesCount >= 3 && bytes[0] == 0xef && bytes[1] == 0xbb && bytes[2] == 0xbf)
        outOffset = 3;
        return CharEncodeType::UTF8;
    else if (bytesCount >= 2)
        Char16 c;
        ::memcpy(&c, bytes, 2);

        if (c == kUTF16Header)
            outOffset = 2;
            return CharEncodeType::UTF16;
        else if (c == kUTF16ReversedHeader)
            outOffset = 2;
            return CharEncodeType::UTF16Reversed;
        // If we don't have a 'mark' byte then we are bit stumped. We'll look for a null bytes and assume they mean we have a 16 bit encoding
        for (size_t i = 0; i < bytesCount; i += 2)
            const auto low = bytes[i];
            const auto high = bytes[i + 1];
            const auto low = bytes[i + 1];
            const auto high = bytes[i];
            if ((low == 0) ^ (high == 0))
                outOffset = 2;
                return (high == 0) ? CharEncodeType::UTF16 : CharEncodeType::UTF16Reversed;

    // Assume it's UTF8 or 7 bit ascii which UTF8 is a superset of
    outOffset = 0;
    return CharEncodeType::UTF8;

static Utf8CharEncoding _utf8Encoding;
static Utf16CharEncoding _utf16Encoding(false);
static Utf16CharEncoding _utf16EncodingReversed(true);
static Utf32CharEncoding _utf32Encoding;

/* static */CharEncoding* const CharEncoding::g_encoding[Index(CharEncodeType::CountOf)]
    &_utf8Encoding,             // UTF8,
    &_utf16Encoding,            // UTF16,
    &_utf16EncodingReversed,    // UTF16Reversed,
    &_utf32Encoding,            // UTF32,

CharEncoding* CharEncoding::UTF8 = &_utf8Encoding;
CharEncoding* CharEncoding::UTF16 = &_utf16Encoding;
CharEncoding* CharEncoding::UTF16Reversed = &_utf16EncodingReversed;
CharEncoding* CharEncoding::UTF32 = &_utf32Encoding;
/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UTF8Util !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */

/* static */Index UTF8Util::calcCodePointCount(const UnownedStringSlice& in)
    Index count = 0;

    // Analyse with bytes...
    const int8_t* cur = (const int8_t*)in.begin();
    const int8_t*const end = (const int8_t*)in.end();

    while (cur < end)
        const auto c = *cur++;

        // If c < 0 it means the top bit is set... which means we have multiple bytes
        if (c < 0)
            // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
            // All continuation bytes contain exactly six bits from the code point.So the next six bits of the code point 
            /// are stored in the low order six bits of the next byte, and 10 is stored in the high order two bits to 
            // mark it as a continuation byte(so 10000010).

            while (cur < end && (*cur & 0xc0) == 0x80)

    return count;

} // namespace Slang
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