/* THIS COMMENT MAY NOT BE UP TO DATE. Sep 19 2011. The idea is as follows. We use the private field in the xmlDocPtr object to store information about nodes that are out in the wild, i.e. that have been returned to R across the .Call() interface. Each time a node is returned, we increment the number of references to that node by incrementing a table in the xmlDocPtr. Each time these R objects are garbage collected, we decrement the reference count. When the number of references to that node go to 0, we remove that entry from the table. When all the node entries are removed and the document itself is no longer being pointed to, we free the document. What about circularity? Does it occur? What happens when we reparent a node? What happens when we put a node into an R object e.g. x = node[[2]] y[[3]] = x Will R's garbage collection handle this for us? */ /* This now contains the code related to our memory management. */ #include "Utils.h" #include "NodeGC.h" void R_xmlFreeDoc(SEXP ref) { xmlDocPtr doc; doc = (xmlDocPtr) R_ExternalPtrAddr(ref); if(doc && !IS_NOT_OUR_DOC_TO_TOUCH(doc)) { int *val; val = doc->_private; if(val) { (*val)--; if(*val) { #ifdef R_XML_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Not freeing XML document %p (%s); still has %d references in the wild\n", doc, doc->URL ? doc->URL : "?", *val); #endif R_ClearExternalPtr(ref); return; } } #ifdef R_XML_DEBUG const xmlChar *url = doc->URL ? doc->URL : (doc->name ? doc->name : (const xmlChar *)"?? (internally created)"); fprintf(stderr, "Cleaning up document %p, %s, has children %d\n", (void *) doc, url, (int) (doc->children != NULL)); #endif if(val) { free(val); doc->_private = NULL; #ifdef R_XML_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Freeing the XML doc %p\n", doc); #endif xmlFreeDoc(doc); R_numXMLDocsFreed++; } /* was before the xmlFreeDoc so that that was unconditional.*/ } R_ClearExternalPtr(ref); } SEXP RS_XML_freeDoc(SEXP ref) { R_xmlFreeDoc(ref); return(R_NilValue); } SEXP RS_XML_forceFreeDoc(SEXP ref) { xmlDocPtr doc; doc = (xmlDocPtr) R_ExternalPtrAddr(ref); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return(R_NilValue); } /* This is a finalizer that removes the nodes and disassociates the node and the document and then frees the document structure. Does xmlFreeDoc() deal with the URL and name fields in the doc? XXX With the nodes and document under garbage collection, do we really need this? */ void R_xmlFreeDocLeaveChildren(SEXP ref) { xmlDocPtr doc; doc = (xmlDocPtr) R_ExternalPtrAddr(ref); if(doc) { xmlNodePtr tmp; #ifdef R_XML_DEBUG const xmlChar *url = doc->URL ? doc->URL : (doc->name ? doc->name : (const xmlChar *) "?? (internally created)"); fprintf(stderr, "Cleaning up document but not children: %p, %s\n", (void *) doc, url); #endif tmp = doc->children; xmlUnlinkNode(doc->children); tmp->doc = NULL; xmlFreeDoc(doc); R_numXMLDocsFreed++; } R_ClearExternalPtr(ref); } int R_XML_MemoryMgrMarker = 1010101011; int R_XML_NoMemoryMgmt = 111111111; /* This returns a value that indicates whether we should add a finalizer and put the XML node under a C finalizer to reduce the reference count. user is an R object that should be an integer vector of length 1 and should be 0, 1 or NA (effectively a logical) If it is NA, we consult the document object in which the node is located (or NULL if not part of a document). This document object can have a value in the _private field that tells us no to */ int R_XML_getManageMemory(SEXP user, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) { int manage; if(TYPEOF(user) == STRSXP || TYPEOF(user) == EXTPTRSXP) return(0); manage = INTEGER(user)[0]; // TYPEOF(user) == INTSXP ? INTEGER(user)[0] : INTEGER(asInteger(user))[0]; if(manage == R_NaInt) { if(!doc) manage = 1; else manage = doc->_private != &R_XML_NoMemoryMgmt; } #ifdef R_XML_DEBUG if(manage) fprintf(stderr, "getManageMemory (%p) %d (type = %d, name = %s)\n", doc, manage, node->type, node->name);fflush(stderr); #endif return(manage); } SEXP R_xmlSetNoMemoryMgmt(SEXP r_doc) { xmlDocPtr doc; doc = (xmlDocPtr) R_ExternalPtrAddr(r_doc); doc->_private = &R_XML_NoMemoryMgmt; return(NULL_USER_OBJECT); } void initDocRefCounter(xmlDocPtr doc) { int *val; if(doc->_private) return; doc->_private = calloc(2, sizeof(int)); val = (int *) doc->_private; val[1] = R_MEMORY_MANAGER_MARKER; } void incrementDocRefBy(xmlDocPtr doc, int num) { int *val; if(!doc || IS_NOT_OUR_DOC_TO_TOUCH(doc)) return; if(!doc->_private) { initDocRefCounter(doc); } val = (int *) doc->_private; (*val) += num; } void incrementDocRef(xmlDocPtr doc) { incrementDocRefBy(doc, 1); } #define GET_NODE_COUNT(n) \ n->_private ? *((int*) (n)->_private) : 0 int getNodeCount(xmlNodePtr node) { int val = 0; xmlNodePtr p = node->children; if(!node || IS_NOT_OUR_NODE_TO_TOUCH(node)) return(0); val = GET_NODE_COUNT(node); while(p) { val += getNodeCount(p); p = p->next; } return(val); } void internal_incrementNodeRefCount(xmlNodePtr node) { int *val; if(!node || IS_NOT_OUR_NODE_TO_TOUCH(node) || !node->_private) return; val = (int *) node->_private; (*val)++; } SEXP R_getXMLRefCount(SEXP rnode) { xmlNodePtr node = (xmlNodePtr) R_ExternalPtrAddr(rnode); if(!node || IS_NOT_OUR_NODE_TO_TOUCH(node) || !node->_private) return(ScalarInteger(-1)); return(ScalarInteger(*((int *) node->_private))); } int checkDescendantsInR(xmlNodePtr node, int process) { xmlNodePtr p; if(!node && (process || IS_NOT_OUR_NODE_TO_TOUCH(node))) return(0); if(node->_private) return(1); p = node->children; while(p) { if(checkDescendantsInR(p, 0)) return(1); p = p->next; } return(0); } int internal_decrementNodeRefCount(xmlNodePtr node) { int *val, status = 0; /* */ if(!node || IS_NOT_OUR_NODE_TO_TOUCH(node)) /* if node->_private == NULL, should * we free this node?, i.e. if it is * not in a parent or a document. No! Basically we shouldn't get here if we have not set the _private. We set the finalizer having set the _private */ return(status); if(!node->_private) return(status); /* Get the value of the reference count and decrement it by 1. If we are now at 0, then we can potentially free this node. Certainly, if we are at 0, we should remove the reference count memory altogether. Now that _we_ no longer need the node, perhaps we can free it. But we have to make certain that we don't free it if a) it is a child of another node or b) if it is within a document and that document is still "in play". To determine if the document is "in play" we look at it's reference count. We decrement it by one since we added one to it for this node. If that makes the document's reference count 0, then we free it. */ val = (int *) node->_private; (*val)--; #ifdef R_XML_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "decremented node (%s, %d) to %d (%p) %s\n", node->name, node->type, *val, node, *val == 0 ? "***" : "");fflush(stderr); #endif if(*val == 0) { free(node->_private); node->_private = NULL; if(node->doc && !IS_NOT_OUR_DOC_TO_TOUCH(node->doc)) { val = (int *) node->doc->_private; if(val) (*val)--; if(!val || *val == 0) { /* Consolidate with R_xmlFreeDoc */ #ifdef R_XML_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "releasing document (for node) %p %s (%s)\n", node->doc, node->doc->URL ? node->doc->URL : "?", val ? "has zero count" : "no count");fflush(stderr); #endif if(val) free(node->doc->_private); node->doc->_private = NULL; xmlFreeDoc(node->doc); status = 1; R_numXMLDocsFreed++; } } else if(!node->parent) { /* If the node is not in a tree by having a parent, then * check the children and if they aren't being referenced by an R variable, we can free those too. */ int hold; hold = checkDescendantsInR(node, 1); if(!hold) { #ifdef R_XML_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Calling xmlFreeNode() for %p (type = %d)\n", node, node->type);fflush(stderr); #endif xmlFreeNode(node); status = 1; } } else { /* So we have a parent. But what if that parent is not being held as an R variable. We need to free the node. We need to make this smarter to see what parts of the tree we can remove. For instance, we might be holding onto this one, but not the parent, but that parent has a second child which is being held onto. So we go to the top of the node tree and check for its descendants */ int hold; xmlNodePtr p = node->parent; while(p->parent) p = p->parent; hold = checkDescendantsInR(p, 0); if(!hold) { #ifdef R_XML_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Calling xmlFree() for %p\n", node);fflush(stderr); #endif xmlFree(p); //XXX xmlFree() or xmlFreeNode() ? status = 1; } } } return(status); } void decrementNodeRefCount(SEXP rnode) { xmlNodePtr node = (xmlNodePtr) R_ExternalPtrAddr(rnode); int status; status = internal_decrementNodeRefCount(node); if(status) R_ClearExternalPtr(rnode); } int clearNodeMemoryManagement(xmlNodePtr node) { xmlNodePtr tmp; int ctr = 0; if(node->_private) { int a, b; // This compares and int and a pointer. Changed to be like NodeGC.h // int isOurs = (a = node->_private != &R_XML_NoMemoryMgmt) && (b = ((int *)(node->_private))[1] == (int *) &R_XML_MemoryMgrMarker); int isOurs = (a = node->_private != &R_XML_NoMemoryMgmt) && (b = ((int *)(node->_private))[1] == R_MEMORY_MANAGER_MARKER); if(isOurs) { #if R_XML_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Removing memory management from %p, %s\n", node, node->name);fflush(stderr); #endif free(node->_private); ctr++; } node->_private = NULL; } tmp = node->children; while(tmp) { if(tmp) ctr += clearNodeMemoryManagement(tmp); tmp = tmp->next; } return(ctr); } SEXP R_clearNodeMemoryManagement(SEXP r_node) { xmlNodePtr node = (xmlNodePtr) R_ExternalPtrAddr(r_node); int val; if(!node) return(ScalarInteger(-1)); val = clearNodeMemoryManagement(node); return(ScalarInteger(val)); } SEXP R_xmlRefCountEnabled() { int ans = #ifdef XML_REF_COUNT_NODES 1; #else 0; #endif return(ScalarLogical(ans)); }