require import AllCore List DBool SmtMap. abstract theory SKE. type key. type plaintext. type ciphertext. module type SKE = { proc init(): unit {} proc kg(): key proc enc(k:key,p:plaintext): ciphertext proc dec(k:key,c:ciphertext): plaintext option }. module Correctness (S:SKE) = { proc main (p:plaintext) = { var k, c, q; S.init(); k <@; c <@ S.enc(k,p); q <@ S.dec(k,c); return q = Some p; } }. end SKE. abstract theory SKE_RND. clone include SKE. module type Oracles = { proc init() : unit proc enc(p:plaintext): ciphertext proc dec(c:ciphertext): plaintext option }. module type CCA_Oracles = { include Oracles [-init] }. module type CCA_Adv (O:CCA_Oracles) = { proc main() : bool }. module type CPA_Oracles = { include Oracles [-init, dec] }. module type CPA_Adv (O:CPA_Oracles) = { proc main() : bool }. module CCA_game(A:CCA_Adv, O:Oracles) = { proc main() = { var b; O.init(); b <@ A(O).main(); return b; } }. module CPA_game(A:CPA_Adv, O:Oracles) = CCA_game(A,O). module Mem = { var k : key var log : (ciphertext, plaintext) fmap var lc : ciphertext list }. (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Real word: simply call the encryption/decryption with the key *) module RealOrcls (S:SKE) : CCA_Oracles = { proc init() = { S.init(); Mem.k <@; } proc enc(p:plaintext) = { var c; c <@ S.enc(Mem.k,p); return c; } proc dec(c:ciphertext) = { var p; p <@ S.dec(Mem.k,c); return p; } }. module CPA_CCA_Orcls(O:CPA_Oracles) : CCA_Oracles = { proc init () = { Mem.log <- empty; <- []; } proc enc(p:plaintext) = { var c; c <@ O.enc(p); Mem.log.[c] <- p; return c; } proc dec(c:ciphertext) = { <- if c \in Mem.log then else c ::; return Mem.log.[c]; } }. module CCA_CPA_Adv(A:CCA_Adv, O:CPA_Oracles) = { proc main () = { var b; CPA_CCA_Orcls(O).init(); b <@ A(CPA_CCA_Orcls(O)).main(); return b; } }. (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* In this game we log the answers to the encryption queries. *) (* We prove that if the scheme is correct this does not change. *) abstract theory CCA_CPA_UFCMA. (* We assume that we have a deterministic and stateless algorithm for the decryption *) type globS. op enc : globS -> key -> plaintext -> ciphertext. op dec : globS -> key -> ciphertext -> plaintext option. op valid_key : key -> bool. axiom dec_enc : forall k, valid_key k => forall gs p, dec gs k (enc gs k p) = Some p. module type StLOrcls = { proc init () : globS proc kg () : key }. module StLSke (StL:StLOrcls) : SKE = { var gs : globS proc init () = { gs <@ StL.init(); } proc kg = proc enc(k:key, p:plaintext) = { return enc gs k p; } proc dec(k:key, c:ciphertext) = { return dec gs k c; } }. module UFCMA(A:CCA_Adv, StL:StLOrcls) = CPA_game(CCA_CPA_Adv(A), RealOrcls(StLSke(StL))). (* event : exists c, c \in /\ dec Mem.k c <> None *) section PROOFS. declare module St <: StLOrcls { -StLSke, -Mem }. declare axiom st_init_is_init : equiv [ St.init ~ St.init: true ==> ={glob St, res} ]. declare axiom valid_kg : hoare [ : true ==> valid_key res]. declare module A <: CCA_Adv { -StLSke, -Mem, -St }. declare axiom A_ll : forall (O <: CCA_Oracles{-A}), islossless O.enc => islossless O.dec => islossless A(O).main. equiv eqv_CCA_UFCMA : CCA_game(A, RealOrcls(StLSke(St))).main ~ UFCMA(A, St).main : ={glob A} ==> !(exists c, c \in /\ dec Mem.k c <> None){2} => ={res}. proof. proc; inline *; wp. call (_: (exists c, c \in /\ dec Mem.k c <> None), ={, Mem.k} /\ valid_key Mem.k{1} /\ (forall c, c \in Mem.log => dec Mem.k c = Mem.log.[c]){2}). + by apply A_ll. + proc; inline *; conseq />. by auto => />; smt (mem_set get_setE dec_enc). + by move=> _ _; islossless. + by move=> _; conseq />; islossless. + by proc; inline *; auto => /> /#. + by move=> _ _; islossless. + by move=> _; proc; auto => /#. wp; conseq (_: ={glob A} ==> ={glob A,, Mem.k}) (_: true ==> valid_key Mem.k) _ => />. + smt (mem_empty). + by call valid_kg. by call (: true); call st_init_is_init. qed. lemma CCA_CPA_UFCMA &m : Pr[CCA_game(A, RealOrcls(StLSke(St))).main() @ &m : res] <= Pr[CPA_game(CCA_CPA_Adv(A), RealOrcls(StLSke(St))).main() @ &m : res] + Pr[UFCMA(A, St).main() @ &m : (exists c, c \in /\ dec Mem.k c <> None)]. proof. byequiv eqv_CCA_UFCMA => /> /#. qed. end section PROOFS. end CCA_CPA_UFCMA. end SKE_RND.