\name{drape.plot} \alias{drape.color} \alias{drape.plot} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Perspective plot draped with colors in the facets.} \description{ Function to produce the usual wireframe perspective plot with the facets being filled with different colors. By default the colors are assigned from a color bar based on the z values. \code{drape.color} can be used to create a color matrix different from the z matrix used for the wireframe.} \usage{ drape.plot(x, y, z, z2=NULL, col = tim.colors(64), zlim = range(z, na.rm=TRUE), zlim2 = NULL, add.legend = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE, theta = 30, phi = 20, ...) drape.color(z, col = tim.colors(64), zlim = NULL, transparent.color = "white") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ grid values for x coordinate (or if x is a list the components x y and z are used.)} \item{y} { grid values for y coordinate} \item{z}{A matrix of z heights } \item{z2} { A matrix of z values to use for coloring facets. If NULL then z is used for this purpose} \item{col}{ A color table for the z values that will be used for draping} \item{zlim}{the z limits for \code{z} these are used to set up the scale of the persp plot. This defaults to range(z, na.rm=TRUE) as in persp} \item{zlim2}{the z limits for \code{z2} these are used to set up the color scale. This defaults to } \item{add.legend}{ If true a color strip is added as a legend.} \item{horizontal}{ If true color strip is put at bottom of the plot, if FALSE it is placed vertically on the right side. } \item{theta}{ x-y rotation angle for perspective. } \item{phi}{ z-angle for perspective. } \item{transparent.color}{ Color to use when given an NA in z} \item{\dots}{ Other arguments that will be passed to the persp function. The most common is zlim the z limits for the 3-d plot and also the limits to set up the color scale. The default for zlim is the range of z.} } \value{ \code{drape.plot} If an assignment is made the projection matrix from persp is returned. This information can be used to add additional 3-d features to the plot. See the \code{persp} help file for an example how to add additional points and lines using the \code{trans3d} function and also the example below. \code{drape.color} If dim( z) = M,N this function returns an (M-1)X(N-1) matrix where each element is a text string specifying the color. } \details{ The legend strip may obscure part of the plot. If so, add this as another step using image.plot. When using \code{drape.color} just drop the results into the \code{col} argument of \code{persp}. Given this function there are no surprises how the higher level \code{drape.plot} works: it calls \code{drape.color} followed by \code{persp} and finally the legend strip is added with \code{image.plot}. The color scales essentially default to the ranges of the z values. However, by specifying zlim and/or zlim2 one has more control of how the perspective plot is scaled and the limits of the color scale used to fill the facets. The color assignments are done by dividing up the zlim2 interval into equally spaced bins and adding a very small inflation to these limits. The mean z2 values, comprising an (M-1)X(N-1) matrix, for each facet are discretized to the bins. The bin numbers then become the indices used for the color scale. If zlim2 is not specified it is the range of the z2 matrix is used to generate the ranges of the color bar. Note that this may be different than the range of the mean facets. If z2 is not passed then z is used in its place and in this case the zlim2 or zlim argument can used to define the color scale. This kind of plot is also supported through the wireframe function in the \code{lattice} package. The advantage of the fields version is that it uses the standard R graphics functions -- and is written in R code. The drape plot is also drawn by the fields \code{surface} function with \code{type="P"}. } \author{D. Nychka } \seealso{ image.plot, quilt.plot, persp, plot.surface, surface, lattice, trans3d} \examples{ # an obvious choice: # Dr. R's favorite New Zealand Volcano! data( volcano) M<- nrow( volcano) N<- ncol( volcano) x<- seq( 0,1,,M) y<- seq( 0,1,,N) drape.plot( x,y,volcano, col=terrain.colors(128))-> pm # use different range for color scale and persp plot # setting of border omits the mesh lines drape.plot( x,y,volcano, col=terrain.colors(128),zlim=c(0,300), zlim2=c( 120,165), border=NA) # note tranparent color for facets outside the zlim2 range #The projection has been saved in pm # add a point marking the summit max( volcano)-> zsummit ix<- row( volcano)[volcano==zsummit] iy<- col( volcano)[volcano==zsummit] trans3d( x[ix], y[iy],zsummit,pm)-> uv points( uv, col="magenta", pch="+", cex=2) # overlay volcano wireframe with gradient in x direction. dz<- ( volcano[1:(M-1), 1:(N-1)] - volcano[2:(M), 1:(N-1)] + volcano[1:(M-1), 2:(N)] - volcano[2:(M), 2:(N)] )/2 # convert dz to a color scale: zlim<- range( c( dz), na.rm=TRUE) drape.color( dz, zlim =zlim)-> zcol # wireframe with these colors persp( volcano, col=zcol, theta=30, phi=20) # add legend using image.plot function image.plot( zlim=zlim, legend.only =TRUE, horizontal =TRUE) } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS