% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/UM.eqtest.R \name{UM.eqtest} \alias{UM.eqtest} \title{Equality tests for two multinomial samples} \usage{ UM.eqtest(N1, N2, p0, nreps, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{N1}{Size of sample 1.} \item{N2}{Size of sample 2.} \item{p0}{Common probability vector from which to draw the multinomial samples. Can also be a matrix, in which case each simulation randomly draws with replacement from the rows of p0.} \item{nreps}{Number of replications of the simulation.} \item{verbose}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} prints message every \code{5000} replications.} } \value{ An \code{nreps x 2} matrix with the simulated chi-squared and LR values. } \description{ Generate multinomial samples from a common probability vector and calculate the Chi-square and Likelihood Ratio test statistics. } \details{ The chi-squared and likelihood ratio test statistics are calculated from multinomial samples \eqn{(Y_1^1, Y_2^1), \ldots, (Y_1^M, Y_2^M)}{(Y_11, Y_21),\ldots,(Y_1M, Y_2M)}, where \deqn{ Y_k^m \stackrel{\textrm{ind}}{\sim} \textrm{Multinomial}(N_k, p_0^m), }{ Y_km ~ind Multinomial(N_k, p_m), } where \eqn{p_0^m}{p_m} is the \eqn{m}th row of \code{p0}. } \examples{ # bootstrapped p-value calculation against equal genotype proportions # in lakes Michipicoten and Simcoe # contingency table popId <- c("Michipicoten", "Simcoe") ctab <- UM.suff(fish215[fish215$Lake \%in\% popId,])$tab ctab # MLE of probability vector p.MLE <- colSums(ctab)/sum(ctab) # sample sizes N1 <- sum(ctab[1,]) # Michipicoten N2 <- sum(ctab[2,]) # Simcoe # bootstrapped test statistics (chi^2 and LRT) T.boot <- UM.eqtest(N1 = N1, N2 = N2, p0 = p.MLE, nreps = 1e3) # observed test statistics T.obs <- c(chi2 = chi2.stat(ctab), LRT = LRT.stat(ctab)) # p-values rowMeans(t(T.boot) > T.obs) }