import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { fromEvent, Observable, ReplaySubject, Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { auditTime, distinctUntilChanged, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ScrollService } from 'app/shared/scroll.service'; export interface ScrollItem { element: Element; index: number; } export interface ScrollSpyInfo { active: Observable; unspy: () => void; } /* * Represents a "scroll-spied" element. Contains info and methods for determining whether this * element is the active one (i.e. whether it has been scrolled passed), based on the window's * scroll position. * * @prop {Element} element - The element whose position relative to the viewport is tracked. * @prop {number} index - The index of the element in the original list of element (group). * @prop {number} top - The `scrollTop` value at which this element becomes active. */ export class ScrollSpiedElement implements ScrollItem { top = 0; /* * @constructor * @param {Element} element - The element whose position relative to the viewport is tracked. * @param {number} index - The index of the element in the original list of element (group). */ constructor(public readonly element: Element, public readonly index: number) {} /* * @method * Caclulate the `top` value, i.e. the value of the `scrollTop` property at which this element * becomes active. The current implementation assumes that window is the scroll-container. * * @param {number} scrollTop - How much is window currently scrolled (vertically). * @param {number} topOffset - The distance from the top at which the element becomes active. */ calculateTop(scrollTop: number, topOffset: number) { = scrollTop + this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top - topOffset; } } /* * Represents a group of "scroll-spied" elements. Contains info and methods for efficiently * determining which element should be considered "active", i.e. which element has been scrolled * passed the top of the viewport. * * @prop {Observable} activeScrollItem - An observable that emits ScrollItem * elements (containing the HTML element and its original index) identifying the latest "active" * element from a list of elements. */ export class ScrollSpiedElementGroup { activeScrollItem: ReplaySubject = new ReplaySubject(1); private spiedElements: ScrollSpiedElement[]; /* * @constructor * @param {Element[]} elements - A list of elements whose position relative to the viewport will * be tracked, in order to determine which one is "active" at any given moment. */ constructor(elements: Element[]) { this.spiedElements =, i) => new ScrollSpiedElement(elem, i)); } /* * @method * Caclulate the `top` value of each ScrollSpiedElement of this group (based on te current * `scrollTop` and `topOffset` values), so that the active element can be later determined just by * comparing its `top` property with the then current `scrollTop`. * * @param {number} scrollTop - How much is window currently scrolled (vertically). * @param {number} topOffset - The distance from the top at which the element becomes active. */ calibrate(scrollTop: number, topOffset: number) { this.spiedElements.forEach(spiedElem => spiedElem.calculateTop(scrollTop, topOffset)); this.spiedElements.sort((a, b) => -; // Sort in descending `top` order. } /* * @method * Determine which element is the currently active one, i.e. the lower-most element that is * scrolled passed the top of the viewport (taking offsets into account) and emit it on * `activeScrollItem`. * If no element can be considered active, `null` is emitted instead. * If window is scrolled all the way to the bottom, then the lower-most element is considered * active even if it not scrolled passed the top of the viewport. * * @param {number} scrollTop - How much is window currently scrolled (vertically). * @param {number} maxScrollTop - The maximum possible `scrollTop` (based on the viewport size). */ onScroll(scrollTop: number, maxScrollTop: number) { let activeItem: ScrollItem|undefined; if (scrollTop + 1 >= maxScrollTop) { activeItem = this.spiedElements[0]; } else { this.spiedElements.some(spiedElem => { if ( <= scrollTop) { activeItem = spiedElem; return true; } return false; }); } || null); } } @Injectable() export class ScrollSpyService { private spiedElementGroups: ScrollSpiedElementGroup[] = []; private onStopListening = new Subject(); private resizeEvents = fromEvent(window, 'resize').pipe(auditTime(300), takeUntil(this.onStopListening)); private scrollEvents = fromEvent(window, 'scroll').pipe(auditTime(10), takeUntil(this.onStopListening)); private lastContentHeight: number; private lastMaxScrollTop: number; constructor(@Inject(DOCUMENT) private doc: any, private scrollService: ScrollService) {} /* * @method * Start tracking a group of elements and emitting active elements; i.e. elements that are * currently visible in the viewport. If there was no other group being spied, start listening for * `resize` and `scroll` events. * * @param {Element[]} elements - A list of elements to track. * * @return {ScrollSpyInfo} - An object containing the following properties: * - `active`: An observable of distinct ScrollItems. * - `unspy`: A method to stop tracking this group of elements. */ spyOn(elements: Element[]): ScrollSpyInfo { if (!this.spiedElementGroups.length) { this.resizeEvents.subscribe(() => this.onResize()); this.scrollEvents.subscribe(() => this.onScroll()); this.onResize(); } const scrollTop = this.getScrollTop(); const topOffset = this.getTopOffset(); const maxScrollTop = this.lastMaxScrollTop; const spiedGroup = new ScrollSpiedElementGroup(elements); spiedGroup.calibrate(scrollTop, topOffset); spiedGroup.onScroll(scrollTop, maxScrollTop); this.spiedElementGroups.push(spiedGroup); return { active: spiedGroup.activeScrollItem.asObservable().pipe(distinctUntilChanged()), unspy: () => this.unspy(spiedGroup) }; } private getContentHeight() { return this.doc.body.scrollHeight || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } private getScrollTop() { return window && window.pageYOffset || 0; } private getTopOffset() { return this.scrollService.topOffset + 50; } private getViewportHeight() { return this.doc.body.clientHeight || 0; } /* * @method * The size of the window has changed. Re-calculate all affected values, * so that active elements can be determined efficiently on scroll. */ private onResize() { const contentHeight = this.getContentHeight(); const viewportHeight = this.getViewportHeight(); const scrollTop = this.getScrollTop(); const topOffset = this.getTopOffset(); this.lastContentHeight = contentHeight; this.lastMaxScrollTop = contentHeight - viewportHeight; this.spiedElementGroups.forEach(group => group.calibrate(scrollTop, topOffset)); } /* * @method * Determine which element for each ScrollSpiedElementGroup is active. If the content height has * changed since last check, re-calculate all affected values first. */ private onScroll() { if (this.lastContentHeight !== this.getContentHeight()) { // Something has caused the scroll height to change. // (E.g. image downloaded, accordion expanded/collapsed etc.) this.onResize(); } const scrollTop = this.getScrollTop(); const maxScrollTop = this.lastMaxScrollTop; this.spiedElementGroups.forEach(group => group.onScroll(scrollTop, maxScrollTop)); } /* * @method * Stop tracking this group of elements and emitting active elements. If there is no other group * being spied, stop listening for `resize` or `scroll` events. * * @param {ScrollSpiedElementGroup} spiedGroup - The group to stop tracking. */ private unspy(spiedGroup: ScrollSpiedElementGroup) { spiedGroup.activeScrollItem.complete(); this.spiedElementGroups = this.spiedElementGroups.filter(group => group !== spiedGroup); if (!this.spiedElementGroups.length) {; } } }