Tip revision: a763b81ee81810f5fa544165d5053bde478b2dbd authored by Konrad Werys on 28 November 2019, 13:47:50 UTC
feat: one pixel calculation with toamtooptions v10
feat: one pixel calculation with toamtooptions v10
Tip revision: a763b81
* \file nr_modified.h
* \author Konrad Werys
* Where I put all the needed NR2 function definitions. I can't use the whole nr.h, because it collides with math.h
* \date 2018/08/03
#ifndef Tomato_NR_MODIFIED_H
#define Tomato_NR_MODIFIED_H
void amoeba(float **p, float y[], int ndim, float ftol, float (*funk)(float []), int *iter);
float amotry(float **p, float y[], float psum[], int ndim, float (*funk)(float []), int ihi, float fac);
float bessj0(float x);
#endif //Tomato_NR_MODIFIED_H