Raw File
Title TRIVIA Start Up Checker




   ; file containing total death message

%ddev:	sixbit	/dsk/
%dfn1:	sixbit	/trivia/
%dfn2:	sixbit	/death/
%dsnm:	sixbit	/_msgs_/

   ; file indicating curfew

%cdev:	sixbit	/dsk/
%cfn1:	sixbit	/trivia/
%cfn2:	sixbit	/curfew/
%csnm:	sixbit	/_msgs_/

   ; file indicating holiday

%hdev:	sixbit	/dsk/
%hfn1:	sixbit	/holidy/
%hsnm:	sixbit	/combat/

   ; file of last obnoxious request

%rdev:	sixbit	/dsk/
%rfn1:	sixbit	/badboy/
%rsnm:	sixbit	/vanish/

   ; save file

%sdev:	sixbit	/dsk/
%sfn1:	sixbit	/trv/
%sfn2:	sixbit	/savfil/
%ssnm:	sixbit	/madman/

   ; macro to open channels

define	open	dev,fn1,fn2,snm,erc=4,nxt=.+2,mod=6,chn=dskchn
	.call	[setz ? sixbit/open/ ? [mod,,chn] ? dev ? fn1 ? fn2 ? snm ? setzb err]
	ifn	erc,[
	jrst	[caie	err,erc ? jrst gross ? jrst nxt]
	ife	erc,[
	jrst gross

   ; macros to expire gracefully

define	fatal
	jrst	gross

define	die	-messag
	.value	[asciz /:messag

   ; really starts here

start:	movei	p,[-20,,pdl-1]		; define peter dave lebling
	open	[[sixbit/tty/]]0,0,0,0,,3,ttychn
	open	%ddev,%dfn1,%dfn2,%dsnm,4,check1
	pushj	p,prinf
	.break	16,40000

check1:	.rdatim	hhmmss,			; time
	.suset	[.rxunam,,unm]		; xuname
	ldb	a,[63600,,unm]		; first 5 character
	came	a,[sixbit / cheat/]
	camn	a,[sixbit / guest/]	; cretin
	jrst	whoru
	camn	a,[sixbit / luser/]
	jrst	whoru
	open	[[sixbit/dsk/]][[sixbit/.file./]][[sixbit/(dir)/]]unm,20,.+2,
	jrst	ok

	open	%cdev,%cfn1,%cfn2,%csnm
	jrst	curfew

	.ryear	a,
	ldb	a,[320300,,a]		; day of the week
	jumpe	a,ok			; sunday and sunday
	cain	a,6			; are ok
	jrst	ok
	open	%hdev,%hfn1,yymmdd,%hsnm
	jrst	ok			; ok if holiday

	ldb	a,[301400,,hhmmss]
	caige	a,'22			; ok if later than 11 pm
	caige	a,'09	 		; or before 8 am
	jrst	ok

	push	p,[avhere]		; save dying code

curfew:	push	p,[busy]
	open	%rdev,%rfn1,unm,%rsnm,
	jrst	compar

newbad:	open	%rdev,%rfn1,unm,%rsnm,0,,7
	jrst	@(p)

compar:	.call	[setz ? sixbit /rfdate/ ? 1000,,dskchn ? setzm tim]
	pushj	p,haknow
	.call	[setz ? sixbit /sfdate/ ? 1000,,dskchn ? setz now]

	tlz	tim,600000
	hlrz	a,tim
	hlrz	b,now
	came	a,b
	jrst	@(p)
	sub	now,tim
	caige	now,20.*60.*2.
rude:	.value	[asciz /:You don't believe me eh? That makes me MAD!!!
:kill :logout
	jrst	@(p)

whoru:	die	Please don't play as that, Try :CHUNAME to someone.
avhere:	die	Sorry, But You Can't Play during Office Hours (8am-11pm).
busy:	die	The System is VERY loaded, Please Try Again in 20 minutes.
gross:	die	Gross Bug, Please Notify the Maintainer.

   ; here if everything is all right

ok:	hrri	o,[asciz /
This is NEW TRIVIA. 
Only use this TRIVIA if you plan on playing over a long period of time.
Documentation in MADMAN;TVDOC >
	pushj	p,princ

okok:	open	%sdev,%sfn1,%sfn2,%ssnm,0,,6,savchn
	movsi	b,sixbit /   mud/
	.iot	2,[-1,,o]
	.acces	2,[0]
	ldb	a,[350700,,o]
	subi	a,40
	dpb	a,[140600,,b]
	ldb	a,[260700,,o]
	subi	a,40
	dpb	a,[060600,,b]
	ldb	a,[170700,,o]
	subi	a,40
	dpb	a,[000600,,b]

	open	[[sixbit/dsk/]][[sixbit/ts/]]b,[[sixbit/sys1/]]0,,4,mudchn
	movsi	p,stuff			; the following is classic
	blt	p,p
	jrst	a

stuff:	2
	.call load
	.iot 1,	a
	.close	mudchn,
	addi	a,1
	jrst	@a

load:	setz
	sixbit /load/
	setzi	1

pdl:	block 20
   ; routine to get into now the current time in
   ; file creation date format

haknow:	move	o,[440600,,hhmmss]
	pushj	p,getnum
	imuli	a,60.*60.*2
	push	p,a
	pushj	p,getnum
	imuli	a,60.*2
	addm	a,(p)
	pushj	p,getnum
	imuli	a,2
	addm	a,(p)
	pop	p,now
	pushj	p,getnum
	dpb	a,[330700,,now]
	pushj	p,getnum
	dpb	a,[270400,,now]
	pushj	p,getnum
	dpb	a,[220500,,now]
	popj	p,

   ; routine to get a number from byter point o

getnum:	ildb	a,o
	subi	a,'0
	imuli	a,10.
	ildb	b,o
	subi	b,'0
	add	a,b
	popj	p,

   ; routine to copy a file from dskchn to ttychn

prinf:	move	a,[-buflen,,buf]
	.iot	dskchn,a
	hrr	b,a
	hrli	b,-buflen
	sub	b,a
	jumpge	b,[popj	p,]
	hrri	b,buf
	.iot	ttychn,b
	jumpl	a,[popj p,]
	move	a,[<3_1>+<3_8.>+<3_15.>+<3_22.>+<3_29.>]
	movem	a,buf
	move	a,[buf,,buf+1]
	blt	a,buf+buflen-1
	jrst	prinf

buf:	block	buflen

   ; Routine to print a string till ^@

princ:	hrli	o,440700
	move	a,[<3_1>+<3_8.>+<3_15.>+<3_22.>+<3_29.>]
	ildb	b,o
	jumpe	b,[popj	p,]
	dpb	b,[350700,,a]
	move	b,[-1,,a]
	.iot	ttychn,b
	jrst	princ+1

	end	start
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