\name{signals} \alias{signals} \alias{SIGALRM} \alias{SIGCHLD} \alias{SIGHUP} \alias{SIGINFO} \alias{SIGINT} \alias{SIGKILL} \alias{SIGQUIT} \alias{SIGSTOP} \alias{SIGTERM} \alias{SIGUSR1} \alias{SIGUSR2} \title{ Signal constants (subset) } \description{ \code{SIGALRM} alarm clock \code{SIGCHLD} to parent on child stop or exit \code{SIGHUP} hangup \code{SIGINFO} information request \code{SIGINT} interrupt \code{SIGKILL} kill (cannot be caught or ignored) \code{SIGQUIT} quit \code{SIGSTOP} sendable stop signal not from tty \code{SIGTERM} software termination signal from kill \code{SIGUSR1} user defined signal 1 \code{SIGUSR2} user defined signal 2 } \details{ See \code{man signal} in your OS for details. The above codes can be used in conjunction with the \code{\link{kill}} function to send signals to processes. } \seealso{ \code{\link{kill}} } \author{Simon Urbanek} \keyword{interface}