Raw File
Tip revision: ace26c246ee6feb8779515fa668bec59b24a1fcc authored by Adrian Baddeley on 12 March 2007, 13:35:27 UTC
version 1.11-2
Tip revision: ace26c2
# Lurking variable plot for arbitrary covariate.
# $Revision: 1.12 $ $Date: 2007/02/16 07:08:38 $

lurking <- function(object, covariate, type="eem",
                    rv = NULL,
                    covname, oldstyle=FALSE, ...) {
  # validate
  verifyclass(object, "ppm")

  # extract spatial locations 
  Q <- quad.ppm(object)
  datapoints <- Q$data
  quadpoints <- union.quad(Q)
  Z <-
  wts <- w.quad(Q)

  # compute the covariate

  if(is.vector(covariate) && is.numeric(covariate)) 
    covvalues <- covariate
  else if(
    covvalues <- covariate[quadpoints]
  else if(is.expression(covariate)) {
    # Evaluate the desired covariate at all quadrature points
    # Set up environment for evaluating expression
    glmdata <- object$internal$glmdata
    # Fix special cases
    if(is.null(glmdata)) {
      # default 
      glmdata <- data.frame(x=quadpoints$x, y=quadpoints$y)
        glmdata$marks <- marks(quadpoints)
    # ensure x and y are in data frame 
    if(!all(c("x","y") %in% names(glmdata))) {
      glmdata$x <- quadpoints$x
      glmdata$y <- quadpoints$y
    # Evaluate expression
    evaluate <- function(a, b) {
      if (exists("is.R") && is.R())
        eval(a, envir = b)
      else eval(a, local = b)
    covvalues <- evaluate(covariate, glmdata)
      stop("The evaluated covariate is not numeric")
  } else 
    stop(paste("The", sQuote("covariate"),
               "should be either a numeric vector or an expression"))

  # Validate covariate values
    stop("covariate contains NA's")
  if(any(is.infinite(covvalues) | is.nan(covvalues)))
    stop("covariate contains Inf or NaN values")
  if(length(covvalues) != quadpoints$n)
    stop("Length of covariate vector,", length(covvalues), "!=",
         quadpoints$n, ", number of quadrature points")

  # Quadrature points marked by covariate value
  covq <- quadpoints %mark% covvalues

  # Residuals/marks attached to appropriate locations.
  # Stoyan-Grabarnik weights are attached to the data points only.
  # Others (residuals) are attached to all quadrature points.

  resvalues <- 
    if(!is.null(rv)) rv
    else if(type=="eem") eem(object)
    else residuals.ppm(object,type=type)
  res <- (if(type == "eem") datapoints else quadpoints) %mark% resvalues

  # ... and the same locations marked by the covariate
  covres <- if(type == "eem") covq[Z] else covq

  # name of the covariate
    covname <- if(is.expression(covariate)) paste(covariate) else "covariate"
  # type of residual/mark
    typename <- if(!is.null(rv)) "rv" else attr(resvalues, "typename")

  # Clip to subwindow if needed
  clip <- !is.poisson.ppm(object) ||
              (!missing(clipwindow) && !is.null(clipwindow))
  if(clip) {
    covq <- covq[clipwindow]
    res <- res[clipwindow]
    covres <- covres[clipwindow]
    clipquad <- inside.owin(quadpoints$x, quadpoints$y, clipwindow)
    wts <- wts[ clipquad ]

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # based on data points if type="eem", otherwise on quadrature points

    # cumulative sums which ignore NA's
    cumsumna <- function(x) {
      x[] <- 0

      # Reorder the data/quad points in order of increasing covariate value
      # and then compute the cumulative sum of their residuals/marks
    markscovres <- marks(covres)
    o <- order(markscovres)
    covsort <- markscovres[o]
    cummark <- cumsumna(marks(res)[o])
      # we'll plot(covsort, cummark) in the cumulative case

  # based on all quadrature points
      # Range of covariate values
    covqmarks <- marks(covq)
    covrange <- range(covqmarks, na.rm=TRUE)
      # Suitable breakpoints
    cvalues <- seq(covrange[1], covrange[2], length=100)
    csmall <- cvalues[1] - diff(cvalues[1:2])
    cbreaks <- c(csmall, cvalues)
      # cumulative area as function of covariate values
    covclass <- cut(covqmarks, breaks=cbreaks)
    increm <- tapply(wts, covclass, sum)
    cumarea <- cumsumna(increm)
      # compute theoretical mean (when model is true)
    mean0 <- if(type == "eem") cumarea else rep(0, length(cumarea))
      # we'll plot(cvalues, mean0) in the cumulative case

  # (A'),(B') DERIVATIVES OF (A) AND (B)
  #  Required if cumulative=FALSE  
  #  Estimated by spline smoothing
    if(!cumulative) {
      # fit smoothing spline to (A) 
      ss <- smooth.spline(covsort, cummark, ...)
      # estimate derivative of (A)
      derivmark <- predict(ss, covsort, deriv=1)$y 
      # similarly for (B) 
      ss <- smooth.spline(cvalues, mean0, ...)
      derivmean <- predict(ss, cvalues, deriv=1)$y
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Store what will be plotted
   if(cumulative) {
     empirical <- data.frame(covariate=covsort, value=cummark)
     theoretical <- data.frame(covariate=cvalues, mean=mean0)
   } else {
     empirical <- data.frame(covariate=covsort, value=derivmark)
     theoretical <- data.frame(covariate=cvalues, mean=derivmean)

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # (C) STANDARD DEVIATION if desired
    # (currently implemented only for Poisson)
    # (currently implemented only for cumulative case)

    if(missing( <- is.poisson.ppm(object)
    else if( && !is.poisson.ppm(object))
      warning("standard deviation is calculated for Poisson model; not valid for this model")

    if( && cumulative) {
      # Fitted intensity at quadrature points
      lambda <- fitted.ppm(object, type="trend")
      # Fisher information for coefficients
      asymp <- vcov(object,what="internals")
      Fisher <- asymp$fisher
      # Local sufficient statistic at quadrature points
      suff <- asymp$suff
      # Clip if required
      if(clip) {
        lambda <- lambda[clipquad]
        suff   <- suff[clipquad, , drop=FALSE]  # suff is a matrix
      # First term: integral of lambda^(2p+1)
               varI <- cumarea
               # Compute sum of w*lambda for quadrature points in each interval
               dvar <- tapply(wts * lambda, covclass, sum)
               # tapply() returns NA when the table is empty
               dvar[] <- 0
               # Cumulate
               varI <- cumsum(dvar)
             inverse=, # same as eem
               # Compute sum of w/lambda for quadrature points in each interval
               dvar <- tapply(wts / lambda, covclass, sum)
               # tapply() returns NA when the table is empty
               dvar[] <- 0
               # Cumulate
               varI <- cumsum(dvar)

      # variance-covariance matrix of coefficients
      V <- try(solve(Fisher), silent=TRUE)
      if(inherits(V, "try-error")) {
        warning("Fisher information is singular; reverting to oldstyle=TRUE")
        oldstyle <- TRUE
      # Second term: B' V B
      if(oldstyle) {
        varII <- 0
      } else {
        # lamp = lambda^(p + 1)
        lamp <- switch(type,
                       raw     = lambda, 
                       pearson = sqrt(lambda),
                       inverse =,
                       eem     = ifelse(lambda > 0, 1, 0))
        # Compute sum of w * lamp * suff for quad points in intervals
        Bcontrib <- as.vector(wts * lamp) * suff
        dB <- matrix(, nrow=length(cumarea), ncol=ncol(Bcontrib))
        for(j in seq(ncol(dB))) 
          dB[,j] <- tapply(Bcontrib[,j], covclass, sum)
        # tapply() returns NA when the table is empty
        dB[] <- 0
        # Cumulate columns
        B <- apply(dB, 2, cumsum)
        # compute B' V B for each i 
        varII <- diag(B %*% V %*% t(B))
      # variance of residuals
      varR <- varI - varII
      # trap numerical errors
      nbg <- (varR < 0)
      if(any(nbg)) {
        ran <- range(varR)
        varR[nbg] <- 0
        relerr <- abs(ran[1]/ran[2])
        nerr <- sum(nbg)
        if(relerr > 1e-6)
          warning(paste(nerr, "negative",
                        ngettext(nerr, "value (", "values (min="),
                        signif(ran[1], 4), ")",
                        "of residual variance reset to zero",
                        "(out of", length(varR), "values)"))
      theoretical$sd <- sqrt(varR)

    # ---------------  PLOT THEM  ----------------------------------
    if( {
      # work out plot range
      mr <- range(c(0, empirical$value, theoretical$mean), na.rm=TRUE)
        mr <- range(c(mr, theoretical$mean + 2 * theoretical$sd,
                          theoretical$mean - 2 * theoretical$sd),

      # start plot
      plot(covrange, mr, type="n", xlab=covname,
           ylab=paste(if(cumulative)"cumulative" else "marginal", typename))
      # (A)/(A') Empirical
      lines(value ~ covariate, empirical)
      # (B)/(B') Theoretical mean
      lines(mean ~ covariate, theoretical, lty=2)
      # (C) Standard deviation 
      if(!is.null(theoretical$sd)) {
        lines(mean + 2 * sd ~ covariate, theoretical, lty=3)
        lines(mean - 2 * sd ~ covariate, theoretical, lty=3)
    # ----------------  RETURN COORDINATES ----------------------------
  stuff <- list(empirical=empirical, theoretical=theoretical)

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