# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license Core.include(Main, "Base.jl") using .Base # Ensure this file is also tracked pushfirst!(Base._included_files, (@__MODULE__, joinpath(@__DIR__, "Base.jl"))) pushfirst!(Base._included_files, (@__MODULE__, joinpath(@__DIR__, "sysimg.jl"))) # set up depot & load paths to be able to find stdlib packages @eval Base creating_sysimg = true Base.init_depot_path() Base.init_load_path() if Base.is_primary_base_module # load some stdlib packages but don't put their names in Main let # Stdlibs manually sorted in top down order stdlibs = [ # No deps :Base64, :CRC32c, :SHA, :FileWatching, :Unicode, :Mmap, :Serialization, :Libdl, :Printf, :Markdown, :LibGit2, :Logging, :Sockets, :Profile, :Dates, :DelimitedFiles, :Random, :UUIDs, :Future, :LinearAlgebra, :SparseArrays, :SuiteSparse, :Distributed, :SharedArrays, :Pkg, :Test, :REPL, :Statistics, ] maxlen = reduce(max, textwidth.(string.(stdlibs)); init=0) # use a temp module to avoid leaving the type of this closure in Main m = Module() GC.@preserve m begin print_time = @eval m (mod, t) -> (print(rpad(string(mod) * " ", $maxlen + 3, "─")); Base.time_print(t * 10^9); println()) print_time(Base, (Base.end_base_include - Base.start_base_include) * 10^(-9)) Base._track_dependencies[] = true Base.tot_time_stdlib[] = @elapsed for stdlib in stdlibs tt = @elapsed Base.require(Base, stdlib) print_time(stdlib, tt) end for dep in Base._require_dependencies dep[3] == 0.0 && continue push!(Base._included_files, dep[1:2]) end empty!(Base._require_dependencies) Base._track_dependencies[] = false print_time("Stdlibs total", Base.tot_time_stdlib[]) end end end # Clear global state empty!(Core.ARGS) empty!(Base.ARGS) empty!(LOAD_PATH) @eval Base creating_sysimg = false Base.init_load_path() # want to be able to find external packages in userimg.jl # Set up Main module import Base.MainInclude: eval, include Base.@eval Base let ccall(:jl_clear_implicit_imports, Cvoid, (Any,), Main) tot_time_userimg = @elapsed (isfile("userimg.jl") && include(Main, "userimg.jl")) tot_time_base = (end_base_include - start_base_include) * 10.0^(-9) tot_time = tot_time_base + tot_time_stdlib[] + tot_time_userimg println("Sysimage built. Summary:") print("Total ─────── "); time_print(tot_time * 10^9); print(" \n"); print("Base: ─────── "); time_print(tot_time_base * 10^9); print(" "); show(IOContext(stdout, :compact=>true), (tot_time_base / tot_time) * 100); println("%") print("Stdlibs: ──── "); time_print(tot_time_stdlib[] * 10^9); print(" "); show(IOContext(stdout, :compact=>true), (tot_time_stdlib[] / tot_time) * 100); println("%") if isfile("userimg.jl") print("Userimg: ──── "); time_print(tot_time_userimg * 10^9); print(" "); show(IOContext(stdout, :compact=>true), (tot_time_userimg / tot_time) * 100); println("%") end empty!(LOAD_PATH) empty!(DEPOT_PATH) end