import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET import xml.sax from _NetworKit import Graph # GraphML Reader class GraphMLSAX(xml.sax.ContentHandler): """ Parser for GraphML XML files, based on Pythons XML.SAX implementation. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes several important variables """ xml.sax.ContentHandler.__init__(self) self.charBuffer = [] self.mapping = dict() self.g = Graph(0) self.graphName = 'unnamed' self.weightedID = '' self.weighted = False self.directed = False self.edgestack = [] self.edgeweight = 0.0 self.keepData = False def startElement(self, name, attrs): """ Parses all currently relevant XML tags and retrieves data.""" if name == "graph": # determine, if graph is directed: if attrs.getValue("edgedefault") == "directed": print("identified graph as directed") self.directed = True if "id" in attrs.getNames() and not attrs.getValue("id") == '': self.graphName = attrs.getValue("id") self.g = Graph(0,self.weighted, self.directed) self.g.setName(self.graphName) if name == "node": u = self.g.addNode() val = attrs.getValue("id") self.mapping[val] = u elif name == "edge": u = attrs.getValue("source") v = attrs.getValue("target") self.edgestack.append((u,v)) elif name == "key": #print("found element with tag KEY") if (attrs.getValue("for") == 'edge' and attrs.getValue("") == 'weight' and attrs.getValue("attr.type") == 'double'): self.weighted = True self.weightedID = attrs.getValue("id") print("identified graph as weighted") elif name == "data" and attrs.getValue("key") == self.weightedID: self.keepData = True def endElement(self, name): """ Finalizes parsing of the started Element and processes retrieved data.""" data = self.getCharacterData() if name == "edge": u = self.edgestack[len(self.edgestack)-1][0] v = self.edgestack[len(self.edgestack)-1][1] self.edgestack.pop() if self.weighted: #print ("identified edge as weighted with weight: {0}".format(edgeweight)) self.g.addEdge(self.mapping[u], self.mapping[v], self.edgeweight) self.edgeweight = 0.0 else: self.g.addEdge(self.mapping[u], self.mapping[v]) elif name == "data" and self.keepData: self.keepData = False self.edgeweight = float(data) def characters(self, content): self.charBuffer.append(content) def getCharacterData(self): data = ''.join(self.charBuffer).strip() self.charBuffer = [] return data def getGraph(self): return self.g class GraphMLReader: """ This class serves as wrapper for the GraphMLSAX class which is able to parse a GraphML XML file and construct a graph. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes the GraphMLSAX class """ self.graphmlsax = GraphMLSAX() def read(self, fpath): """ Parses a GraphML XML file and returns the constructed Graph Parameters: - fpath: the path to the file as a string """ xml.sax.parse(fpath, self.graphmlsax) return self.graphmlsax.getGraph() # GraphMLWriter class GraphMLWriter: """ This class provides a function to write a NetworKit graph to a file in the GraphML format. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes the class. """ self.edgeIdCounter = 0 self.dir_str = '' def write(self, graph, fname): """ Writes a NetworKit graph to the specified file fname. Parameters: - graph: a NetworKit::Graph python object - fname: the desired file path and name to be written to """ # reset some internal variables in case more graphs are written with the same instance self.edgeIdCounter = 0 self.dir_str = '' # start with the root element and the right header information root = ET.Element('graphml') root.set("xmlnsi","") root.set("xmlns:xsi","") root.set("xsi:schemaLocation"," \") # if the graph is weighted, add the attribute if graph.isWeighted(): attrElement = ET.SubElement(root,'key') attrElement.set('for','edge') attrElement.set('id', 'd1') attrElement.set('','weight') attrElement.set('attr.type','double') # create graph element with appropriate information graphElement = ET.SubElement(root,"graph") if graph.isDirected(): graphElement.set('edgedefault', 'directed') self.dir_str = 'true' else: graphElement.set('edgedefault', 'undirected') self.dir_str = 'false' graphElement.set('id', graph.getName()) # Add nodes for n in graph.nodes(): nodeElement = ET.SubElement(graphElement,'node') nodeElement.set('id', str(n)) # in the future: more attributes #for a in n.attributes(): # if a != 'label': # data = doc.createElement('data') # data.setAttribute('key', a) # data.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str(n[a]))) # node.appendChild(data) # Add edges if graph.isWeighted(): for e in graph.edges(): edgeElement = ET.SubElement(graphElement,'edge') edgeElement.set('directed', self.dir_str) edgeElement.set('target', str(e[1])) edgeElement.set('source', str(e[0])) edgeElement.set('id', "e{0}".format(self.edgeIdCounter)) self.edgeIdCounter += 1 # add edge weight dataElement = ET.SubElement(edgeElement,'data') dataElement.set('key','d1') dataElement.text = str(graph.weight(e[0],e[1])) else: for e in graph.edges(): edgeElement = ET.SubElement(graphElement,'edge') edgeElement.set('directed', self.dir_str) edgeElement.set('target', str(e[1])) edgeElement.set('source', str(e[0])) edgeElement.set('id', "e{0}".format(self.edgeIdCounter)) self.edgeIdCounter += 1 #TODO: optional prettify function for formatted output of xml files tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(fname,"utf-8",True)