/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #if !defined(CitcomS_global_defs_h) #define CitcomS_global_defs_h /* This file contains the definitions of variables which are passed as arguments to functions across the whole filespace of CITCOM. #include this file everywhere ! */ #include #include #include #include "mpi.h" #ifdef USE_HDF5 #include "hdf5.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #else /* Macros */ #define max(A,B) (((A) > (B)) ? (A) : (B)) #define min(A,B) (((A) < (B)) ? (A) : (B)) #define SWAP(a,b) {temp=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=temp;} #endif #define LIDN 0x1 #define VBX 0x2 #define VBZ 0x4 #define VBY 0x8 #define TBX 0x10 #define TBZ 0x20 #define TBY 0x40 #define TZEDGE 0x80 #define TXEDGE 0x100 #define TYEDGE 0x200 #define VXEDGE 0x400 #define VZEDGE 0x800 #define VYEDGE 0x1000 #define INTX 0x2000 #define INTZ 0x4000 #define INTY 0x8000 #define SBX 0x10000 #define SBZ 0x20000 #define SBY 0x40000 #define FBX 0x80000 #define FBZ 0x100000 #define FBY 0x200000 #define OFFSIDE 0x400000 #define PMARGINS 0x800000 #define SSLAB 0x400000 #define SKIP 0x1000000 #define SKIPS 0x2000000 #define SKIPID 0x4000000 #define ZEROID 0x8000000 #ifndef COMPRESS_BINARY #define COMPRESS_BINARY "/usr/bin/compress" #endif #define MAX_LEVELS 12 /* max. number of multigrid levels */ #define NCS 14 /* max. number of sphere caps */ typedef float higher_precision; /* matrix coeffs etc */ typedef double higher_precision1; /* intermediate calculations for finding above coeffs */ /* Common structures */ struct Bdry { int nel; int *element[NCS]; int *normal[NCS][4]; double *det[NCS][7][5]; }; struct SBC { /* stress (traction) boundary conditions */ int *node[NCS]; double *SB[NCS][7][4]; }; struct Shape_function_dA { double vpt[8+1]; double ppt[1+1]; }; struct Shape_function1_dA { double vpt[6*4]; double ppt[6*1]; }; struct Shape_function_side_dA { double vpt[4]; double ppt[1]; }; struct Shape_function1 { double vpt[4*4]; /* node & gauss pt */ double ppt[4*1]; }; struct Shape_function { double vpt[8*8]; /* node & gauss pt */ double ppt[8*1]; }; struct Shape_function_dx { double vpt[3*8*8]; /* dirn & node & gauss pt */ double ppt[3*8*1]; }; struct Shape_function1_dx { double vpt[2*4*4]; /* dirn & node & gauss pt */ double ppt[2*4*1]; }; struct CC { double vpt[3*3*8*8]; double ppt[3*3*8*1]; }; /* dirn & node & gauss pt */ struct CCX { double vpt[3*3*2*8*8]; double ppt[3*3*2*8*1]; }; /* dirn & node & gauss pt */ struct EG { higher_precision g[24][1]; }; struct EK { double k[24*24]; }; struct COORD { float centre[4]; float size[4]; float area; } ; struct SUBEL { int sub[9]; }; struct ID { int doff[4]; }; /* can be 1 or 2 or 3 */ struct IEN { int node[9]; }; struct FNODE { float node[9]; }; struct SIEN { int node[5]; }; struct BOUND { int bound[8]; }; struct PASS { int pass[27]; }; struct Parallel { MPI_Comm world; MPI_Comm horizontal_comm; MPI_Comm vertical_comm; int me; int nproc; int nprocx; int nprocz; int nprocy; int nprocxy; int nproczy; int nprocxz; int total_surf_proc; int ****loc2proc_map; int redundant[MAX_LEVELS]; int idb; int me_loc[4]; int num_b; int Skip_neq[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; int *Skip_id[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; int TNUM_PASS[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct BOUND *NODE[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct BOUND NUM_NNO[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct BOUND NUM_PASS[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct PASS NUM_NEQ[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct PASS NUM_NODE[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct PASS PROCESSOR[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct PASS *EXCHANGE_ID[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct PASS *EXCHANGE_NODE[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; int TNUM_PASSz[MAX_LEVELS]; struct BOUND NUM_PASSz[MAX_LEVELS]; struct PASS PROCESSORz[MAX_LEVELS]; struct PASS NUM_NEQz[MAX_LEVELS]; struct PASS NUM_NODEz[MAX_LEVELS]; int sTNUM_PASS[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct PASS NUM_sNODE[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct PASS sPROCESSOR[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct PASS *EXCHANGE_sNODE[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; }; struct CAP { double theta[5]; double fi [5]; float *TB[4]; float *VB[4]; float *V[4]; float *Vprev[4]; }; struct SPHERE { int caps; int caps_per_proc; int capid[NCS]; int max_connections; int *hindex[100]; int hindice; float *harm_geoid[2]; float *harm_geoid_from_bncy[2]; float *harm_geoid_from_tpgt[2]; float *harm_geoid_from_tpgb[2]; double **tablenplm; double **tablencosf; double **tablensinf; double **tablesplm[NCS]; double **tablescosf[NCS]; double **tablessinf[NCS]; double area[NCS]; double angle[NCS][5]; double *area1[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; double *angle1[MAX_LEVELS][NCS][5]; double dircos[4][4]; double *R[MAX_LEVELS],*R_redundant; double ro,ri; struct CAP cap[NCS]; }; struct MESH_DATA {/* general information concerning the fe mesh */ int nsd; /* Spatial extent 1,2,3d*/ int dof; /* degrees of freedom per node */ int levmax; int levmin; int gridmax; int gridmin; int levels; int mgunitx; int mgunitz; int mgunity; int NEQ[MAX_LEVELS]; int NNO[MAX_LEVELS]; int NNOV[MAX_LEVELS]; int NLNO[MAX_LEVELS]; int NPNO[MAX_LEVELS]; int NEL[MAX_LEVELS]; int NOX[MAX_LEVELS]; int NOZ[MAX_LEVELS]; int NOY[MAX_LEVELS]; int NMX[MAX_LEVELS]; int ELX[MAX_LEVELS]; int ELZ[MAX_LEVELS]; int ELY[MAX_LEVELS]; int LNDS[MAX_LEVELS]; int LELS[MAX_LEVELS]; int SNEL[MAX_LEVELS]; int neqd; int neq; int nno; int nnov; int nlno; int npno; int nel; int snel; int elx; int elz; int ely; int nnx[4]; /* general form of ... */ int gnox; int gelx; int nox; int noz; int noy; int exs; int ezs; int eys; int nxs; int nzs; int nys; int EXS[MAX_LEVELS]; int EYS[MAX_LEVELS]; int EZS[MAX_LEVELS]; int NXS[MAX_LEVELS]; int NYS[MAX_LEVELS]; int NZS[MAX_LEVELS]; int nmx; int nsf; /* nodes for surface observables */ int toptbc; int bottbc; int topvbc; int botvbc; int sidevbc; char topvbc_file[100]; char botvbc_file[100]; char sidevbc_file[100]; char gridfile[4][100]; int periodic_x; int periodic_y; float layer[4]; /* dimensionless dimensions */ float lidz; float bl1width[4],bl2width[4],bl1mag[4],bl2mag[4]; float hwidth[4],magnitude[4],offset[4],width[4]; /* grid compression information */ double volume; int fnodal_malloc_size; int dnodal_malloc_size; int feqn_malloc_size; int deqn_malloc_size; int bandwidth; int null_source; int null_sink; int matrix_size[MAX_LEVELS]; } ; struct HAVE { /* horizontal averages */ float *T; float *Vi; float *Rho; float *f; float *F; float *vrms; float *V[4]; }; struct SLICE { /* horizontally sliced data, including topography */ float *tpg[NCS]; float *tpgb[NCS]; float *shflux[NCS]; float *bhflux[NCS]; float *divg[NCS]; float *vort[NCS]; float *freesurf[NCS]; }; struct MONITOR { char node_output[100][6]; /* recording the format of the output data */ char sobs_output[100][6]; /* recording the format of the output data */ int node_output_cols; int sobs_output_cols; int solution_cycles; int solution_cycles_init; int stop_topo_loop; int topo_loop; float time_scale; float length_scale; float viscosity_scale; float geoscale; float tpgscale; float grvscale; float delta_v_last_soln; float elapsed_time; float elapsed_time_vsoln; float elapsed_time_vsoln1; float reference_stress; float incompressibility; float vdotv; float nond_av_heat_fl; float nond_av_adv_hfl; double cpu_time_at_start; double cpu_time_at_last_cycle; float tpgkmag; float grvkmag; float Nusselt; float Vmax; float Vsrms; float Vrms; float Vrms_surface; float Vrms_base; float F_surface; float F_base; float Frat_surface; float Frat_base; float T_interior; float T_maxvaried; float Sigma_max; float Sigma_interior; float Vi_average; }; struct CONTROL { int PID; char output_written_external_command[500]; /* a unix command to run when output files have been created */ int ORTHO,ORTHOZ; /* indicates levels of mesh symmetry */ char B_is_good[MAX_LEVELS]; /* general information controlling program flow */ char Ahat_is_good[MAX_LEVELS]; /* general information controlling program flow */ char data_prefix[50]; char data_prefix_old[50]; char data_dir[150]; char data_dir_old[150]; char data_file[200]; char old_P_file[200]; char post_topo_file[100]; char slabgeoid_file[100]; char which_data_files[1000]; char which_horiz_averages[1000]; char which_running_data[1000]; char which_observable_data[1000]; char PROBLEM_TYPE[20]; /* one of ... */ int KERNEL; int CONVECTION; int stokes; int restart; int post_p; int post_topo; int SLAB; char GEOMETRY[20]; /* one of ... */ int CART2D; int CART2pt5D; int CART3D; int AXI; char SOLVER_TYPE[20]; /* one of ... */ int DIRECT; int CONJ_GRAD; int NMULTIGRID; int EMULTIGRID; int DIRECTII; char NODE_SPACING[20]; /* turns into ... */ int GRID_TYPE; int COMPRESS; int AVS; int CONMAN; int read_density; int read_slab; int read_slabgeoid; int pseudo_free_surf; int tracer; double theta_min, theta_max, fi_min, fi_max; float start_age; int reset_startage; int zero_elapsed_time; float Ra_670,clapeyron670,transT670,width670; float Ra_410,clapeyron410,transT410,width410; float Ra_cmb,clapeyroncmb,transTcmb,widthcmb; int dfact; double penalty; int augmented_Lagr; double augmented; int NASSEMBLE; float tole_comp; float sob_tolerance; float Atemp; float inputdiff; float VBXtopval; float VBXbotval; float VBYtopval; float VBYbotval; int coor; char coor_file[100]; int lith_age; int lith_age_time; int lith_age_old_cycles; float lith_age_depth; float lith_age_mantle_temp; int filter_temperature; int temperature_bound_adj; float depth_bound_adj; float width_bound_adj; float TBCtopval; float TBCbotval; float Q0; float jrelax; int precondition; int vprecondition; int keep_going; int v_steps_low; int v_steps_high; int v_steps_upper; int max_vel_iterations; int p_iterations; int max_same_visc; float max_res_red_each_p_mg; float sub_stepping_factor; int mg_cycle; int true_vcycle; int down_heavy; int up_heavy; int depth_dominated; int eqn_viscosity; int eqn_zigzag; int verbose; int side_sbcs; int vbcs_file; int mat_control; double accuracy; double vaccuracy; char velocity_boundary_file[1000]; char mat_file[1000]; char lith_age_file[1000]; int total_iteration_cycles; int total_v_solver_calls; int record_every; int record_all_until; int print_convergence; int sdepv_print_convergence; /* modules */ int MELTING_MODULE; int CHEMISTRY_MODULE; /* for embedded setting */ int embedded; }; struct DATA { float layer_km; float radius_km; float grav_acc; float therm_exp; float Cp; float therm_diff; float therm_cond; float density; float res_density; float res_density_X; float melt_density; float density_above; float density_below; float gas_const; float surf_heat_flux; float ref_viscosity; float melt_viscosity; float permeability; float grav_const; float surf_temp; float youngs_mod; float Te; float ref_temperature; float Tsurf; float T_sol0; float delta_S; float dTsol_dz; float dTsol_dF; float dT_dz; float scalet; float scalev; float timedir; }; struct Output { char format[20]; /* ascii or hdf5 */ char optional[1000]; /* comma-delimited list of objects to output */ int llmax; /* max degree of spherical harmonics output */ /* size of collective buffer used by MPI-IO */ int cb_block_size; int cb_buffer_size; /* size of data sieve buffer used by HDF5 */ int sieve_buf_size; /* memory alignment used by HDF5 */ int alignment; int alignment_threshold; /* cache for chunked dataset used by HDF5 */ int cache_mdc_nelmts; int cache_rdcc_nelmts; int cache_rdcc_nbytes; int connectivity; /* whether to output connectivity */ int stress; /* whether to output stress */ int pressure; /* whether to output pressure */ int surf; /* whether to output surface data */ int botm; /* whether to output bottom data */ int geoid; /* whether to output geoid/topo spherial harmonics */ int horiz_avg; /* whether to output horizontal averaged profile */ int tracer; /* whether to output tracer coordinate */ int comp_el; /* whether to output composition at elements */ int comp_nd; /* whether to output composition at nodes */ }; struct COMPOSITION { int ichemical_buoyancy; int icompositional_rheology; /* if any of the above flags is true, turn this flag on */ int on; double buoyancy_ratio; int ireset_initial_composition; int ibuoy_type; double *comp_el[13]; double *comp_node[13]; double initial_bulk_composition; double bulk_composition; double error_fraction; double compositional_rheology_prefactor; }; #ifdef USE_HDF5 #include "hdf5_related.h" #endif #include "tracer_defs.h" struct All_variables { #include "solver.h" #include "convection_variables.h" #include "viscosity_descriptions.h" #include "advection.h" FILE *fp; FILE *fptime; FILE *fp_out; #ifdef USE_HDF5 struct HDF5_INFO hdf5; #endif struct HAVE Have; struct MESH_DATA mesh; struct MESH_DATA lmesh; struct CONTROL control; struct MONITOR monitor; struct DATA data; struct SLICE slice; struct Parallel parallel; struct SPHERE sphere; struct Bdry boundary; struct SBC sbc; struct Output output; struct TRACE trace; /* for chemical convection & composition rheology */ struct COMPOSITION composition; struct COORD *eco[NCS]; struct IEN *ien[NCS]; /* global */ struct SIEN *sien[NCS]; struct ID *id[NCS]; struct COORD *ECO[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct IEN *IEN_redundant[NCS]; struct ID *ID_redundant[NCS]; struct IEN *IEN[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; /* global at each level */ struct FNODE *TWW[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; /* for nodal averages */ struct ID *ID[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct SUBEL *EL[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct EG *elt_del[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct EK *elt_k[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct CC *cc[NCS]; struct CCX *ccx[NCS]; struct CC *CC[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct CCX *CCX[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; struct CC element_Cc; struct CCX element_Ccx; higher_precision *Eqn_k1[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*Eqn_k2[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*Eqn_k3[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; int *Node_map [MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; int *Node_eqn [MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; int *Node_k_id[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; double *BI[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*BPI[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; double *P[NCS],*F[NCS],*H[NCS],*S[NCS],*U[NCS]; double *T[NCS],*Tdot[NCS],*buoyancy[NCS]; double *u1[NCS]; double *temp[NCS],*temp1[NCS]; float *NP[NCS],*edot[NCS],*Mass[NCS],*tw[NCS]; float *MASS[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; double *ZZ; double *SX[MAX_LEVELS][NCS][4],*X[MAX_LEVELS][NCS][4]; double *sx[NCS][4],*x[NCS][4]; double *surf_det[NCS][5]; double *SinCos[MAX_LEVELS][NCS][4]; float *TT; float *V[NCS][4],*GV[NCS][4],*GV1[NCS][4]; float *stress[NCS]; float *gstress[NCS]; float *Fas670[NCS],*Fas410[NCS],*Fas670_b[NCS],*Fas410_b[NCS]; float *Fascmb[NCS],*Fascmb_b[NCS]; float *Vi[NCS],*EVi[NCS]; float *VI[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*EVI[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; float *TW[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; /* nodal weightings */ int num_zero_resid[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; int *zero_resid[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; int *surf_element[NCS],*surf_node[NCS]; int *mat[NCS]; float *VIP[NCS]; unsigned int *ELEMENT[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*NODE[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; unsigned int *element[NCS],*node[NCS]; unsigned int *eqn[NCS],*EQN[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; float *age[NCS]; /* nodal weightings */ float *age_t; struct Shape_function1 M; /* master-element shape funtions */ struct Shape_function1_dx Mx; struct Shape_function N; struct Shape_function NM; struct Shape_function_dx Nx; struct Shape_function1 L; /* master-element shape funtions */ struct Shape_function1_dx Lx; struct Shape_function_dx NMx; void (* build_forcing_term)(void*); void (* iterative_solver)(void*); void (* next_buoyancy_field)(void*); void (* next_buoyancy_field_init)(void*); void (* obtain_gravity)(void*); void (* problem_settings)(void*); void (* problem_derived_values)(void*); void (* problem_allocate_vars)(void*); void (* problem_boundary_conds)(void*); void (* problem_update_node_positions)(void*); void (* problem_initial_fields)(void*); void (* problem_tracer_setup)(void*); void (* problem_tracer_output)(void*, int); void (* problem_update_bcs)(void*); void (* special_process_new_velocity)(void*); void (* special_process_new_buoyancy)(void*); void (* solve_stokes_problem)(void*); void (* solver_allocate_vars)(void*); void (* transform)(void*); float (* node_space_function[3])(void*); /* function pointer for choosing between various output routines */ void (* problem_output)(struct All_variables *, int); /* the following function pointers are for exchanger */ void (* exchange_node_d)(struct All_variables *, double**, int); void (* exchange_node_f)(struct All_variables *, float**, int); void (* temperatures_conform_bcs)(void*); }; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif