/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #include #include "global_defs.h" void compute_horiz_avg(struct All_variables*); /* * Given a radius (non-dimensional), * returns Vp/Vs/rho (in km/s and g/cm^3) of PREM. */ void get_prem(double r, double *vp, double *vs, double *rho) { #define NUM_PREM_LAYERS 11 /* some specfem flags */ #define SUPPRESS_CRUSTAL_MESH 0 #define ONE_CRUST 1 /* radius of various layers */ const double prem_radius[NUM_PREM_LAYERS] = {0.19164966253335425, /* 0: ICB */ 0.54622508240464607, /* 1: CMB */ 0.56976926699105324, /* 2: top of D'' */ 0.87898289122586726, /* 3: 771 */ 0.89483597551404803, /* 4: 670 */ 0.90582326165437133, /* 5: 600 */ 0.93721550776958096, /* 6: 400 */ 0.96546852927326954, /* 7: 220 */ 0.99617014597394449, /* 8: Moho */ 0.99764558154135929, /* 9: middle crust */ 1.00000000000000000}; /*10: top surface */ const int j_cmb = 1; const int j_moho = 8; /* polynomial coefficients of PREM */ const double prem_vs[NUM_PREM_LAYERS][4] = {{ 3.6678, 0.0000, -4.4475, 0.0000}, { 0.0010, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 6.9254, 1.4672, -2.0834, 0.9783}, {11.1671, -13.7818, 17.4575, -9.2777}, {22.3459, -17.2473, -2.0834, 0.9783}, { 9.9839, -4.9324, 0.0000, 0.0000}, {22.3512, -18.5856, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 8.9496, -4.4597, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 2.1519, 2.3481, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 3.9000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 3.2000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}}; const double prem_vp[NUM_PREM_LAYERS][4] = {{11.2622, 0.0000, -6.3640, 0.0000}, {11.0487, -4.0362, 4.8023,-13.5732}, {15.3891, -5.3181, 5.5242, -2.5514}, {24.9520, -40.4673, 51.4832,-26.6419}, {29.2766, -23.6027, 5.5242, -2.5514}, {19.0957, -9.8672, 0.0000, 0.0000}, {39.7027, -32.6166, 0.0000, 0.0000}, {20.3926, -12.2569, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 4.1875, 3.9382, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 6.8000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 5.8000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}}; const double prem_rho[NUM_PREM_LAYERS][4] = {{13.0885, 0.0000, -8.8381, 0.0000}, {12.5815, -1.2638, -3.6426, -5.5281}, { 7.9565, -6.4761, 5.5283, -3.0807}, { 7.9565, -6.4761, 5.5283, -3.0807}, { 7.9565, -6.4761, 5.5283, -3.0807}, { 5.3197, -1.4836, 0.0000, 0.0000}, {11.2494, -8.0298, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 7.1089, -3.8045, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 2.6910, 0.6924, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 2.9000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}, { 2.6000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}}; int j; double r2, r3; /* make sure r is above CMB */ r = (r < prem_radius[j_cmb]) ? prem_radius[j_cmb] : r; r2 = r * r; r3 = r2 * r; /* find layer */ for (j = 0; j < NUM_PREM_LAYERS; ++j) if (r < prem_radius[j]) break; if (j < 0) j = 0; if (j >= NUM_PREM_LAYERS) j = NUM_PREM_LAYERS - 1; if(SUPPRESS_CRUSTAL_MESH && j > j_moho) { /* extend of Moho up to the surface instead of the crust */ j = 8; } if(ONE_CRUST && j > j_moho) { /* replace mid-crust with upper crust */ j = 10; } /* expand polynomials */ *vp = prem_vp[j][0] + prem_vp[j][1] * r + prem_vp[j][2] * r2 + prem_vp[j][3] * r3; *vs = prem_vs[j][0] + prem_vs[j][1] * r + prem_vs[j][2] * r2 + prem_vs[j][3] * r3; *rho = prem_rho[j][0] + prem_rho[j][1] * r + prem_rho[j][2] * r2 + prem_rho[j][3] * r3; /** debug ** fprintf(stderr, "%e %d %f %f %f\n", r, j, *rho, *vp, *vs); /**/ #undef NUM_PREM_LAYERS #undef SUPPRESS_CRUSTAL_MESH #undef ONE_CRUST return; } static void modified_Trampert_Vacher_Vlaar_PEPI2001(struct All_variables *E, double *rho, double *vp, double *vs) { /* Table 2 in the paper, including quasi-harmonic and anelastic parts */ const double dlnvpdt[3] = {-5.71e-5, 2.44e-8, -3.84e-12}; const double dlnvsdt[3] = {-9.37e-5, 3.70e-8, -5.46e-12}; const double dlnvpdc[3] = {1.72e-1, -0.98e-4, 1.44e-8}; const double dlnvsdc[3] = {1.50e-1, -1.43e-4, 1.92e-8}; const int m = 1; int i, j, nz; double *rhor, *vpr, *vsr, *depthkm; double d, d2, dT, dC, drho, dvp, dvs; /* compute horizontal average, if not done yet */ if(!E->output.horiz_avg) compute_horiz_avg(E); /* reference model (PREM) */ rhor = malloc((E->lmesh.noz+1) * sizeof(double)); vpr = malloc((E->lmesh.noz+1) * sizeof(double)); vsr = malloc((E->lmesh.noz+1) * sizeof(double)); depthkm = malloc((E->lmesh.noz+1) * sizeof(double)); for(nz=1; nz<=E->lmesh.noz; nz++) { get_prem(E->sx[m][3][nz], &vpr[nz], &vsr[nz], &rhor[nz]); depthkm[nz] = (E->sphere.ro - E->sx[m][3][nz]) * E->data.radius_km; } /* deviation from the reference */ dC = 0; for(i=0; ilmesh.nno; i++) { nz = (i % E->lmesh.noz) + 1; d = depthkm[nz]; d2 = d * d; dT = (E->T[m][i+1] - E->Have.T[nz]) * E->data.ref_temperature; drho = -dT * E->refstate.thermal_expansivity[nz] * E->data.therm_exp; dvp = dT * (dlnvpdt[0] + dlnvpdt[1]*d + dlnvpdt[2]*d2); dvs = dT * (dlnvsdt[0] + dlnvsdt[1]*d + dlnvsdt[2]*d2); if(E->control.tracer && E->composition.on && E->composition.ichemical_buoyancy) for(j=0; jcomposition.ncomp; j++) { dC = E->composition.comp_node[m][j][i+1] - E->Have.C[j][nz]; drho += dC * E->composition.buoyancy_ratio[j] * E->data.ref_temperature * E->data.therm_exp / E->refstate.rho[nz]; dvp += dC * (dlnvpdc[0] + dlnvpdc[1]*d + dlnvpdc[2]*d2); dvs += dC * (dlnvsdc[0] + dlnvsdc[1]*d + dlnvsdc[2]*d2); } rho[i] = rhor[nz] * (1 + drho); vp[i] = vpr[nz] * (1 + dvp); vs[i] = vsr[nz] * (1 + dvs); /** debug ** fprintf(stderr, "node=%d dT=%f K, dC=%f, %e %e %e\n", i, dT, dC, drho, dvp, dvs); /**/ } free(rhor); free(vpr); free(vsr); free(depthkm); return; } void compute_seismic_model(struct All_variables *E, double *rho, double *vp, double *vs) { switch(E->control.mineral_physics_model) { case 0: /* reserved for Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni, GJI, 2005 model */ fprintf(stderr,"Invalid value: 'mineral_physics_model=%d'\n", E->control.mineral_physics_model); parallel_process_termination(); break; case 1: /* reserved for Karato, GRL, 1993 model */ fprintf(stderr,"Invalid value: 'mineral_physics_model=%d'\n", E->control.mineral_physics_model); parallel_process_termination(); break; case 2: /* reserved for Stacy, PEPI, 1998 model */ fprintf(stderr,"Invalid value: 'mineral_physics_model=%d'\n", E->control.mineral_physics_model); parallel_process_termination(); break; case 3: /* Based on the paper: * Trampert, Vacher, and Vlaar, PEPI, 2001. * * Note that the paper has its own reference profile (which is not * shown in the paper), and is only valid between * 1000 km < depth < 2600 km. * * But here we use PREM as the reference model, and extend the model to the * whole mantle. */ modified_Trampert_Vacher_Vlaar_PEPI2001(E, rho, vp, vs); break; case 100: /* user-defined initial temperature goes here */ fprintf(stderr,"Need user definition for mineral physics model: 'mineral_physics_model=%d'\n", E->control.mineral_physics_model); parallel_process_termination(); break; default: /* unknown option */ fprintf(stderr,"Invalid value: 'mineral_physics_model=%d'\n", E->control.mineral_physics_model); parallel_process_termination(); break; } return; }