#!/usr/bin/env genome-perl5.10 use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { # This allows the genome command to self-serve as a tab completer for the bash shell. # When "genome" is run by bash as a tab completer, the code below will service the # tab-completion request and then exit before doing any real work. # The code is in an eval to prevent problems on systems which do not have Getopt::Complete # installed. The code is in a BEGIN block to ensure it still runs before anything else. if ($ENV{COMP_CWORD}) { eval "use Getopt::Complete::Cache (class => 'Genome::Command', above => 1)"; exit if ($@); } if ($ENV{COMP_LINE}) { #for transitioning from older version of completion #just return no result exit; } }; use above "Genome"; use Genome::Command; Genome::Command->execute_with_shell_params_and_exit(); =pod =head1 NAME genome SUBCOMMAND ... =head1 SYNOPSIS genome (list all available commands) genome project ... genome taxon ... genome population-group ... genome individual ... genome sample ... genome instrument-data ... genome processing-profile ... genome model ... genome tools ... genome disk ... =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the top-level tool for working with the genome modeling system and tools. Just run it with no parameters to get a list of available commands. Every command and sub-command supports the --help option. =head1 OPTIONS These depend on the specific sub-command. =head1 DEVELOPER NOTE Running this WITHIN a source tree under the Genome namespace will automatically "use lib" your tree. =head1 BUGS Report bugs to software at genome.wustl.edu =head1 AUTHOR Eddie Belter =cut