(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id: ocamlmklib.mlp 12959 2012-09-27 13:12:51Z maranget $ *) open Printf open Myocamlbuild_config (* PR#4783: under Windows, don't use absolute paths because we do not know where the binary distribution will be installed. *) let compiler_path name = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then name else Filename.concat bindir name let bytecode_objs = ref [] (* .cmo,.cma,.ml,.mli files to pass to jocamlc *) and native_objs = ref [] (* .cmx,.cmxa,.ml,.mli files to pass to jocamlopt *) and c_objs = ref [] (* .o, .a, .obj, .lib, .dll files to pass to mksharedlib and ar *) and caml_libs = ref [] (* -cclib to pass to jocamlc, jocamlopt *) and caml_opts = ref [] (* -ccopt to pass to jocamlc, jocamlopt *) and dynlink = ref supports_shared_libraries and failsafe = ref false (* whether to fall back on static build only *) and c_libs = ref [] (* libs to pass to mksharedlib and jocamlc -cclib *) and c_Lopts = ref [] (* options to pass to mksharedlib and jocamlc -cclib *) and c_opts = ref [] (* options to pass to mksharedlib and jocamlc -ccopt *) and ld_opts = ref [] (* options to pass only to the linker *) and jocamlc = ref (compiler_path "jocamlc") and jocamlopt = ref (compiler_path "jocamlopt") and output = ref "a" (* Output name for OCaml part of library *) and output_c = ref "" (* Output name for C part of library *) and rpath = ref [] (* rpath options *) and verbose = ref false let starts_with s pref = String.length s >= String.length pref && String.sub s 0 (String.length pref) = pref let ends_with = Filename.check_suffix let chop_prefix s pref = String.sub s (String.length pref) (String.length s - String.length pref) let chop_suffix = Filename.chop_suffix exception Bad_argument of string let print_version () = printf "jocamlmklib, version %s\n" Sys.ocaml_version; exit 0; ;; let print_version_num () = printf "%s\n" Sys.ocaml_version; exit 0; ;; let parse_arguments argv = let i = ref 1 in let next_arg () = if !i + 1 >= Array.length argv then raise (Bad_argument("Option " ^ argv.(!i) ^ " expects one argument")); incr i; argv.(!i) in while !i < Array.length argv do let s = argv.(!i) in if ends_with s ".cmo" || ends_with s ".cma" then bytecode_objs := s :: !bytecode_objs else if ends_with s ".cmx" || ends_with s ".cmxa" then native_objs := s :: !native_objs else if ends_with s ".ml" || ends_with s ".mli" then (bytecode_objs := s :: !bytecode_objs; native_objs := s :: !native_objs) else if List.exists (ends_with s) [".o"; ".a"; ".obj"; ".lib"; ".dll"] then c_objs := s :: !c_objs else if s = "-cclib" then caml_libs := next_arg () :: "-cclib" :: !caml_libs else if s = "-ccopt" then caml_opts := next_arg () :: "-ccopt" :: !caml_opts else if s = "-custom" then dynlink := false else if s = "-I" then caml_opts := next_arg () :: "-I" :: !caml_opts else if s = "-failsafe" then failsafe := true else if s = "-h" || s = "-help" || s = "--help" then raise (Bad_argument "") else if s = "-ldopt" then ld_opts := next_arg () :: !ld_opts else if s = "-linkall" then caml_opts := s :: !caml_opts else if starts_with s "-l" then c_libs := s :: !c_libs else if starts_with s "-L" then (c_Lopts := s :: !c_Lopts; let l = chop_prefix s "-L" in if not (Filename.is_relative l) then rpath := l :: !rpath) else if s = "-jocamlc" || s = "-ocamlc" then jocamlc := next_arg () else if s = "-jocamlopt" || s = "-ocamlopt" then jocamlopt := next_arg () else if s = "-o" then output := next_arg() else if s = "-oc" then output_c := next_arg() else if s = "-dllpath" || s = "-R" || s = "-rpath" then rpath := next_arg() :: !rpath else if starts_with s "-R" then rpath := chop_prefix s "-R" :: !rpath else if s = "-Wl,-rpath" then (let a = next_arg() in if starts_with a "-Wl," then rpath := chop_prefix a "-Wl," :: !rpath else raise (Bad_argument("Option -Wl,-rpath expects a -Wl, argument"))) else if starts_with s "-Wl,-rpath," then rpath := chop_prefix s "-Wl,-rpath," :: !rpath else if starts_with s "-Wl,-R" then rpath := chop_prefix s "-Wl,-R" :: !rpath else if s = "-v" || s = "-verbose" then verbose := true else if s = "-version" then print_version () else if s = "-vnum" then print_version_num () else if starts_with s "-F" then c_opts := s :: !c_opts else if s = "-framework" then (let a = next_arg() in c_opts := a :: s :: !c_opts) else if starts_with s "-" then prerr_endline ("Unknown option " ^ s) else raise (Bad_argument("Don't know what to do with " ^ s)); incr i done; List.iter (fun r -> r := List.rev !r) [ bytecode_objs; native_objs; caml_libs; caml_opts; c_libs; c_objs; c_opts; ld_opts; rpath ]; (* Put -L options in front of -l options in -cclib to mimic -ccopt behavior *) c_libs := !c_Lopts @ !c_libs; if !output_c = "" then output_c := !output let usage = "\ Usage: jocamlmklib [options] <.cmo|.cma|.cmx|.cmxa|.ml|.mli|.o|.a|.obj|.lib|.dll files>\ \nOptions are:\ \n -cclib C library passed to jocamlc -a or jocamlopt -a only\ \n -ccopt C option passed to jocamlc -a or jocamlopt -a only\ \n -custom disable dynamic loading\ \n -dllpath Add to the run-time search path for DLLs\ \n -F Specify a framework directory (MacOSX)\ \n -framework Use framework (MacOSX)\ \n -help Print this help message and exit\ \n --help Same as -help\ \n -h Same as -help\ \n -I Add to the path searched for OCaml object files\ \n -failsafe fall back to static linking if DLL construction failed\ \n -ldopt C option passed to the shared linker only\ \n -linkall Build OCaml archive with link-all behavior\ \n -l Specify a dependent C library\ \n -L Add to the path searched for C libraries\ \n -ocamlc Use in place of \"ocamlc\"\ \n -ocamlopt Use in place of \"ocamlopt\"\ \n -o Generated OCaml library is named .cma or .cmxa\ \n -oc Generated C library is named dll.so or lib.a\ \n -rpath Same as -dllpath \ \n -R Same as -rpath\ \n -verbose Print commands before executing them\ \n -v same as -verbose\ \n -version Print version and exit\ \n -vnum Print version number and exit\ \n -Wl,-rpath, Same as -dllpath \ \n -Wl,-rpath -Wl, Same as -dllpath \ \n -Wl,-R Same as -dllpath \ \n" let command cmd = if !verbose then (print_string "+ "; print_string cmd; print_newline()); Sys.command cmd let scommand cmd = if command cmd <> 0 then exit 2 let safe_remove s = try Sys.remove s with Sys_error _ -> () let make_set l = let rec merge l = function [] -> List.rev l | p :: r -> if List.mem p l then merge l r else merge (p::l) r in merge [] l let make_rpath flag = if !rpath = [] || flag = "" then "" else flag ^ String.concat ":" (make_set !rpath) let make_rpath_ccopt flag = if !rpath = [] || flag = "" then "" else "-ccopt " ^ flag ^ String.concat ":" (make_set !rpath) let prefix_list pref l = List.map (fun s -> pref ^ s) l let prepostfix pre name post = let base = Filename.basename name in let dir = Filename.dirname name in Filename.concat dir (pre ^ base ^ post) ;; let transl_path s = match Sys.os_type with | "Win32" -> let rec aux i = if i = String.length s || s.[i] = ' ' then s else (if s.[i] = '/' then s.[i] <- '\\'; aux (i + 1)) in aux 0 | _ -> s let build_libs () = if !c_objs <> [] then begin if !dynlink then begin let retcode = command (Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s %s %s %s" mkdll (prepostfix "dll" !output_c ext_dll) (String.concat " " !c_objs) (String.concat " " !c_opts) (String.concat " " !ld_opts) (make_rpath mksharedlibrpath) (String.concat " " !c_libs) ) in if retcode <> 0 then if !failsafe then dynlink := false else exit 2 end; safe_remove (prepostfix "lib" !output_c ext_lib); scommand (mklib (prepostfix "lib" !output_c ext_lib) (String.concat " " !c_objs) ""); end; if !bytecode_objs <> [] then scommand (sprintf "%s -a %s -o %s.cma %s %s -dllib -l%s -cclib -l%s %s %s %s %s" (transl_path !jocamlc) (if !dynlink then "" else "-custom") !output (String.concat " " !caml_opts) (String.concat " " !bytecode_objs) (Filename.basename !output_c) (Filename.basename !output_c) (String.concat " " (prefix_list "-ccopt " !c_opts)) (make_rpath_ccopt byteccrpath) (String.concat " " (prefix_list "-cclib " !c_libs)) (String.concat " " !caml_libs)); if !native_objs <> [] then scommand (sprintf "%s -a -o %s.cmxa %s %s -cclib -l%s %s %s %s %s" (transl_path !jocamlopt) !output (String.concat " " !caml_opts) (String.concat " " !native_objs) (Filename.basename !output_c) (String.concat " " (prefix_list "-ccopt " !c_opts)) (make_rpath_ccopt nativeccrpath) (String.concat " " (prefix_list "-cclib " !c_libs)) (String.concat " " !caml_libs)) let _ = try parse_arguments Sys.argv; build_libs() with | Bad_argument "" -> prerr_string usage; exit 0 | Bad_argument s -> prerr_endline s; prerr_string usage; exit 4 | Sys_error s -> prerr_string "System error: "; prerr_endline s; exit 4 | x -> raise x