Tip revision: c694a6ce3665db71c1f095e2dc8f5e88e243b22a authored by Sacha Epskamp on 19 October 2021, 18:40:02 UTC
version 0.3
version 0.3
Tip revision: c694a6c
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Simulates data from the graphical VAR model
Simulates data from the graphical VAR model, see \code{\link{graphicalVAR}} for details.
graphicalVARsim(nTime, beta, kappa, mean = rep(0, ncol(kappa)), init =
mean, warmup = 100, lbound = rep(-Inf, ncol(kappa)),
ubound = rep(Inf, ncol(kappa)))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
Number of time points to sample
The Beta matrix to use
The Kappa matrix to use
Means to use
Initial values
The amount of samples to use as warmup (not returned)
Lower bound, at every time point values below this bound are set to the bound.
Upper bound, at every time point values above this bound are set to the bound.
A matrix containing the simulated data.
Sacha Epskamp <>