CHANGES IN 2.6.1 (2009-07-15) ----------------------------- Bug Fixes - Modify unit tests to avoid issues related to zime zones. CHANGES IN 2.6.0 (2009-07-15) ----------------------------- Bug Fixes - Correct minor typos & issues in man pages for write.fwf(), resample() (Greg Warnes) - Correct calculation of object sizes in env() and ll() (Gregor Gorjanc) New Features - Add support for using tab for field separator during translation from xls format in read.xls (Greg Warnes) - Enhanced function object.size that returns the size of multiple objects. There is also a handy print method that can print size of an object in "human readable" format when options(humanReadable=TRUE) or print(object.size(x), humanReadable=TRUE). (Gregor Gorjanc) - New function wideByFactor that reshapes given dataset by a given factor - it creates a "multivariate" data.frame. (Gregor Gorjanc) - New function nPairs that gives the number of variable pairs in a data.frame or a matrix. (Gregor Gorjanc) - New functions getYear, getMonth, getDay, getHour, getMin, and getSec for extracting the date/time parts from objects of a date/time class. (Gregor Gorjanc) - New function bindData that binds two data frames into a multivariate data frame in a different way than merge. (Gregor Gorjanc) Other Changes - Correct Greg's email address CHANGES IN 2.5.0 ---------------- - New function .runRUnitTestsGdata that enables run of all RUnit tests during the R CMD check as well as directly from within R. - Enhanced function object.size that returns the size of multiple objects. There is also a handy print method that can print size of an object in "human readable" format when options(humanReadable=TRUE) or print(x, humanReadable=TRUE). - New function bindData that binds two data frames into a multivariate data frame in a different way than merge. - New function wideByFactor that reshapes given dataset by a given factor - it creates a "multivariate" data.frame. - New functions getYear, getMonth, getDay, getHour, getMin, and getSec for extracting the date/time parts from objects of a date/time class. - New function nPairs that gives the number of variable pairs in a data.frame or a matrix. - New function trimSum that sums trimmed values. - New function cbindX that can bind objects with different number of rows. - write.fwf gains the width argument. The value for unknown can increase or decrease the width of the columns. Additional tests and documentation fixes. CHANGES IN 2.4.2 (2008-05-11) ----------------------------- - Enhancements and bug fixes for read.xls() and xls2csv(): - More informative log messages when verbose=TRUE - File paths containing spaces or other non-traditional characters are now properly handled - Better error messages, particularly when perl fails to generate an output .csv file. - The 'shortcut' character "~" (meaning user's home directory) is now properly handled in file paths. - XLS files created by OpenOffice are now properly handled. Thanks to Robert Burns for pointing out the patch ( CHANGES IN 2.4.1 (2008-03-24) ----------------------------- - Update perl libraries needed by xls2csv() and read.xls() to latest available versions on CRAN. - Add read.xls() to exported function list - Correct iris.xls example file. It didn't contain the complete & properly formatted iris data set. Fixed. - Fix typo in win32 example for read.xls() CHANGES IN 2.4.0 (2008-01-30) ----------------------------- - The keep() function now includes an 'all' argument to specify how objects with names starting with '.' are handled. - keep() now shows an informative warning message when a requested object does not exist - New vignette "Mapping Levels of a Factor" describing the use of mapLevels(). - New vignette "Working with Unknown Values" describing the use of isUnknown() and unknownToNA(). - Several enhancements to read.xls() (thanks to Gabor Grothendieck): - New function xls2csv(), which handles converting an xls file to a csv file and returns a connection to the temporary csv file - xls2csv() and read.xls() both allow a file or a url to be specified - read.xls() has a new 'pattern' argument which, if supplied, will ignore everything prior to the first line in th csv file that matches the pattern. This is typically used if there are a variable number of comment lines prior to the header in which case one can specify one of the column headings as the pattern. read.xls should be compatible with the old read.xls. - Minor fixes to drop.levels(), is.what(). - Implementation of unit tests for most functions. CHANGES IN 2.3.1 (2006-10-29) ----------------------------- - Arguments as well as their position of reorder.factor have been changed to conform with reorder.factor method in stats package, due to collision bug. Argument 'make.ordered' is now 'order' and old argument 'order' is now 'new.order'! Therefore, you have to implicitly specify new.order i.e. reorder(trt, new.order=c("PLACEBO", "300 MG", "600 MG", "1200 MG")) - trim() gains ... argument. - Added "unknown" methods for matrices. - Added c() method for factors based on mapLevels() functions. - Added write.fwf, which writes file in *F*ixed *W*idth *F*ormat. CHANGES FROM 2.1.X to 2.3.0 (2006-09-19) --------------------------------------- - Added mapLevels(), which produces a map with information on levels and/or internal integer codes. Contributed by Gregor Gorjanc. - Extended dropLevels() to work on the factors contained in a data frame, as well as individual factors. - Add unknown(), which changes given unknown value to NA and vice versa. Contributed by Gregor Gorjanc. - Extended trim() to handle a variety of data types data.frames, lists, factors, etc. Code changes contributed by Gregor Gorjanc. - Added resample() command that acts like sample() except that it _always_ samples from the arguments provided, even if only a single argument is present. This differs from sample() which behaves differently in this case. - Updated my email address. CHANGES IN GDATA 2.1.2 ----------------------- - Fixed bug in interleave.R - option to covert 1-column matrices to vector (based on Andrew Burgess's suggestion) - Updated Greg and Jim's email adresses - ll.R: Suppressed warning message in attach() call. - frameApply.Rd, reorder.Rd: Remove explicit loading of gtools in examples, so that failure to import functions from gtools gets properly caught by running the examples. - upperTriangle.R, man/upperTriangle.Rd: Add functions for extracting and modifying the upper and lower trianglular components of matrices. - is.what.R: Replaced the "not.using" vector with a more robust try(get(test)) to find out whether a particular is.* function returns a logical of length one. - DESCRIPTION: Added Suggests field - Updated the example in frameApply CHANGES IN GDATA 2.0.8 ----------------------- - Added DESCRIPTION and removed - Updated ll.Rd documentation - Fixed bug in Args.R, is.what.R, ll.R