Raw File
Tip revision: a47ed37e05cc2f848d43cb70a627db5c518ba0c0 authored by Jason Gross on 12 July 2022, 18:21:59 UTC
Remove path sensitivity in traceback output, test 12
Tip revision: a47ed37
import sys, re

__all__ = ["prompt", "yes_no_prompt", "b", "s", "cmp_compat", "PY3", "raw_input", "re_escape", "slice_string_at_bytes", "len_in_bytes"]

if sys.version_info < (3,):
    PY3 = False
    def b(x):
        return x
    def s(x):
        return x
    PY3 = True
    def b(x):
        if x is not None: return x.encode()
    def s(x):
        # Sometimes we get str rather than bytes??? cf
        if hasattr(x, 'decode'): return x.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
        return x
    def cmp(x, y):
        if x < y: return -1
        if y < x: return 1
        return 0
    raw_input = input

if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
    # see
    def re_escape(*args, **kwargs):
        ret = re.escape(*args, **kwargs)
        for ch in ':"':
            ret = ret.replace('\\' + ch, ch)
        return ret
    re_escape = re.escape

cmp_compat = cmp

def prompt(options, case_sensitive=False, strip=True, sep='/', prefix='Please enter ', postfix=': ', yes_value=True, yes=False):
    msg = prefix + sep.join(i['display'] for i in options) + postfix
    if yes:
        return yes_value
        response = raw_input(msg)
        while True:
            if not case_sensitive:
                response = response.lower()
            if strip:
                response = response.strip()
            for expected in options:
                if response in expected['values']:
                    return expected['value']
            print('Response "%s" is not one of %s' % (response, ', '.join(repr(val) for i in options for val in i['values'])))
            response = raw_input(msg)

def yes_no_prompt(**kwargs):
    return prompt(({'value':True, 'display':'(y)es', 'values':('y', 'yes')},
                   {'value':False, 'display':'(n)o', 'values':('n', 'no')}),

# Unfortunately, coqtop -emacs -time reports character locations in
# bytes, as does the glob file, so we need to handle unicode.  Here we
# write a generic slicer based on unicode locations that works across
# versions of python
def slice_string_at_bytes(string, start=None, end=None):
    string = b(string)
    if start is None: start = 0
    if end is None: end = len(string)
    return s(string[start:end])

def len_in_bytes(string):
    return len(b(string))

def normalize_newlines(string):
    return string.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')

# Terminal colors (maybe something cleverer needs to be done for other
# platforms).
class colors:
  ESC ='\033'
  #Escape code doesn't render on github so we use the standard escaped escape.
  #ESC = ''

  HEADER    = ESC + '[95m'
  OKBLUE    = ESC + '[94m'
  OKCYAN    = ESC + '[96m'
  OKGREEN   = ESC + '[92m'
  WARNING   = ESC + '[93m'
  FAIL      = ESC + '[91m'
  ENDC      = ESC + '[0m'
  BOLD      = ESC + '[1m'
  UNDERLINE = ESC + '[4m'

# Colors a string a given color
# Example usage: color("Hello World!", colors.OKBLUE)
def color(str, col, on=True):
    if not on:
      return str;
      return col + str + colors.ENDC;
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