# Copyright 2016 James Hensman, alexggmatthews
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from .model import GPModel
from .param import Param, DataHolder
from .mean_functions import Zero
from . import likelihoods
from ._settings import settings
float_type = settings.dtypes.float_type
class SGPR(GPModel):
Sparse Variational GP regression. The key reference is
title={Variational learning of inducing variables in
sparse Gaussian processes},
author={Titsias, Michalis K},
booktitle={International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics},
def __init__(self, X, Y, kern, Z, mean_function=Zero()):
X is a data matrix, size N x D
Y is a data matrix, size N x R
Z is a matrix of pseudo inputs, size M x D
kern, mean_function are appropriate GPflow objects
This method only works with a Gaussian likelihood.
X = DataHolder(X, on_shape_change='pass')
Y = DataHolder(Y, on_shape_change='pass')
likelihood = likelihoods.Gaussian()
GPModel.__init__(self, X, Y, kern, likelihood, mean_function)
self.Z = Param(Z)
self.num_data = X.shape[0]
self.num_latent = Y.shape[1]
def build_likelihood(self):
Construct a tensorflow function to compute the bound on the marginal
likelihood. For a derivation of the terms in here, see the associated
SGPR notebook.
num_inducing = tf.shape(self.Z)[0]
num_data = tf.cast(tf.shape(self.Y)[0], settings.dtypes.float_type)
output_dim = tf.cast(tf.shape(self.Y)[1], settings.dtypes.float_type)
err = self.Y - self.mean_function(self.X)
Kdiag = self.kern.Kdiag(self.X)
Kuf = self.kern.K(self.Z, self.X)
Kuu = self.kern.K(self.Z) + tf.eye(num_inducing, dtype=float_type) * settings.numerics.jitter_level
L = tf.cholesky(Kuu)
sigma = tf.sqrt(self.likelihood.variance)
# Compute intermediate matrices
A = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(L, Kuf, lower=True) / sigma
AAT = tf.matmul(A, A, transpose_b=True)
B = AAT + tf.eye(num_inducing, dtype=float_type)
LB = tf.cholesky(B)
Aerr = tf.matmul(A, err)
c = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(LB, Aerr, lower=True) / sigma
# compute log marginal bound
bound = -0.5 * num_data * output_dim * np.log(2 * np.pi)
bound += - output_dim * tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(tf.diag_part(LB)))
bound -= 0.5 * num_data * output_dim * tf.log(self.likelihood.variance)
bound += -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(err)) / self.likelihood.variance
bound += 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(c))
bound += -0.5 * output_dim * tf.reduce_sum(Kdiag) / self.likelihood.variance
bound += 0.5 * output_dim * tf.reduce_sum(tf.diag_part(AAT))
return bound
def build_predict(self, Xnew, full_cov=False):
Compute the mean and variance of the latent function at some new points
Xnew. For a derivation of the terms in here, see the associated SGPR
num_inducing = tf.shape(self.Z)[0]
err = self.Y - self.mean_function(self.X)
Kuf = self.kern.K(self.Z, self.X)
Kuu = self.kern.K(self.Z) + tf.eye(num_inducing, dtype=float_type) * settings.numerics.jitter_level
Kus = self.kern.K(self.Z, Xnew)
sigma = tf.sqrt(self.likelihood.variance)
L = tf.cholesky(Kuu)
A = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(L, Kuf, lower=True) / sigma
B = tf.matmul(A, A, transpose_b=True) + tf.eye(num_inducing, dtype=float_type)
LB = tf.cholesky(B)
Aerr = tf.matmul(A, err)
c = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(LB, Aerr, lower=True) / sigma
tmp1 = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(L, Kus, lower=True)
tmp2 = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(LB, tmp1, lower=True)
mean = tf.matmul(tmp2, c, transpose_a=True)
if full_cov:
var = self.kern.K(Xnew) + tf.matmul(tmp2, tmp2, transpose_a=True) \
- tf.matmul(tmp1, tmp1, transpose_a=True)
shape = tf.stack([1, 1, tf.shape(self.Y)[1]])
var = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(var, 2), shape)
var = self.kern.Kdiag(Xnew) + tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tmp2), 0) \
- tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tmp1), 0)
shape = tf.stack([1, tf.shape(self.Y)[1]])
var = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(var, 1), shape)
return mean + self.mean_function(Xnew), var
class GPRFITC(GPModel):
def __init__(self, X, Y, kern, Z, mean_function=Zero()):
This implements GP regression with the FITC approximation.
The key reference is
author = {Edward Snelson and Zoubin Ghahramani},
title = {Sparse Gaussian Processes using Pseudo-inputs},
booktitle = {Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems },
year = {2006},
pages = {1257--1264},
publisher = {MIT press}
Implementation loosely based on code from GPML matlab library although
obviously gradients are automatic in GPflow.
X is a data matrix, size N x D
Y is a data matrix, size N x R
Z is a matrix of pseudo inputs, size M x D
kern, mean_function are appropriate GPflow objects
This method only works with a Gaussian likelihood.
X = DataHolder(X, on_shape_change='pass')
Y = DataHolder(Y, on_shape_change='pass')
likelihood = likelihoods.Gaussian()
GPModel.__init__(self, X, Y, kern, likelihood, mean_function)
self.Z = Param(Z)
self.num_data = X.shape[0]
self.num_latent = Y.shape[1]
def build_common_terms(self):
num_inducing = tf.shape(self.Z)[0]
err = self.Y - self.mean_function(self.X) # size N x R
Kdiag = self.kern.Kdiag(self.X)
Kuf = self.kern.K(self.Z, self.X)
Kuu = self.kern.K(self.Z) + tf.eye(num_inducing, dtype=float_type) * settings.numerics.jitter_level
Luu = tf.cholesky(Kuu) # => Luu^T Luu = Kuu
V = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(Luu, Kuf) # => V^T V = Qff
diagQff = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(V), 0)
nu = Kdiag - diagQff + self.likelihood.variance
B = tf.eye(num_inducing, dtype=float_type) + tf.matmul(V / nu, V, transpose_b=True)
L = tf.cholesky(B)
beta = err / tf.expand_dims(nu, 1) # size N x R
alpha = tf.matmul(V, beta) # size N x R
gamma = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(L, alpha, lower=True) # size N x R
return err, nu, Luu, L, alpha, beta, gamma
def build_likelihood(self):
Construct a tensorflow function to compute the bound on the marginal
# FITC approximation to the log marginal likelihood is
# log ( normal( y | mean, K_fitc ) )
# where K_fitc = Qff + diag( \nu )
# where Qff = Kfu Kuu^{-1} Kuf
# with \nu_i = Kff_{i,i} - Qff_{i,i} + \sigma^2
# We need to compute the Mahalanobis term -0.5* err^T K_fitc^{-1} err
# (summed over functions).
# We need to deal with the matrix inverse term.
# K_fitc^{-1} = ( Qff + \diag( \nu ) )^{-1}
# = ( V^T V + \diag( \nu ) )^{-1}
# Applying the Woodbury identity we obtain
# = \diag( \nu^{-1} ) - \diag( \nu^{-1} ) V^T ( I + V \diag( \nu^{-1} ) V^T )^{-1) V \diag(\nu^{-1} )
# Let \beta = \diag( \nu^{-1} ) err
# and let \alpha = V \beta
# then Mahalanobis term = -0.5* ( \beta^T err - \alpha^T Solve( I + V \diag( \nu^{-1} ) V^T, alpha ) )
err, nu, Luu, L, alpha, beta, gamma = self.build_common_terms()
mahalanobisTerm = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(err) / tf.expand_dims(nu, 1)) \
+ 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(gamma))
# We need to compute the log normalizing term -N/2 \log 2 pi - 0.5 \log \det( K_fitc )
# We need to deal with the log determinant term.
# \log \det( K_fitc ) = \log \det( Qff + \diag( \nu ) )
# = \log \det( V^T V + \diag( \nu ) )
# Applying the determinant lemma we obtain
# = \log [ \det \diag( \nu ) \det( I + V \diag( \nu^{-1} ) V^T ) ]
# = \log [ \det \diag( \nu ) ] + \log [ \det( I + V \diag( \nu^{-1} ) V^T ) ]
constantTerm = -0.5 * self.num_data * tf.log(tf.constant(2. * np.pi, settings.dtypes.float_type))
logDeterminantTerm = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(nu)) - tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(tf.diag_part(L)))
logNormalizingTerm = constantTerm + logDeterminantTerm
return mahalanobisTerm + logNormalizingTerm * self.num_latent
def build_predict(self, Xnew, full_cov=False):
Compute the mean and variance of the latent function at some new points
_, _, Luu, L, _, _, gamma = self.build_common_terms()
Kus = self.kern.K(self.Z, Xnew) # size M x Xnew
w = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(Luu, Kus, lower=True) # size M x Xnew
tmp = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(tf.transpose(L), gamma, lower=False)
mean = tf.matmul(w, tmp, transpose_a=True) + self.mean_function(Xnew)
intermediateA = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(L, w, lower=True)
if full_cov:
var = self.kern.K(Xnew) - tf.matmul(w, w, transpose_a=True) \
+ tf.matmul(intermediateA, intermediateA, transpose_a=True)
var = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(var, 2), tf.stack([1, 1, tf.shape(self.Y)[1]]))
var = self.kern.Kdiag(Xnew) - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(w), 0) \
+ tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(intermediateA), 0) # size Xnew,
var = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(var, 1), tf.stack([1, tf.shape(self.Y)[1]]))
return mean, var