// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "Basics.h" #include "BestGpu.h" #ifndef CPUONLY #include "GPUTensor.h" #include "GPUMatrix.h" #include "GPUMatrixCUDAKernels.cuh" #include "CommonMatrix.h" #define TENSOR_OPS_DECL __device__ __host__ #include "TensorOps.h" #include "fast_divmod.h" #include #include #include "cublas_v2.h" #include #include // use fast divisor #define USE_FAST_DIVMOD #ifndef let #define let const auto #endif #pragma comment(lib, "cudart.lib") // instruct linker to reference these libs #pragma comment(lib, "cublas.lib") #pragma warning(disable : 4267) // conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int'; happens in CUDA <<>> syntax if a and b are size_t #pragma warning(disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant; "if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))" triggers this #pragma warning(disable : 4702) // unreachable code; triggered for unknown reasons #ifdef _WIN32 // thread local storage to access the current stream, initalize to default stream __declspec(thread) #endif extern cudaStream_t t_stream; namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { // ======================================================================= // TensorView support // ======================================================================= // TensorView computes element-wise tensor operations. // - supports general strides // - input broadcasting is supported by stride=0 // - the operation is denoted by an opCode // - reduction is supported, including summation, min, max (dual to broadcasting when computing gradients) // - reduction operation is given by an opCode: opSum, opMin, opMax and opLogSum. // // This library makes extensive use of templates and macros. // Specifically, templates are used recursively to recurse over tensor dimensions. // For example, a tensor op of rank K is computed by looping over the last dimension // and then calling the same function template recursively with K-1. // Template specializations exist in order to: // - terminate recursion // - optimize for thread-parallel reduction where elements are consecutive in memory // // The general algorithm is very straight forward: // // for all output dimensions [###]: // TensorOp() // output[###] *= beta // for all reduction dimensions [***]: // TensorOpWithReduction() // output[###] += op(input1[###,***], input1[###,***], ...) * alpha // // Indices and dimensions used throughout this code: // - N = ariness; number of arguments *including output* (binary op: N=3) // - K = rank of output elements, regularOpDims.size(). K=0 means scalar. // - k = -1..K-1 = recursion index // - M = reduction rank, reducingOpDims.size(). M=0 means no reduction. // - m = -1..M-1 = recursion index // // Other frequently used variable names: // - alpha, beta: BLAS-style weights: outVal = beta * outVal + alpha * f(inVals) // where beta=0 is an assignment (0 * outVal := 0, even e.g. if outVal = NaN) // - pointers[N]: pointer to first element, for each argument // - regularOpDims[K]: tensor dimensions of output elements to produce // - regularStrides[N,K]: strides; multiply index[k] with strides[n,k] to get element offset for this dimension // Broadcasting of inputs is implemented by a stride being 0. // - reducingOpDims[M]: tensor dimensions of input elements to reduce over // - reducingStrides[N,M]: strides for input reduction. Always 0 for output argument. // // This code uses two custom structs, FixedArray<> and FixedMatrix<>, which // are templated equivalents to vector<> and vector> for CUDA code. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // simple fixed-size arrays for passing dimension information by value // since CUDA can't just take our std::array and std::vector // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template struct FixedArray { T m_data[N]; __device__ __host__ size_t size() const { return N; } __device__ __host__ T& operator[](size_t n) { return m_data[n]; } __device__ __host__ T operator[](size_t n) const { return m_data[n]; } template FixedArray(const VEC& data) // construct from CPU-side STL array or vector { assert(data.size() == N); for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) { m_data[n] = (T) data[n]; if (m_data[n] != data[n]) // overflow check InvalidArgument("FixedArray: Dimensions out of range, too few bits."); } } }; template // specialized version for 0 elements struct FixedArray { __device__ __host__ size_t size() const { return 0; } template FixedArray(const VEC& data) { assert(data.size() == 0); UNUSED(data); } FixedArray() { } }; template // N = which input/output; K = index depth struct FixedMatrix { T m_data[N][K]; __device__ __host__ size_t getNumRows() const { return N; } __device__ __host__ size_t getNumCols() const { return K; } __device__ __host__ T& operator()(size_t n, size_t k) { return m_data[n][k]; } __device__ __host__ T operator()(size_t n, size_t k) const { return m_data[n][k]; } template FixedMatrix(const array, N>& data) // construct from CPU-side array of vectors { assert(data.size() == N); for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) { assert(data[n].size() == K); for (size_t k = 0; k < K; k++) { m_data[n][k] = (T) data[n][k]; if (m_data[n][k] != data[n][k]) // overflow check InvalidArgument("FixedArray: Dimensions out of range, too few bits."); } } } }; template // specialized version for 0 elements struct FixedMatrix { __device__ __host__ size_t getNumRows() const { return N; } __device__ __host__ size_t getNumCols() const { return 0; } template FixedMatrix(const array, N>& data) { assert(data.size() == N); for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) assert(data[n].size() == 0); UNUSED(data); } FixedMatrix() { } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // function to actually compute a function of (N-1) inputs based on the opcode // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template struct TensorOps { static __device__ ElemType Compute(const FixedArray& pointers, ElementWiseOperator op) { #define CaseNullaryTensorOp(oper) \ case ElementWiseOperator::op##oper: \ return Op##oper() switch (op) { ForAllNullaryOps(CaseNullaryTensorOp); default: return OpConstOne(); // (failure--we only have one nullary op, so use the same, maybe it will eliminate the switch altogether) } } static __device__ ElemType Compute(const FixedArray& pointers, ElementWiseOperator op) { ElemType a = *(pointers[0]); #define CaseUnaryTensorOp(oper) \ case ElementWiseOperator::op##oper: \ return Op##oper(a) switch (op) { ForAllUnaryOps(CaseUnaryTensorOp); default: return 0; // (failure) } } static __device__ ElemType Compute(const FixedArray& pointers, ElementWiseOperator op) { // const ElemType & a = *(pointers[0]); // const & for opIndex--costs quite some code bloat ElemType a = *(pointers[0]); ElemType b = *(pointers[1]); #define CaseBinaryTensorOp(oper) \ case ElementWiseOperator::op##oper: \ return Op##oper(a, b) switch (op) { ForAllBinaryOps(CaseBinaryTensorOp); // note: this costs about 6% compared to having only a single case default: return 0; // (failure) } } static __device__ ElemType Compute(const FixedArray& pointers, ElementWiseOperator op) { #define CaseTernaryTensorOp(oper) \ case ElementWiseOperator::op##oper: \ return Op##oper(*(pointers[0]), *(pointers[1]), *(pointers[2])) // reading each time, which saves mem accesses for OpCond switch (op) { ForAllTernaryOps(CaseTernaryTensorOp); default: return 0; // (failure) } } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function to update an aggregate value for the specifed reduction operation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template __device__ ElemType AggregateNeutralValue(ElementWiseOperator op) { return 0; // error, only the explicit instantiations below should be used. }; template<> __device__ float AggregateNeutralValue(ElementWiseOperator op) { switch (op) { case ElementWiseOperator::opSum: return 0; case ElementWiseOperator::opLogSum: return -FLT_MAX; // note: do not use INFINITY anywhere here, as it causes NaNs case ElementWiseOperator::opMin: return FLT_MAX; case ElementWiseOperator::opMax: return -FLT_MAX; case ElementWiseOperator::opElementwiseProduct: return 1.0f; case ElementWiseOperator::opArgmin: return FLT_MAX; case ElementWiseOperator::opArgmax: return -FLT_MAX; default: return 0; // error } }; template<> __device__ double AggregateNeutralValue(ElementWiseOperator op) { switch (op) { case ElementWiseOperator::opSum: return 0; case ElementWiseOperator::opLogSum: return -DBL_MAX; case ElementWiseOperator::opMin: return DBL_MAX; case ElementWiseOperator::opMax: return -DBL_MAX; case ElementWiseOperator::opElementwiseProduct: return 1.0; case ElementWiseOperator::opArgmin: return DBL_MAX; case ElementWiseOperator::opArgmax: return -DBL_MAX; default: return 0; // error } }; template __device__ void Aggregate(ReductionType& aggregate, ElemType val, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp) { switch (reductionOp) { case ElementWiseOperator::opSum: aggregate += val; break; case ElementWiseOperator::opLogSum: aggregate = OpLogSum(aggregate, val); break; case ElementWiseOperator::opMin: if (val < aggregate) aggregate = val; break; case ElementWiseOperator::opMax: if (val > aggregate) aggregate = val; break; case ElementWiseOperator::opElementwiseProduct: aggregate *= val; break; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // function to compute the value for a given output location (including reduction) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #define ReduceElemType ElemType // (note: we could use 'double' here, but that would cause problems with CUDA cards that don't support double) template struct TensorOpReduce { // this version for m >= 0 static __device__ ElemType Compute(FixedArray pointers, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix& reducingStrides) { // start with index 0 // We may use 'double' since we are memory-bound anyway. ReduceElemType aggregate = TensorOpReduce::Compute(pointers, op, reductionOp, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); // apply this index to the pointers C_size_t dim = reducingOpDims[m]; for (C_size_t k = 1 /*done with k=0 already*/; k < dim; k++) { // bump the pointers #pragma unroll for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) // N-1 because output is not used here { pointers[i] += reducingStrides(i, (C_size_t) m); } ElemType val = TensorOpReduce::Compute(pointers, op, reductionOp, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); Aggregate(aggregate, val, reductionOp); } return (ElemType) aggregate; } }; // this one terminates the template recursion over reduction dimensions // The pointers are pointing to the input element. template struct TensorOpReduce { // this version for m = -1 // the pointers are pointing to the right location(s) to take the operation over static __device__ ElemType Compute(FixedArray pointers, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& /*reducingOpDims*/, const FixedMatrix& /*reducingStrides*/) { return TensorOps::Compute(pointers, op); // finally computing something! } }; // Similar to TensorOpReduce but count the number of elements seen so far and keep track // of the index of the last element assigned to the aggregate. It assume that reduction is done // in a single thread. template struct TensorArgOpReduce { // this version for m >= 0 static __device__ ElemType Compute(FixedArray pointers, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix& reducingStrides, C_unsigned_int& count, C_unsigned_int& index) { // start with index 0 ReduceElemType aggregate = TensorArgOpReduce::Compute(pointers, reductionOp, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, count, index); // apply this index to the pointers C_size_t dim = reducingOpDims[m]; for (C_size_t k = 1 /*done with k=0 already*/; k < dim; k++) { // bump the pointers #pragma unroll for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) // N-1 because output is not used here { pointers[i] += reducingStrides(i, (C_size_t)m); } ElemType val = TensorArgOpReduce::Compute(pointers, reductionOp, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, count, index); bool update = false; switch (reductionOp) { case ElementWiseOperator::opArgmin: update = (aggregate > val); break; case ElementWiseOperator::opArgmax: update = (aggregate < val); break; } if (update) { aggregate = val; index = count - 1; } } return (ElemType)aggregate; } }; // this one terminates the template recursion over reduction dimensions // The pointers are pointing to the input element. template struct TensorArgOpReduce { // this version for m = -1 // the pointers are pointing to the right location(s) to take the operation over static __device__ ElemType Compute(FixedArray pointers, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& /*reducingOpDims*/, const FixedMatrix& /*reducingStrides*/, C_unsigned_int& count, C_unsigned_int& index) { count++; return *(pointers[0]); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // function to compute one constituent of the value for a given output location // (reduction is not done here, but by calling into here multiple times) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template struct TensorOpParallelReduce { // this version for m >= 0 static __device__ ElemType Compute(CUDA_LONG id, FixedArray pointers, ElementWiseOperator op, const FixedArray& reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix& reducingStrides, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { // map id (location on grid) to index[k] C_size_t stride = 1; // compute the stride. This seems expensive, but since we we only currently support M <= 2, this is just compile-time selection between 1 and reducingOpDims[0]. #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { stride *= reducingOpDims[(C_size_t) i]; } C_size_t index; #ifndef USE_FAST_DIVMOD index = id / stride; // this dimension. For m=0, the stride is 1 and hence the division will be removed at compile time. // id = id % stride; // remaining dimensions inside this. For m=0 this value is ignored and hence not even computed. id = id - stride*index; // remaining dimensions inside this. For m=0 this value is ignored and hence not even computed. #else if (m == 0) { index = id; id = 0; } else { reducingOpDimDivmod[m].divmod(id, index, id); } #endif // apply this index to the pointers #pragma unroll for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { pointers[i] += index * reducingStrides(i, (C_size_t) m); // now this dimension is taken care of } return TensorOpParallelReduce::Compute(id, pointers, op, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reducingOpDimDivmod); } }; // this one terminates the template recursion over reduction dimensions // The pointers are pointing to the input element. template struct TensorOpParallelReduce { // this version for m = -1 // the pointers are pointing to the right location(s) to take the operation over static __device__ ElemType Compute(CUDA_LONG /*id*/, FixedArray pointers, ElementWiseOperator op, const FixedArray& /*reducingOpDims*/, const FixedMatrix& /*reducingStrides*/, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { return TensorOps::Compute(pointers, op); // finally computing something! } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // perform loop over regular index k for N-nary operations (N counting the output) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The 'pointers' only refer to a single element, so we will bump them in-place to perform indexing. template struct TensorOpElement { // template-recursive version loops over indices static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG id, ElemType beta, FixedArray& pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& regularOpStrides, const FixedMatrix& regularStrides, const FixedArray& reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix& reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG reductionBegin, CUDA_LONG reductionChunkSize, FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { // map id (location on grid) to index[k] #ifndef USE_FAST_DIVMOD C_size_t stride = regularOpStrides[(C_size_t) k]; C_size_t index = id / stride; // this dimension // id = id % stride; // remaining dimensions inside this id = id - stride*index; // remaining dimensions inside this #else C_size_t index; regularOpStrideDivmod[k].divmod(id, index, id); #endif // apply this index to the pointers #pragma unroll for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { pointers[i] += index * regularStrides(i, (C_size_t) k); // now this dimension is taken care of } // process the previous index TensorOpElement::Compute(id, beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionBegin, reductionChunkSize, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } }; // specialization for k=0 where op stride is guaranteed to be 1 template struct TensorOpElement { // template-recursive version loops over indices static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG id, ElemType beta, FixedArray& pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& regularOpStrides, const FixedMatrix& regularStrides, const FixedArray& reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix& reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG reductionBegin, CUDA_LONG reductionChunkSize, FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { // map id (location on grid) to index[k] C_size_t index = id; // this dimension // apply this index to the pointers #pragma unroll for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { pointers[i] += index * regularStrides(i, 0); // now this dimension is taken care of } // process the previous index TensorOpElement::Compute(/*id*/ 0, beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionBegin, reductionChunkSize, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } }; // specialization for k = -1 terminates the template recursion, and computes reductions in a for loop template struct TensorOpElement { // template-recursion-teminating version computes the actual value for this output location // now the output pointers point to the right element (input pointers may still iterate for reduction) static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG /*id*/, ElemType beta, FixedArray& pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& /*regularOpStrides*/, const FixedMatrix& /*regularStrides*/, const FixedArray& reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix& reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG /*reductionBegin*/, CUDA_LONG /*reductionChunkSize*/, FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { // compute the operation for this output coordinate // This may still involve a reduction over inverse-broadcasting dimensions. ElemType val = TensorOpReduce::Compute(pointers, op, reductionOp, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); // scale val *= alpha; // combine with previous value in target matrix, then write it out if (N < 4 || val != 0 || beta != 1) // (skip memory access if not needed) (N<4: skip this test) { auto* pout = pointers[pointers.size() - 1]; if (beta != 0) // (skip memory access if not needed, and allow for ignoring NaNs) val += beta * *pout; // save *pout = val; } } }; #undef ALLOW_ATOMIC_REDUCTION // undefine to disable use of atomicAdd() below, for testing it // specialization for k = -1 terminates the template recursion, and computes reductions in parallel template struct TensorOpElement { // template-recursion-teminating version computes the actual value for this output location // now the output pointers point to the right element (input pointers may still iterate for reduction) static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG /*id*/, ElemType beta, FixedArray& pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& /*regularOpStrides*/, const FixedMatrix& /*regularStrides*/, const FixedArray& reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix& reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG reductionBegin, CUDA_LONG reductionChunkSize, FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { CUDA_LONG reductionBlock = blockIdx.z; // reduction-block index --larger reductions are split into blocks CUDA_LONG tid = threadIdx.x; // thread index CUDA_LONG tids = blockDim.x; // out of how many threads --note: last block is partial // determine our range --this is a single int mul, we can stomach it (we could alternatively pass in yet another parameter) CUDA_LONG reductionDim = (CUDA_LONG) reducingOpDims[0]; for (C_size_t i = 1; i < reducingOpDims.size(); i++) reductionDim *= reducingOpDims[i]; // determine the redId range that we operate on // Each thread takes a stride tid + (multiples of tids) within this range. reductionBegin += reductionChunkSize * reductionBlock; CUDA_LONG reductionEnd = min(reductionBegin + reductionChunkSize, reductionDim); // compute the operation for this input coordinate ReduceElemType aggregate = AggregateNeutralValue(reductionOp); for (CUDA_LONG redId = reductionBegin + tid; redId < reductionEnd; redId += tids) { auto val = TensorOpParallelReduce::Compute(redId, pointers, op, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reducingOpDimDivmod); Aggregate(aggregate, val, reductionOp); } // reduce --cf https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/samples/6_Advanced/reduction/doc/reduction.pdf __shared__ ReduceElemType volatile accumulators[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock /*tids == blockDim.x, as specified at launch*/]; accumulators[tid] = aggregate; __syncthreads(); static_assert(GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock <= 1024, "GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock too large, need to add manually unrolled steps"); for (CUDA_LONG i = 512; i; i >>= 1) { if (tid < i && tid + i < tids) Aggregate(accumulators[tid], accumulators[tid + i], reductionOp); if (0 + i < tids) __syncthreads(); // sync if condition true for at least one thread // TODO: use volatile* and then we can skip the __syncthreads() for the last 32 values. See Amit's allreduce() function implementation in MatrixQuantizer_kernel.cu. } // now set final value to output coordinate if (tid == 0) { ElemType val = (ElemType) accumulators[0]; // scale val *= alpha; // combine with previous value in target matrix, then write it out if (N < 4 || val != 0 || beta != 1) // (skip memory access if not needed) (N<4: skip this test) { auto* pout = pointers[pointers.size() - 1]; #ifdef ALLOW_ATOMIC_REDUCTION CUDA_LONG reductionBlocks = gridDim.z; // number of reduction blocks. If >1 we need atomicAdd if (reductionBlocks > 1) // multiple blocks: need to use atomicAdd() { // in this case, outer calling code must pass beta = 1 atomicAdd(pout, val); } else #endif { if (beta != 0) val += beta * *pout; // save *pout = val; } } } } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // perform loop over regular index k for N-nary operations (N counting the output) // keep track of the indices. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The 'pointers' only refer to a single element, so we will bump them in-place to perform indexing. template struct TensorArgOpElement { // template-recursive version loops over indices static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG id, FixedArray& pointers, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& regularOpStrides, const FixedMatrix& regularStrides, const FixedArray& reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix& reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG reductionBegin, CUDA_LONG reductionChunkSize, FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { // map id (location on grid) to index[k] #ifndef USE_FAST_DIVMOD C_size_t stride = regularOpStrides[(C_size_t)k]; C_size_t index = id / stride; // this dimension // id = id % stride; // remaining dimensions inside this id = id - stride*index; // remaining dimensions inside this #else C_size_t index; regularOpStrideDivmod[k].divmod(id, index, id); #endif // apply this index to the pointers #pragma unroll for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { pointers[i] += index * regularStrides(i, (C_size_t)k); // now this dimension is taken care of } // process the previous index TensorArgOpElement::Compute(id, pointers, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionBegin, reductionChunkSize, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } }; // specialization for k = -1 terminates the template recursion, and computes reductions in a for loop template struct TensorArgOpElement { // template-recursion-teminating version computes the actual value for this output location // now the output pointers point to the right element (input pointers may still iterate for reduction) static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG /*id*/, FixedArray& pointers, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const FixedArray& /*regularOpStrides*/, const FixedMatrix& /*regularStrides*/, const FixedArray& reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix& reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG /*reductionBegin*/, CUDA_LONG /*reductionChunkSize*/, FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { // compute the operation for this output coordinate // This may still involve a reduction over inverse-broadcasting dimensions. C_unsigned_int count = 0; C_unsigned_int index = 0; ElemType val = TensorArgOpReduce::Compute(pointers, reductionOp, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, count, index); // combine with previous value in target matrix, then write it out if (N < 4 || val != 0) // (skip memory access if not needed) (N<4: skip this test) { auto* pout = pointers[pointers.size() - 1]; // save *pout = (ElemType) index; } } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // kernel and launch --no reduction // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // launch tensor op with CUDA template __global__ void _launchTensorOp(ElemType beta, FixedArray pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, FixedArray regularOpStrides, FixedMatrix regularStrides, CUDA_LONG numElements, FixedArray reducingOpDims, FixedMatrix reducingStrides, FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { CUDA_LONG id = GridDim::GetLinearThreadId(); if (id < numElements) // note: there are no __syncthread() calls inside TensorOpElement::Compute(id, beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, 0, 0, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } template __global__ void _launchTensorArgOp(FixedArray pointers, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, FixedArray regularOpStrides, FixedMatrix regularStrides, CUDA_LONG numElements, FixedArray reducingOpDims, FixedMatrix reducingStrides, FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { CUDA_LONG id = GridDim::GetLinearThreadId(); if (id < numElements) // note: there are no __syncthread() calls inside TensorArgOpElement::Compute(id, pointers, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, 0, 0, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } template static void LaunchTensorOp(ElemType beta, array pointerVector, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, N>& regularStrideVectors) { // copy all parameters to CUDA-compatible data structures FixedArray pointers(pointerVector); SmallVector regularOpStrideVector; // kernel needs the strides for converting thread index back to multi-dimensional tensor index C_size_t numElements = 1; // input divisors SmallVector regularOpStrideDivmodVector; for (C_size_t k = 0; k < regularOpDims.size(); k++) { regularOpStrideVector.push_back(numElements); // create fast division objects regularOpStrideDivmodVector.push_back(fast_divmod(numElements)); numElements *= (C_size_t) regularOpDims[k]; } SmallVector reducingOpDimDivmodVector; FixedArray regularOpStrides(regularOpStrideVector); FixedMatrix regularStrides(regularStrideVectors); FixedArray reducingOpDims; // empty reduction dimensions FixedMatrix reducingStrides; // reduced divisors FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod(regularOpStrideDivmodVector); FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod; // launch the kernel CUDA_LONG NN = (CUDA_LONG) numElements; // linear space identifying each individual input element SyncGuard syncGuard; GridDim grid(NN); if ((reductionOp == ElementWiseOperator::opArgmax) || (reductionOp == ElementWiseOperator::opArgmin)) { _launchTensorArgOp << > > (pointers, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, grid.m_N, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } else { _launchTensorOp << > > (beta, pointers, alpha, op, (ElementWiseOperator)(-1) /* dummy reductionOp */, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, grid.m_N, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // kernel and launch --with reduction // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template __global__ void _launchTensorOpWithReduction(ElemType beta, FixedArray pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, FixedArray regularOpStrides, FixedMatrix regularStrides, CUDA_LONG numElements, FixedArray reducingOpDims, FixedMatrix reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG reductionBegin, CUDA_LONG reductionChunkSize, FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod, FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod) { CUDA_LONG id = gridDim.x * blockIdx.y + blockIdx.x; // input dimensions are Y dimension of blocks in this case, so we can use thread dim for shared-memory/parallelization #ifndef ALLOW_ATOMIC_REDUCTION CUDA_LONG reductionBlock = blockIdx.z; // reduction-block index --larger reductions are split into blocks pointers[pointers.size() - 1] += numElements * reductionBlock; // the output tensor is dense (no gaps); and there is one copy for each reduction block (those get further reduced into one later) #endif if (id < numElements) // note: we have __syncthread() calls but only entire blocks in sync, so this is OK TensorOpElement::Compute(id, beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionBegin, reductionChunkSize, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } // helper function to provide a reduction buffer template static shared_ptr AllocateReductionBuffer(size_t N) { ElemType* deviceBufferPtr; CUDA_CALL(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceBufferPtr, sizeof(ElemType) * N)); return shared_ptr(deviceBufferPtr, [](ElemType* deviceBufferPtr){ cudaFree((void*)deviceBufferPtr); }); } template static shared_ptr GetReductionBuffer(size_t N) { bool dontCache = false; // (for debugging only) if (t_stream != 0 || dontCache) // we cache for the NULL stream but don't bother for others, since we only ever use the NULL stream currently return AllocateReductionBuffer(N); static shared_ptr reductionBuffersCache[32]; // cache of objects --TODO: Do we have a #define the the max somewhere? Then also use it in CPUMatrix.cu GetOnesTensor() static size_t reductionBuffersCacheSize[_countof(reductionBuffersCache)] = { 0 }; let deviceId = GridDim::GetCurrentDeviceId(); if (deviceId >= _countof(reductionBuffersCache)) // index check w.r.t. our hard-coded dimensions return AllocateReductionBuffer(N); // out of bounds: don't cache if (!reductionBuffersCache[deviceId]) { reductionBuffersCache[deviceId] = AllocateReductionBuffer(N); reductionBuffersCacheSize[deviceId] = N; } if (N > reductionBuffersCacheSize[deviceId]) // buffer size check LogicError("GetReductionBuffer: Must be called with the number of multiprocs, which may not change."); return reductionBuffersCache[deviceId]; } // All dimensions (N-ariness, number of input dimensions K and number of reduction dimensions M) are bound to template parameters now. template static void LaunchTensorOpWithReduction(ElemType beta, array pointerVector, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, N>& regularStrideVectors, const SmallVector& reducingOpDimVector, const array, N>& reducingStrideVectors) { // copy all parameters to CUDA-compatible data structures FixedArray pointers(pointerVector); SmallVector regularOpStrideVector; // kernel needs the strides for converting thread index back to multi-dimensional tensor index C_size_t numElements = 1; // input divisors SmallVector regularOpStrideDivmodVector; for (C_size_t k = 0; k < regularOpDims.size(); k++) { regularOpStrideVector.push_back(numElements); // stride for dense representation of our output elements (if they were flattened) regularOpStrideDivmodVector.push_back(fast_divmod((unsigned int)numElements)); numElements *= (C_size_t) regularOpDims[k]; } // output divisors SmallVector reducingOpDimDivmodVector; C_size_t stride = 1; for (C_size_t k = 0; k < reducingOpDimVector.size(); ++k) { reducingOpDimDivmodVector.push_back(fast_divmod(stride)); stride *= (C_size_t)reducingOpDimVector[k]; } FixedArray regularOpStrides(regularOpStrideVector); FixedMatrix regularStrides(regularStrideVectors); FixedArray reducingOpDims(reducingOpDimVector); FixedMatrix reducingStrides(reducingStrideVectors); // reduced divisors FixedArray regularOpStrideDivmod(regularOpStrideDivmodVector); FixedArray reducingOpDimDivmod(reducingOpDimDivmodVector); // launch the kernel CUDA_LONG NN = (CUDA_LONG) numElements; // linear space identifying each individual output element SyncGuard syncGuard; // do some optimization for reductions // - example: 30 GPU procs, warp size 32 --> 960 GPU cores // - NN elements must be computed, each involving a reduction over reductionDim elements // Cases: // - #output elements NN >= GPU cores --> use one proc per element, do reduction in inner loop // E.g. if >=960 elements are computed, each gets its own GPU thread. // - reduction dimension would benefit from multiple blocks --> multiple blocks work on a single output element // E.g. // - gradient of adding a bias: reducing to a bias, e.g. 512-dim // - gradient of scalar multiplication: big elementwise product reduced to a scalar (big dot product, e.g. [1024 x 1024] = 1M elements) // - softmax in seq-2-seq attention model: reduce over length of attention window (e.g. 20) // - summation of criterion value: scalar reduction over a few hundred or thousand samples in the minibatch C_size_t reductionDim = 1; // number of elements to reduce over for (C_size_t k = 0; k < reducingOpDimVector.size(); k++) reductionDim *= (C_size_t) reducingOpDimVector[k]; GridDim grid(NN); let& props = GridDim::GetDeviceProps(); bool disableParallelReduction = false; // (for debugging) // === arg based reduction, one thread per output element if ((reductionOp == ElementWiseOperator::opArgmax) || (reductionOp == ElementWiseOperator::opArgmin)) { _launchTensorArgOp << > > ( pointers, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, grid.m_N, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } // === simple case: NN large, one thread per output element else if (reductionDim == 1 || // no reduction grid.m_blocksPerGrid >= props.multiProcessorCount || // enough output elements to fill all multiprocs reductionDim * numElements <= 2 * props.warpSize || // trivial operation not worth the trouble (2* because the more complex one also needs 2 kernel launches) disableParallelReduction || // (for debugging) reductionDim * numElements <= props.multiProcessorCount) // recursive call from reduction below { // we got enough elements to generate: do one element per thread, and reduction inside _launchTensorOp<<>>( beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, grid.m_N, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } // === optimization: simple case would not use all multiprocs else { // m_blocksPerGrid can be thought of NN / 512, with appropriate rounding // we are reducing and are underutilizing the multiprocs we have: get more parallelism by doing reduction in parallel // If we get here, then // - the total number of outputs to produce is < #multiprocs * warpSize, e.g. < 960 // - each output has at least two inputs, but possibly millions // Examples: // (a1) NN=900 // - each multiproc processes multiple elements concurrently, each reducing over its inputs inside // - use one block per output element // (a2) NN=30 // - same as (a1) except 30 multiprocs run only a single block each // (a3) NN=16 // - same as (a1) except only 16 multiproc run one block // (b1) NN=15 // - 2 blocks work together on a single output element // (b2) NN=1 (NN < #multiprocs, e.g. NN < 30) // - multiple blocks work together on a single output element // - only this case requires memory, and only K * NN // where K = blocks that work together, // both K and NN < #multiprocs, // and K * NN = on the order of NN, but generally a bit larger due to rounding. // By how much do we underutilize? // We increase #blocks by that factor by breaking reduction into that many chunks. let numReductionChunks = max(props.multiProcessorCount / NN, 1); // only >1 for NN < multiProcessorCount // distribute NN over block X and Y let blockXOverBy = CeilDiv(NN, props.maxGridSize[0]); let numBlocksX = CeilDiv(NN, blockXOverBy); let numBlocksY = CeilDiv(NN, numBlocksX); // while block Z is for multiple blocks working together on a single output element let numBlocksZ = numReductionChunks; // Block dim is now: // - X, Y: such that X*Y covers NN // - Z: reduction chunks // reduction goes into thread dim X let reductionChunkSize = CeilDiv(reductionDim, numReductionChunks); let numThreadsX = min(reductionChunkSize, GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock); // any that's over will be done by looping inside the kernel // --- cases (a1) and (a2) // This involves no reduction across blocks. if (numReductionChunks == 1) { _launchTensorOpWithReduction<<>>( beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, NN, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, /*reductionBegin*/ 0, reductionChunkSize, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } // --- case (b) // Reduction across blocks. This is the difficult one. #ifndef ALLOW_ATOMIC_REDUCTION // temporarily disabled to ensure it is not causing the non-reproducability else { // we get here if NN <= #multiprocs assert(NN <= props.multiProcessorCount && numBlocksX == NN && numBlocksY == 1); // dims are: // - numBlocksZ = numReductionChunks = how many multiprocs work together to produce one output element // - numBlocksX = NN = number of output elements // - numThreadsX = reductionChunkSize clipped to 512; reductionChunkSize > 512 is handled by an inner for loop inside of the kernel // we need memory for block outputs of dimension [numBlocksX x numBlocksZ] // - total elements = NN * Floor(#multiprocs / NN) = <= #multiprocs let reductionBufferSize = props.multiProcessorCount; assert(reductionBufferSize >= NN * numBlocksZ); shared_ptr reductionBuffer = GetReductionBuffer(reductionBufferSize); // 'pointers', 'regularOpStrides', and 'regularStrides' are set up to point to the target memory. // We need to reroute them to point to our reductionBuffer. // - pointer[N-1] -> replace by reductionBuffer // - regularStrides -> replace [N-1] by regularOpStrides which already represent the NN elements for a dense memory layout // - beta -> 0 since we write into temp memory // - kernel must use block.z as second index into the output buffer; add (block.z * NN) to the pointer FixedArray pointers1 = pointers; pointers1[N - 1] = reductionBuffer.get(); auto regularStrideVectors1 = regularStrideVectors; for (size_t k = 0; k < regularOpStrides.size(); k++) regularStrideVectors1[N - 1][k] = (ptrdiff_t)regularOpStrideVector[k]; FixedMatrix regularStrides1(regularStrideVectors1); ElemType beta1 = 0; ElemType alpha1 = 1; _launchTensorOpWithReduction << > >( beta1, pointers1, alpha1, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides1, NN, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, /*reductionBegin*/0, reductionChunkSize, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); #if 1 // now reduce and redistribute // Create a new tensor task, and execute it recursively: // - input = reductionBuffer // - output = true output // - op dims/strides = output elements // - reduce dims/strides = numBlocksZ // - op = opCopy array pointerVector2{ reductionBuffer.get(), pointerVector[N - 1] }; const array, 2> regularStrideVectors2{ regularStrideVectors1[N - 1], regularStrideVectors[N - 1] }; const array, 2> reducingStrideVectors2{ SmallVector{ NN }, SmallVector{ 0 } }; const SmallVector reducingOpDimVector2{ (size_t)numReductionChunks }; LaunchTensorOpWithReduction( beta, pointerVector2, alpha, ElementWiseOperator::opCopy, reductionOp, regularOpDims, regularStrideVectors2, reducingOpDimVector2, reducingStrideVectors2); // (note: ^^this will have a nested syncGuard, which is fine) #else _launchTensorOp<<>>( beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, grid.m_N, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); //for (size_t z = 0; z < numBlocksZ; z++) // _launchTensorOpWithReduction<<>>(z == 0 ? beta : 1, pointers, alpha, op, // regularOpStrides, regularStrides, NN, // reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionChunkSize * z, reductionChunkSize); vector peekPartial(NN * numBlocksZ, -42); vector peekFinal(NN, -42); CUDA_CALL(cudaMemcpy(peekPartial.data(), reductionBuffer, sizeof(ElemType) * peekPartial.size(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); CUDA_CALL(cudaMemcpy(peekFinal.data(), pointers[pointers.size()-1], sizeof(ElemType) * peekFinal.size(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); double s1 = 0, s2 = 0; for (auto v : peekPartial) s1 += v; for (auto v : peekFinal) s2 += v; sin(1.0); #endif } #else else if (beta == 1) { // no need to pre-scale; just add (common for gradients) _launchTensorOpWithReduction<<>>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, NN, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, 0, reductionChunkSize, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); return; } else { // We need more than one chunk, we will use atomicAdd(). // First reset/pre-multiply input; then do the remaining chunks using atomicAdd(). _launchTensorOpWithReduction<<>>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, NN, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, 0, reductionChunkSize, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); // We will leave it like this for a while, but eventually need to revisit using temporary memory. _launchTensorOpWithReduction<<>>(/*beta=*/1, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, NN, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionChunkSize, reductionChunkSize, regularOpStrideDivmod, reducingOpDimDivmod); } #endif } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // kernel and launch --linear unary // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // for linear unary ops, we need to define a functor for every function for use as a template parameter (lambda syntax doesn't work in CUDA 7) #define DefineUnaryTensorFunctor(oper) \ struct Functor##oper \ { \ template \ static __device__ ElemType f(ElemType a) \ { \ return Op##oper(a); \ } \ }; ForAllUnaryOps(DefineUnaryTensorFunctor); // the top-level kernel for linear unary ops // Note: If we have a beta, we have 2 memory accesses, so this optimization may no longer be needed as we are memory-bound. template __global__ void _launchUnaryTensorOp(ElemType beta, const ElemType* pa, ElemType* pb, ElemType alpha, CUDA_LONG numElements) { CUDA_LONG id = GridDim::GetLinearThreadId(); if (id >= numElements) return; ElemType a = pa[id]; ElemType val = FN::f(a); val *= alpha; if (beta != 0) val += beta * pb[id]; pb[id] = val; } // version without beta and alpha template __global__ void _launchUnaryTensorOp(const ElemType* pa, ElemType* pb, CUDA_LONG numElements) { CUDA_LONG id = GridDim::GetLinearThreadId(); if (id >= numElements) return; ElemType a = pa[id]; ElemType val = FN::f(a); pb[id] = val; } // special case of linear unary operation template void LaunchUnaryTensorOp(ElemType beta, const ElemType* pa, ElemType* pb, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, size_t regularOpDim) { CUDA_LONG NN = (CUDA_LONG) regularOpDim; #define CaseLaunchUnaryTensorOp(oper) \ case ElementWiseOperator::op##oper: \ if (beta == 0 && alpha == 1) \ _launchUnaryTensorOp<<>>(pa, pb, NN); \ else \ _launchUnaryTensorOp<<>>(beta, pa, pb, alpha, NN);\ break; SyncGuard syncGuard; GridDim grid(NN); switch (op) { ForAllUnaryOps(CaseLaunchUnaryTensorOp); default: LogicError("LaunchTensorOp1: Unknown op code %d.", (int) op); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // map runtime parameters N to template parameters // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // tensor operation with k+1 dimensions (-1 means scalar) template static void TensorOpWithRegularLoop(ElemType beta, const array& pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, N>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, N>& reducingStrides) { size_t dims = reducingOpDims.size(); switch (dims) { case 2: return LaunchTensorOpWithReduction(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); case 1: return LaunchTensorOpWithReduction(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); case 0: return LaunchTensorOp(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpDims, regularStrides); default: LogicError("TensorOp: %d non-flattened reduction dimensions are not supported.", (C_int) dims); } } // tensor operation, generalized in number of arguments // This function now expands into different k. It also eliminates the offsets by adding them to the pointers. template void TensorOpN(ElemType beta, array pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, N>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, N>& reducingStrides) { for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) // N = a small constant, this will be unrolled pointers[i] += offsets[i]; size_t dims = regularOpDims.size(); switch (dims) { case 4: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); case 3: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); case 2: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); case 1: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); case 0: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop(beta, pointers, alpha, op, reductionOp, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides); default: LogicError("TensorOp: %d non-flattened input dimensions are not supported.", (C_int) dims); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // explicit instantiations--these are being called from GPUMatrix.cu //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void TensorOpN(float beta, array pointers, float alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, 2>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, 2>& reducingStrides); template void TensorOpN(float beta, array pointers, float alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, 3>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, 3>& reducingStrides); template void TensorOpN(float beta, array pointers, float alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, 4>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, 4>& reducingStrides); template void TensorOpN(double beta, array pointers, double alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, 2>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, 2>& reducingStrides); template void TensorOpN(double beta, array pointers, double alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, 3>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, 3>& reducingStrides); template void TensorOpN(double beta, array pointers, double alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, 4>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, 4>& reducingStrides); template void LaunchUnaryTensorOp(float beta, const float* pa, float* pb, float alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, size_t regularOpDim); template void LaunchUnaryTensorOp(double beta, const double* pa, double* pb, double alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, size_t regularOpDim); }}} #endif // CPUONLY